A Rogue's Power Part 21

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"That kind of travelling show. I've been with these guys on and off for about two years now. Going to meet them in Arkansas." "d.a.m.n, that's like...a day's drive, isn't it?"

Ryan smiled freely. "Sure is. I'm used to it though. Need me to drop you off somewhere?"

Where should I have you drop me off at?

The air ruffled my s.h.i.+rt-the breeze did little to cool my thoughts of Ryan, though. On the horizon, I spotted large, white towering storm clouds blooming up into the sky. I could only a.s.sume that was why the heat felt worse than earlier. The humidity stifled as we grew closer to the storm, and I wondered just when the sky would break and relieve this torrid heat spell.

"Hey, Brett. You okay?" Ryan's voice cut into my thoughts.

I reached for the water bottle again. "I don't really have anywhere to go," I admitted in a whisper, not to this man I'd just met, but to myself.

Ryan stared at the road silently for what seemed forever. Eventually, I saw his brow rise in what seemed to be in concern. "Seriously?"

I nodded my head.

Yes, I've come from drama h.e.l.l, sir. So, if you could please just keep driving...

"Well, d.a.m.n. I bet A.G. has a spot open," Ryan said, slapping the steering wheel.

"Might as well make a little cash while you're trying to figure it all out, right?"

"Really? So, you'll ask your boss if-"

"Do what? Look, carnival life ain't like working in an office, kid."

"I'm not a kid," I snapped.

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, how old are you, then?"

"I'm nineteen-"

"Okay, so you're not a kid but you're still young."

"Well, how old are you?" I sneered.

Ryan tossed his cigarette out of the window. "Twenty-nine."

"Pss... whatever." I fiddled with the vent, closing and re-opening it.

"Don't believe me?" Ryan smiled.

On closer inspection, maybe he could pa.s.s for thirty-if he shaved that black stubble from his lean cheeks, and if he got a full night's sleep-which, from the looks of the dark bags under his eyes-he hadn't. "I've been through a lot of s.h.i.+t." He rubbed his chin. "And I haven't had time to shave."

A lot of s.h.i.+t... I didn't even want to remember what I'd left at home. No. This trip was to forget, not to bring it back up.

As we drove towards the storm, the dark clouds drew closer. The sun disappeared behind them and the winds picked up briefly.

"So I could get a job, then?"

"Sure," Ryan said before he lit another cigarette. "I'll let A.G. know. What do you think you'd like to do?"

"Well, what is there?"

"Let's see." He brushed a stray hair from his eyes. "There's concession, that's making food. There's games but some are harder to draw marks to than others."


"Yeah...uh, customers. The kiddie games are pretty popular, good payout on some of them."

"What about something for adults or teens?" I asked.

Ryan went silent for a moment as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

"There's the shootout, ring toss-well that attracts everyone-um, the digger. s.h.i.+t, every game attracts kids and adults."

"I see. Well, whatever I can make some decent money at I could try it once, I guess."

"'re not gonna' make s.h.i.+t in this piddly little spot we're playing. Maybe enough to eat and drink a little. You should hang for at least the end of the month when fairs start," Ryan admitted, tapping his cigarette out in the ashtray. "But you'll be taken care of.

I'll teach ya' the ropes."

The ropes, huh? That would certainly make for an interesting escape from reality. I grinned at the thought.

About the Author.

Azalea is a thirty-something writer of M/M erotic fiction, born and raised in the American Midwest ag region. She loved to write horror and suspense short stories for years, before turning her attention to hot, s.e.xy M/M erotic romance three years ago.

When she's not fiddling around in her imaginary worlds, she's either gaming on the computer, browsing the interwebs, or spending time with family. She loves computer art and dabbles with programs like Photoshop.

Email: Azalea loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

Also by Azalea Moone.

The Last Road Home.

Total-E-Bound Publis.h.i.+ng.

Take a look at our exciting range of literagasmic erotic romance t.i.tles and discover pure quality at Total-E-Bound.

Also by Azalea Moone.

The Last Road Home.


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A Rogue's Power Part 21 summary

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