The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 15

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"'Sup, Lo?"

Her mouth opened and closed twice before she shook her head as if to clear it. "'Sup Lo?" she repeated scoffing. "Got ten hours?" she asked.

"Take her," Wolf said, squeezing my hand again before releasing me. "Go on. Got enough sleep," he added when I stubbornly planted my feet.

To that, I gave him a small smile and followed Lo out of the room.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"He just woke up. Like... just. I didn't even get that far," I added as she reached for her phone to, no doubt, call Cash.

"Wolf is up," she said, then clicked the call off. "Bathroom," she said to me, leading me down the hall until we found the public one. We went in and she looked around before taking up guard just inside the door. "What the f.u.c.k, Janie?"

"I was upset, Lo," I snapped. "I wasn't broken. I wasn't weak. I wasn't too f.u.c.king fragile to be able to handle what was going on. I had nothing to do up here but sit and worry and wonder who might be next, who I would be mourning over, why we couldn't get a drop on anyone. And meanwhile, you've known for days who it was and that they were in town and you did nothing?"

"We didn't do nothing. We had everyone we could on it."

"You had everyone but me on it!" I snapped. "I love the people at Hailstorm and I love Alex but you and I both know that none of them hold a f.u.c.king candle to me, Lo. And you just got lucky that nothing else bad happened between you finding out and me handling it. How could you and Reign put everyone at risk like that? My son is in that compound."

"Janie, I know you think you were handling it, but you weren't handling it. You were a sh.e.l.l. You weren't eating or sleeping and you were always crying. We didn't think you had what it would take to power through and get answers."

"That wasn't your decision to make. And it wasn't Reign's either. This was not okay. And I am p.i.s.sed at you for this. But right now, I'd rather go ahead and be happy that my husband is awake after two and a half months and that my son has his father again and that most of the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who did this to him and to me and to the rest of The Henchmen are in pieces right f.u.c.king now."

"I have to say," she said, calm, almost eerily calm despite the crazy situation and the fact that I was mad at her, something that hadn't happened in our friends.h.i.+p in many years, "for someone with no sleep and tear-swollen eyes... that was some f.u.c.king epic work, my little Jstorm."

"Was there collateral damage?" I asked.

"It was perfectly controlled. Eight bodies. It was a good hit to their organization."

"So what now?"

"Well, now... most of the men are on their way to Long Island right now. Renny stayed behind to watch the probates and the women and kids."

"Wait... probates?" I asked, stiffening.

It seemed so soon, but I guessed, it was necessary.

"Long story," Lo said, smiling. "And wait till you hear about Renny and Mina..."

"Renny and Mina?" I asked, face scrunched up. "No f.u.c.king way."

But her very distinctive, romance-obsessed smile was all that I needed to know to realize that yes, yes f.u.c.king way.

Apparently there was a new power couple in Navesink Bank.


Mina His story didn't shock me.

That was probably the worst part about the whole ordeal. It spoke a lot to the darkness I had seen in my line of work that genuine psychological and emotional abuse toward a child by their parents who were even professionals in the field didn't phase me anymore.

It didn't mean I wasn't horrified by it. I was. It was despicable. It was absolutely unforgivable that someone would use their child like a lab rat. It was even more troubling to know that they were highly trained and must have known that detachment parenting and using negative reinforcement and withholding affection were possibly the worst methods they could have used for rearing a child.

But, then again, they themselves sounded genuinely cold. Maybe they didn't think anything of it. Which was just sad.

Really, it was amazing Renny was as warm as he was the vast majority of the time. I guess a lot of that was thanks to him getting out as early as he did. Seventeen with the world at his feet; he must have gone buck wild. He must have indulged in women and booze and lawlessness. And, eventually, he made real connections. He learned how to interact appropriately. For the most part.

I understood why he was the way he was.

Though, like I told him earlier, it didn't make it okay and he should try to not go so dark, but it was better to know there wasn't true maliciousness there. He was just raised that way and he hadn't been able to break the pattern.

I knew a thing or two about that myself.

And maybe that was the tipping point for me- maybe seeing a bit of my own shortcomings and insecurities within his, in knowing that there were very few people who could ever understand me the way Renny was capable of.

Whatever it was, by the time he stopped speaking, the decision had already been made somewhere deep inside.

It was going to happen with us.

I understood that, by making that choice, I was signing myself up for the good along with the bad. And Renny's bad could be very bad. But if he tried to control it at least a bit, if he didn't go dark over something as silly as me talking to Laz about our pasts, if he could make an effort to not deliberately use my flaws against me, I was okay with taking that chance.

Because, quite frankly, Renny when he was good, was really good. He was sweet and flirty and funny and silly and all the things I wasn't. I found myself almost insanely drawn to those parts of him- the warm he was capable of.

Apparently, he was also s.e.xy as all h.e.l.l to boot.

Always a plus.

So when the decision was made and I let my guard down most of the way, what I felt was connection and a desire so strong you would swear it was a need.

I didn't fight it.

I was done fighting.

"Oh, baby cakes," he said with a smile that threatened to split his face- open, boyish, contagious, "you're in for a real treat."

My s.e.x tightened in response, already knowing he was going to make good on his promise.

He curled upward, coming chest to chest with me, his hands sliding down my sides until he snagged the tee and slowly slid it up over my skin, so slowly that my skin had a chance to in response before it finally fell from my wrists and was discarded to the end of the bed.

"Know how many nights I sat up thinking about these," he asked, his hands moving up my belly, touching the sensitive undersides of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, then completely covering them with his palms. "Didn't even do justice to the reality," he went on, his fingers sliding to the sides and stroking his thumbs over the hardened buds.

My hips moved against his, feeling his hardness press against my heat and letting out a hard breath.

"Remind me to send Ashley flowers," he murmured, hands pressing into my sides slightly to anchor me as he bent me backward. "Have a feeling you normally wear G.o.dd.a.m.n flannel pajamas," he added but took away the insult by sealing his warm mouth over my nipple and sucking hard.

Besides, I couldn't even be mad, I totally did sleep in flannel pajamas.

His lips released me and his teeth snagged me instead, biting in just hard enough to make me let out a low moan before moving across my chest to continue the torment.

Then he was bending me further back until my shoulders. .h.i.t the mattress, until I unhooked my legs and planted my feet and settled back. His face s.h.i.+fted to the middle of my chest, his tongue moving out and tracing a slow line down the center of my belly, not pausing, not stopping to lavish over anywhere.

Because he had a destination in mind and a point to prove.

His lips sucked my c.l.i.t inward, making my hips buck upward at the shot of desire. My hand slammed down on the crown of his head, holding him to me as his tongue moved out and started lavis.h.i.+ng over the sensitive point.

His hands slid up and under my thighs, grabbing my a.s.s, and hauling me slightly up, giving him more access as he sucked, licked, then thrust his tongue inside me until my thighs were shaking, until my breath was a strangled nothing in my chest, until I felt my walls tightening hard and his tongue moved out and his lips closed around my c.l.i.t and sucked in quick pulses until I completely shattered apart.

My entire body went taut as my fingers practically ripped out his hair and his name came almost screaming from my lips.

My weight crashed back down on the bed after, my skin feeling like it was humming, my breathing frantic and shallow, as Renny kissed back up my belly, stopping between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s where he rested his chin to smile up at me.

"How'd I do? Legendary?"

I did something right then that I didn't think I was truly capable of until that moment. I freaking giggled. Giggled, like a teenaged girl. Even as a teenaged girl, I was pretty sure I never did such a thing.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said, planting his hands near my shoulders and moving over me. "I was right too."

"Right?" I asked, brows drawing together.

"Yep," he agreed, but didn't elaborate.

"What were you right about?"

"Sweet f.u.c.king p.u.s.s.y," he said, smirk going devilish. "Think I'll have to have a little bit of that for breakfast every G.o.dd.a.m.n morning."

My cheeks heated at that, both turned on by but slightly embarra.s.sed by his openness.

But before I could let myself really a.n.a.lyze those feelings, as I was bound to do, his hips ground into mine, making his hard c.o.c.k slip up my slit and make a delicious pa.s.s over my oversensitive c.l.i.t.

"Yeah, we're nowhere near done," he said, smile full of promise before his lips crashed down on mine again- harder, hungrier, reminding me that while a bit of my need was sated, his was raging strong through his system.

He rolled, pulling me with him until I was on top again, his hands running down my back and grabbing my a.s.s.

His lips pulled from mine as his fingers whispered up my spine then over my shoulders. His fingers of one hand moved inward on my arm, just above my elbow and rubbed his fingers over the small matchstick under my skin.

"Got my papers for you when you're ready to take that step," he informed me, once again almost scaring me with his ability to see things everyone else missed.

And as much as I didn't want to throw ice water on what was one of the hottest moments in my life, I went ahead and said it because I was told once that if you didn't have communication with a partner, you had nothing. "I don't have s.e.x without condoms."

His head tilted to the side at that, light eyes penetrating and it took a lot of willpower to not squirm or fumble to find an explanation. "I showed you mine," he said oddly a moment later. "Eventually, you're going to have to show me yours."

"My what?"

"Scars, sweetheart," he explained, folding up toward me, arms crossing over my lower back, holding me tight where I might have pulled away. "Why you're so terrified of intimacy and all the mess it brings with it." I must have stiffened, because he squeezed me tighter. "But that's for another time. Right now, you need to see more of my glorious body," he said unexpectedly, making me let out a surprised laugh as he flipped me onto my back, straddling my hips, and making a ridiculous, adorably show of sliding his hands down his chest and stomach before snagging the waistband of his pajama pants and slowly dragging them down. "This is the part where you'd be throwing money at me normally," he informed me just before the waistband got low enough for me to finally see him bare to me- his c.o.c.k hard and straining and promising to fill me perfectly.

At that thought, there even seemed to be a genuine hollowness deep inside, begging for fulfillment.

My eyes slid slowly back up, catching the outlines of some of his tattoos before they found his face, his smile gone, his eyes heated. My fingers slid up his thigh and his lips parted as my palm curled around his c.o.c.k and stroked him to the base. His air hissed out of him, urging me on, and I stroked upward again, sliding my thumb over the head and moving his wetness around.

He took a slow, deep breath, seeking control as he reached outward toward the nightstand and pulled open the top drawer. He took out the condom and ripped it open with his teeth. His hand covered mine for a second, squeezing tighter, doing one last stroke with me before pus.h.i.+ng my hand away and protecting us.

I reached up, pulling him down toward me, my back arching into his chest as it brushed mine. But I barely felt the pressure before his head c.o.c.ked to the side and he declared oddly, "Nope."

"Nope?" I asked, slow-blinking twice.

"Yup, nope," he declared, lifting up and pulling me with him until we were both sitting, me straddling him. "Missionary is for love making. You and me, we're f.u.c.king tonight," he declared as his hand went to his c.o.c.k and the other went to my hip, digging in hard and pulling downward, his c.o.c.k gliding deep inside me. I dropped my hips, taking him in fully on a throaty moan. "f.u.c.k me, Mina," he demanded, moving backward, his hands settling halfway up my thighs.

And, well, with the desire a sharp, painful need deep inside, there was hardly even a pause before I started riding him- fast, but not overly rough. I half folded over him, planting my hands near his shoulders as one of his hands slid between us and pressed into my c.l.i.t- just a firm pressure, but with my riding him, there was a perfect friction.

And when my o.r.g.a.s.m started building, making my movements more frantic and erratic, I lost his fingers as both his hands grabbed my arms right above the elbows and yanked them backward hard and fast, making my shoulders object, as he pinned them behind my back, planted his feet on the bed, and started thrusting upward into me- hard, rough, making me take him as deep as my body would allow at a pace that was so demanding that my breath got strangled in my throat for a long minute before the o.r.g.a.s.m tore through me almost violently.

He didn't come with me though.

I was still whimpering through the pulsations when he suddenly threw me onto my back and jumped off to the side of the bed, grabbing my ankles and dragging me until I was hanging off the end, then slamming back inside me as his arms hooked under my knees, holding them in the air as he pistoned into me with the same borderline brutal pace that had shattered me a mere moment before.

His light eyes were on my face the entire time, his jaw tighter than usual, his lips parted slightly and there was the occasional hiss from between, a sound I found entirely too s.e.xy.

"No," he said when I felt my walls start to get tight again. Soon, way too soon. I wasn't the kind of woman who had that tripped into one another. I knew they existed, but was pretty sure they were about as common as men with eight inch long and c.o.c.ks that were so thick that you couldn't close your hand around.

But my body in that moment was trying to tell me that maybe, just maybe, the absence of it in the past possibly had less to do with me and more to do with my partners.

But Renny, while capable of making it happen, wasn't going to allow it.

Because right after he felt me tighten, he pulled out of me, dropped my legs, reached down to grab my hips, and rolled me onto my belly, then slammed in deep from behind and made me let out a loud moan that was, thankfully, m.u.f.fled slightly by the sheets.

But that, apparently, was not what Renny wanted. He wanted to hear me.

Because his hands reached out and grabbed my wrists, yanked backward until I was standing, hanging forward, my arms pinned back by his sides as he kept slamming into me. I bit into my lip, trying to keep the moans inside, but as his thrusts got harder, I was helpless to keep them in.

"One more time," he ground out and I could hear the need for his own release heavy in his voice. "There," he said, slamming into me even harder as my walls tightened around him, as the o.r.g.a.s.m started to crest. "Come," he demanded and then I did, crying out his name loudly enough to wake whoever might be in the rooms on either side of ours.

My legs went wobbly and I would have collapsed forward had he not been holding my arms.

He slammed deep on a growl, jerking his hips upward. One of his hands released my wrist and moved around my belly, pulling me upward until my back pressed into his front. His forehead hit my shoulder as he struggled to even out his breathing.

"f.u.c.k," he said a minute later, nipping my shoulder before he slowly slid out of me.

Body spent and without him holding me up, I turned and collapsed down onto the edge of the bed, taking slow breaths as he disappeared into the bathroom for a long minute.

I wasn't aware he had come back up until he was kneeling in front of me, his hand landing on my knee. The other moved up to my chin, snagging it and using it to pull my head up.

"Don't you f.u.c.king dare be putting those guards back up," he demanded, eyes almost a little sad at the idea.

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The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 15 summary

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