Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 12

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"You teach me every day," the agent said softly. "Je suis desolee (I am sorry)."

Ca.s.sidy turned in the agent's strong arms. Tenderly, she caressed Alex's cheek and saw a faint smile creep across the agent's face. "Tu n'as pas tre desolee, mon amour. Je serai toujours l (You don't have to be sorry, love. I will always be here)." Alex bent down and kissed her lover gently. Ca.s.sidy pulled back and smiled. "I will look forward to the lesson," Ca.s.sidy whispered in the agent's ear. "But, I still need you to move the table."

laire Brackett looked left and then right, checking her surroundings completely. Across the street a blue sedan sat inconspicuously. The driver s.h.i.+fted in his seat and watched as the young woman climbed into her vehicle. "What are you up to, Brackett?" Brian Fallon wondered aloud. He studied the car carefully as it began to pull away from the curb. Patiently, he waited as the car carrying the young woman reached the corner of the street. Slowly he pulled his sedan out, leaving enough distance between them to ensure that no one would suspect his presence. He glanced in the rearview mirror and gasped. "What the h.e.l.l?" Quickly, he refocused his attention on the car a block ahead, glancing back to confirm the sight he still needed to process. "O'Brien, what are you doing with Brackett now?" he mumbled as he turned his full attention ahead. "I will figure your game out Claire; believe it.", April 19th "Did the road move again?" Ca.s.sidy asked the woman sitting in the driver's seat. A soft chuckle escaped from her mother who was seated behind her.

"What?" Alex asked a bit defensively.

"You've moved that mirror at least five times in the last fifteen minutes," Ca.s.sidy observed. "And, I'm pretty certain that winds.h.i.+eld is cleaner than it has ever been." Alex had a habit of fidgeting when she was nervous. She forced an unconvincing smile and reached for the radio when she felt Ca.s.sidy's hand take hold of hers, placing it gently to rest on the teacher's knee. There were few things that could rattle Alex Toles. Her parents remained at the top of that very short list. Gently, but firmly Ca.s.sidy kept Alex's hand in her grasp. Alex Toles was a woman with many layers and even in the most difficult moments, Ca.s.sidy loved her completely.

"Ready?" Alex asked as she pulled into the driveway of 122 Pond View Road. Ca.s.sidy smiled feeling the warmth of Alex's hand which was uncharacteristically trembling. Dylan was already opening his door and Rose struggled to contain her amus.e.m.e.nt at his enthusiasm when he caught sight of Cat running toward them. "Dylan," Alex started to call, but the two boys were already in a sprint toward one another.

"It will be fine," Ca.s.sidy rea.s.sured the agent. "Come on."

"I was surprised to get your call," Michael Taylor said to the man in front of him.

"I'm sure," the man answered.

"So? What is it that you wanted to discuss?" Taylor asked. The NSA Director of Domestic Affairs was curious and skeptical of the man that stood before him now.

"Agent Toles," the man began.

"What about her?" Taylor asked stoically.

"There are things that she needs to know, Director. Things you should both know."

Michael Taylor bit his bottom lip and his eyes narrowed. "What things?" The taller man nodded and retrieved a piece of paper from his coat pocket, handing it to the NSA director. "I don't understand," Taylor offered as he studied the paper.

"That's all I can give you," the man answered, "at least now. There are answers there, or at least that is where you can find the trail."

"Even I don't have access to...."

The taller man began to turn to make his exit and stopped. "Few have access. I can't help you with that. I am certain Agent Toles will have an idea," he suggested.

"You are suggesting we break into a top secret," Taylor began and was immediately interrupted.

"If you want the answers, Director Taylor, you will need to search the sources." The taller man turned and walked away. He continued his thought without slowing, "be careful, Taylor, both of you. Send Toles."

The day was progressing far more smoothly than Alex had antic.i.p.ated. Bringing Rose along proved a G.o.dsend for the agent. Ca.s.sidy's mother expertly navigated the rocky waters of conversation with Helen and Nicolaus Toles. Alex chuckled thinking that Ca.s.sidy's mother could charm the pants off a president or a punk with equal ease. It was a trait that Rose McCollum had pa.s.sed onto her daughter and Alex was amazed at the ease with which Ca.s.sidy had engaged Helen Toles. She laughed at the thought as she watched her brother chase after a wobbly thrown football. Cat and Dylan had become engaged in an impromptu football game, albeit a wobbly one. It gave Alex and Nick an excuse to leave the female dominated conversation inside the house to "instruct" the boys. In true form, brother and sister had decided that a game was in order; Nick proclaiming that it would be "epic".

Alex bent over and whispered to Cat while Nick mimicked the same action with Dylan. They met in the middle of the yard; Nick offering his sister a smug smile. In an instant Dylan was off with a shot. Alex chased down Nick and sacked him, but not before he had a chance to launch the ball high in the air forcefully. Cat took off after Dylan who was determined that this was his moment. Dylan held his arms out and watched the ball sail toward him. It was right there; right in his small grasp and he jumped slightly to meet it. He felt the ball in his arms and then he felt his body thrust to the ground. Alex hopped to her feet just as the small boy tumbled backward. Like a bullet from a gun she was off to his side. "Jesus, Nick!" she scolded, looking at the trail of blood running down Dylan's face.

"I caught it Uncle Nick!" he proclaimed.

"I guess you did," Nick tried not to laugh.

"You're not supposed to catch it with your face," Cat said plainly.

"I still caught it," Dylan insisted as Alex swept him up and headed swiftly for the house. The agent's heart was racing faster than she could remember. Ca.s.sidy shook her head as a pale faced Alex stepped into the kitchen. "I caught it Mom!"

"I can see that," Ca.s.sidy said calmly.

"Good Lord, Alexis," Helen Toles began. "What did you do to that boy?"

"What? I didn't....Nick....."

"Hey, he caught it," Nick shrugged.

"Honestly, Alexis. He is just a boy." Alex sat Dylan in a chair and Ca.s.sidy accepted a wet rag and some ice from Alex's mother.

"I told you we'd win," Dylan winced at Alex through a few silent tears, determined to stay tough.

"Dylan," Alex began when her mother cut her off.

"Alexis, let the mothers take care of this. You two have caused enough grief for one day," she pointed to her children.

Alex looked at Ca.s.sidy sheepishly and was met with a rea.s.suring smile. She felt Nick's hand leading her away and shook her head. "What happened?" Nicolaus Toles asked as his children entered the living room.

"Casualty," Nick explained, flopping back onto the couch.

Alex sat in a chair close to the doorway, trying to listen to the conversation a few rooms away. "Alexis," her father began, prompting her to meet his gaze. "Boys will be boys. If you had children you would know that."

Nick looked at his sister and bit his lip. "It was my fault," he admitted in an attempt to change the subject. "I threw it too hard."

"Just toughening him up," Nicolaus Toles said firmly. "Cat can handle it. He's a Toles."

"It wasn't Cat that got hurt," Alex said.

"Oh?" her father inquired.

"No," she said.

"Your friend's son, then?" he asked as he continued to peruse the magazine in front of him.

Alex felt his words cut through her. "My friend?"

"Well, yes, what else would you call her?"

Nick scratched his eyebrow and looked to his sister in hopes of calming what he knew was a rising storm. "She's my partner."

"I don't understand, Alexis. She's a teacher, isn't she?" her father answered.

"You know perfectly well what I mean," Alex responded sharply.

"I don't know why you are getting so upset," her father said coolly. "I'm sure the young man is fine."

"The young man has a name."

"Alex?" a voice called from the door. The agent turned to see a small, slowly bruising face approaching.

"Hey, Speed; you all right?" Alex asked as Dylan reached her.

He nodded and looked at Nick. "Sorry, Uncle Nick."

"What do you mean Dylan? You caught the ball," Nick praised.

"Yeah, but I didn't make the touchdown."

"Not your fault, Dylan," Nick a.s.sured him. "It was a bad throw."

Dylan smiled as Alex's finger made its way to his lip. The agent sighed and gave the boy a crooked smile. "Mom wants you in the kitchen," Dylan said taking hold of the agent's hand.

"Uh-oh, am I in trouble?" Alex asked quietly.

"Not with Mom," he said. "Maybe with your mom," he tried to whisper.

Nick snickered as he watched his sister nervously move to her feet. "Good luck," he smirked.

Dylan pulled at Alex's hand. "I'll be right there," she said, encouraging him to continue onward. Alex stopped in the doorway and looked at her father. "That young man?" Alex looked squarely at her father as he dropped the magazine slightly to meet her gaze. "His name is Dylan...and he is my son."

"Brackett. What are you doing?" Brian Fallon ran through possibilities in his mind as he watched the young woman enter a small building on L Street. The gate rolled up and the redheaded agent walked in. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing in this neighborhood?" Fallon mused. He was frustrated with keeping his surveillance at a distance. All of the younger agent's actions clearly indicated that she was engaged in something below the radar; possibly even from whomever she was working for. He pulled the sedan over into a small adjacent alley and made his decision. Somehow he would gain entrance to that building. Claire Brackett had information. Time was not always an ally. That was a fact that Brian Fallon understood clearly. He needed to get closer. There was no other option.

Alex sat at the dinner table listening to her brother and father talk about business. Her mother and Rose talked about children, and Ca.s.sidy and Barb occasionally broke in with their own tales about the two boys. Cat and Dylan were laughing at the far end of the table. Alex found herself wis.h.i.+ng she could shrink somehow and be part of their conversation. She felt completely alone and her father's words and tone kept pouring through her mind. It reminded her of when she was younger. Why didn't she play with the other girls? Nicolaus Toles sought to correct that with a paddle and a thick stick. When she announced her acceptance to West Point her father rolled his eyes and left the room. The only time she had ever introduced her parents to a lover, her father refused to call the woman by her name. It was Ms. Johnson. She felt the tension building in her back as she played with the food on her plate mindlessly.

"So we have some interesting news," Nick's voice broke the agent's silent memories.

"Oh?" Helen Toles smiled.

"Well, it seems we'll need another chair at the table soon," Nick smiled.

"Why?" his father inquired. "You make a new friend?" Alex felt the words like a knife in her back, knowing they were directed at her.

Barb responded. "Not exactly, Dad."

"Oh...You're pregnant!" Helen Toles erupted with delight, receiving a confirming nod from her daughter-in-law.

"Well, about time we added some more grandchildren," Alex's father said bluntly.

Barb caught sight of Alex's forced smile as Nicolaus Toles stared at his daughter harshly. "It will be quite the full table this time next year," Barb offered. "Seems like everyone's family is growing," she smiled at Alex.

"Umm...always thought Alexis would be the one. When you have a daughter you just expect..." Alex's father began.

"It's wonderful news, Barb," Rose interjected, pretending she had no prior knowledge.

"Alex might surprise you yet," Barb looked at her father-in-law.

The agent nearly choked on her water and Ca.s.sidy gasped slightly at Barb's a.s.sertion. "I don't think Alexis..." he began.

Barb was growing tired of Nicolaus Toles and his hurtful rhetoric. She was well aware of the way it affected both Alex and her husband at times. Alex and Ca.s.sidy were family, her family. Ca.s.sidy had quickly become the sister Barb had always wished for and she regarded Dylan every bit as much Alex's son now as she did Cat her own. The Toles family had a way of avoiding honest conversation and talking in circles. In the few instances that Alex had joined the family in the last few years; she had always been the target of her parent's veiled insults. After the last get together, two years earlier, the agent had deliberately stayed away. Barb recalled that evening well. Helen Toles had admonished Alex for not taking a stronger role in the family. She should be married by now and raising her own family. The agent's father had bluntly stated his disappointment in Alex's choices. She could have had everything. He'd worked his whole life to make sure she would have everything and she had spit in his face. At least Nick was normal, he explained. Alex had calmly risen from her seat and excused herself. She had not returned since, not even at the holidays. "Well, we are all lucky to have Dylan," Barb continued without missing a beat. "But frankly, I hope Ca.s.sidy talks Alex into at least one more," she winked at the teacher.

"One more?" Alex's father looked at his daughter-in-law.

Nick looked at his wife to caution her but she had reached her limit. "Yes, you know, a baby." Ca.s.sidy learned her forehead on her hand as Alex's jaw flew open.

"Mom? Are you having a baby?" Dylan lisped through his split lip.

"No," Alex and Ca.s.sidy answered simultaneously.

"Awww," he huffed and turned back to Cat. "How come you get one?"

Nick and Rose both started laughing. "Time for dessert, I'd say," Nick interjected.

"Yes, it is," Alex said looking for any means of escape. "I'll take care of that."

"You?" Helen Toles questioned.

"Yes, Mother. I do know how to get plates and cut pie," Alex responded offering her hand to Ca.s.sidy who accepted willingly and followed Alex to the kitchen.

"I'll help," Barb offered.

"Yeah, thanks," Alex whispered to her sister-in-law. "Think you've helped enough."

"I know," Barb giggled with some satisfaction as they entered the kitchen. "I thought he was going to hemorrhage right there!"

"You do know Dylan is not going to forget that?" Ca.s.sidy raised her eyebrow at Barb. Barb just shrugged.

"Yeah she knows," a man's voice called from the doorway. "It's part of her master plan," Nick laughed.

Alex remained silent, retrieving small plates and forks and placing them on the counter. Ca.s.sidy looked at the agent who had begun to pinch the bridge of her nose with some force. "Let me take those," Barb said reaching in front of Alex as Nick grabbed the pie and motioned to his wife to follow.

"Alex," Ca.s.sidy said softly. "I'm sorry if..." Alex smiled and looked at woman she loved standing just a few inches away. Helen Toles was making her way toward them and stopped just shy of the kitchen to see her daughter lean forward toward Ca.s.sidy. She watched and listened curiously in the distance.

Alex sighed and kissed Ca.s.sidy's forehead. "What was that for?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

Alex shrugged. "I don't care what they think."

Ca.s.sidy's eyebrows lifted and she pursed her lips. "Yes, you do care."

"Maybe," Alex smiled earnestly. "I just want to get this over with, Ca.s.s, and go home."

Ca.s.sidy nodded and rubbed the agent's arm. "I know that made you uncomfortable."

"Ca.s.s, I am always uncomfortable here."

"I'm sorry," Ca.s.sidy looked down sadly.

"I am sorry if they made you feel like..."

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 12 summary

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