Leaves of Life Part 64

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Lord G.o.d, who keepest truth to generations, and who through love and wisdom hath gathered us into nations, forgive me for what I have done that is wrong, and for what I have neglected that was right. May I give greater loyalty to my country and to thee. Amen.


Founding of Greenwich Observatory 1675.

Sir Charles Napier born 1782.

George Park Fisher born 1827.

No one can ask honestly or hopefully to be delivered from temptation unless he has himself honestly and firmly determined to do the best he can to keep out of it.

--John Ruskin.

Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

--William Shakespeare.

The greatest punishment one can have is to discover, not how hard, but how low he has fallen.


O Timothy, guard that which is committed unto thee, turning away from the profane babblings and oppositions of the knowledge which is falsely so-called.

--1 Timothy 6. 20.

Almighty G.o.d, through thy mercies may I recognize my faults, and correct any evil that is in me. Make me strong, that I may not yield to temptation. May I have regard for thy will and be prepared to take thy messages as they are flashed to the soul. Amen.


Jean Victor Moreau born 1761.

Octave Feuillet born 1821.

Signer Crispi died 1901.

Heaven overreaches you and me, And all earth's gardens and her graves.

Look up with me, until we see The day break and the shadows flee.

What though to-night wrecks you and me If so to-morrow saves?

--Christina G. Rossetti.

The essence of joy lies in the doing rather than in the result of the doing. There is a lifelong and solid satisfaction in any productive labor, manual or mental, which is not pushed beyond the limit of strength.

--Charles W. Eliot.

Show me thy ways, O Jehovah; Teach me thy paths.

Guide me in thy truths, and teach me.

--Psalm 25. 4, 5.

My Father, keep me where my eyes may look expectantly toward the dawn, through the darkness. Take away everything that comes between me and the brightness of the morning. Amen.


Robert Southey born 1774.

Francis Horner born 1778.

Edith Thomas born 1854.

Katherine Lee Bates born 1859.

Our restlessness in this world seems to indicate that we are intended for a better. We have all of us a longing after happiness; and surely the Creator will gratify all the natural desires he has implanted in us.

--Robert Southey.

Whenso my quick, light-sandaled feet Bring me where Joys and Pleasures meet, I mingle with their throng at will; They know me not an alien still, Since neither words nor ways unsweet Of stored bitterness I spill; Youth shuns me not nor gladness fears, For I go softly all my years.

--Edith Thomas.

He hath swallowed up death forever; and the Lord Jehovah will wipe away tears from off all faces.

--Isaiah 25. 8.

Loving Father, help me to guard my inclinations. May I be able to appreciate that though I may be restless from ambition, I also may be restless through discontent. Correct my life, that my desires may meet the true demands of my soul. Strengthen me with the power of calmness, that "I may go softly all my years," even though I walk through the bitterness of sorrow. Amen.


Jeremy Taylor died 1667.

Dr. William Wotton born 1669.

Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward born 1844.

Elizabeth Prentiss died 1878.

Sir John Millais died 1896.

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Leaves of Life Part 64 summary

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