Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 4

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"I might be implying that I can't resist you," Alex answered.

Ca.s.sidy closed her eyes. "We finish the game."

"All right," Alex smiled. "Then listen carefully. Feel that?" Alex lifted the cue in Ca.s.sidy's grip and Ca.s.sidy nodded. "Okay, now look ahead." The agent helped the smaller woman prepare, breathing each instruction into her ear. Ca.s.sidy was determined to remain focused; knowing that Alex intended to try and break her concentration any way that she could. The cue pulled back and the b.a.l.l.s flew across the table with a loud 'click'. Ca.s.sidy jumped up in excitement. "Pool it is," Alex laughed.

The game continued and Alex settled into contentment teaching her lover. She reveled in the closeness of every instruction and could tell by the way Ca.s.sidy moved that she did as well. Watching her lover smile and cheer with excitement as she completed shots delighted the agent. In little time Ca.s.sidy was largely on her own and Alex's eyes sparkled watching the woman she loved. She stood back now as Ca.s.sidy walked to the table and lined up her shot. Alex enjoyed the compet.i.tive side she saw in her lover. Now it was the eight ball. Alex was certain that Ca.s.sidy suspected she was taking it easy on her. Nevertheless, the agent looked forward to her lover's expression when she won. Alex leaned on her cue and marveled at the intensity in Ca.s.sidy's eyes as the teacher gracefully moved the cue back and forth, just as she had been instructed. The ball flew across the table, effortlessly finding its way into the pocket. Ca.s.sidy jumped up and across the room directly into Alex's arms. The agent erupted in genuine laughter. "Geez, Ca.s.s, I wish I got you that excited." Ca.s.sidy giggled and looked into Alex's eyes. "You are so beautiful," Alex whispered.

"You let me win," Ca.s.sidy admitted with a smile, wrapping her hands around Alex's neck.

"Nah. You won fair and square. Fast learner," Alex complimented.

"Is that right?" Ca.s.sidy lifted an eyebrow.


"You're a good teacher."

"You think so?" Ca.s.sidy nodded. "I'll take that as a compliment from the best teacher I know."

"What are you sucking up for?" Ca.s.sidy flirted. Alex leaned in and kissed the woman in her arms. Hearing the sigh that escaped from her lover, Alex kissed Ca.s.sidy more deeply and lifted her onto the pool table. "You know this pool table wasn't cheap," Ca.s.sidy said with a smirk.

"Lesson two, it's called running the table."

"Really?" Ca.s.sidy questioned. Alex nodded. "Hum. Can't say I've heard that," Ca.s.sidy joked.

"Still a novice," the agent grinned, her fingers now addressing the b.u.t.tons on the denim s.h.i.+rt as Ca.s.sidy's hands wrapped themselves gently in the agent's falling hair. Alex pulled back and whispered softly in her lover's ear, "I need you."

"Show me," Ca.s.sidy whispered back. Alex caught her breath and let her kisses trail along her lover's neck. "Alex..."

"Shhh," Alex caressed the soft cheek before her and drank in the desire she saw in Ca.s.sidy's eyes. As always, Alex was mesmerized. Right now all she felt was this woman she loved so completely; there were no words. There was no pain in this moment, no fear, only Ca.s.sidy. "Ca.s.sidy, je t'aime plus que je ne pourrais jamais te le montrer (I love you more than I could ever show you)."

Ca.s.sidy held Alex's face in her hands. "Tu me le montre a chaque instant (you show me every moment)." She felt Alex lean over her and closed her eyes. Whatever lay ahead, all that mattered was this moment. There was no choice but to surrender to the need and the desire that filled them both now. There was nothing to compare. It was not a typical moment. Nothing in their lives now was typical, and it only served to remind them that there remained one refuge; one another's arms. "Alex," Ca.s.sidy managed as Alex held her close though wave after wave of an ecstasy she once thought existed only in imagination.

"Tu es mon monde (you are my world)," Alex said as she felt her own body succ.u.mb. "I love you, Ca.s.s."

"You ready?" Ca.s.sidy asked gently. "Alex?" The agent offered a halfhearted smile and the teacher sighed. They had shared an amazing night making love, holding each other, laughing, even crying. "Why don't I go move Dylan along?"

Alex shook her head. "I'll go." Ca.s.sidy's brow furrowed slightly. "It's okay, Ca.s.s." Alex started out of the room and then turned back to look at the teacher.

"What is it?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

"Ask me when we get home," Alex winked.

"Alex?" The agent just smiled more broadly and turned to leave.

"I promise I will tell you then," she whispered as she crossed the hallway.

"I can't wait to find out," Ca.s.sidy called out.

"I knew you'd hear that," Alex called back.

Ca.s.sidy laughed. "I love you, Alex Toles," she said quietly as she closed her bag. "More than I can even believe."

es, Mr. President. I understand."

"Congressman," President Strickland continued. "Sympathy is our ally, do you really understand?"

"Of course," Christopher O'Brien answered.

"There is great sympathy for all that President Merrow dedicated himself to and all that he loved."

"The measures will not be a problem," the congressman said.

"No. I don't expect they will be. Nevertheless I need you in place."

O'Brien was confused. "I'm sorry; I am not following you."

"Your ex-wife; she has the public's affection."

"I'm not certain what that...."

President Strickland sighed. "Chris, it will become apparent; the relations.h.i.+p..."

"I did my best to compel her not to continue..."

"Congressman, I meant the longtime relations.h.i.+p that Agent Toles had with the president. Jane Merrow has requested Agent Toles and her family be with the Merrow family at the funeral. You really don't know much about this; do you?"

"Ca.s.sidy and I don't talk about..."

"I'm sure," Strickland chuckled. "Agent Toles saved the president's life, or that is how he told it. Be cautious. That is likely to be in the press soon and it will only increase the affection for your ex-wife."

"And who would put that in the press?" the congressman asked in frustration. The president remained silent. "I see. What do you gain by making her a hero?"

"Just take my advice. I want you to make a trip Monday."

"A trip? You do realize I am still not...."

"France. Be ready. It's time," Strickland commanded.


"That's right. You'll get the details at Senator Levy's." The president smiled as he caressed the top of his desk, surveying the office he had coveted for so long. "This is my s.h.i.+p now, Congressman. Make nice at the funeral." Congressman O'Brien swallowed hard as he heard the phone click. Whatever this trip was for, the only thing he could be certain of was that it would put him at greater risk. Strickland benefited from spending so many years quietly in the background. It allowed him to leverage relations.h.i.+ps and he had many people who owed him. Christopher O'Brien was at the top of that list and his debt was just called in as due.

Ca.s.sidy looked beside her at the tall, attractive woman in the next seat. Alex was contentedly watching Dylan as he gazed out of the airplane window. Ca.s.sidy could not remove her sight from the two people that she loved the most. She wondered what was going through her lover's mind. "Alex?" Ca.s.sidy called gently. She could see Alex's lip curling into the hint of a smile but Alex remained silent. She reached over and touched the agent's arm. "Honey?" The endearment sparked the agent to turn and the smile she offered Ca.s.sidy, while solemn, was broad. "What?" Ca.s.sidy asked softly.


"Me?" Ca.s.sidy asked. "I didn't do anything."

"Yes; you did." Alex kissed her lover on the cheek.

"Alex, what were you thinking about just now?"

"I was much Dylan is like you."

"Like me? Really?"

"Um hum." Alex looked back at the boy who was oblivious to everything around him and was leaning his small face as close to the window as possible. "He is. I'm glad you are both with me," Alex confessed, prompting Ca.s.sidy to take her hand and squeeze it gently. Alex returned the warm gesture and moved to look out the window with the small boy again.

"Alex?" Dylan asked when he felt her head take up residence over his own.

"Yeah, Speed?"

"How can you fly through a cloud when you can't see?"

Alex smiled. "Well, that's a good question. I'm not a pilot."

"Do you think I could fly an airplane?" he asked.

"I think you could do just about anything you wanted, Dylan." Ca.s.sidy listened and took a deep breath, laying her head against the seat and tenderly rubbing Alex's hand with her thumb.

"But planes are really big, Alex. How can they stay up here?"

"You know, Speed. I have a feeling there are a couple of people you might like to talk to while we are in Was.h.i.+ngton."

"How come?" Dylan asked.

"Well, my friend, know; the president? He had some friends who are pilots." Dylan turned wide eyed to the woman beside him. "Yeah, he did," Alex continued. "You like cars and planes, huh?" The boy nodded. "Yeah, so did John." Alex felt Ca.s.sidy's grip reflexively tighten. "There will be some people there who fly really fast planes."

"Can I go with them?" he asked hopefully.

Alex laughed. "I don't know about that, Speed. But, I'll bet you could ask them your questions." Dylan smiled and returned his focus to the window.


"Yeah, Speed?"

"How come the president died?"

Alex took a deep breath and felt Ca.s.sidy's hand hold hers firmly. "Oh, Dylan; I wish I had an answer."

"Somebody shot him," he said.


"Why? He wasn't a bad guy, he's the president."

Alex nodded and looked into Dylan's eyes as he turned to her. "Dylan, sometimes people do things that hurt other people. I don't know why. Maybe because they are lost or sad or angry."

"But you stop them," Dylan said proudly.

The agent smiled at his innocence. "I try. People who do what I do, we try."

"Alex?" Alex just looked at him. "People shouldn't hurt other people."

"No, Dylan; they shouldn't."

"He was nice to me."

"I know he was. I'm sure he liked you," Alex a.s.sured him.

"He gave me a plane once." Ca.s.sidy looked at the pair beside her and felt her heart drop as she listened.

"He did?" Alex asked with genuine curiosity.

"Yeah. Just like his." Alex chuckled at the story. It did not surprise her. John Merrow loved planes and he loved children, especially his own.

Ca.s.sidy recalled that day well. They had been at a fund-raiser. She had lost Dylan momentarily and when she captured sight of him again, she found the president on his knees talking to her son. She had watched as President Merrow handed her son the toy replica of Air Force One and noted the wide smile on both faces as he explained the different parts of the aircraft to Dylan. At four, Dylan was just thrilled to have some attention and a toy. When the president began to rise he noticed Ca.s.sidy watching and offered her a smiling acknowledgment. It was a moment she had not given much thought to in years. Now, it seemed to her it would be a moment she would never forget. The agent felt the tension in her lover's grip and glanced across to see the tear falling down Ca.s.sidy's cheek. "Well, Dylan," Alex said. "I know that the president would be so happy to know that you remember that." Dylan smiled and looked back out the window. "Ca.s.s?" Alex turned her lover.

"I forgot about that day."

"No, you just haven't had a reason to recall it."

Ca.s.sidy shook her head. "He's like me, huh?"

The agent squeezed the teacher's hand. "Yep. Smart, sensitive, funny, good looking, and asks a lot of questions." Ca.s.sidy laughed. "Just like his mother," Alex finished. The teacher let out a sigh. "It'll be okay, Ca.s.s. I promise."

"Alex?" Ca.s.sidy asked.


"What didn't you want to tell me this morning?"

"Oh no, nice try. See what I mean? Two of a kind." Ca.s.sidy laughed and put her head on Alex's shoulder as the agent returned her focus to the clouds rolling by outside.

Agent Brian Fallon sat across the desk from NSA Director Michael Taylor. "Agent Fallon," Taylor began. "Do you understand the risks involved in this?" Brian Fallon nodded his understanding. "These people; this is not your run off the mill psychos. These people are connected. Connected to everything that makes the world tick. Some might say they are the reason it ticks at all."

"I understand," Fallon answered.

"Fallon, you have three kids. Have you considered..."

"Look," Fallon said. "I do understand. I can't just walk away. Alex..."

Michael Taylor nodded. "She has that effect on people, makes them do things they once thought crazy. She's not going to like..."

"Well," Fallon began, "whether or not she likes it, she'll need to accept it."

Taylor smiled. "I'll talk to her"

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 4 summary

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