The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 25

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"That was quick."

"Yeah, well, what can I say? I'm f.u.c.king irresistible, man."

"Good luck with that," he offered Mina who smiled at him.

"I'm gonna need it," she agreed.

"So you're Wolf," Edison said, walking in, head c.o.c.ked to the side.

"I'm Wolf," he agreed.

"Edison," he offered, giving Wolf a nod.

"The Edison?" Wolf asked, making Mina and I share a look.

From what we could gather after we got his full name and ran him, he wasn't anyone special. He had a few arrests when he was younger, usually a.s.sociated with his criminal father and uncle, then drunk and disorderly as an adult. Aside from that, nothing.

"Yep," Edison agreed, leaning back against the wall, crossing his arms.


"We missed something," Mina said quietly as the conversation s.h.i.+fted.

Mina- 1 year "Seriously?" I asked, sitting at the very large round table in Maze's dining room, the entire surface of it covered in magazines and computer print outs.

"I thought we were done with this," Alex declared, shaking her head. "But, no, of course not. You had to go and get shacked up with a Henchmen and join the girls club."

"You guys are the ones making it complicated," Summer insisted, jiggling Finn on her hip.

"It's only complicated because this whole thing is ridiculous," Janie insisted.

"Just because you wanted a small wedding doesn't mean everyone does," Lo chastised.

So... I was getting married.

It had been a natural progression of things, but I had been shocked when Renny asked me.

And of course, he did it in true Renny-style.

There was no silly trip to a nice restaurant where he had the ring put in a cupcake or anything like that.

Oh no.

He got me a new game for my DS, telling me it was an advanced copy of some game not slated to come out for another six months that he had Janie and Alex get for me.

And, along the lines of Pokemon Go, it was a real time, real life game where I had to chase not Pokemon, but little serial killers and try to cage them based on some clues that led me from place to place.

The last of which led me to She's Bean Around and right to a table that was very familiar to me.

It didn't click.

Really, I was genuinely in the dark, too wrapped up in my new game to see that maybe the location was a bit too pointed. I sat down, tired from running around all morning, and opened the little envelope on the screen that was supposed to give me clues to the next tidbit of my profile.

But it wasn't a clue.

It was a demand to look up from my screen already.

Like he had somehow known I would be too into the game to notice anything else.

My head jerked up to find Renny kneeling next to the table, boyish smile in place, hand up, with a diamond ring between his fingers.

It was exactly the kind he somehow knew I would like too, despite the fact that I never wore rings so he couldn't have just observed a preference. It was a single cus.h.i.+on-cut diamond on a thin platinum band- nothing crowded or over the top.

"Didn't figure you for the rose-petal trail kind of woman," he said, breaking a long silence as I sat there too stunned to say anything.

"So you had a video game made for me?" I finally asked when I found my voice.

"Only got one chance to do this, figured I might as well do it right."

"That must have taken months."

"Let's say I had Janie hook me up with some people pretty much as soon as you moved into the compound. I didn't want some cheesy C-level game."

Right after I moved into the compound? He knew he was going to marry me a year ago? h.e.l.l, a year ago, I wasn't sure if I could last a week of him never being able to hang up a wet towel. Let alone spending the rest of my life with him.

"Come on," he said, breaking through my swirling thoughts again, "what do you say you spend the rest of your life dealing with me f.u.c.king up, huh?"

Thrown off, maybe expecting a bit of cheesiness after all, but pleased that wasn't the route he took, I laughed. "Well, I've dealt with you pretty well this far," I offered, extending my hand toward him.

He slid the ring on and I felt the tears sting at my eyes when he leaned down and kissed it before moving up and sealing his lips over mine.

It was an important moment for me.

Not only because he loved me. He had loved me for a while. But because he was telling me that he never planned to stop. And, being someone who never had that kind of promise before, it meant the world.

But... I was rethinking my agreement to the whole marriage thing.

Not because I changed my mind about Renny.

Oh, no.

Let's just say... I had been completely unprepared for the girls club.

See, they were sneaky. They came up on me slowly, one by one or two by two, never letting me see what, exactly, it was like when they got all together.

For me, Janie, Lo, Alex, Maze, Summer, and Penny were all old news. But with Janie, Lo, Alex, Maze, Summer, and Penny... came the rest of the girls club. That introduced me formally to Amelia, Shooter's wife, and Elsie, Paine's wife.

I was sitting at a table covered in bridal magazines full of wedding gowns and centerpieces and venues and floral arrangements and different fonts for invitations and bakeries to taste test cakes at.

But they weren't the problem. Oh, no. I had all of that figured out in less than twenty minutes.

The problem?

That would be the fact that Alex and Janie would not wear dresses. And Elsie and Lo really preferred to not be in heels. But, then again, Penny would like the highest heels possible given that she was practically child-sized. Then we had to add in body shapes. Because Amelia would prefer something that drew attention away from her thighs and Lo wanted something to understate her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and Elsie and Maze, well, they were fans of their legs.

Really, the list of considerations for bridesmaid dresses was starting to make me genuinely think that, hey, hopping a plane and getting married in Vegas by Elvis wasn't that cheesy, right?

My gaze s.h.i.+fted over toward Ashley who had been sitting there perfectly quiet watching the goings-on with no small bit of amus.e.m.e.nt. She looked over and shrugged a shoulder. "I say you move this whole s.h.i.+ndig to the beach and, if they don't quit their b.i.t.c.hing, make every last one of them wear a G-string bikini."

That effectively shut up a lot of the conversation, Janie's gaze going to me. "You wouldn't."

"Wouldn't I?" I asked with a small smile.

"Why not just make it simple and say... everyone wears something black that they feel hot as s.h.i.+t in?" Alex supplied, always being the more impatient and level-headed of the girls club.

I looked down at my notes, scratching out the theme colors, for which I had chosen white (obviously) and a sage green and scribbled in black instead. "Alright. That's the plan then. Wear black. And for G.o.d's sake, I don't want to hear another word about hemlines or necklines."

I would swear, even giving them all the license to dress how they preferred, there was still some upset among the group.

I had a feeling that maybe by giving in so quickly (though it felt like the argument had gone on for days), that I had somehow ruined a tradition among the women.

But I was hoping, for all future members of the girls club's sake, I was making the tradition an easier one.

Renny- 1.5 years "I'm not fixing the f.u.c.kin' thing again," Shooter supplied as I tugged at my tie for the fifth time that afternoon.

I hadn't worn a tie since I was a teenager. I had somehow gotten away with just a suit at all the other weddings I had needed to attend over the years. No one was ever paying that close of attention to me.

That couldn't exactly be said of my wedding day though.

As a whole, I was never a nervous person.

But standing in the room down the hall from the spot where I was going to marry Mina, yeah, I was freaking out a little.

Not because I wasn't sure I loved her and would continue to love her. I had never been more sure of anything in my life.

It was something deeper than that, more long-buried than that. It was some old demons rearing their ugly heads.

"Renny," Reeve's voice called, making my head snap up to find him standing in the open doorway.


"Mina wants to see you," he said, jerking his head toward the hallway.

Mina and Reeve had seemed to form a certain bond after the afternoon she dumped me a year and a half before. And after she finally learned his history, because one night he trusted her enough to tell her, well before any of the rest of us found out, it had gotten to be an even deeper connection.

As such, it was almost fitting he was the one walking me toward her room, that he was actually going to be the one giving her away since there was no way in ever-loving h.e.l.l we were going to have her actual father do so or even be invited to the wedding.

"She alright?" I asked as we got closer to her door.

Reeve stopped just outside it, giving me a long look. "Nope," he declared, but did it with a smirk before clamping a hand on my shoulder and moving away.

Curious, I reached for the handle and went inside. At the sound, Mina swiveled around from where she had been sitting facing the triple vanity mirror.

"Marriage is stupid," she declared, her voice edgy.

"Alright," I said, nodding, trying to not smile.

Cold feet.

She was having f.u.c.king cold feet.

It was so unlike her that I wanted to laugh.

"Seriously. I mean... look at your parents. Look at mine. What are we thinking? If there are ever two people who could royally screw this kind of thing up, it's us. We had literally no good examples of happy and successful marriages growing up."

That wasn't untrue.

I exhaled slowly and walked over to her, kneeling down in front of her little wooden seat and putting my hands on her knees. "True, but that doesn't mean we don't have good examples to look to. For f.u.c.k's sake- we have Reign and Summer and Cash and Lo and Wolf and Janie and Repo and Maze and Duke and Penny and, if we want to dig a little deeper, there is Breaker and Alex and Shooter and Amelia and Paine and Elsie. We're f.u.c.king surrounded with successful and happy marriages, Mina."

"Sure, but if there are ever two people to break a perfect track record..."

"Mina," I said, waiting for a long second before her perfect f.u.c.king hazel eyes landed on mine. Then I felt my smile tease up a little. "You know what the problem is?"

Her brows drew together slightly at that as she shook her head. "No."

"See the girls club whisked you away last night and never brought you back..." I paused there, fingers sliding up her thighs. "Neither of us got to have breakfast," I added with a wicked smile and I started moving apart the ends of her short silk robe, watching as her eyes went a little heated. "I've been a little edgy this morning too. Figure maybe it's because I'm hungry," I added, pulling the sash and the entire thing parted to the sides. "f.u.c.king famished actually."

"You know," she said, her breathing getting heavier as I leaned down and started to kiss up her thigh. "I think you're right. That must be it. We should... oh my G.o.d," she groaned as my mouth sucked in her c.l.i.t through her pretty little silky white panties that I knew were supposed to be a surprise for me later.

I reached up, snagging the sides of the waist as I backed up slightly, pulling the material down her thighs and legs then off her feet. Her hands reached out, deftly untying the mother effing tie and making it so I could finally breathe again, before her hands started in on the b.u.t.tons to my s.h.i.+rt.

"You know," she said as she pushed my s.h.i.+rt and jacket off my shoulders, "I think we're supposed to wait until after we're married to consummate it."

I laughed, unfastening my pants and pulling her down onto my lap, reaching between us to line my c.o.c.k up with her hot, wet p.u.s.s.y. "f.u.c.k that. I want you at that alter with my come still inside you," I declared, pulling her hips down so my c.o.c.k slid in her tight p.u.s.s.y. "It can be our little secret," I added as she started to ride me, slow and sweet at first, but ending hard and rough and frantic, f.u.c.king up her hair and makeup and making it so there was no way the girls weren't going to know exactly what I did to calm her down when they came back in to finish getting her ready.

"See you down there, right?" I asked as she tied her sash back into place, her face post-f.u.c.k rosy, her entire body more lax than it had been twenty minutes before.

"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else," she said with such confidence that I knew that, among other places, I had warmed up her cold feet.

As I walked back down the hall to my room, I was a f.u.c.kuva lot calmer too. And when Shoot retied my tie for the sixth time, I knew without a doubt that we weren't going to be the exception to the rule.

We weren't doomed to repeat our parents' mistakes.

We weren't somehow unlovable because we had never been loved.

And there was no one, f.u.c.king no one in the world who could love Mina better than I could.

And, I was pretty f.u.c.king sure, no one would ever even want to love me the way she did.

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The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 25 summary

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