Dolly Reforming Herself Part 24

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_Harry._ Not since the last time.

_Dolly._ Have you seen her since we were at Folkestone?

_Harry._ What's that to do with your bills?

_Dolly._ A great deal. That night at dinner she told you her dress allowance was a hundred and twenty a year, and you said you wished she'd give me a few lessons in economy.

_Harry._ I did not.

_Dolly._ Pardon me, you did!

_Harry._ Pardon me, I did not. I said she might give _some_ women a lesson in economy.

_Dolly._ You did not! I heard every word of your conversation, and you distinctly asked her to give me, your wife, a few lessons in economy.

_Harry._ I'll swear I didn't!

_Dolly._ Ask my father! He was there.

_Harry._ Very well! I'll ask him the first thing in the morning.

_Dolly._ No, to-night! You've accused me of deliberately saying what isn't true, and I----

_Harry._ I have not!

_Dolly._ Yes, you have. And I insist on having it cleared up to-night! I don't suppose he's asleep! Fetch him down!

_Harry._ Very well! I will fetch him down! [_Exit._

_Dolly._ [_Paces furiously up and down._] Me! Lessons in economy!

Lessons in economy! Me! Lessons in economy!

_Re-enter_ HARRY.

_Harry._ He'll be down in a minute! Meantime, [_very angry_] I want to know what any woman in this world wants with two dozen cache corsets?

[_Banging his free hand on the bills._

_Dolly._ We'll clear up Miss Smithson first----

_Harry._ No, we will not clear up Miss Smithson----

_Dolly._ Because you can't clear up Miss Smithson----

_Harry._ I can clear up Miss Smithson----

_Dolly._ You cannot clear up Miss Smithson----

MATT _appears at door in dressing-gown, rubbing his eyes and looking very sleepy._

Dad, you remember Miss Smithson----

_Matt._ [_Coming in, very sleepy._] Smithson?

_Dolly._ The girl at the hotel at Folkestone, that Harry paid so much attention to.

_Harry._ I paid no more attention to Miss Smithson than was absolutely necessary. Did I, Mr. Barron?

_Dolly._ Oh! Oh! Dad, you remember----

_Matt._ Not for the moment----

_Dolly._ Not the disgraceful way Harry--there's no other word--carried on!

_Harry._ I did not carry on--Mr. Barron, I appeal to you.

_Dolly._ Dad!

_Matt._ My dear, I certainly did not notice----

_Dolly._ No, he was far too careful to let anyone notice it, except his own wife!

_Harry._ You lay your life when I do carry on my wife will be the last person I shall allow to notice it!

_Dolly._ I daresay! Dad, did you hear that?

_Matt._ Yes. [_Rousing himself a little._] Now, Harry, what about this Miss Smithson?

_Harry._ That's what I want to know!

_Matt._ Who is Miss Smithson?

_Dolly._ Surely you remember that lanky girl----

_Harry._ Miss Smithson is not lanky----

_Dolly._ Not lanky? Not lanky?! You can't have any eyes----!

_Harry._ That's what I've often thought----

_Dolly._ [_Explodes._] Oh! Oh! Dad!

_Matt._ Come, Harry, let's clear this up. [_Suddenly._] Smithson? Oh yes! The girl who sat on your left at your dinner party----

_Dolly._ That's the one!

_Matt._ I should call her a trifle lanky, Harry.

_Dolly._ A trifle? Well, never mind! You remember that dinner party----

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Dolly Reforming Herself Part 24 summary

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