Wagamama Onna ni Tensei Shita yo Chapter 29

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Why am I in such place?

It’s a fault of the person before me.
No, I reap what I sow…

「Is something the matter?」

「No, it is nothing」

The man in front of me notices my glare and addresses it.

While I was in the middle of enjoying tea with Obaasama, this man has kidnapped me.
My mouth really is a calamity, that I have realized today.

I met Obaasama, we had Baumkuchen together and the time pa.s.sed harmoniously.
Obaasama said that she’s very impressed with Baumkuchen.
The sharp glint in her eyes was a bit scary.
The sweetness in the sweets of this world is made with a ma.s.sive amount of sugar, so Baumkuchen had to be quite startling for Obaasama.

I am delighted you like it, I was happy and excited at the same time.

This excitement relaxed my mouth, and then, with Obaasama’s next words, my mouth lost breaks.

「Millie, you somehow became very beautiful」

This is where I should humbly deny.

And yet I… like an idiot…

「I think it is thanks to the salad」


「I am eating fresh vegetables」

Obaasama most likely meant that I look happy as a wife and a mother.
And yet, I took it seriously as “pretty, ” and my mouth smoothly slipped.

I explained the effectiveness of salad with the knowledge I heard in my previous life to Obaasama enthusiastically. Haa…

「Eating fresh vegetables before eating meat slightly suppresses the sudden rise of blood sugar level and has weight loss effects. Also, the dietary fiber is very good for beauty!」

「Blood sugar level? Dietary fiber?」Obaasama reacted with curiosity, but hearing「Weight loss」「Good for beauty」she reacted sensitively.
Because Obaasama listened with a serious expression, I even started talking about dressings…

The words “Weight loss” are like magic words to any woman anywhere in the world.
Not only Obaasama, it was clear that the maids nearby also listened attentively.

「Millie, I have a request. Could you tell what you just said to the Royal Palace’s Head Chef?」

「Eh? Yes, of course」

Even now, I was still carefree.
I told about the salad and dressings to the Royal Palace’s Head Chef and I even told him about the potato starch.

The Head Chef who was called while being busy was apathetic at first, but he became serious as my story progressed.

Around here, I finally noticed what I have done, but it was already too late.
Please, tell me more!! The Head Chief brought me along to the kitchen for some reason.

I dare say that it was a situation in which no one was able to make a sane judgment. n.o.body has stopped me!
Obaasama send me off while smiling… Why did it become like this!?

「You have talked about eating fresh vegetables, but how should they be prepared?」

It’s too late even if you ask me politely! I wanted to shout, but it looks like I won’t be able to escape, so I start explaining.

The vegetables should be cut thinly, using leaf vegetables, when eating raw use the freshest, using a variety of ingredients such as nuts and fruits, I explain everything in all details and combinations.
Right, you can even add the cooked meat, various salads can be made.

「Also, yes, the macaroni salad is delicious」

「Macaroni, is it?」

Ah, right, our Flaksburb House is the only one who uses the cla.s.sic pasta…
Because it couldn’t be helped I explained about pasta too and as expected, the Head Chef’s eyes were sparkling.

Although it’s too late to ask, is this okay?
If this spreads in the Royal Palace, it may change the eating habits of n.o.bles.

「What else do you put in the macaroni salad?」

「Yes, boiled eggs and mayo…」

Ah, something unnecessary escaped my mouth again!
That’s right… macaroni salad is made with mayonnaise, isn’t it…

Can mayonnaise be made?
Egg and oil… vinegar?
As expected, I am not able to make vinegar!! Impossible!!

Something sour that could subst.i.tute vinegar… lemon?
Can a lemon be used to make mayonnaise?
Somehow, I don’t want to think about it anymore… yos.h.!.+ Let’s deceive!

「Macaroni, boiled egg, and ham!」

I declared with full of confidence!
Un, even if you don’t use mayonnaise and use dressing instead, it will surely be delicious!
A drop of lemon juice is put in dressings, so it’s okay! No problem!
Well, let’s try making mayonnaise with Head Chef at our House in my spare time!

「Hou… boiled egg, is it?」

Uu, this too…
Macaroni salad was a land mine, wasn’t it?
I should not have said that… haa.
Now, if there is no ham, it will be a total destruction.

「You boil the eggs with」


In this world, there are cooking methods like the poached egg, but they do not boil eggs with
Let’s also teach it to our Head Chef once I return home!

「Yes, if you boil it for a while, the contents in the sh.e.l.l will harden」

「I see, that is incredible! It seems it could be used in other dishes, not just salad. But, why does d.u.c.h.ess know about things like these? Salad, pasta, and also a potato starch? Even I who holds the t.i.tle of the best chef in the Royal Capital haven’t heard of this before. Moreover, you have brought some unusual sweets today…」

Awe and Envy dwell in the Head Chef’s eyes.

「! No way, is lady perhaps the rumored “Incarnation of G.o.d of Food” the cooks has been talking about recently?」
Ha!? Who spread such rumors!?
Yes… I know! It was those people, weren’t they!
Head Chef!! Becker!!
I won’t let you off when I return! Punishment!

If rumors spread between the cooks, the primary offender is without a doubt our Head Chef, but Becker is also definitely at fault.
Who is the “Incarnation of G.o.d of Food”!? Seriously!!

「No, you are wrong」

「Oo, is that so, I understand. I understand!」

Un, un, the Head Chef nods with a know-it-all nod.

You definitely don’t understand!?
I have denied it!? I didn’t mean that I want you to be silent about my little secret!

「By the way, I have heard about a cooking utensil called “whisk” from the rumors, but what is that?」

「Ah, it is a tool for mixing air in ingredients such as egg. It is sold at Becker Company」

「Hou, that’s something I have to get my hands on then!」

A satisfied smile floats on the Head Chef’s face.

N? Did I just make a blunder?
I have just normally answered about the whisk, but I shouldn’t have done that, right?
I should have anwered「What is that?」with a surprised look… Gulp.

Now, in the Head Chef’s head, I will be portrayed as “Incarnation of G.o.d of Food”…
Un, therefore, let’s forbid him to speak at the very least!
Please don’t spread it around! Please!!

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Wagamama Onna ni Tensei Shita yo Chapter 29 summary

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