Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 54

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Ca.s.sidy turned in Alex's arms. "I know. Me too. You gave him that chance, Alex. It meant so much to him, and to me. Dylan is lucky to have you in his life."

"You know, my mother seems to think I am going to have you pregnant on our wedding night," Alex smirked.

"In that case you'd better call Mulder and Scully down there on the dashboard," Ca.s.sidy laughed.

"Oh, I don't know, if I try all the things on the note my wife left, I think I might just have a chance."

"Well, you know, it seldom happens the first time, Alex. You'd better be prepared to try a whole lot."

Alex cupped Ca.s.sidy's face in her hands. "No time like the present," she said. She kissed Ca.s.sidy and felt Ca.s.sidy fall into her.

"Good start," Ca.s.sidy whispered into Alex's ear. She kissed Alex's neck and lingered there.

"Oh G.o.d, Ca.s.s..."

Ca.s.sidy had lost all thought. Her hand was slowly tracing Alex's cleavage and her kisses were trailing swiftly behind each caress. Alex wanted to speak. She had been waiting to make love to Ca.s.sidy all night, but she was helpless when Ca.s.sidy touched her. That was something she prayed would never change. "Alex," Ca.s.sidy began as she moved around her wife. Ca.s.sidy slowly began to unzip Alex's dress and push it gradually off her shoulders. "I didn't write that note about you making love to me." Alex closed her eyes as she felt Ca.s.sidy's hands tenderly stroke her back. "You still have no idea," she kissed Alex's shoulder and she circled back to face her wife, "how much I love you." Ca.s.sidy traced the outline of Alex's face and led her slowly to the bed. She hovered over Alex and smiled. "You think I can tell you somehow," she said.

"Ca.s.s, you are a poet compared to me." Ca.s.sidy shook her head and kissed Alex. "Well, you are," Alex insisted.

"No. I told you. What I feel for you...I told you, it exists beyond words." Alex closed her eyes and struggled to catch her breath as she felt Ca.s.sidy's kiss reach the top of her breast. Ca.s.sidy said nothing. Her hands delicately touched every inch of Alex's skin. Her exploration of Alex's body was so slow and so complete it was almost painful; almost. It was a torture that Alex hoped would never end. Alex ran her hands over Ca.s.sidy's back and reached the zipper of her dress. She need to feel Ca.s.sidy close to her and as always, Ca.s.sidy immediately understood and lifted herself so that Alex could free her of her confines.

Ca.s.sidy's hair was still swept up and Alex drank in the radiant glow that emanated from her; the moonlight brus.h.i.+ng her skin, the flickers of pa.s.sion that danced in her eyes. "You do," Alex whispered.

"I do what?" Ca.s.sidy asked as she admired the beautiful face looking up at her.

"You sparkle," Alex smiled.

Ca.s.sidy gave a soft chuckle. "I think you are in love, Agent Toles."


Ca.s.sidy raised her brow. "Maybe," she said as she kissed Alex and resumed her tender and loving exploration of the woman beneath her.

Alex thought she might die from antic.i.p.ation. She could feel the warmth of Ca.s.sidy's body gliding softly against her own. She could feel the beat of Ca.s.sidy's heart when Ca.s.sidy pressed up against her. Soft kisses descended gradually down her hip and Alex could no longer remain silent. "Ca.s.s..." The sound of urgency in Alex's voice increased Ca.s.sidy's own desire and she moved to end Alex's suffering. She felt the need to see Alex, to look in her eyes. Her touch gently increased and she lifted her kiss to Alex's lips. For once Alex was not content. She turned them both. Ca.s.sidy felt Alex's hand travel slowly down her body, stopping only occasionally to solicit a response and an appreciative moan from Ca.s.sidy. "I need you," Alex confessed. Ca.s.sidy looked into Alex's eyes and kissed her slowly.

"You have me, Alex." Ca.s.sidy closed her eyes as Alex brought her over the first threshold, just as she had promised. Ca.s.sidy whispered Alex's name as Alex's body began to submit to Ca.s.sidy's touch. It was enough to push Ca.s.sidy over the edge again and she held onto Alex more tightly than she ever had, looking into Alex's eyes, riveted, transported, most of all loved. "Alex," she managed as her tears began to flow freely.

"I'm right here, Ca.s.s." Ca.s.sidy collapsed into Alex and held her close. "Ca.s.s?"

"I just can't believe it sometimes, Alex."


"I don't think most people ever find what we have. I really don't," Ca.s.sidy admitted. "I can't imagine ever living without it again."

"You don't have to," Alex a.s.sured her wife.

"So, what was it like?" Ca.s.sidy asked, finally relaxing in Alex's arms.


"Making love to Ca.s.sidy Toles."

Alex unclipped Ca.s.sidy's hair, removing the pins she could see and gently prompted it to fall. "Ca.s.sidy, making love to you is always new for me. But, I love that you are Ca.s.sidy Toles."




"Do you think we succeeded?"


"Yeah, you know...I'd hate to disappoint my mom."

Ca.s.sidy laughed and propped herself up on her elbow. "That would be terrible."

"I think we should try again," Alex smirked.

Ca.s.sidy shook her head. "You are incorrigible. I am happy to be your test subject, but I think YaYa might have to be disappointed on this one," she winked and kissed Alex's cheek.

"Well, no harm in trying."

"No harm at all," Ca.s.sidy agreed.

Tuesday, June 3rd a.s.sidy sat at the kitchen table perusing job postings for local schools. Alex was at work. Dylan was at school. Life was quiet. Life was wonderful. She looked at the ring on her finger and pondered how happy she truly was. There were still things that she needed to resolve. Custody of Dylan was paramount on her list. She had Alex's full support and they had wonderful people behind them. She had no doubt that with the love of her family and friends, she and Alex would be well on their way to establis.h.i.+ng the family they both desired; a family free and clear of the influence of her ex-husband. She took a sip of her iced tea and returned to her task when the ringing of her cell phone startled her. "Alex?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"Hey, are you okay?" Alex did not respond immediately and Ca.s.sidy knew something was wrong. "Honey?'

"It's my father, Ca.s.s."

"What, did you see him or something?"

Alex took a deep breath. "Ca.s.s, I'm on my way to my mom's. Is there any way you can get Dylan and pick up Barb and Cat and meet me."

"Alex, what is going on?"

" father is...he's gone."

Ca.s.sidy was confused. She knew Helen's insistence on supporting Alex had caused tension in Alex's parent's marriage. They had been together over fifty years, married for forty. She couldn't imagine that Nicolaus Toles would leave his wife. "He left?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

"No, Ca.s.s. He didn't leave. He died. He's gone," Alex said softly.


"Mom came home this morning from Nick's and found him in his study. Looks like he had a heart attack, maybe a stroke." Ca.s.sidy was at a loss for words. She ran her hand over her face. "Ca.s.s, can you? I mean can you get Dylan early and pick up Barb and Cat? I just talked to Nicky...I just...I'm closer...I..."

"Of course. Whatever you need me to do. You know that. Alex? Are you all right?"

"I don't know, Ca.s.s. I really don't know."

"I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? I love you."

"Okay. I love you too."

Friday, June 6th "How are you feeling?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

"Numb," Alex answered.

Ca.s.sidy understood. She looked over at the casket and shook her head in disbelief. A week ago they we preparing for their wedding. Now they were standing in a receiving line at a wake for someone Alex loved. It made Ca.s.sidy angry. Alex's life was suddenly upside down. "You know, whatever you decide; I will support you."

Alex smiled at her wife. "I know that," she said. She was dreading making pleasantries with her father's business a.s.sociates. She didn't want to imagine who might make an appearance today. She had talked at length with Krause the night before. What should she do? He seemed certain that her father's death was no accident and no heart attack. This was the choice the admiral had a.s.sured Krause that Alex would face. Should she take the helm of her father's company? It presented problems and possibilities. Initially, she had completely disregarded the idea. But, after talking to Krause, she had begun to consider the possibility. "Right now," she said to Ca.s.sidy, "I am mostly worried about Mom."

Ca.s.sidy took Alex's hand and squeezed it gently. "I know." She looked a few feet away to see Helen looking at the casket that held the man she loved. The visual made her weak. She recalled her own father's death and witnessing the grief in Helen's eyes, Ca.s.sidy could only imagine what losing Alex would feel like. "I love you, Alex," she said as the first wave of condolence givers streamed in.

Alex smiled and pulled Dylan against her hip. "Wanna know a secret?" she asked her wife. Ca.s.sidy nodded. "There is one thing that makes me smile."

"What's that?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

"I am going to introduce you and Dylan to every person who walks through this line as my wife and son." Ca.s.sidy couldn't help but smile. There was a slight twinkle in Alex's eye as she shared her secret. Ca.s.sidy was certain that Alex would do exactly that.

Three hours into a long afternoon Helen Toles was fading. Alex was showing clear signs of exhaustion. Dylan and Cat has taken up residence in the far corner of the funeral parlor with Barb's iPad and everyone's blessing. Ca.s.sidy was pleasantly surprised that Jon Krause had made an appearance and had decided to stay. He was sitting in the corner with the boys keeping a close eye on each pa.s.sersby. Ca.s.sidy knew there was more than a personal interest at play in his presence, but she could also see the genuine concern he had for both Alex and Dylan. It surprised her a bit at first, but then she recalled the phone call he made to her the morning of the wedding.

Her old friend didn't have much to say. He did say that it was Alex who told him to call. He was quiet for a long moment and then he said something Ca.s.sidy was certain she would never forget. "You know, I loved you when we were in France. Maybe I never stopped. The truth is Ca.s.sie, Alex is lucky to have you. But, I think you are lucky to have her too. If I could go back and do it all over? Everything in my life? I'd take a page from Alexis Toles," he told her.

Ca.s.sidy turned to Alex. The steady stream of visitors had tapered and she felt the need to see Dylan. The atmosphere had unsettled both the boys. "Honey?" Alex smiled. "I'm just going to check on Dylan while there is a lull, okay? I'll be right back."

"Tell him we are almost done and I know YaYa has ice cream," Alex said.

Ca.s.sidy patted Alex's hand. "I will do that." She nodded to Helen and Nick and headed for the boys and their unlikely adult companion.

Alex took the moment to close her eyes and take a deep breath. She heard the voice next to her that was speaking to her mother. It sounded familiar and she opened her eyes. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing here?" she hissed. Helen's eyes flew open as she realized suddenly who was standing before her. Already exhausted and emotional, the older woman started to lose her balance. Alex grabbed hold of her mother's arm as Barb flew in from a few feet away. Alex stepped away slightly. "Get. The. h.e.l.l. Out of here."

Krause saw Ca.s.sidy jump to her feet. "Stay with the boys," she issued her statement as an order. Before he could protest she was gone.

"I am telling you...leave," Alex said as quietly as she could manage.

"Oh, Agent Toles...your father was one of my most avid supporters. After all, in a way we are family now. I simply wanted to pay my respects....Ca.s.sidy," he acknowledged his ex-wife as she approached. "Congratulations, by the way."

Dylan had caught sight of the man talking to his mom and Alex and he sprinted away. "Dylan," Krause jumped up. "Cat, stay here," he said. "Dylan, wait." It was too late, Dylan had made his way to his family. He saw his YaYa first. His Aunt Barb was sitting beside her and she looked very upset. Then he saw Alex. He moved toward her. Nick tried to catch him, but he pulled away forcefully.

"Hey, buddy." Congressman O'Brien took the opportunity for all it was worth and put his hand out to Dylan. "How are you?"

Dylan pushed himself up against Alex and felt her hand come to rest on his shoulder. "Did you know Alex's dad?" Dylan asked skeptically.

O'Brien crouched to the boy's height under the steely gaze of two very protective mothers. "I did. And, Alex is your friend, right? So..."

"Alex isn't my friend." Dylan looked at his father harshly.

Ca.s.sidy heard Krause's voice in her ear and felt his hand on her shoulder. "I tried." She patted his hand as rea.s.surance and kept watch on her son.

"No? I thought that you and Alex..."

"Alex is my mom," Dylan said definitively.

"Now Dylan," he began.

Ca.s.sidy had reached her limit with her ex-husband and she stepped forward grabbing his arm. "If you will excuse us," she said as she pulled him away.

Krause immediately started to follow and Alex stopped him. "No. I'll go. She needs to handle this. Let her." Alex followed Ca.s.sidy's path and stopped in the small doorway. She could see O'Brien and she could hear Ca.s.sidy clearly.

"Ca.s.sie, you look well."

"Cut the s.h.i.+t, Chris. What exactly do you think you are doing?"

"Offering my condolences of course."

"Just leave, Christopher. Leave my family alone. If you ever cared a thing for me or for Dylan, just go."

"I have a right to see my son."

"Well, you certainly choose interesting times to exercise that right. Which is one reason I am exercising mine to end it."

"Excuse me? Ca.s.sie, you really should rethink the people in your life."

Ca.s.sidy laughed. "I did that, thank you. I walked away from Ca.s.sidy O'Brien. I much prefer Ca.s.sidy Toles."

"Well, that is very nice for you, Ca.s.sie. Dylan is still an O'Brien."

"Actually, he's not."

"Well, maybe not technically. He may be a Krause, but in the eyes of anyone who matters he is an O'Brien."

Ca.s.sidy nodded and then smiled. "I guess you haven't gotten the news. Should be delivered any day."

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll see," she smirked and started to turn away. Deliberately, she turned back. "Oh, and Dylan? He's not a Krause." O'Brien's ears perked. "He's a Toles, just like both of his parents. His choice, not mine."

"You don't even know who Alex Toles is," he said smugly.

Ca.s.sidy pursed her lips in amus.e.m.e.nt. "Of course I know who she is, Christopher." He was ready to speak when Alex appeared. Ca.s.sidy smiled and held out her hand to Alex. "She's my wife. Now, I really don't care why you came. I think it's clear that no one wants you here. I'd hate anything to taint your image." She raised her brow and gestured toward the door.

"Watch yourself," he said as he walked through the door. "You don't have anyone to protect you now."

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 54 summary

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