The Easiest Way Part 20

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WILL. Your old friend Madison.

LAURA. [_Utters a slight exclamation and makes an effort to control herself_.] What--what about him?

WILL. He's been in Chicago.

LAURA. How do you know?

WILL. Here's a despatch about him.

LAURA. [_Coming quickly over to him, looks over his shoulder_.]

What--where--what's it about?

WILL. Well, I'm d.a.m.ned if he hasn't done what he said he'd do--see!

[_Holds the paper so that she can see_. LAURA _takes paper_.] He's been in Chicago, and is on his way to New York. He's struck it rich in Nevada and is coming with a lot of money. Queer, isn't it? [LAURA _puts paper on table_.] Did you know anything about it? [_Lights cigarette_.

LAURA. No, no; nothing at all. [_Crosses to bureau_.

WILL. Lucky for him, eh?

LAURA. Yes, yes; it's very nice.

WILL. Too bad he couldn't get this a little sooner, eh, Laura?

LAURA. Oh, I don't know--I don't think it's too bad. What makes you ask?

WILL. Oh, nothing. I suppose he ought to be here to-day. Are you going to see him if he looks you up?

LAURA. No, no; I don't want to see him. You know that, don't you, that I don't want to see him? What makes you ask these questions? [_Crosses to sofa and sits_.

WILL. Just thought you might meet him, that's all. Don't get sore about it.

LAURA. I'm not.

_She holds the telegram crumpled in one hand_. WILL _lays down the paper, and regards_ LAURA _curiously. She sees the expression on his face and averts her head in order not to meet his eye_.

LAURA. What are you looking at me that way for?

WILL. I wasn't conscious that I was looking at you in any particular way--why?

LAURA. Oh, nothing. I guess I'm nervous, too.

[_Lies on sofa_.

WILL. I dare say you are. [_A pause_.

LAURA. Yes, I am. [WILL _crosses to_ LAURA.

WILL. You know I don't want to delve into a lot of past history at this time, but I've got to talk to you for a moment.

LAURA. Why don't you do it some other time? I don't want to be talked to now. [_Rises and crosses a little to left_.

WILL. But I've got to do it just the same.

LAURA. [_Trying to affect an att.i.tude of resigned patience and resignation_.] Well, what is it? [_Resuming seat on sofa_.

WILL. You've always been on the square with me, Laura. That's why I've liked you a lot better than the other women.

LAURA. Are you going into all that again now, this morning? I thought we understood each other.

WILL. So did I, but somehow I think that maybe we _don't_ quite understand each other.

LAURA. In what way? [_Turns to_ WILL.

WILL. [_Looking her straight in the eye_.] That letter I dictated to you the day that you came back to me, and left it for you to mail--did you mail it?


WILL. You're quite sure?

LAURA. Yes, I'm quite sure. I wouldn't say so if I wasn't.

WILL. And you didn't know Madison was coming East until you read about it in that newspaper?

LAURA. No--no, I didn't know.

WILL. Have you heard from him?

LAURA. No--no--I haven't heard from him. Don't talk to me about this thing. Why can't you leave me alone? I'm miserable enough as it is.

[_Crossing to extreme right_.

WILL. [_Crossing to table_.] But I've got to talk to you. Laura, you're lying to me.

LAURA. What! [_She makes a valiant effort to become angry_.

WILL. You're lying to me, and you've been lying to me, and I've trusted you. Show me that telegram!


WILL. [_Going over towards her_.] Show me that telegram!

[LAURA _crosses up to doors leading into bedroom_.

LAURA. [_Tears telegram in half_.] You've no right to ask me.

WILL. Are you going to make me take it away [LAURA _crosses to window_.] from you? I've [_Crosses to sofa_.] never laid my hands on you yet.

LAURA. It's my business.

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The Easiest Way Part 20 summary

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