Leaves of Life Part 60

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Dr. John Dalton died 1844.

What's hallowed ground? 'Tis what gives birth To sacred thoughts in souls of worth!-- Peace! Independence! Truth! go forth Earth's compa.s.s round; And your high-priesthood shall make earth All hallowed ground.

--Thomas Campbell.

Remember the week day to keep it holy.

--Elbert Hubbard.

The meaning of life comes to us mostly in great revealing flashes and intense emotions.

--Dean Farrar.

To the pure all things are pure.

--t.i.tus 1. 15.

Gracious Father, may I not feel that it is necessary to wait for certain days and ceremonies to prepare to wors.h.i.+p thee, while at every moment thy love is pleading for me. May I through the busiest hours and the most perplexing moments serve thee in reverence and obedience, and ever give praise to thy holy name. Amen.


John Sebastian Bach died 1750.

Robespierre executed 1794.

Jean Baptiste Corot born 1796.

O Light that followest all my way, I yield my flickering torch to thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in thy suns.h.i.+ne's blaze its day May brighter, fairer be.

--George Matheson.

Follow your Star that lights a desert pathway, yours or mine, Forward, till you learn the highest Human Nature is divine.

Follow Light and do the Right--for man can half control his doom-- Till you see the deathless Angel seated in the vacant Tomb.

--Alfred Tennyson.

My soul waiteth for the Lord, More than watchmen wait for the morning; Yea, more than watchmen for the morning.

--Psalm 130. 6.

Almighty G.o.d, help me to kindle my life by the s.h.i.+ning light of thy power and love, that I may be an amba.s.sador for thee. Amen.


Andrew Marvell died 1678.

William Wilberforce died 1833.

Dr. Thomas d.i.c.k died 1857.

I wrestle not with rage While fury's flame doth burn; It is vain to stop the stream Until the tide doth turn.

But when the flame is out And ebbing wrath doth end I turn a late enraged foe Into a quiet friend.

--Robert Southwell.

If I can lend A strong hand to the fallen, or defend The right against a single envious strain, My life though bare Perhaps of much that seemeth dear and fair To us on earth, will not have been in vain.


A friend loveth at all times; And a brother is born for adversity.

--Proverbs 17. 17.

Gracious Father of us all, if I may have cause to be provoked to-day, help me to rise above my angry pa.s.sions, and not from weakness plunge into that for which I may be sorry. Make me self-forgetful, that I may be willing to make peace with those whom I may have displeased. Amen.


Samuel Rogers born 1763.

Thomas Gray died 1771.

W.T. Adams (Oliver Optic) born 1822.

Prince Bismarck died 1898.

Sit down, sad soul, and count The moments flying; Come, tell the sweet amount That's lost by sighing!

How many smiles?--a score?

Then laugh, and count no more; For day is dying.

Lie down sad soul, and sleep, And no more measure The flight of time, nor weep The loss of leisure; But here by this lone stream, Lie down with us, and dream Of starry treasure.

Bryan Waller Procter.

The only thing grief has taught me is to know how shallow it is.

Grief will not carry you one step into real nature; grief can teach me nothing.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Leaves of Life Part 60 summary

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