Proserpine and Midas Part 2

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Unless otherwise pointed out--by brackets, or in the notes--the text, spelling, and punctuation of the MS. have been strictly adhered to.






INO, EUNOE. Nymphs attendant upon Proserpine.


ARETHUSA, Naiad of a Spring.

Shades from h.e.l.l, among which Ascalaphus.

Scene; the plain of Enna, in Sicily.



_Scene; a beautiful plain, shadowed on one side by an overhanging rock, on the other a chesnut wood. Etna at a distance._

_Enter Ceres, Proserpine, Ino and Eunoe._

_Pros._ Dear Mother, leave me not! I love to rest Under the shadow of that hanging cave And listen to your tales. Your Proserpine Entreats you stay; sit on this shady bank, And as I twine a wreathe tell once again The combat of the t.i.tans and the G.o.ds; Or how the Python fell beneath the dart Of dread Apollo; or of Daphne's change,-- That coyest Grecian maid, whose pointed leaves Now shade her lover's brow. And I the while Gathering the starry flowers of this fair plain Will weave a chaplet, Mother, for thy hair.

But without thee, the plain I think is vacant, Its [Footnote: There is an apostrophe _on_ the s.]

blossoms fade,--its tall fresh droop, Nodding their heads like dull things half asleep;-- Go not, dear Mother, from your Proserpine.

_Cer._ My lovely child, it is high Jove's command:-- [2]

The golden self-moved seats surround his throne, The nectar is poured out by Ganymede, And the ambrosia fills the golden baskets; They drink, for Bacchus is already there, But none will eat till I dispense the food.

I must away--dear Proserpine, farewel!-- Eunoe can tell thee how the giants fell; Or dark-eyed Ino sing the saddest change Of Syrinx or of Daphne, or the doom Of impious Prometheus, and the boy Of fair Pandora, Mother of mankind.

This only charge I leave thee and thy nymphs,-- Depart not from each other; be thou circled By that fair guard, and then no earth-born Power Would tempt my wrath, and steal thee from their sight[.]

But wandering alone, by feint or force, You might be lost, and I might never know Thy hapless fate. Farewel, sweet daughter mine, Remember my commands.

_Pros._ --Mother, farewel!

Climb the bright sky with rapid wings; and swift As a beam shot from great Apollo's bow Rebounds from the calm mirror of the sea Back to his quiver in the Sun, do thou Return again to thy loved Proserpine.

(_Exit Ceres._)

And now, dear Nymphs, while the hot sun is high [3]

Darting his influence right upon the plain, Let us all sit beneath the narrow shade That noontide Etna casts.--And, Ino, sweet, Come hither; and while idling thus we rest, Repeat in verses sweet the tale which says How great Prometheus from Apollo's car Stole heaven's fire--a G.o.d-like gift for Man!

Or the more pleasing tale of Aphrodite; How she arose from the salt Ocean's foam, And sailing in her pearly sh.e.l.l, arrived On Cyprus sunny sh.o.r.e, where myrtles [Footnote: MS. _mytles._] bloomed And sweetest flowers, to welcome Beauty's Queen; And ready harnessed on the golden sands Stood milk-white doves linked to a sea-sh.e.l.l car, With which she scaled the heavens, and took her seat Among the admiring G.o.ds.

_Eun._ Proserpine's tale Is sweeter far than Ino's sweetest aong.

_Pros._ Ino, you knew erewhile a River-G.o.d, Who loved you well and did you oft entice To his transparent waves and flower-strewn banks.

He loved high poesy and wove sweet sounds, And would sing to you as you sat reclined On the fresh gra.s.s beside his shady cave, From which clear waters bubbled, dancing forth, And spreading freshness in the noontide air. [4]

When you returned you would enchant our ears With tales and songs which did entice the fauns, [Footnote: MS. _fawns_]

With Pan their King from their green haunts, to hear.

Tell me one now, for like the G.o.d himself, Tender they were and fanciful, and wrapt The hearer in sweet dreams of shady groves, Blue skies, and clearest, pebble-paved streams.

_Ino._ I will repeat the tale which most I loved; Which tells how lily-crowned Arethusa, Your favourite Nymph, quitted her native Greece, Flying the liquid G.o.d Alpheus, who followed, Cleaving the desarts of the pathless deep, And rose in Sicily, where now she flows The clearest spring of Enna's gifted plain.

[Sidenote: By Sh.e.l.ley [Footnote: Inserted in a later hand, here as p. 18.] ]

Arethusa arose From her couch of snows, In the Acroceraunian mountains,-- From cloud, and from crag, With many a jag, Shepherding her bright fountains.

She leapt down the rocks With her rainbow locks, Streaming among the streams,-- Her steps paved with green [5]

The downward ravine, Which slopes to the Western gleams:-- And gliding and springing, She went, ever singing In murmurs as soft as sleep; The Earth seemed to love her And Heaven smiled above her, As she lingered towards the deep.

Then Alpheus bold On his glacier cold, With his trident the mountains strook; And opened a chasm In the rocks;--with the spasm All Erymanthus shook.

And the black south wind It unsealed behind The urns of the silent snow, And earthquake and thunder Did rend in sunder The bars of the springs below:-- And the beard and the hair Of the river G.o.d were Seen through the torrent's sweep As he followed the light [6]

Of the fleet nymph's flight To the brink of the Dorian deep.

Oh, save me! oh, guide me!

And bid the deep hide me, For he grasps me now by the hair!

The loud ocean heard, To its blue depth stirred, And divided at her prayer[,]

And under the water The Earth's white daughter Fled like a sunny beam, Behind her descended Her billows unblended With the brackish Dorian stream:-- Like a gloomy stain On the Emerald main Alpheus rushed behind, As an eagle pursueing A dove to its ruin, Down the streams of the cloudy wind.

Under the bowers [7]

Where the Ocean Powers Sit on their pearled thrones, Through the coral woods Of the weltering floods, Over heaps of unvalued stones; Through the dim beams, Which amid the streams Weave a network of coloured light, And under the caves, Where the shadowy waves Are as green as the forest's [Footnote: The intended place of the apostrophe is not clear.]

night:-- Outspeeding the shark, And the sword fish dark, Under the Ocean foam, [Footnote: MS. _Ocean' foam_ as if a genitive was meant; but cf. _Ocean foam_ in the Song of Apollo (_Midas_).]

And up through the rifts Of the mountain clifts, They pa.s.sed to their Dorian Home.

And now from their fountains In Enna's mountains, Down one vale where the morning basks, Like friends once parted, Grown single hearted They ply their watery tasks.

At sunrise they leap [8]

From their cradles steep In the cave of the shelving hill[,--]

At noontide they flow Through the woods below And the meadows of asphodel,-- And at night they sleep In the rocking deep Beneath the Ortygian sh.o.r.e;-- Like spirits that lie In the azure sky, When they love, but live no more.

_Pros._ Thanks, Ino dear, you have beguiled an hour With poesy that might make pause to list The nightingale in her sweet evening song.

But now no more of ease and idleness, The sun stoops to the west, and Enna's plain Is overshadowed by the growing form Of giant Etna:--Nymphs, let us arise, And cull the sweetest flowers of the field, And with swift fingers twine a blooming wreathe For my dear Mother's rich and waving hair.

_Eunoe._ Violets blue and white anemonies Bloom on the plain,--but I will climb the brow [9]

Of that o'erhanging hill, to gather thence That loveliest rose, it will adorn thy crown; Ino, guard Proserpine till my return.


_Ino._ How lovely is this plain!--Nor Grecian vale, Nor bright Ausonia's ilex bearing, The myrtle bowers of Aphrodite's sweet isle, Or Naxos burthened with the luscious vine, Can boast such fertile or such verdant fields As these, which young Spring sprinkles with her stars;-- Nor Crete which boasts fair Amalthea's horn Can be compared with the bright golden [Footnote: MS. _the bright gold fields._]

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Proserpine and Midas Part 2 summary

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