King Arthur's Socks and Other Village Plays Part 8

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ANNABELLE. So we were.

JIMMY. You haven't changed your mind?

ANNABELLE. No. . . .

JIMMY. Er--good.


JIMMY. Yes--?

ANNABELLE. I got to wondering. . . . (_She drifts to the easy chair in front of the fire_.)

JIMMY. Wondering . . . about what? (_He looks at his watch_.)

ANNABELLE. About love. . . .

JIMMY. Well . . . (_He lights a cigarette_)--it's a subject that can stand a good deal of wondering about. I've wondered about it myself.

ANNABELLE. That's just it--you speak so cynically about it. I don't believe you're in love with me at all!

JIMMY. Nonsense! Of course I'm in love with you.

ANNABELLE. (_sadly_) No you're not.

JIMMY. (_angrily_) But I tell you I am!

ANNABELLE. No. . . .

JIMMY. Foolish child!

ANNABELLE. Well, let's not quarrel about it. We'll talk about something else.

JIMMY. (_vehemently_) What do you suppose this insanity is if it is not love? What do you imagine leads me to this preposterous escapade, if not that preposterous pa.s.sion?

ANNABELLE. That isn't the way _I_ love you.

JIMMY. Then why do you come with me?

ANNABELLE. Perhaps I'm not coming.

JIMMY. Yes you are. It's foolish--mad--wicked--but you're coming.

(_She begins to cry softly_.) If not--ten minutes away is safety and peace and comfort. Shall I call a taxi for you? (_She shakes her head_.) No, I thought not. Oh, it's love all right. . . . Antony and Cleopatra defying the Mann Act! Romance! Beauty! Adventure! How can you doubt it?

ANNABELLE. I hate you!

JIMMY. (_cheerfully_) I don't mind. (_Smiling_) I rather hate you myself. And that's the final proof that this is love.

ANNABELLE. (_sobbing_) I thought love was something quite--different!

JIMMY. You thought it was beautiful. It isn't. It's just blithering, blathering folly. We'll both regret it tomorrow.


JIMMY. Yes you will. It's human nature. Face the facts.

ANNABELLE. (_tearfully_) Facing the facts is one thing and being in love is another,

JIMMY. Quite so. Well, how long do you think your love for me will last?

ANNABELLE. For ever!

JIMMY. H'm! I predict that you will fall in love with the next man you meet.

ANNABELLE. I think you're perfectly horrid.

JIMMY. So do I. I disapprove of myself violently. I'm a doddering lunatic, incapable of thinking of anything but you. I can't work. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I'm no use to the world. I'm not a man, I'm a mess. I'm about to do something silly because I can't do anything else.

ANNABELLE. (_pouting_) You've no respect for me.

JIMMY. None whatever. I love you. And I'm going to carry you off.

ANNABELLE. You're a brute.

JIMMY. Absolutely. I'd advise you to go straight home.

ANNABELLE. (_defiantly_) Perhaps I shall!

JIMMY. Then go quick. (_He takes out his watch_.) In one minute, if you are still here, I shall pick you up and carry you off to South America.--Quick! there's the door!

ANNABELLE. (_faintly_) I--I want to go. . . .

JIMMY. Well, why don't you? . . . Thirty seconds!

ANNABELLE. I--I can't!

JIMMY. (_shutting his watch_) Time's up. The die is cast! (_He lifts her from the chair. She clings to him helplessly_.) My darling! My treasure! My beloved!--Idiot that I am!

_He kisses her fiercely_.

ANNABELLE. (_struggling in his arms_) No! No! No! Stop!

JIMMY. Never!

ANNABELLE. Stop! Please! Please! Oh! . . .

_The light suddenly goes out, and an instant later blazes out again, revealing the Angel, who has suddenly arrived in the middle of the room. The two of them stare at the apparition_.

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King Arthur's Socks and Other Village Plays Part 8 summary

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