Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 36

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"I don't know what I think. Think about it, Ca.s.sidy. All these people. They were born into this. It's like some secret society, some bad B movie plot, except it's not. I don't even know what side is what. Who is in for what? Who is reporting to..."

Alex was becoming agitated in her train of thought. This information confirmed John Merrow's betrayal of her trust and that, Ca.s.sidy understood, was a painful pill for Alex Toles to swallow. The teacher grabbed Alex's hand and removed it slowly from its position on the agent's face. "Just promise me," Ca.s.sidy began when Alex finally fully opened her eyes to look at her. "That you will not rush into some..."

"I promise. Anyway, I was thinking we should see my parents and..."

"You want Jane to go with us to your parents' house?" Ca.s.sidy laughed. Alex was nervous about telling her parents about their engagement and Ca.s.sidy knew Alex would likely seek any buffer she could.

"No, I thought....maybe a cook-out here, before we go to London on Thursday."

Ca.s.sidy nodded. "Mm-hm."


"Nothing," Ca.s.sidy chuckled as she rose from her seat. "Invite Jane and the girls up for the weekend. I'll call my mother and Barb, but you are calling your mother."

"Yeah, but she loves..."

"Nope. Not happening," Ca.s.sidy shook her head as she made her way out of the room.

"Great," Alex grumbled.

"Call your mother, Alex," Ca.s.sidy called back.

"Yeah. At least I won't have to cook," Alex chuckled.

"No, but you can mow the lawn. Your feet seem to be just fine."

"My feet?" Alex was puzzled.

Ca.s.sidy peeked back through the door. "Yes, Alex, your feet. I saw your dance moves with Dylan last night." With that she took her leave.

Alex laughed. "I've got some moves all right," she muttered.

"And the lawn looks forward to them," Ca.s.sidy called back. "I'm off to get Dylan. Call your mother."

Friday, May 9th The redhead climbed off of the form lying beneath her and smirked with satisfaction. "You're certain it can't be traced back to me?" he asked.

Claire Brackett let out a roar. "I've told you a thousand times, Congressman, everything is traceable. Why do you care if they trace it to you? They'll know the minute it breaks who was responsible."

"I don't care about them," he offered, resting his hands behind his head casually and enjoying watching the attractive woman prance about the room.

"People see what they want to see," she said, b.u.t.toning her long white blouse to just above her navel before making her way back to the bed. "All we do is make suggestions, Congressman," she purred into his ear and tugged at it with her teeth slightly. "So, they will be heroes or they will be villains. Depends," she cooed and pulled back slightly to regard him.

"And to you?" he asked. "Why do you even care, Claire?"

Her smile widened. "I don't. Perception is power." She ran her fingers down his chest and he s.h.i.+vered slightly. "Control perception, change perception...that is power."

"I thought knowledge was power," he pulled her closer with a smug grin.

She scoffed at his a.s.sertion. "Knowledge is really no more than perception." She straddled his waist as he fought to swallow his mounting desire. "Like now, what do you see?" He reached for her and she clasped his hands firmly. "You see power. Seductive, isn't it?" His breath was becoming ragged as the young agent took control. "Be careful, Chris." She leaned back into his ear tracing it with her tongue and whispered to him. "Perception is fickle." He had reached his limit with her games and swiftly grabbed hold of her, thrusting her beneath him in an attempt to a.s.sert his control. Claire Brackett licked her lips as her eyes danced in amus.e.m.e.nt. "That's it, Congressman, you take control."

"I will," he said.

"Your game." He pressed into her and she continued softly, "Just remember, there is a fine line between the victim and the hero." Her words were silenced by the ferocity of his kiss. "A fine line," she muttered as she willingly gave over to his demands., May 10th "Mr. President."

"Admiral, to what do I owe the honor of your visit," President Strickland asked wryly.

"Larry. We need to discuss this upcoming trip you are making to Europe," Admiral Brackett explained.

"What is it that you want, Bill?" the president asked pointedly.

"You need to win over Edmond." The admiral paused for a moment and paced the floor. President Lawrence Strickland watched him closely. There was something slightly different in William Brackett's posture. The admiral teetered on the side of in his usual stance. His gait seemed somehow slower, perhaps even a bit unsteady. "Things," the admiral continued, "circ.u.mstances have changed somewhat with our French counterparts."

The president nodded and attempted to suppress his amus.e.m.e.nt. The president had traveled in this school of fish for many years. He had connections in every corner of Was.h.i.+ngton and beyond. While he might be somewhat nave to the tactics of some of the players; he was neither stupid nor uninformed. President Lawrence Strickland could be as ruthless as anyone the admiral had ever met. His ambition combined with his connections made him a potentially volatile player for the admiral. "You are referring to your daughter, I a.s.sume."

"Well," the admiral continued. "Claire can be a bit....impetuous. Some of her actions were..."


"Yes, they were. That is well in hand." The admiral stopped his pacing and sat in a large chair. "There is concern over the movement of materials. Some of the legislation that might complicate that process."

The president fought to contain his obvious delight. Admiral William Brackett needed him and that put him squarely in the driver's seat. "You are referring to the organophosphorus clause in HR1929." The admiral nodded. "And what, Bill, is it that concerns our friends?"

"Not only that measure. Funding initiatives. We have agreements. You must know that. We need clear channels for the movement of funds and technology. Restrictions, oversight on intelligence agencies, these are not measures that bode will with our partners."

The president lifted his chin and tightened his jaw line. "And, why, Bill? Why are we providing this technology? And, to whom?"

"We know Iran is in the business. We know Pakistan is at the ready. We need to be certain that our interests..."

"I see. Yes, I suppose we do, Admiral. Rest easy on the resolutions. I will see to that. As for Edmond, well...I will rea.s.sure him."

"I hope so, Mr. President," the admiral offered as he rose to leave.

"Bill?" the president called after him. "Be cautious," he smiled.

The admiral seethed inside. Vulnerability was not something he was accustomed to. His daughter's actions and the man sitting before him now placed him in an unusually precarious position. He nodded his false appreciation at the president's sentiment. "Sir," he answered simply as he took his leave. "Oh, Claire. You had better watch yourself," he whispered aloud as he made his way down the hall.

"Alex!" Ca.s.sidy called. "Can you get that, please?"

Alex smiled and began to make her way to the front door when Dylan barreled by her. "Slow down, Speed. Where's the fire?" she laughed. He was sliding in his socks across the hardwood floor and opening the door before she could say another word.

"Well, h.e.l.lo, Dylan," Jane Merrow greeted the young boy.

He frowned slightly and then offered her the hint of a smile. "Hi."

"Not quite who you were expecting, huh?" Just then Dylan caught sight of Stephanie and Alexandra Merrow heading up the driveway and he brightened. Jane shook her head and laughed. "Yes, I know. They are far more interesting than me."

"Hi Jane," Alex greeted as Dylan tipped his head backward to meet her gaze.

"Alex," Jane hugged the agent as her daughters finally came even with her.

"Captain," Stephanie winked.

"Hi, Steph. Alex. Dylan, why don't you take Steph and Alex to see Mom?" Alex offered.

He nodded and grabbed hold of Stephanie's hand, leading the pair swiftly away. "MOM!"

Jane laughed. "He certainly has energy."

"Yeah, well, I don't call him Speed for nothing," Alex replied as Jane stepped in through the door. "Where are your bags? You are staying..."

"Yes, Alex. The girls would never have let me get out of this invitation. They are in the car," she motioned to the Secret Service agent several yards away. The former first lady narrowed her gaze. "So, what is this all about, Captain?"

Alex directed her friend into the living room and sat across from her. "Maybe I just wanted to see how you were doing." Alex smirked.

"Nice try, Alex."

The agent sighed. "You're right. I need to talk to you about some things. About this Collaborative, as you call it."


"Yeah, well, I do. But," Alex shook her head and smiled. "That's tomorrow's agenda."

"I see. So what is today's agenda?" Jane asked curiously.

The agent stood and rubbed her eyebrow in thought. "Today is a barbeque."

"Yes, you told me that when you called. You really are becoming quite domestic," Jane poked. Alex nodded as she bit her bottom lip gently. "All right, what is going on, Alex? Is everything all right with Dylan? Something happen with that a.s.shole..."

Alex laughed. "No. Nothing like that." Jane raised her hands in questioning and Alex let out a sigh. "Yeah, you know about that domestic thing..."

Jane rolled her eyes. "Was I supposed to buy you a blender or something? Do you even know how to use a blender?"

"Funny. Ca.s.sidy has that covered." Jane laughed. "And, you might just be surprised how easily I navigate appliances." Jane raised her eyebrow playfully. "Oh...All right. I asked Ca.s.sidy to marry me." Jane stared blankly at the agent. "Did you hear me?"

"Did you just say you asked Ca.s.sidy to marry you?" Alex nodded and offered her friend a cheesy grin. "Uh-huh, I thought that's what you said."

"I thought you'd be happy," Alex said with disappointment.

Jane chuckled. "I am happy...for you. It's Ca.s.sidy I'm worried about."

"What? Why would you..."

"Oh, Alex, relax. Honestly, you are so easy sometimes." Alex sighed in relief. "So, why not just call me? I mean aside from tomorrow's agenda, as you put it. Why invite me and the girls?"

"Because," an approaching voice broke in. "She needs moral support. She figures her parents will behave with the former first lady in the house." Ca.s.sidy smiled and reached over to kiss Jane on the cheek.

"Well, whatever I can do," Jane rolled her eyes.

"Where are Steph and..."

Ca.s.sidy laughed. "Believe it or not they seemed quite enthralled by Dylan's promise to show them all his techniques down on that pool table." The teacher shook her head. "I believe his words were, I have mad skills?" Ca.s.sidy scrunched her face.

"Well....he...I mean...he is..." The sound of the doorbell was a welcome interruption. "I'll just," Alex started toward the door, "get that now..." Ca.s.sidy shook her head again and smiled broadly.

"So?" Jane implored.


"Well, please tell me she gave you a ring."

The teacher laughed and extended her hand. "She told you already?"

"Alex is horrible..."

"At hiding things?" Ca.s.sidy nodded. "Yes, I know."

"It's beautiful, Ca.s.sidy."

"I am glad you are here, Jane." The former first lady seemed slightly puzzled. "And not just for Alex," she continued. "I realize...well, it's not the time for certain things, but Dylan...well, I'd still like him to get to know his..."

"His sisters?" Jane smiled. Ca.s.sidy nodded. "I know. And they adore him already." The teacher closed her eyes and felt Jane take her hand. Things sometimes seemed so complicated and so simple all at once. It amazed Ca.s.sidy that somehow they had all been brought together. She was no fatalist, but she had to admit it seemed the universe somehow conspired to be certain they would all find each other.

"Come in," Alex encouraged. "You've met Nick and Barb... Jane Merrow, these are my parents, Helen and Nick Toles."

"Pleased to meet you," Jane offered sincerely. "You must be so proud of Alex," she said. "She's always been such a good friend to me, and to John." She grew quiet and Ca.s.sidy instinctively rubbed her back, sensing the sadness that lingered.

"Well, yes...pleasure to meet you Mrs. Merrow," Alex's father replied accepting her grasp.

"Just Jane, please."

"Well, why don't we make our way out back?" Ca.s.sidy suggested.

The group followed and Nick caught his sister on the way. "Maybe you should tell them alone, Alex." The agent just shook her head. "All right, just be..."

"Nick, whatever he does, he does. This is my home. Mine and Ca.s.sidy's. And I..."

Her brother nodded his understanding. "I hope you bought beer. If you don't need one, I think I might."

"What the h.e.l.l?" Brian Fallon rubbed his hand back and forth over his head.

"Brian, calm down," his wife urged.

"Alex is going to flip."

Kate Fallon stared at the television screen and rubbed her own eyes. There were images playing of Ca.s.sidy beside several different men and women. She rolled her tongue across the insides of her cheeks and blew out a heavy breath. "Why would anyone...I mean, no one is going to believe," before she could finish an image of Alex flashed onto the screen next to a handsome young Army Officer.

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 36 summary

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