Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) Part 6

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When Prince Iyeyasu consolidated his power at Edo, more particularly on his becoming Sei-i-tai-Sho[u]gun, some provision had to be made for the great _daimyo[u]_ brought by the necessities of occasion to personal interview with their chief and suzerain. In the suburbs rose beautiful structures devoted to the entertainment of these _kyakubun_--or guests--as the greater _daimyo[u]_ were then termed. The Yatsuyama Goten, the Hakuzan Goten, the Kosuge Goten, the Yos.h.i.+da Goten, other and elegant, if minor, palaces arose. Their first use disappeared with the compulsory residence of the _daimyo[u]_ under Iyemitsu Ko[u], but some were still maintained as places of resort and entertainment for the Sho[u]gun in his more relaxed moments. Others were devoted to the residences of favoured members of his family. Others were maintained for the entertainment of State or Church dignitaries, on occasion of particular mission from the court in Kyo[u]to to that of Edo. Others were destroyed, or put to temporal uses, or their use granted to favoured retainers or church purposes.

One of the most beautiful of these was the Yos.h.i.+da Goten in the Bancho[u]. The site originally had been covered by the _yas.h.i.+ki_ of Yos.h.i.+da Daizen no Suke. One of those n.o.bles favouring the Tokugawa against Is.h.i.+da Mitsunari, as their designs became clearer with the years following Sekigahara, at the attack on Osaka castle he was found within its walls. Thus the "Overseer of the kitchen" fell under the wrath of his suzerain. Hidetada Ko[u] was a man of much kind temperament, but he was a strict disciplinarian and a rough soldier. Whether or not the dishes furnished for his consumption and digestion had anything to do with the matter, there was serious cause enough. With many others the Daizen no Suke was ordered to cut belly, and his tribe suffered extinction--of rank and rations (_kaieki_). Such the reward of this turn-coat. His disappearance from the scene was followed by other removals. Daizen no Suke was head of the Ko[u]sho[u]gumi. With the confiscation of his _yas.h.i.+ki_ site five other Houses of the "company"

were ordered to remove to other sites at Akasaka. Thus 2,500 _tsubo_ of ground (24 acres) were obtained for the building of a new _kyakubun goten_. Erected on the ground of Yos.h.i.+da's old mansion, now waste ([sara]), it got the name of Sarayas.h.i.+ki. Time confused this character [sara] with the events which there took place; and it was written Sara ([sara]) yas.h.i.+ki or Mansion of the Plates. Thus was the unhappy tale of O'Kiku written into the history of Edo and the Yos.h.i.+da Goten.

The second daughter of Hidedata Ko[u], the Nidai Sho[u]gun, had been married to the lord of Echizen, Matsudaira Tadanao. At the time of the Osaka campaign Tadanao sulked. Prince Iyeyasu was very angry with him.

However, when finally Echizen Ke did appear, he acted with such bravery, and to such effect in the campaign, that the old captain's anger was dispelled in his appreciation. To this connected House of the Tokugawa he thought to be liberal enough; not to meet the inflated scale of the ideas of Tadanao, who spent the next half dozen years in so misgoverning his lordly fief as to render necessary an adviser, planted at his side by his powerful cousin in Edo. In Genwa ninth year Tadanao rebelled--with the usual result to him who acts too late. He was suppressed, largely by the aid of his own va.s.sals, and exiled to Hita in Bungo province. Here he shaved his head, took the name of Ichihaku. It was of no avail. Promptly he died. It seemed to be a dispensation of Providence--or dispensation of some kind--that exiles usually and early developed alarming symptoms; in the shortest possible time removing themselves and all cause of irritation to the overlord by their transfer to another sphere.

The Tokugawa Sho[u]gun was generous to his relations. The exit of Tadanao was promptly followed by the induction of his infant son Mitsunaga into his fief. However, for the child to govern the great district of 750,000 _koku_ appeared to be a doubtful step. Its government actually being invested in the _daimyo[u]_, it was not to be made a breeding ground for trouble through the action of subordinates.

Hence the main fief with the seat at Kita no Sho[u] (f.u.kui) was given to the uncle. f.u.kui to-day is a dull provincial town, and excellent stopping place for those who would have eyes opened as to the great wealth and wide flat expanse of these three provinces of Kaga, Etchu[u], and Echizen. Their lord was a mighty chieftain, entrenched behind mountain barriers; and the great campaigns, which figure in pre-Tokugawa history, were fought for a great object. The Maeda House, however, had had their wings clipped, and were confined to Kaga. The Matsudaira were established in Echizen. Etchu[u] was much divided up. The reduction of the fief of Echizen Ke to 500,000 _koku_ brought him within reasonable bounds, and he could well be left to ride with his hawks along the pretty As.h.i.+bagawa, or to take his pleasure outing on the crest of Asuwayama, the holy place of the city suburbs, and where Hideyos.h.i.+ nearly lost life and an umbrella by a stray shot. Then would follow the return, the ride across the wide moat, its waters dotted with the fowl he went elsewhere to shoot, but safe within these precincts. Whether he returned to any better entertainment than that of the present day Tsuki-mi-ro or Moon viewing inn, one can doubt. He certainly did not have the pretty outlook from its river bordered garden front.

Sen-chiyo-maru, later Mitsunaga, was relegated to Takata castle in Echigo, with the minor income of 250,000 _koku_. Perhaps this fact, together with his youth, and the more entertaining expenditure of the income at an Edo _yas.h.i.+ki_, rather than in a mountain castle town, brought the Takata no Kata to the capital. Takata Dono, or the Takata no Kata, so named from the fief, is not known to fame or history under other appellation. She is said to have possessed all the beauty of her elder sister, the Senhimegimi, wife of Hideyori Ko[u], son of the Taiko[u], he who fell at Osaka castle. Furthermore, with the training of the _samurai_ woman, the greatness of her position and personal attraction, she possessed all the obstinacy and energy of the male members of her family, with few of the restraints imposed on them by public service. Takata Dono frankly threw herself into all the pleasures she could find at the capital. Established in the Yos.h.i.+da Goten, the younger _samurai_ of the _hatamoto_ quickly came under her influence.

There was a taint of license in her blood, perhaps inherited from the father who was most unbridled in his pa.s.sions. The result was a sad falling off from the precepts of Bus.h.i.+do[u] in herself and her paramours. The Bakufu (Sho[u]gunal Government) was compelled to look on, so great was her power at the castle. In the earlier days sentence of _seppuku_ (cut belly) was a common reward for open misconduct. A word from Takata Dono, and the disgraceful quarrels over her favours were perforce condoned; and her lavish expenditures on her favourites were promptly met. Alas! Alas! The up to date histories of Nippon sigh over and salve these matters. "They were the inventions of a later age; were not current in her life-time." Nor likely to be put too bluntly by those tender of their skins. But an old poem has come down to express the popular belief:

"_Yos.h.i.+da to[u]reba nikai kara maneku; s.h.i.+kamo kano ko no furisode de._"

Somewhat irregular, like the lady's conduct, but which can be interpreted,

"Pa.s.sing Yos.h.i.+da, from above the signal; Furthermore, the waving of long sleeves."

Of little deer (or dears) for the style of sleeve, the _kano ko_, can be read young deer. Bah! Was there not a "parc aux cerfs" half way round the world? Nor were such confined to the capital cities of Edo and Paris.[11]

The poem refers to the unbridled licentiousness the little lady developed on her translation from her provincial residence; though locally she had not failed to distinguish herself. What follows is part of the tales current. At the time the _himegimi_ (princess) was thrown on her own devices in Takata-jo[u] the _karo[u]_ or chief officer of the household was one Hanai Iki. This fellow owed his position entirely to his good looks and her ladys.h.i.+p's favour. This favour he met, not in the spirit of a loyal va.s.sal, but in that of a professed and bold lady killer. As _karo[u]_ his attendance on her ladys.h.i.+p was constant and intimate, and it took no particular to find out that the intimacy was of a more peculiar relation. Hence great was the under current of comment, and regret at the unbridled conduct of the lady. None, however, dared to interfere with the caprices of one so highly placed; and the only means was to work on the decent feelings of Iki himself. Thus the tale was brought to his wife's ears. It is to be said that with her all jealousy was suppressed. It was for her to find the cure for her husband's unbridled conduct. As Hanai Iki was a mere official, and with no great claim to unusual or able services, it was hoped that his removal or reform in conduct would bring back the _himegimi_ to a befitting conduct. There was no suspicion that her pa.s.sion was a disease raging in her very blood, and that it was the man, not his personality she sought.

The wife first adopted the orthodox method of formal remonstrance.

Without chiding, with a smile and great indulgence of one at no particular fault himself, she enlarged upon the subject in the service of the tea. "It is not a matter between Iki Dono and this Chiyo. There is no unseemly jealousy in the wife to bring forward the complaint. In fact the marital relation is not in question. As the husband pleases, so should the wife submit. But great is the talk aroused at these too private meetings with the _himegimi_. It is the House which is at stake.

Its influence and prestige is threatened by a mere retainer. This in a short time can but lead to ruin. The caprice of a woman is well known.

In some cooler moment the eyes of her ladys.h.i.+p will see another colour.

The one to suffer will be Iki Dono, for now he has no other support but in his mistress. Deign to regain the confidence of the household, and no great harm can result beyond neglect. Honoured sir, you stretch out for what is far beyond reach; and in the end can but fail. Deign to be circ.u.mspect." If there was any tone of contempt and depreciation in the protest it was in the last few words. At all events the eyes of Iki were opened to the fact that it was sought to reach him through the wife's remonstrance. He expressed surprise and discomfiture at what he a.s.serted had no real basis in fact. His office brought him in close contact with her ladys.h.i.+p; the more so as the management of the fief was in her hands. Matters were to be discussed which necessitated the exclusion of all others. However, if such was the talk of the palace, or even beyond its walls, he could but give thanks for the kindness of the remonstrance. Henceforth he would be more careful, and would trust to her good feeling to believe in his good faith.

With joy the wife heard what he said. With all good will she made herself the apostle of this explanation. No one believed her and facts soon belied words. Her ladys.h.i.+p, just entering on her pa.s.sion, became more exigent in her calls for the _karo[u]'s_ attendance. Iki now seldom appeared at his home. Long absences from the castle town, pressing business, any excuse to hand came to the alarmed ears of the wife. All the rumours gathered were sure to reach her in exaggerated form. Hanai Dono was the constant companion of her ladys.h.i.+p's wine feasts. He was her acknowledged paramour, and lived in the private apartments of the castle as in his own house. All talked--except the ladies in waiting of the _himegimi_. These were selected and trained by her; selected for beauty and trained to discretion. She would have no ugly thing about her; and all was to be for her use. Iki was handsome, and discreet. To her he was an object; as were the maids; the same apart from s.e.x. He filled his role admirably, never introduced his favour with her ladys.h.i.+p into the public affairs of the House, or solicited for such personal advancement as made toward outward display. But circ.u.mspection of conduct never yet closed the mouth of gossip. There were those who were jealous of what he might do; and jealous of a favour they would gladly share themselves. The _himegimi_ was the prize which all coveted, and which no one should possess to the exclusion of others.

Hence the buzz of talk rose loud, and the criticism stung the wife. She determined herself to learn the truth of these tales. Hitherto they were but the scandalous talk of people. Wife of the _karo[u]_, naturally her ladys.h.i.+p did not require her attendance; but as such she had ready access and an intimate acquaintance with the palace routine. Her mind made up, she presented herself on some trifling pretext. Certainly in her manner there was nothing to arouse comment. Received in the inner apartments (_oku_), her plea, the introduction of a page into the service, was readily granted. On retiring she would speak with the superintendent of the _oku_, the old and experienced lady in waiting in charge of the _himegimi's_ service. Thus she found the opportunity to wander the inner precincts, to disappear and to slip into the bed room of the _himegimi_. Here she stepped into a closet, pulled to the screen, and crouched down behind the heaped up quilts. For the companions.h.i.+p of her wandering lord she did not have long to wait; nor for proof of his inconstancy. Iki came into the room, holding by the hand and drawing after him one of palace ladies in waiting, Takeo by name. The girl was by no means unwilling. Her blushes and confusion added to the great beauty which made her the favoured attendant on the _himegimi_. Iki pressed her close and openly. The girl plead ignorance and inexperience.

She was ashamed. Iki laughed. "Does not her ladys.h.i.+p set the example for others to follow? Deign...." The plea of his relations with the mistress came quite fit to the coa.r.s.e feeling of Iki. Not so to the girl, who was warmed into some indignation, and drew all the more from him. He would persist; but just then her ladys.h.i.+p called from the next room--"Takeo!

Takeo!" The voice was impatient, as of one in haste. Iki had time to thrust a letter into the girl's hand, which she quickly transferred to her bosom. All the boldness of O'Chiyo was at stake as the maid came to the closet. Close down she crouched; but Takeo had one eye on Iki, and only one careless eye on the heap of _futon_, of which she drew from the top. Iki made a grimace, for the benefit of the one he really loved. Her ladys.h.i.+p's appearance was received with the warm and flattering affection of the favoured lover; and O'Chiyo had proof positive that the relations of the two were kind indeed.

The suicide of the wife, the letter of protest she left behind, had more influence on the public than on the conduct of Hanai Iki. It simply removed the last restraint and means of reaching him. All now depended on her ladys.h.i.+p's infatuation. Old va.s.sals sighed with joy when they heard of the proposed removal to Edo. As _karo[u]_ Hanai Iki would be left in charge of the fief. Not so: it was soon learned that his name headed the list of those transferred for household service. The grumbling was as open as it dared to be. The fief was to be contented with the service of two vice-_karo[u]_; no great loss, except in matter of prestige in dealing with other Houses. The _karo[u]_ became a kind of male superintendent of the _oku_! But at all events the fief was rid of him. Nor was Iki particularly pleased. He had been feathering his nest in the material sense. The severance of the connection, without loss of esteem, meant to him a quicker consummation of his wishes with Takeo Dono, whom he would ask for as wife. Their relations had gone forward at a wild pace. Once thrown into the whirl of pa.s.sion Takeo sought but to meet the wishes of her lover. The pa.s.sion of the _himegimi_ stood between them.

Established in Edo, at the Yos.h.i.+da Goten, all went mad with content in their beautiful surroundings. The palace gardens were noted. A hint of the fine construction of the buildings is found to-day at the Kugyo[u]ji of Iinuma, built subsequently from the materials. For the use of the Sho[u]gun Ke in entertainment of his visitors, every art had been exhausted in its adornment. The screens were objects of beauty, and separated the large rooms with their fine pillars and ceilings of grained and polished woods. The _rama-sho[u]ji_ were carved by Nature's handiwork, and the polished lacquer and bra.s.s reflected a thousand times the beauties roundabout. Whether the garden be viewed from the apartments, or both from the _tsukiyama_ or artificial hill beside the little lake, it was a scene of balanced beauty, showing every nicety of man's hand in Nature's own proportion, and not guided into the geometrical designs of a carpet square or a surveyor's working table.

Instead of the dry dullness of a provincial town, in which themselves they had to fill the stage to give it life and pompousness, Edo was close at hand, and they were part of, and actors in, the luxury and magnificence of the Sho[u]gun's court. It is not surprising that the _himegimi_ returned to all this glitter and activity as one long banished from its seductions to a wilderness; added her own dissipation and lavish entertainment to the constant round of festivity and luxury rapidly supplanting the hard military discipline of the first Sho[u]gun's camp; a luxury itself to crystallize into a gorgeous rigid formalism, as deadly to the one not meeting its requirements as the lined and spotted beauty of some poisonous serpent.

The wine feast was at its height. The cup pa.s.sed more freely in this chilly season of the year; and in the tightly closed apartments the warmth of a.s.sociation and the table's cheer were sought. The _himegimi_ was more expansive than usual under the influence of the wine. Iki was positively drunk, and in his state over-estimated the condition of her ladys.h.i.+p. Takeo was serving the wine. Beyond stolen interviews of moments the lovers had found no opportunity for the longed for clinging of soul to soul, of person to person, during the night's long hours. The girl's hands trembled with pa.s.sion as furtively she sought those of her lover in the pa.s.sing of the wine cup. Iki was absolutely careless. Her ladys.h.i.+p too far gone to note his conduct? He seized the arms of Takeo and drew her to his side. The display of amorous emotion on the part of both was too open to escape notice. The _himegimi_ rose to her feet as on springs. The beautiful flushed face took on a deeper tint as she scowled on the guilty and now frightened pair. Her breath came hard and with difficulty. Then reaching down she wound the long tresses of Takeo in her hand, and dragged her to her knee. Twisting and twisting, until the agony made the girl cry out, she berated her--"Ah! Wicked jade! Thou too have eyes for a man's person. Disloyal wench, would you aim to make the beloved of your mistress partner of your bed?... What's this?" From the girl's hand she tore the answer to the lover's plaint. The sharp eyes of her ladys.h.i.+p sought the maid's person. A nervous hand fumbled the folds of her _obi_ (sash). "Ah! The treasure house is not far off.

Such valued gems are carried on the person." Thrusting her hand into the gentle bosom the _himegimi_ drew forth the guilty complement.

Wrote Iki--

"How act to drop the mask; Many the pledges breathed in truth."

And the girl made answer:

"Ah! The night of meeting, love's consummation; The hindrance, thing or person, object of hate."[12]

The words were too plain. There was a certain savage tone of exulting wrath as the _himegimi_ read out loud the contents of the missives. It chilled the hearts of those who heard her. She spoke: at first in low concentrated tones of bitter jesting hate. "Ha! Ha! Disloyalty goes beyond mere thought; would strike at the person of its lord. What lascivious s.l.u.t is this, who thus would creep into the mistress' bed, to take her place?... Look up! Naruhodo! In that face is too much beauty.

Vile huzzy, you would seek the favour of my lover. Hence forth neither he nor any man shall look on you, except with loathing." Close beside her was the _hibachi_, its burden of the hard burning charcoal from Ikeda now a bright cherry red. Dragging the girl to the brazier, twisting both hands more firmly in the long black hair, she forced her, face downwards, into the heated ma.s.s, pressing into the back with her knee. In terror the other girls looked away, or hid their faces in their sleeves. Before the towering anger of the princess none dared apology or intercession. The smell of burning flesh rose sickening. Takeo feebly moaned, and writhed a little under the nervous pressure of those delicate powerful hands. Then she was silent. The inhuman punishment had reached its end. Roughly her ladys.h.i.+p threw her aside, face upward on the _tatami_. Those who took a hasty glance turned away in horror from the face, black here, red and swollen there, the mouth filled with ashes, the eyes--one totally destroyed.

The _himegimi_ was on her feet. "Iki--here with you!" In fear the man prostrated himself before the vision. "Not yet did the demon's horns sprout from her head; but the eyes injected with blood, the hair standing up to Heaven, converted her ladys.h.i.+p into a veritable demon."

In slow and measured wrath she spoke--"Ah, the fool! Admitted to the favour of his mistress, the long continued object of her affection, with all at his command and service, he would sacrifice these for the embraces of a serving wench. Truly the man has gone mad with l.u.s.t; or rather it is a man's face and a beast's mind. Thus before my very eyes he would dally with his wh.o.r.e and make me cuckold. Of such miscreants one feels no jealousy. Hate and punishment follow the insult." A quick movement backward and her halberd hanging at the wall was in her hand.

The scabbard stripped from the s.h.i.+ning blade was held over head. "Namu San! Holy the three sacred things!" Iki sprang to his feet, coward and fool he sought not to grapple with her, but to flee. The command of the _himegimi_ rang sharp--"He is not to escape!" In this company of her maids, all _samurai_ women, the discipline was complete. If they would not suffer the punishment of Takeo, they must respond. Whatever the backbiting and division among themselves, in her ladys.h.i.+p's service they would sacrifice life itself. Besides, more than one hated Iki with the heart-whole hate of neglected love and advances. Takeo had been more favoured than her companions, not through any fault of theirs in seeking this lady killer. Hence the alarm was quickly given. Iki was beset by this female army, every one armed, himself with but his dagger. There was no outlet for escape. Then they came to close quarters. The boldest threw themselves on him. Dragged to the ground, bound fast, he was pulled and pushed into the garden. Breathless and dishevelled the female horde parted to allow the approach of the _himegimi_--"Such open insult and vile conduct is difficult to overlook. The disloyalty intended is past pardon. For this, too great the grudge." The keen blade flashed, and the head of Iki rolled some feet distant. Without a glance in the direction of the miserable Takeo, the princess took her way back to her apartment. At last some attention could be given to the suffering and disfigured girl. She was paying the penalty for her treachery and disloyal thoughts. The pains which followed were aggravated by neglect.

The face and chest one ma.s.s of burns, the wounds soon became putrid. The stench was so frightful that none would go near her. They brought her food; then fled her presence in disgust. As she grew weaker, unable to feed herself, the pangs of starvation were added to her woes. The continued cries of agony grew feebler and feebler, became a mere low moaning; then ceased altogether. "Thus trifles lead to death, and lechery finds its punishment." The bodies of the guilty pair, thrown into the garden well, there found the only interment.

Her ladys.h.i.+p was not to escape. Following this scene her pa.s.sions broke out of all bounds. She took no new lover; it was lovers. Men were beckoned to the Yos.h.i.+da Goten as to a brothel--with waving sleeves from the upper story. For a night, for a week, for a month they would be entertained. The weaker sort soon displeased her, and were dismissed; to find their end in the well of the willow, the Yanagi no Ido, of the inner garden of the palace. It would seem as if some wicked demon had entered the person of Takata Dono, to lead her into this course of debauchery.



One day a toilet dealer came through the Bancho[u]. The sun was already on its decline as he pa.s.sed the front of the Yos.h.i.+da Goten on his way to his home in Kanda. It shone, however, on a fellow who at once attracted the attention of the look-out maid. She gave an exclamation--"Ma! Ma!

What a handsome man! Such a loveable fellow! Her ladys.h.i.+p...." Then a feeling of pity seemed to close her mouth. But further speech was useless. The _himegimi_ lacked company for her night's feast. Herself she responded to the incomplete summons. A glance and--"Bring him here; without delay. Such a fine specimen is not to be allowed to escape." It could not be helped. At once the beauty, all smiles and gestures, with waving sleeves sought to attract the attention of the itinerant trader.

The district was new to him, his sales had been poor. This summons was the direct favour of the Buddha. From this great mansion surely his pack would be much lighter on return. Timidly he approached the _samurai_ at the gate, fearing harsh repulse. The officer, however, was very amenable, transferring him at once to the guidance of the maid already waiting close by. Thus was he brought to the women's apartments; to be surrounded by a bevy of the s.e.x, of a beauty of which he had had no experience. They began looking negligently over his poor stock, and closely over his own person. Then--"'Tis at her ladys.h.i.+p's order that the summons is made. Come this way." At this unusual conduct in a _yas.h.i.+ki_ he had some misgivings. His hesitation met with small consideration. The crowd of women surrounded him and pushed him forward, exercising a violence which astonished and paralysed resistance at being thus exalted above his sphere. Protesting he was taken to the bath. This office completed amid admiring comment, he was dressed in _hakama_ (trousers) and blouse, of stuff perfumed and of silky softness, which made him feel as if he moved in some dream. Thus purified and arrayed he was led through a long range of magnificent rooms, the sight of which sent his heart further and further into his heels. Finally he was introduced into an apartment of no great size, but with dais and bamboo blind. Led before this, his guides drew apart and prostrated themselves in obeisance. The toilet dealer followed the excellent example.

The screen slowly rose and the Takata Dono appeared in all her beauty.

At this period she was barely thirty years, in the full development of her charms. To the eyes of the poor toilet dealer it seemed as if Benten Sama, the G.o.ddess of love, was thus gravely regarding and measuring every line of face and body. Finally she seemed satisfied with this close inspection. A sign and the formality of the scene vanished. "Come closer.... The _sake_ cup!" Anxiously wriggling himself to her very presence, she then questioned him as to age, business, habits. Her voice was as silvery gentle as her face was beautiful. Soon he found himself looking up into it with confidence, as well as with awed respect. The _sake_ utensils brought, she condescended herself to fill the cup. This was filled again; and yet again. When the liquor began to show its influence her manner became more familiar. With a quick movement, which surprised him by the latent strength shown, she drew him close to her side, began openly to show her favour for him. "Such fine figure of a man is no such fool as not to know he can please a woman. The very trade leads him to study women's taste. Now sir: for test of your qualities...." But frightened the toilet dealer disengaged himself, and springing back a little he prostrated himself flat on the ground. "Deign not an unseemly jest. Close to the person of a great lady, such as is the honoured presence, the poor artisan finds but distress. His wares have no market amid this magnificence. Dependent on him for means of life are two aged parents. A bare subsistence is secured for them.

Condescend his dismissal, that he may return to relieve their anxieties."

The speech met with but poor reception. Gentle was the laugh of the _himegimi_, yet a little wrinkle knitted her brow. She seemed to regard him in a somewhat strange light. "Have no misgivings as to their fate.

An ample sum shall be sent to a.s.sure them against need. Meanwhile Nature and the occasion has furnished forth the toilet dealer--for the lady's toilet.... Now for the wine feast." In the scene of riot and merriment which followed the one thought of the unfortunate trader was to escape.

There was no strict order in the banquet, no formality. The idea of the _himegimi_ was to get the greatest pleasure out of everything to her hand, and all vied with each other, by song and art, with voice and musical accompaniment, by a minute attention to needs of host and guest to make the sensual effect of the scene complete. There was not a jarring element in the well trained bevy of women devoted to pleasure.

The toilet dealer was free, yet bound. If he would seek occasion to leave his place, to move uneasily hither and thither in these wide rooms, as did the women with their carelessness and ease, always he found himself balked by their presence. Escape there was none. Soon he found himself again by her ladys.h.i.+p's side, to be plied with the wine until sense and caution gave way before the spell of the beautiful woman. To her it was an amusing game, a stimulant to her pa.s.sion, the conquest of this reluctance in a man found to lack the brazenness and vulgarity of his caste. In the end he could but murmur at her feet that he was hers--to do with as she would. "Would that this dream could last forever! In this Paradise of the wondrous Presence."

The scene was changed. Her ladys.h.i.+p rose. In the company of a few of the women he was led still further into the recesses of the palace. Here he was arrayed for the night, amid the merry jesting and admiring criticism of his attendants. Accompanied to the bed chamber the _fusuma_ (screens) were closed, and he could hear the fall of the bars in the outer pa.s.sages. Submission now was easy, as inevitable, as taken by the storm of this woman's pa.s.sion. With but short intervals of dozing she would draw him to her embrace, and intoxicate him with her caresses. "When the poison be taken--let the plate be full." With clearing brain, though under the spell of her beauty he never lost sight of the purpose to flee this doubtful snare. When at dawn she really slept, he rose to seek exit; to run into the ever vigilant guard. "Naruhodo! Truly an early riser the honoured guest. But all has been made ready. The bath is at hand. Deign to enter." Thus surrounded and compelled he began the second day. As the maid dressed him after the bath she broke out in admiration of his physical presence. "The handsome fellow! No wonder her ladys.h.i.+p was seized by the love wind." In the evening's entertainment he had proved himself no fool in interesting anecdote of the town, and a quaint and naive description of the view the lowly take of those who call themselves the great. Under the skilful questioning of one or other this simple fellow--of keen wit and observation--had shown a phase of life unknown to them, beyond the careless view afforded from between the blinds of the curtains of the palanquin. The vulgar boldness of his predecessors was conspicuously lacking, as was the tedious talk of war and discussion of court etiquette of n.o.ble and more formal guests. Not only her ladys.h.i.+p, but the maids thoroughly enjoyed him.

His astonishment and fearful protest at the gorgeous robe put on him turned them from pity to amus.e.m.e.nt. Said a bolder wench--"Take and enjoy the gifts of her ladys.h.i.+p as offered. The chance is not likely again to present itself. Put aside all thought of past; seek pleasure in the present, without regard to the future." Though spoken with a smile which showed the whole row of beautiful teeth, there was a menace in the words which came home to him. If he had had some suspicions of his whereabouts, he felt sure of it now. There were but rumours and suspicions, slanders of course, of which he seemed destined to prove the truth. The knowledge seemed to add dignity to his pose. He would await her ladys.h.i.+p's exit from the bath. Conducted to the garden he strolled its beautiful inclosure, noted the high roofs on every side. Standing by the _tsukiyama_ he heard the shuffling of sandals. Turning he prostrated himself before the _himegimi_. Rosy, with sparkling eyes, long flowing black hair, regal presence, she was indeed the G.o.ddess Benten Sama in human flesh and blood. Without rising the toilet dealer made request--"Deign the honoured pity. To spend one's life in the service of the honoured Presence, this has been said; and for the words regret there is none. It is for those dependent. Condescend that no harm come to them, no distress from this visitation of G.o.ds and the Buddha.

Willingly the price is paid for the delicious dream, no grudge felt for what is to follow."

The _himegimi_ stopped short. For some time she was lost in thought.

This man was keen enough of wit to know the price at which her favours were bought; brave enough not to flinch, or to make abortive effort to avoid his fate. Her whole experience brought feeling of disgust toward men, when once satiated. With this man the chord of pity was touched.

The honoured sleeves were wet with the honoured tears as she made answer to the plea. Without slightest effort to deny her once purpose she consoled and rea.s.sured him. "It was determined, that granted favour you should never leave this place." Her brow darkened for a moment at the ominous words; than cleared radiant. "Those who enter here ascribe to their good fortune the pleasures they enjoy. Instead of modest grat.i.tude they show the arrogance of possession. Purpose was first shaken by the filial love expressed for those who gave you being, the tender care and anxiety for their welfare. A man like you, one is a.s.sured of his faith and silence. At night you shall depart from here unharmed." She took him by the hand, and when he would show respect, with familiarity drew him along with her. Thus they walked the gardens, talking of varying subjects; she listening to his explanations and instances of life in the common world, and questioning him adroitly as to his past and future.

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Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) Part 6 summary

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