Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 46

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"Taylor, it's what he does."

"And you?"

Alex just smiled. "It's what we do," she thought silently.

"Hey," Ca.s.sidy greeted. She rolled over and allowed her eyes to adjust to the figure entering the bedroom.

"Sorry it's so late," Alex apologized as she took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Didn't mean to wake you," she said as she kissed Ca.s.sidy's forehead.

"You didn't. I actually just got Dylan down about an hour ago."

"Why? Is he feeling okay?"

Ca.s.sidy jostled herself over toward Alex. "He's okay. Why don't you go get changed and come to bed."

"Oh no. What's going on?"

"Alex, it's fine. Go get changed." Alex shook her head, kicked off her shoes and positioned herself against the headboard, pulling Ca.s.sidy into her arms. "Nice try. You never let Dylan stay up this late. What happened? Wait...he didn't get sent to the's office again or..."

Ca.s.sidy giggled. "No. Although he ate so much pizza it might be considered a crime."

"I missed pizza?"

"Mm-hmm." Alex kissed the top of Ca.s.sidy's head. "There's some left for you."

"You are the best, Mrs. O'Brien." Alex paused. "By the way, what are you going to do about that?"

"About what?"

"You know? The Mrs. 'thing'," Alex explained.

"The Mrs. 'thing'? If I'm not mistaken I will still be a Mrs."

"Yeah, I guess you will. But we haven't talked about that. I mean, are you still going to be Mrs. O'Brien?"

Ca.s.sidy sat up and offered Alex a c.o.c.k-eyed smile. "I suppose I hadn't really thought about that." Ca.s.sidy could see the pained expression that Alex tried to conceal. "But no, Alex. I will not still be Mrs. O'Brien. What about you?" Ca.s.sidy tried not to laugh. "Technically you will be a Mrs. too, you know."

"Yeah. I guess so. I you want me to be Mrs. McCollum?"

Ca.s.sidy tried not to erupt in a roar of laughter at the question. She could hear the strain and yet the sincerity in Alex's voice. She took a deep breath to quell her threatening outburst and pretended to consider the question carefully. Alex's eyes seemed to get wider by the second and Ca.s.sidy decided to relieve her anxiety. "Mrs. McCollum is my mother," she winked and kissed Alex's cheek. "No, love. I do not want you to be Mrs. McCollum. I prefer you as a Toles." Alex smiled in relief, but Ca.s.sidy had no doubt that had she asked Alex to take her name, the agent would have done so without any hesitation. "Brings up some things we need to discuss," Ca.s.sidy said.

"Oh? Did you want to wait or...did you..."

"Alex, I told you before I would marry you right now if I could. No, I don't want to wait. But, Dylan..."

Alex felt a sudden rush of fear sweep through her. "Does he not want us to..."

"No, no," Ca.s.sidy sighed. "He wants to stand with you at the wedding."

"He's walking you..."

Ca.s.sidy nodded. "About that..."

"No," Alex was firm. "Ca.s.s, you are his mom. He needs to be..."

Two warm hands suddenly held Alex's face gently and stopped her speech. "He needs to be with both of us. He loves you so much, Alex. I knew that, but today...he just...he needs to know you want him to be part of your..."

Alex closed her eyes and nodded. "I guess I never even thought about that. I just figured he would want to be with you."

"I know."

"Ca.s.s, aren't you going to be disappointed if he doesn't walk you down the aisle?"

Ca.s.sidy blew out a heavy breath. "A little," she admitted. "Alex, if..."

"Listen, why don't you let me work on this, okay?" Alex offered. "I am going to my mom's tomorrow. Let me take Dylan with me."

"Are you sure? Don't you want to spend some time alone with her?"

"Ca.s.sidy, I should have thought of this earlier. I cannot subject my son to shopping with you and Rose and Barb all day tomorrow. That's just cruel." Ca.s.sidy smacked Alex playfully. "Well, it is."

"Um, you are shopping with Helen."

"Yes, but the operative word in that statement is you, meaning me. I won't be parading in and out of dress shops all day cooing over shoes and jewelry and hair styles. Me, it's one and done. You know you and..." Alex's rant was abruptly ended by Ca.s.sidy's kiss.

"You may not be cooing, but you will be with Helen, so my guess is more than one before you are done," Ca.s.sidy poked.

"Still more fun."

"Yes, I am sure that is true," Ca.s.sidy conceded.

"I'll talk to Dylan."

"If he wants to stand with you; I really am okay with..."

"Just let me work on this, okay?" Alex pleaded quietly. "You still didn't answer my question."

"What question?"

"What are you going to call yourself?" Alex asked.

Ca.s.sidy pursed her lips. She loved to tease Alex and this seemed a perfect opportunity. "Hum," she considered the question as she positioned herself to straddle the agent's hips. "I suppose I will call myself Ca.s.sidy."

Alex narrowed her gaze at her lover who was concentrating on the b.u.t.tons of Alex's blouse. "Yeah, but what about what your students will call you?"

"Don't have any of those to worry about right now," Ca.s.sidy answered, lowering her lips to Alex's neck.

"What about what your driver's license says?" Alex asked.

"Doesn't renew for six years," Ca.s.sidy continued her a.s.sault.

Alex was determined that Ca.s.sidy would not distract her, but the gentle caresses and kisses trailing down her body were making it increasingly difficult for her to form a coherent thought. "Okay...what about what..."

"Alex," Ca.s.sidy pulled herself up to look into her lover's eyes. "Why don't you just ask me what you want to ask me?"

"I don't..." Ca.s.sidy raised her eyebrow and Alex sighed. "I don't care, Ca.s.s. It doesn't matter."

"Yes, you do." Ca.s.sidy kissed the agent. "And, for the record Agent Toles, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you do care."

"I want you to do whatever makes you happy."

"You make me happy," Ca.s.sidy answered. "It's going to take some getting used to. I've been Mrs. O'Brien for a long time."

"You can be Ms. McCollum, you know?"

Ca.s.sidy shook her head. "No." She kissed the agent pa.s.sionately.

"You can be Ca.s.sidy McCollum-Toles."

Ca.s.sidy scrunched up her face. "Sounds like a disease. No." She kissed the agent again.

"Ca.s.s are you sure you want to be..."



"When we have a baby, what do you think his or her name will be?"

"I don't know."

"I think," Ca.s.sidy stroked the agent's cheek, "we both know it will be Toles. So, I think you have your answer." Alex smiled broadly and Ca.s.sidy arched her brow. "What?" Ca.s.sidy inquired.

"Nothing," Alex answered. She pulled Ca.s.sidy into a gentle kiss. "I just had this thought of our kids' friends calling you Mrs. Toles."

"Our kids, huh?" Ca.s.sidy smirked and Alex nodded. "Well, guess I will be busy then. Better make the most of our alone time now." She started to kiss Alex when she felt Alex pull away slightly. "What's wrong?"

Alex sat up and sighed. "What about Dylan, Ca.s.s? You can't change your name. I mean, he's an O'Brien. I don't want him to feel like..."

Ca.s.sidy kissed Alex gently. "I love you."

"What?" Alex asked in confusion.

"Well, I do." Ca.s.sidy tucked a lose strand of hair behind Alex's ear. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But, the answer is the same. I am not going to stay Ca.s.sidy O'Brien. I don't know why I never changed it before."

"I do," Alex said. "Dylan."

Ca.s.sidy closed her eyes. "You're right. It was Dylan. But Alex, in a a week I will be Mrs. Toles, not Mrs. O'Brien. Dylan will understand." Alex nodded with some sadness. "Alex?"

"You know I wish he could be a Toles. I mean...he is, but..."

"I think all you need to do is tell him that," Ca.s.sidy suggested. "Now," she said softly. "You don't have many more chances to make love to Ca.s.sidy O'Brien."

Alex's eyes took on a playful twinkle. "Seven days, seven nights."

"Six, actually. Better get started."

"I wonder," Alex mused as she placed Ca.s.sidy beneath her.

"What do you wonder?"

"What it will be like to make love to Ca.s.sidy Toles."

"Like nothing you have ever," Ca.s.sidy was lost to her lover's kiss.

"I have no doubt," Alex whispered. "I could make love to you forever."

Alex's hands were drifting sensually and softly over Ca.s.sidy's hip. Ca.s.sidy sighed and wrapped her hands around Alex's neck. "I may have to test that theory," she whispered. Her words were stopped by a long kiss that deepened gradually and set her ablaze. Alex began kissing her neck and Ca.s.sidy stopped to pull the agent back. She searched the blue eyes above her and had to close her own. "Je vais consacrer le reste de ma vie a t` aimer (I will spend the rest of my life loving you)," she promised.

Alex just smiled. Often she found that there were no words adequate to convey the depth of her feeling for the woman in her arms. Ca.s.sidy was nothing less than her world. When Alex held Ca.s.sidy everything faded away. There was no fear, no sadness, no questioning. There was comfort and completion in the connection they shared. Alex intended to show Ca.s.sidy how much the love between them meant to her. She caressed every inch of the woman she loved, slowly, tenderly, and lovingly. Every time she touched Ca.s.sidy it felt like the first time. Her mind went silent and her body hummed with energy. The sound of Ca.s.sidy's sighs, the feel of her own heart thrumming in her chest, the scent of Ca.s.sidy's shampoo, the way that Ca.s.sidy would reach for her, the expression of love that emanated in the beautiful eyes that searched hers; all of it carried Alex away and she was content to lose herself completely.

"Alex," Ca.s.sidy called softly as Alex's lips trailed over her stomach. "Please..." Alex reached for Ca.s.sidy's hands and suddenly felt transported to the first time they had made love. Alex had struggled to surrender. Somehow Ca.s.sidy understood. She reached for Alex's hands and held them tenderly. No one had ever reached for her that way, wanting only to love her and rea.s.sure her. It was such a simple gesture yet it meant everything to Alex. She felt Ca.s.sidy's hands in her own and looked up at the expression on her lover's face. Ca.s.sidy sensed Alex's gaze and opened her eyes. "I love you, Alex."

Alex tightened her grip on the hands she held and continued her gentle exploration. She felt Ca.s.sidy's hips rise to meet her and the teacher's fingers reflexively grasp her hand as the waves of pa.s.sion crested and fell. "I'm here," Alex whispered as she slowly lifted herself to look into Ca.s.sidy's eyes. She felt Ca.s.sidy draw her closer and laid down to pull the teacher onto her chest. "Thanks," Alex whispered.

"I didn't do anything....yet," Ca.s.sidy chuckled through a yawn as she drew small circles on the agent's skin.

"Yeah, you did, but if you have something else that...Ca.s.s?" Alex ran her fingers through Ca.s.sidy's hair. "Perfect," Alex sighed in contentment.

"What?" Ca.s.sidy mumbled.

Alex just shook her head and snuggled closer. "Nothing," she answered. "Go to sleep." She felt Ca.s.sidy's breathing even out and closed her eyes. "Yep, this is perfect.", May 23rd 'm glad you brought Dylan."

"Me too," Alex agreed. Dylan was walking slightly ahead of the pair down the street. "Wait there, Speed."

"So?" Helen asked.


"What do you mean, what? What are you going to wear, Alexis?" Helen asked as they caught up with Dylan.

"I don't know what I am going to wear."

"You are supposed to wear a dress," Dylan said.

"Who says?" He shrugged. "Well, I don't know. I don't think your mom expects me to wear a dress."

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 46 summary

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