Lays from the West Part 6

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If life's path grows dull and dreary, With grim shadows on it cast; If the tired heart grows weary When all joy seem o'er and past; When e'en Hope hath ceased to cheer us With its warm and sunny ray, And the peace that once was near us From our pathway steals away There's one source where we can borrow Sweetest wealth to keep and claim, If we feel in joy or sorrow _Someone_ loves us all the same!

If fair-faced Pleasure brightly Beam upon our happy home, And our hearts with hope beat lightly Of brighter days to come; If fickle Fortune, smiling, Strew the pleasant path with flowers, And Mirth, with song beguiling, Lead the merry-footed hours-- There's a deeper, holier gladness That is ours to keep and claim, If we feel in joy or sadness _Someone_ loves us all the same!

If our thoughts, at evening blending With the dim and shadowy light, Bring us dreams of bliss unending In the Haven, calm and bright-- Oh! how sweet the thought--"for ever 'Mong the sinless _we_ shall stand, There united, ne'er to sever, In the bright and better land:"

And e'en then, refined and holy, Free from earthly stain and sin, Shall the pure heart, meek and lowly, Wear the crown true love shall win.


"Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky.

The flying clouds, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night-- Ring out, wild bells, and let it die!

"Ring out the Old; ring in the New!

Ring, happy bells, across the snow!

The year is going; let it go-- Ring out the false! ring in the truer!"--TENNYSON.

Oh! welcome! welcome! glad New Year!

We hail with joy your birth.

Let peace and love reign far and near, And plenty fill the earth!

Old Year, good-bye! a last good-bye To sorrow, woe and sin!

Let all of darkness with thee die And all of light begin!

When first we bade you welcome here We hailed you with delight; But ah! how many then were near, So far away to-night!

Ah! well! if thorns were 'mong thy flowers, Or clouds were in thy sky, We owe thee many blissful hours Whose memory ne'er can die!

Farewell, farewell, for aye, Old Year, And as you pa.s.s from view, For all those golden hours a tear That pa.s.s away with you!

"Le Roi est mort!" "Vive le Roi!"

The Old Year, weeping, dies!

Ere we can mourn, a joyous chime Peals through the midnight skies.

Oh! welcome! welcome! New-born Year!

We join the strains of joy; To everyone our hearts hold dear Be peace without alloy!

May fadeless light their pathway bless; And, for a lasting stay, Oh! may they find that happiness That cannot pa.s.s away.

For years may come, and years may go, And earthly joys grow old; But heavenly love no change can know-- No time can make it cold.

Oh! welcome! welcome! New-born Year!

And, as we hail your birth, May pure and holy thoughts come near And raise our hopes from earth!


Our Native Land! Our Native Land!

Long may old Erin's vales be green; May plenty smile on every hand, Be want and woe unseen!

Oh! let us join with heart and hand To raise the song--Our Native Land!

Our Native Land! Our Native Land!

May countless blessings on her smile May dove-eyed Peace her lily-wand Wave o'er pure Emerald Isle-- Her sons, united brethren, stand, To raise the song--Our Native Land!

Our Native Land! Our Native Land!

Let patriot voices join the song, And swell the chorus high and grand, Till every breeze shall bear it on.

O'er flowery mead and wave-kissed strand Loud let it ring--Our Native Land!

Our Native Land! Our Native Land!

Let Erin's sense the notes prolong, Together joined-a mighty band United by one common song.

'Tis Honour's right-her just command Then let us love Our Native Land!


Oh! rolling waves, while ye sing around me, My poises beat to your fitful tune, And higher thoughts in my breast awaken, But the spell must vanish too soon, too soon.

Here while I lie let your echoes linger, And rest awhile on this lute of mine; And though I play with an erring finger, The sounds shall charm if they're caught from thine.

And my song shall be rich in melody, Learned from thy singing, oh' tuneful Sea!

Sadly sigh while the clouds loom o'er thee, Dark and grey in yon stormy sky; Foaming billows, your angry wailing Fills my soul like a hopeless cry!

Heaving breast with your great heart throbbing Ocean pulses that wildly thrill; Wandering waves in such cadence breaking, Rolling, rolling, and never still.

Oh! that my soul, like thine, were free, Eager and restless, oh! beautiful Sea!

The clouds disperse, and like glory breaking In fancy's eyes o'er a poet's dream, Clad in the sunlight the waters glisten, And dazzling bright in the radiance gleam.

Far and wide o'er the scene of grandeur My glad eyes wander, my heart beats high; Lost in a maze of light and wonder, I faint in a dream of ecstasy; And the spirit of beauty thou seem'st to me In that flood of glory, oh! changing Sea!

Yet best I love when the mystic gloaming Grows dim, and the crimson sunset dies; For I dream that your mighty tones are changing, And in psalms of praise through the shadows rise.

Oh! Nature's organ! Methinks thy numbers Keep time with the songs of Cherubim, While through hidden caves come the echoes swelling Their chorus grand to the ocean hymn; And my soul, adorning, ascends with thee, In deep thanksgiving, oh! wondrous Sea!


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Lays from the West Part 6 summary

You're reading Lays from the West. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): M. A. Nicholl. Already has 512 views.

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