Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) Part 3

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On the dull evening of the rainy season (June) Nakakawachi Shu[u]zen sat looking out on the dripping plants and trees. The home coming had brought no pleasure. The treachery of the favoured s.h.i.+mo was a.s.sured.

The father himself admitted the search made for the lover; wept and grovelled in shame and apology. O'Saku had seen him in person, when he came to the _yas.h.i.+ki_ several weeks before the flight. O'Tsugi had heard him call--"choi! choi!" had overheard O's.h.i.+mo's surprised exclamation--"my lover! my lover!" After several mysterious absences, on excuse to see her father lying ill, she had disappeared. On inquiry it was found that Cho[u]bei had never known a day of illness. The excuse was all a lie. "A case of the wild duck; the c.o.c.k had come." Whose was the child she bore? O'Hagi laughed, and her attendant woman smiled, at his credulity.

Shu[u]zen never suspected the deceit. Something of a _dilettante_ for the period he was learned in the Chinese tradition. Seventeen years, and a woman has no heart. This s.h.i.+mo was a debauched wench. Truly she had foxed him with her superficial charms, picked him up thus easily in the Bancho[u]. With gesture of weariness and disgust he turned to the papers and scrolls on the desk before him. They were house accounts submitted by Nis.h.i.+oka, and none too pleasing. A round sum was missing on the person of the _chu[u]gen_ Jisuke. Sent out to make important payment, he had run off with the money, leaving no sign of his whereabouts. Just then the bell of Gekkeiji struck the hour of the pig (9 P.M.). With impatience Shu[u]zen swept the papers together. Her ladys.h.i.+p as companion of his wine feasts chilled the bottles with freezing glance.

The monotonous talk of debts and expenses, exchanged with those around, added a bitter flavour. Always demands, or hints of demands, which made the meal a very time of penance.

With some slowness he rose to attend the repast. Then from the garden side came a sad wailing voice. "Grateful the honoured return, so long delayed. Fond the thoughts of the past long weeks. Deep the longing for the honoured presence. Report is to be made to his lords.h.i.+p. Alas!

Alas!" A chill went to the very heart of Shu[u]zen. Lamentable and grievous as was the sound, he had no difficulty in recognizing the voice of O's.h.i.+mo. Startled he turned in indignant anger to the _ro[u]ka_ whence the sound had come. He looked out into the darkness of the dripping night. Nothing was to be seen. Plainly he had thought too much of the girl, of her condition and the disappointment. He gave his body a violent shake to throw off this cold oppression and foreboding. Then slowly he took his way to the wine feast. The _sake_ would bring warmth.

This was not the case. Freely as he drank, it added to powers of vision.

His mind now always on the missing girl, the familiarity between spouse and chamberlain seemed strange for the relation between mistress and servant. As usual, with the finish of the last bottle, Nis.h.i.+oka accompanied him to his retirement. Shu[u]zen spoke sharply of the large increase in the expenses of the inner apartments. To meet these the revenues would have to be forestalled, the income antic.i.p.ated. The smooth fellow met him more than half way in agreement. His lords.h.i.+p was too estranged from the _okugata_. Greater familiarity toward the women's apartments would be the needed restraint. Deign his presence this very night. Nis.h.i.+oka s.h.i.+ntaro[u] spoke in no hypocrisy. The O'Kage Sama now was longing for the rightful subst.i.tution. His nest well feathered, he would seek safer quarters with the softer charms of O'Han. On Shu[u]zen's abrupt gesture and refusal he took his departure, almost betraying his own disgruntlement. Comical was his despairing gesture as he took his way to the bed of her ladys.h.i.+p.

The temple bell struck the seventh hour (3 A.M.). It roared and reverberated through the room. Shu[u]zen opened his eyes. He was tormented with the thirst inspired by his copious libations. His head was heavy and whirling. He took a long draft from the jar close by his pillow. Then he rose to tread the corridor. On his return he sought to wash his hands. Turning to find the towel, close by him he saw a woman.

Dressed all in white, slender to emaciation, her face concealed by the long hair which hung in heavy disordered over shoulders and bosom, she presented to him the desired article. As he would take the towel he spoke in surprise--"Who may this be, awake at this late hour for Shu[u]zen's service?" Again the sad lamentable voice made reply--"Fond the thoughts of his lords.h.i.+p. Long waited his return.

Report is to be made." At sight of her face he gave a cry--"s.h.i.+mo!" At the words the figure faded away. The outstretched towel fell to the ground. A slight rustle of the breeze swept the corridor. "s.h.i.+mo!

s.h.i.+mo!" In amaze and suspicion came the words. Something had gone wrong here. Shu[u]zen pressed the towel to his lips, as to get rid of the nauseating taste in his mouth. Then came the voice from the garden. With hasty movement he threw back the _amado_. The wind sighed through the pines; a gentle patter of rain came in gusts. Close by the voice spoke again--as from a _yukimido[u]ro_, one of those broad capped stone lanterns, like to some squat figure of a gnome, and so beautiful an ornament with white snow cap or glistening with the dripping mirror of the rain.

"Report is to be made. Long has s.h.i.+mo waited her lord's return. In this s.h.i.+mo was no treachery of heart. Devoted was her service to her lord. By the hand of Nis.h.i.+oka s.h.i.+ntaro[u], by the malice of O'Hagi Dono, s.h.i.+mo and her unborn babe met a miserable end. Nor has the ill deed ended there. Go now to the chamber of the wife, and witness the adulterous deed. Deign to learn the truth from s.h.i.+mo." The voice ceased. Shu[u]zen pa.s.sed a hand over his wine heated brow. Fox or badger? Did some over bold and infamous apparition seek to delude him? With a bound he sought his chamber and the sword at his pillow. He would deal harshly with such lies. Then came a second thought. Why not ascertain the fact? He was the husband. His presence was a right. Softly he made his way to the inner apartments. At the outer ward he stumbled in the darkness against some object. "Are! The Tono Sama!" With a cry of alarm up sprang the sleeping O'Han. She would have outstripped him in a race to the inner rooms, but Shu[u]zen was too quick for her. With hand over mouth he dragged her to the garden side. She would have cried out, and made resistance. Then he changed her tune. Lacking confession he held her flat and prostrate under him. Firmly grasping both wrists tight together, he forced his dagger between the hands, and began to twist the keen blade. Unable to resist the torture she soon told all she knew, confessed her own part of watch and ward in the offense. This done, he drove the weapon through her throat and left her pinned to where she lay, the limbs feebly twitching in the last throes.

a.s.sured of his suspicions Shu[u]zen now sought to surprise the lovers.

Cautiously he approached the sleeping room of her ladys.h.i.+p from the inner side. There was no doubt of it. In the very throes of her pa.s.sion O'Hagi was without disguise. Shu[u]zen threw back the screens on this vileness. "Lechers! For this disloyalty Shu[u]zen finds revenge! Make ready!" Nis.h.i.+oka s.h.i.+ntaro[u] sprang to his feet, only to sink down in a pool of blood which soaked the bed he had dishonoured. Severed from shoulder to pap he died forthwith. With wild screams O'Hagi fled to the corridor. As she reached it the point of the weapon was thrust through her back, to come out at the navel. As she writhed and twisted on the floor, Shu[u]zen measured the blow and nearly cut the body in twain.

"Ah! In good season the old bawd presents herself." In fright the old woman's head had been thrust between the screens into the room close by the master. An easy mark it fell severed to the ground, the blood spouting its powerful streams from the arteries as from a pump. The woman O'Tsugi was a sterner task. Aroused by the noise she came stalking into the middle of the room, still rubbing eyes confused by sleep. "Ah!

The villainous cuckold. He has murdered these, and now would add the next (_tsugi_). Not so!" With her wild jest she threw herself upon him.

Trained soldier as he was Shu[u]zen found the contest no easy one against this virile woman. Getting the worst of it, she fastened her teeth deep into his hand. Grunting with pain Shu[u]zen flung her off, and quickly brought down the sword. Prostrate she lay, the blood stream pouring over the real lord of this harem.

With a long breath Shu[u]zen surveyed his work. It was complete. Then he went to the outer ward of the apartments. To his call no one came.

Repeated, in the distance of the _ro[u]ka_ appeared from the outer ward (_omote_) the old and faithful Nakamura Saisuke. At sight of his lord, dyed in blood from head to foot, he threw up his hands. Without undue haste or any words Shu[u]zen led him to the scene of the punishment.

Respectfully Saisuke brought a cus.h.i.+on. Then prostrate he waited for his lord to speak. Long endured the silence. Then said Shu[u]zen briefly--"Caught in the act of adultery this Shu[u]zen has put to death the guilty. The results are most important. The lack of discipline in the House is sure to lead to the honoured punishment by the suzerain.

From this there is no escape." Saisuke surveyed the scene with the calm eye of experience. "Be in no haste, my lord. This Saisuke in his long experience has seen many deeds of violence. For the present this matter need not be published. Of the outer apartments (_omote_), the _chu[u]gen_ and servants need know nothing. In any case they do not count, and can be sent away. The others are not curious; moreover they are loyal, as _samurai_.... Of the inner apartments--a very clean sweep has been made. Deign to leave matters for the present to this Saisuke."

With approval the old man examined the handiwork of his lord. It was most thorough, even to the eye of this remnant of the battle field. Then he went to work. The bodies he conveyed to the side of the artificial mound in the garden. Digging out part of the hill, here he buried them; forced in, dove-tailed together, in the smallest s.p.a.ce; the old man grumbling at the ground they occupied. Then with water he washed out the blood stains on the wood work. When dry he would plane out tell-tale marks. Meanwhile he would serve his lord, to the exclusion of all others. Would the Tono Sama deign to rest? With sad misgivings the _kyu[u]nin_ (house officer) watched Shu[u]zen as he retired to his room.

Himself he mounted guard at the women's entrance, to prevent all intrusion.

Nakamura Saisuke's heart was pure. His age beyond recall. For two days he struggled, alone in his task. On one pretext or another the _samurai_ were sent off, one here one there, on lengthy missions.

Perhaps the old man's efforts had been too great. In the course of the day a _chu[u]gen_, come on some affair, found him flat on his belly, groaning with pain as in the very last extremities. To the man's inquiries he could but cry out with colic and distress. Aid was brought, but only to find him dead. Then a second discovery was made. Report was necessary to his lords.h.i.+p. Here all was found closed against reception.

On making their way into the inner room Shu[u]zen was found, clad all in white, the b.l.o.o.d.y dirk in hand, the body fallen forward on the ceremonial mats. He had cut his belly open, on retiring for the night.

All now was in confusion. Should the _karo[u]_ be awaited. None knew this exile to the Ko[u]shu[u] fief, beyond his reputed morose severity.

Official there was none to whom to make report. They were afraid, and took their own part. With everything of value they could lay their hands on they fled in different directions. The open gate and abandonment attracted attention. The dead body of Shu[u]zen was proved a voluntary _seppuku_ (cut belly) for some cause; that of the old man required no explanation. The inquiry set on foot led only to confusion, and was soon lost in the greater question of the heirs.h.i.+p. Placed in charge of Yamada Dono, a caretaker was sought for the _yas.h.i.+ki_. A property tangled in a long dispute, this would seem a pleasing task and one to summon many applicants. But this was not the case. Successful candidacy was followed by early exodus. None could endure the frightful sounds heard every night; the cries of pleasure followed by the screams of those in the agony of a painful dying. Spectral lights were seen, the old well in the garden poured forth its confined spirits, all the evil influence of the place was rejuvenated in the minds of people by this last disaster.

"Thus the matter rests. 'Tis not this s.h.i.+mo who is the cause of these nightly scenes of strife and pain. In mad chase Shu[u]zen Dono, the Okusama, the villainous Nis.h.i.+oka and his concubines, act the scene of their cutting off. s.h.i.+mo has but her part, to find Nirvana in the wors.h.i.+p of the upright. Deign this act of kindness." At the fierceness of the voice Endo[u] Saburo[u]zaemon started. The red light of dawn was pouring into the open room. All sight of the dreadful vision had faded from the wall before him. Vision, or fact? It had been too vivid to doubt. Yet as he came to the mound he pa.s.sed around it. On the side next to the lake now he noticed that it was all caved in, an obvious depression. The tale then had truth. Thus he took his way from the haunted precincts, determined to secure the _yas.h.i.+ki_ as his own, and the future rest and peace of Nirvana to the unhappy O's.h.i.+mo.



Something has been already said of the _chu[u]gen_ Isuke, unwilling guide of Endo[u] Saburo[u]zaemon to the haunted house of the Go Bancho[u]. Thus is the second person of the name of Shu[u]zen introduced into the traditions and history of the Bancho[u]. Of him and his experiences with its denizens something is to be said.

Ok.u.mura Shu[u]zen had distinguished himself in the Amakusa uprising of 1637-8. A retainer of Matsudaira n.o.butsuna he had not been the last man to force his way into the blazing ruins of Arima castle. He did his very best amid the struggling ma.s.s of halt, maimed, and blind, after the real defenders of the castle had died weapons in hand. He was able to present himself before his lord with a reasonable number of his own company with heads on their shoulders; and a phenomenal number of heads minus shoulders, of all ages and s.e.xes--men, women, and children--of the castle inmates. Against the once owners Shu[u]zen had little grudge. So much was to be said of him. In private he railed against the bad rule which had brought him and his fellows into the field against the embattled farmers. But this was a thing to be endured; not cured, except by time. Rebellion against the liege lord, under the leaders.h.i.+p of _samurai_ once retainers of the cowardly Konis.h.i.+ Yukinaga, added edge to his sword and point to his spear. His service brought him in the train of his lord's progress to Edo. In the report made Ok.u.mura Shu[u]zen figured so well, that request--amounting to command--transferred him to the Tokugawa over-lord. Made _hatamoto_ with fief of four hundred _koku_ he was as well liked by his greater lord as when in the humbler service of a _daimyo[u]_. Five years of faithful work, and the necessities of Government for his _yas.h.i.+ki_ site in Mita received the reward of a liberal grant of another site in the Go Bancho[u], together with the thousand _ryo[u]_ of costs of removal.

The work of transfer was pushed forward. The more modest abode of a lord of moderate income, and the ma.s.sive gateway with its supporting walls and fence of closely woven, sharp pointed, bamboo retiring into the distance now were ready to shut in Shu[u]zen to the privacy of his share in the suzerain's defence. Plainly Shu[u]zen Dono put more confidence in his own prowess, or insignificance, than in the strength of outer defences against sudden attack of those at feud with him. Part of his tract inclosed a shrine of the Inari G.o.ddess. This had still its wors.h.i.+ppers. On his inspection Shu[u]zen noted the loneliness of the building, its desolation. Yet it was clean swept and kept, and a money box for offerings was proof of attendance at the shrine. Whether this was of man or beast was not so easy to determine, for traces of the latter were plain to the eye. Their tracks swarmed about the building itself. As Shu[u]zen stood in some uncertainty, a woman of the middle cla.s.s appeared. To inquiries she admitted that the care of the shrine was due to herself and her piety; a care gladly rendered to its efficacy. It had returned to her a son once sent adrift to the provinces; and to her affection a husband who had gone astray much closer home, for the intruding female was a minor member of her own household. Finding excuse in some domestic misdeed, the worthy cit had sent forth the damsel into the wilderness of the world with the fruit of her experience. The relief of this incubus, and the return of a more rightful heir than promised, the good lady attributed to the virtue of her prayers to the Inari Sama. She was urgent to bring support to her views in the general opinion of all the neighbourhood, mainly of the Ko[u]jimachi village. These corroborated what she said as to the shrine's efficacy and pet.i.tioned for its continued support. Made the tutelary shrine of the _yas.h.i.+ki_, separated therefrom by a mere brushwood fence, this Inari Jinja of the Bancho[u] continued to exist for the good of the public and the annoyance of the amiable Ok.u.mura Shu[u]zen. Its _kannus.h.i.+_ (s.h.i.+nto priest) he could never find. The woman and others said that he lived at Us.h.i.+nakizaka. At least the money contributions were always accounted for, although they had never seen his face. A few days before the formal opening of the _yas.h.i.+ki_ the _chu[u]gen_ Isuke and the workmen stood with puzzled faces before a hole discovered underneath the flooring of the shrine. It led to some pa.s.sage or cave. None were in humour to investigate, perhaps to the annoyance of the O'Inari Sama. At Isuke's direction, and with difficulty in the cramped s.p.a.ce, it was found possible to shove into place the ma.s.sive granite slab which fitted tightly into the aperture, and plainly belonged to it. "A one time store house of the G.o.d," quoth Isuke. With that he and the others betook themselves to their divers tasks of finis.h.i.+ng the clearing up of building and surroundings. In the excitement and confusion of moving in there was little thought of the cavity in this twelfth month of Kwanei twentieth year (January 1644), and the idea of making report was lost sight of until other conditions brought up again the subject.

The ceremonial visits of the New Year, the congratulations and presents, were to be made to the suzerain by his attendant _hatamoto_ and the _daimyo[u]_ then in Edo town. Every _yas.h.i.+ki_ was in a turmoil of excitement and confusion. Even in the greater _yas.h.i.+ki_ there was demand for outsiders to carry the _hakomochi_ or long boxes, for the _rokushaku_ (six footers) or tall fellows to carry the sedan chair, for others to bear the _kappakago_ or rain-coat boxes. _Samurai_, _as.h.i.+garu_, spearholders, _chu[u]gen_, _zo[u]ri_ holders--these were attendant in the _yas.h.i.+ki_. But the minor establishments were mainly dependent on outside aid to swell the lord's train. Hence the role of Bandzuin Cho[u]bei and his successors was no sinecure, in addition to the exercise of the art of arranging time and place so that the inferior lords would be least inconvenienced by the necessary and often humiliating deference to their superiors in rank. The guild patron looked well to the interests of his employers--_daimyo[u]_--with small regard to those who s.h.i.+fted for themselves; which was one of the causes of grudge by the _hatamoto_ against Cho[u]bei, later removed from the scene by

Every horse in Edo, destined for the morrow's ceremony, underwent the pampered treatment that the groom Kakunai devoted to his master's nag.

On the preceding day Kage (Fawn colour) had been treated to all the luxuries of horse diet. He must eat for to-day and for to-morrow, and perform all the offices connected there with beforehand. Said Kakunai--"Kage, be circ.u.mspect and constipated. To-morrow the master offers congratulations at the castle. Kage is stuffed beyond measure to-day, that he be able to fast to-morrow. Show no discontent. For the pa.s.sage of the sun there is to be no eating, and but a modic.u.m of drinking. Halt not the procession for unseemly purposes." He stroked the horse, and the pleased animal purred and whinnied with the contentment of a cat at being petted. Then harshly said a voice in the ear of the bending Kakunai--"For this feed of the year's end thanks are rendered.

Though not exactly of the kind desired, the intent has been good and the stomach filled. Hence congratulations in turn for the New Year season."

Kakunai jumped as if some one had thrust the unblunted end of a spear into his posteriors. He looked around, and over, and under the horse.

"Who speaks? Where from? And what concerning?... Yai! Yai! It's Kage!...

Is no one hiding hereabouts, to make a fool of Kakunai?" With eyes bolting out he backed away in terror. The horse grinned broadly, showing its ugly yellow teeth in attempt at graciousness--"It is true. Kage, addresses the honoured _betto[u]_ Kakunai, gives congratulations to his friend." Kakunai did not wait to receive them. Now he bolted forth in person, to burst into the room of the _chu[u]gen_ Isuke, just then struggling to arrange garments and hair for attendance on his lord's progress. Head throbbing from not unliberal potations due to the seasons festivities this was no pleasant task. To Kakunai's report the answer was prompt and sour--"Kakunai is a liar or a fool; or if he would play a jest on Isuke, his own head shall ache as badly." Kakunai accepted the challenge and a.s.severated the truth of his report. Not at all convinced, and with a gloomy satisfaction of the idea of having it out with Kakunai on failure of the proof, Isuke accompanied the groom to the stable.

Kakunai gingerly made up to the horse--"Kakunai has been friend to Kage.

Hence he is called liar or fool or mountebank. Deign to prove his truth, Kage Dono." Respectfully he bowed to the horse. The latter at once turning to the _chu[u]gen_, brayed into his face--"'Tis fact. Kage is at least as human as these his brothers. He speaks to whom he wills. Not so with Isuke and Kakunai. A word to the Tono Sama, and Kage will kill and eat these his friends. Keep his good will by friends.h.i.+p." Gently the horse raised a front hoof. The voice was harsh; and the push, though gentle--for a horse--sent Isuke flat, with reminder of Kage thus closely applied. Without a word the _chu[u]gen_ wallowed from the floor, none too clean, and took to flight. Kakunai followed after, holding his nose.

In the privacy of the _chu[u]gen's_ room Isuke changed to sweeter garb and discussed the matter with Kakunai. Should his lords.h.i.+p be informed?

Kakunai, as immediate attendant and in greatest danger, earnestly protested. Isuke at any time might be brought into closest contact with Kage in his office of _chu[u]gen_ attending his master. They agreed that it would be very disagreeable to be killed and eaten, especially with such evidences of Kage's powers of disposition. Hence nothing was to be said; or rather each agreed to leave the matter of report to the other.

Great was the crush and excitement on this day of the year. Long and continuous were the processions (_gyo[u]retsu_) of _daimyo[u]_ and _hatamoto_ making their way to and from the castle. The rule of the day was to avoid unnecessary collision, as far as possible; not only in the matter of precedence, but of order. Commoners, male and female, old and young, _ro[u]nin_, _samurai_, according to their caste squatted or prostrated themselves in reverential att.i.tude as the palanquin of some lord pa.s.sed by. Caustic or benign, generally malicious, the comment of the Kidahachi and Yajiro[u]bei--"O[u]kubo Hikoroku Dono; 'tis true he possesses influence, and the roughness of Hikoza Sama, but the keen wit of the honoured father lacks."--"Yet the lord O[u]kubo has much kindness beneath his roughness. The latter is to the favour of the suzerain." Iyeyasu Ko[u] ruled by statecraft; Hidetada Ko[u] by benevolence; the third Sho[u]gun Iyemitsu Ko[u], by rough energy. Such the tradition of the personality of these three men handed down in Nippon's history. With the pa.s.sage of Tadamune Ko[u], of the great Sendai fief, heads went very low. Great his wealth, and greater still was his influence with the Suzerain. Tadamune swept proudly on; the future disasters represented in the boy who rode close to the palanquin, and whose licentious life later threatened to wreck the wealth and position of the great house.

At the dismount notice (_geba-fuda_) Ok.u.mura Shu[u]zen, accompanied by two pages, donned _zo[u]ri_ (sandals) and betook himself to the palace.

He was a small figure in this crush of great n.o.bles, but as _hatamoto_ had his right and duty of being present at the palace; both rigidly enforced, and a.s.suredly with greater regard and welcome than most of the men of much greater rank, always regarded with suspicion. The modest train of a four hundred _koku_ lord was squeezed into a corner of this ma.s.s of underlings waiting the return of their masters from audience.

Close companion to his beloved and now feared Kage, the groom Kakunai was well satisfied with his insignificance. Great was his consternation to hear the harsh voice of his equine friend in his ear. A whisper to Kage meant a roar to the crowd--"Naruhodo! The stench of these humans excels even that of the stable. One is as much confined here as there.

His lords.h.i.+p has now departed. Deign, Kakunai San, to indulge in amus.e.m.e.nt. Let's be off--to the Kwannon of Asakusa, to the Yos.h.i.+wara.

Here there is naught but press and riot. In the pleasure quarter both convey diversion. Deign so to regard it." With wide open mouths those around turned to the quarter whence came these uncomplimentary terms.

Kakunai was sweating with fear--"Shut up!... Rude? Then deign to be silent. Great the press. To withdraw is difficult; to desert his lords.h.i.+p impossible. Silence is the part of the inferior." At this exercise of authority the horse grumbled loudly--"Away from the stinking stable one feels gay and at ease. Quicksilver runs in the veins. At Yos.h.i.+wara the _hatsudochu[u]_ will be in progress. Following the processions of the honoured _oiran_, liberal will be the _sake_ offered at the tea houses. Deign, Kakunai San, to reconsider your purpose to remain."

At this Kakunai almost melted into the icy puddle on the ground. He s.h.i.+vered as he wiped the cold sweat dripping from his forehead. At first voices said--"Who is speaking in these ribald terms? Kakunai San is it not? Who the companion?... Oya! 'Tis the horse which talks! Asakusa and Yos.h.i.+wara? What say the women to the presence of the beast? Eh! Off with you, Kakunai San, to show which is horse and which groom." They crowded around the pair, not daring to come close. Kakunai felt extremely unwell. He could not deny the fact. "Like boys, he boasts beyond his powers. The power of speech runs loose. Yet as a horse it is a wise beast, the treasure of a four hundred _koku yas.h.i.+ki_, since none other possesses his like. Deign to note his own proclamation of his tastes."

This was to throw the consequences of discovery on the animal, to file the sharpness of teeth against the promised mauling of Kakunai's flesh.

Then he waxed eloquent and proud--"A fine horse indeed! Such a horse in battle is unequalled. Is it not so, Kage?" And Kage promptly answered to his friend's praise. "A horse of n.o.ble quality, with good deeds to his credit, gains reputation. At the astonishment of the foe the rider runs them through with the spear. Hence gain of heads, and reputation to both steed and master." Kage spun round, letting fly hoofs in all directions, shaking his head and biting savagely. At this display of battle fire those too close fled in disorder. At a safe distance wonder and advice was expressed. "Deign to be off, Kakunai San. Truly the animal is foxed, and foxes enough are to be found in Yos.h.i.+wara. He will find company without fail." Kakunai, as he restrained the beast, now full at ease--"Of that we are a.s.sured. Alas! He cannot squat. In that he is clumsy, as is the red haired, green-eyed western barbarian. Otherwise it is not Kakunai who would bring coin to Nakanocho[u], but convey money hence." Some agreed, and some disagreed, and all congratulated. Thus did horse and groom get much advertis.e.m.e.nt at the O[u]te-mon, to the subsequent profit of both.

Shu[u]zen, audience granted, appeared at the castle gate. Respectfully the crowd drew apart, and watched the lord depart with his train. Never had one of the minor _hatamoto_ attracted greater attention; and of these many were notable men for personal exploits. Entirely unconscious of this notice Shu[u]zen rode off to his _yas.h.i.+ki_. In the course of the succeeding days many visits were to be paid, and the wondrous fact had chance to spread from the under world to the surface. At the _yas.h.i.+ki_ of Abe s.h.i.+ro[u]goro[u] the salutations were exchanged; the spiced _sake_ to preserve life--the _to[u]so_--was brought forth.

Shu[u]zen detected in his host a quizzical, even amused att.i.tude. Said s.h.i.+ro[u]goro[u]--"Shu[u]zen Uji, did he deign to ride, or mount the _kago_ (palanquin)." The question was abrupt, and seemed not over courteous. A _hatamoto_ of four hundred _koku_ possessed steed and spearmen. Abe s.h.i.+ro[u]goro[u] was a great lord, and Shu[u]zen answered smoothly, seeking any source of offense. To his affirmative, said the host--"Then Shu[u]zen Dono perhaps deigned to mount the favourite and talking horse.... Surely he knows of the animal's great gift....

Congratulations are due, for what is the talk of the castle precincts."

Shu[u]zen's astonishment was too great not to be genuine. He was the first to propose to Abe Dono the taking of a look at the noted beast. He was eager to inspect an animal, which, it seemed, he had as yet never seen. The two lords came forth to the _genkwan_ (house entrance). On summons Kakunai brought forward the horse, expecting his lord to mount, not exactly understanding the presence of the lord of the mansion.

Shu[u]zen's first words enlightened him unpleasantly. With some severity--"Kakunai, does this horse talk?" Thunderstruck Kakunai did not know what answer to make. Kage could bite. His master could do worse, if enough angered. He hesitated--"Hai!" Quoth Shu[u]zen--"'Hai' is no answer. Has the horse power of human speech?" Kakunai put his hand to his head, then turned to Kage, who was obstinately silent. He gave him as hard a blow on the neck as he dared, without result. "The Tono Sama has heard the tale; as has this Kakunai. His head in a whirl, Kakunai knows not whether it be true or not. By an humble groom such matters are not understood. To report idle gossip or the illusions of one's brain, savours of impudence. Deign the question in person. Kage refuses answer to this Kakunai."

Thus skilfully he lied. Kage eyed him with approval; Shu[u]zen with some doubt. He turned to the horse--"Kage, it is said you speak. Shu[u]zen is the master. Answer without lying." Kage spoke, indifferent to rank and without circ.u.mlocution of polite society--"'Tis so; and just as does a human being. Truly Shu[u]zen Sama has supplied a most foul smelling place to learn the art." Abe s.h.i.+ro[u]goro[u] snickered--"Kage Dono is too precise. Would he learn the art of converse over his master's wine?"--"Not unwillingly," replied the nag. "But in any case he would have Isuke and this lazy groom make better and more frequent use of broom and bucket. The good offices of Abe Dono are requested." By this retort courteous the two n.o.blemen were silenced and amused. Uncertain as to the course of further converse with the beast Ok.u.mura made salutation, mounted and departed homewards. As he gave the horse into the groom's charge he said--"It is for Kakunai to keep in mind the words of Kage." As he vigorously applied broom and water to the stall and vicinity of the favoured animal, Kakunai mentally determined that on the whole Shu[u]zen Dono was the more dangerous of the two. Hence-forward he would be careful to remember all that Kage said--and make report.


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Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) Part 3 summary

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