The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 2

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I have deliberately referred to the young Child as the Promise of G.o.d, firstly because that's how our promises may appear in a dream (as babies) and also to alert us to the fact that the devil is still playing the same game today. Whenever G.o.d births His promises, the devil will try and abort them. The Book of Revelation recounts the spiritual perspective of that threat on the young child Jesus with the following words, Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born (Revelation 12:1-4).

This heavenly insight provides us with a principle as true today as it was 2000 years ago. If we are about to do something new in G.o.d, we need to be open to receive guidance from the Holy Spirit through dreams, because for every promise birthed, there is a scheme of the enemy to abort it! This threat is very real, as the following dream portrays: I was with a young couple in a fern-house/tent type structure outside their home. The roof of the fern house caught on fire as the woman brought a flame into it. We tried to put it out, not knowing till later that the fire had spread to the house and killed their young child in the upstairs bedroom.

In this dream, I believe G.o.d is warning that gossip could destroy the new ministry venture being embarked on. The woman possibly represents the church or its leaders.h.i.+p (or the dreamer's wife) as the instigators who try to stop what G.o.d is birthing. Note also that the baby is upstairs; this says that what is being birthed is from G.o.d. (An explanation of the metaphors used to interpret this dream is found in the dream and vision sample section of this book. See dream 21.) Correction Appreciating the nature of people's hearts (see Jer. 17:9.) and given the power of G.o.d's Word to divide and discern the hearts of people means that a common purpose of dreams is correction. We saw this beautifully portrayed in the previous chapter concerning Joseph, and it is poetically doc.u.mented in the oldest book in the Bible, Job, where Elihu states, For G.o.d may speak one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed (Job. 33:14-17a).

We see that G.o.d will bring instruction through a dream that is intended to correct a faulty determination within the heart. Often, as it does here, correction comes with a warning, "He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from pa.s.sing over into Sheol" (Job 33:18 NASB).

If someone denies that correction is needed or enjoys doing what G.o.d is trying to correct, G.o.d will persevere in His longsuffering love to bring that person around, often graciously repeating a dream to do so. However, there will come a time when His patience will be balanced with judgment. Recently, I interpreted one such dream that I am not at liberty to share here. What I can share is the Scriptures that instantly came to my spirit, For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears (Hebrews 12:17).

After explaining the dream, I pleaded earnestly that the person concerned would understand the gravity of the situation. Thankfully, I have not been exposed to many such situations. That situation was a sobering reminder that G.o.d is both a G.o.d of love and also a consuming fire (see Heb. 12:29).

There are not too many of us who appreciate correction. The Scripture captures this truth well when it says, Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11).

We have to keep in mind that it is due to the goodness of G.o.d that we are alive at all (see Acts 17:28). And it is certainly by the grace of G.o.d that we may be saved through the death of His dear Son Jesus Christ (see Eph. 2:8-9). Therefore, when a dream shows an area needing change, it is important that the people concerned understand that it is G.o.d's triple-fold goodness that is bringing this area into the spotlight. What it says is that G.o.d cares enough about them individually that He doesn't want them to get hurt. And they will get hurt if they continue without change in this particular area, though at times (due to our limited perspective) it may not feel, appear, or sound like that is the case. At these times, the call upon us is to trust Him, for He sees beyond the moment and knows what awaits us around the corner. As a G.o.d of love, He is always moving with our best interests at heart.

The Prophetic Nothing strengthens faith like a prophetic word. For this reason, the word of G.o.d, through dreams, is often loaded with promises for the future. Operating in this way, a dream brings Heaven to earth in an instant and opens new frontiers and opportunities not thought of by the dreamer. Through prophetic dreams, G.o.d is able to encourage, prepare, marshal, and direct His troops for the expansion of the Kingdom. It is the same today as it was in the dream revealed to Gideon (see Judg. 7:13-14), in the promise to Jacob (see Gen. 28:12-15), and in the dreams of Pharaoh (see Gen. 41:1-7).

Through a prophetic dream, G.o.d may open His ministers to be led more by the Spirit, as the following dream shows, I saw a river running diagonally through what was currently the church congregation's sitting area. It ran between the pulpit and the congregation. At the back of the church were huge standsa"like in a football stadium. When I awoke, I was concerned because I thought that the river separated the speaker from the audience.

I believe the river in this dream represents the flow of the Holy Spirit. The fact that the river flowed in front of the speaker is a good thing as it means that the preacher is putting the Spirit before himself. When this is done, G.o.d will draw crowds of peoplea"the stands. The concern about the river in front of the speaker indicates that moving in the Spirit is not something the speaker is comfortable with at this stage and says that G.o.d is challenging the dreamer in this area. (An explanation of the metaphors used to interpret this dream is found in the dream and vision sample section of this book. See dream 2.) Through a prophetic promise given in a dream, G.o.d may also remind those with the call of G.o.d on their lives that the gifts and callings of G.o.d are without repentance (see Rom. 11:29). This is what He does in this example, forwarded by a male friend, I was with a friend who I went to Bible College with some years earlier.

He and I were in the ministry together. We were at post-boxes collecting our mail. I opened my box, and it was literally jammed-packed with letters. There were so many letters that it took me some time to "jimmy" a couple of envelopes free before the rest could be emptied out of the box.

The person who had this dream was no longer in a recognized ministry position. This dream indicates that he will once again take up a ministry position, as seen by the fact that he is with someone with ministry status. The many envelopes indicate invitations to speak and also seems to indicate that his ministry will be itinerant. G.o.d is encouraging and directing him into an itinerant ministry with this prophetic-futuristic dream. (An explanation of the metaphors used to interpret this dream is found in the dream and vision sample section of this book. See dream 3.) Disclosure Dreams may foretell things that are going to happen tomorrow, or they may foretell something that is going to happen 20 years from now. It is not always possible to clearly define the timeline in which G.o.d is operating. For this reason, unlike Joseph (see Gen. 37:5-7), it is wise not to share everything revealed with everyone. It is better to be like Mary, who ". . . kept all these things and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19).

When Israel was about to go out to battle, G.o.d told them that they were to separate from their ranks those who were fearful (see Deut. 20:8). These were those without faith for the situation. G.o.d had them remove the spirit of fear because it has an incredible ability to be transferred. In the same way, Jesus removed the doubters when He was about to resurrect Jairus' daughter from the dead (see Matt. 9:18-26). Similarly, it is wise to be very selective about to whom you reveal what G.o.d is promising you. Not everyone knows or appreciates the call of G.o.d upon your life, and if you share or surround yourself with people who are not able to see you in the Spirit (see 2 Cor. 5:16), their doubt may undermine your faith and begin a decay of the promise within you.

Salvation The story of Joseph in the previous chapter shows that G.o.d used dreams to save not only the nation of Egypt, but also the would-be nation of Israel. One of the reasons that this incident is recorded is so that the Church would join the dots and see the spiritual parallel it is meant to convey. Many will know that Joseph is a picture of Jesus in more than 100 ways (see Appendix A). He is hated by his brethren, he is sold by Judah (Judas) for silver, he is thrown into a pit (h.e.l.l), he is resurrected, he is glorified, he is revealed to his brethren the second time, and he distributes the life-giving seed, to name a few parallels between the two. As impressive as that may be, a more liberating truth is that it was the Holy Spirit who raised Joseph up after He had brought conviction and repentance through the interpretation of two deeply symbolic dreams while he was in prison.

In the same way, G.o.d wants to release the prisoners of satan today and bring them into G.o.d's courts. Everyone who does not know Christa"rich or poor, educated or untaught, successful or failure, whether they realize it or nota"is a slave of satan. Stop and think about that for a while; it puts things back into correct perspective. This truth is outlined by Paul in his instruction to Timothy, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if G.o.d peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will (2 Timothy 2:25-26 KJV).

These verses not only point out, as highlighted, that the people of the world are satan's captives, but they also say that people of the world "oppose themselves. " This is because, in resisting the Gospel, people are not so much opposing the Church or the Gospel, but are in fact, keeping themselves bound under satan's jurisdiction and hence really opposing themselves. They want to experience freedom, but in its place they have captivity!

This spiritual reality is reinforced as believers are encouraged to give thanks for our arrival into the Kingdom of G.o.d and also our liberation from satan's shackles. As is stated in Colossians, Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (G.o.d's holy people) in the Light. [The Father] has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1:12-13 AMP).

G.o.d is in the immigration business. He is continually looking for opportunities to draw people into His Kingdom and release them from satan's clutches because His prime concern is humankind's eternal destiny.

For this reason, G.o.d will continually reach out to them, even in their sleep. Let's refer once again to the pa.s.sage we read earlier, in Job, where Elihu said, Indeed G.o.d speaks once, or twice, yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, that He may turn man aside from his conduct, and keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from pa.s.sing over into Sheol (Job 33:14-18 NASB).

We see that G.o.d speaks to the unsaved at least twice through dreams during their lifetime to get them saved! So pa.s.sionate is He that they spend eternity with Him. He has made provision through His own death4 upon the cross that no one need go to h.e.l.l. The pa.s.sage above records that they don't understand what they have received in their dreams due to the veil upon their hearts. They desperately need someone with the Spirit of G.o.d to enlighten them.

Regularly, friends ask me about dreams that unsaved people they interact with have been having. Like the nurse whose patient repeatedly dreamed of compulsive cleaning, the father who continually dreamed of falling, the young man struggling to get the manhole hatch into the ceiling open, or the mature lady who repeatedly saw herself running down a hallway to get away from the fire that was chasing her. All of these dreams are G.o.d speaking to these people about their need for salvation. Dreams and their interpretations are an untapped reservoir of opportunities. If we lift our eyes and learn to interpret, then there is truly a white harvest field of souls before us (see John 4:35).

Our neighbors, friends, workmates, and clients may never come to church, but they all dream, and G.o.d has provided a priceless outreach tool in the interpretation of their dreams. Start asking them humbly about their dreams, and they will begin to open to our message as G.o.d proves Himself by disclosing their hearts and their futures.

If as you have read these pages, you are acutely aware that you are not presently right with G.o.d, please turn to Appendix B at the rear of this book right now before proceeding further.

Summary: Chapter Three.

a Dreams and visions are rhema words from G.o.d to build and strengthen faith.

a You can be strengthened in faith by hearing the dreams of others, like Gideon, who was strengthened in faith by hearing two enemy soldiers sharing a dream.

a G.o.d uses dreams to prepare people for healing, as He did with Jean Neil.

a Dreams and visions reveal secrets and answer questions on people's hearts.

a Dreams are a powerful vehicle for G.o.d to warn and guide His people. This is particularly true for those who are embarking on new ventures in G.o.d because the enemy is constant in his endeavors to abort the promises of G.o.d.

a Dreams are used to correct, as is shown in the Book of Job, where G.o.d uses dreams to "turn man from his deed. "

a The prophetic nature of many dreams strengthens faith and endurance.

a It is not wise to disclose every dream or vision you receive because many people will not appreciate or understand the call of G.o.d upon your life. Your listener's doubt is like fear, which has the potential to begin a decay of the promise of G.o.d within you.

a Dreams are a regular means by which G.o.d communicates to non-Christians their need for salvation.

a Everyone who has not come to the cross of Christ is a prisoner of satan.

a According to Job, G.o.d is so pa.s.sionate about people's souls that He uses dreams at least twice during their lifetime to prevent them from going to h.e.l.l.

a Everyone dreams; therefore, skills developed in dream interpretation create new harvest field opportunities.

a If you are not currently in right relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d, please read Appendix B at the rear of this book.

Endnotes 1. WE. Vine, M.F. Unger, and W White Jr., Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1985). Used by Permission.

2. Reinhard Bonnke, Even Greater (Orlando: Full Flame LLC, 2004).

3. See for a comprehensive list of Reinhard Bonnke's publications.

4. Sadly, many people do not realize who it was who died for them. When we see Jesus dying upon the cross, we are looking at the incarnation of G.o.d Himself taking our place and receiving the judgment we rightly deserve for our sin. Jesus said, ". . . If you believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins" (John 8:24 literal translation). Here He identifies Himself with the One who met Moses at the burning bush (see Exod. 3:14) and puts Himself under threat of stoning by declaring it (see John 8:5859). He is also called Immanuela"G.o.d with us (see Isa. 7:14) and the Everlasting Father (see Isa. 9:6). The Book of Colossians declares this truth a mystery, ". . . to the knowledge of the mystery of G.o.d, both of the Father and of Christ" (Col. 2:2). Can we comprehend it? No! But it is a mystery nonetheless revealed in the New Testament. Comparing Revelation 1:8 with Revelation 22:12-16, we discover that the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, is none other than Jesus, who is Almighty G.o.d! It was Almighty G.o.d who died on the cross for you and me. This surely amplifies the words of the writer to the Hebrews when he says, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation . . ." (Heb. 2:3).

Chapter Four.

Are All Dreams From G.o.d? (Part 1).

By Adam F. Thompson.

Are all dreams from G.o.d? This is a common question I am asked. A lot of dreams do not make sense; they come across as completely strange. You may have heard many people say, "I had a really weird dream last night; it made no sense at all." The truth is, G.o.d is trying to communicate with us, and He speaks to us daily in and through dreamsa"every dream.


You may be thinking to yourself, What if I have a nightmare? Is that from G.o.d? Or if I have a demonic attack in my dream, is that from G.o.d? The truth is, as Christians, even when we are awake, the enemy is looking for opportunities to attack us and bring us down. Also, while we are sleeping, our spiritual senses can pick up spiritual warfare or demonic oppression (in the heavenlies) which may be occurring in the area. It is important to remember that Jesus has defeated the enemy (see Col. 2:15). The Bible also declares that we have been given the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the evil one (see Luke 10:19). Praise G.o.d!

Primarily a nightmare is a signal. It is the cry of a heart carrying an unresolved issue and needing attention. Now generally, if Christians are walking in the Spirit and living in the counsel of the Lord, they do not have nightmares. However, if as a Christian, you do have constant nightmares, there is definitely a heart issue needing to be resolved.

Some prophetic dreams and visions may come across as nightmares because of the enormity of the events shown in them. These are normally received by those with a strong prophetic calling. Daniel experienced this type of nightmare while lying on his bed (see Dan. 4:5).

Constant nightmares would probably mean that there is an oppression operating in your life. This may indicate that you are being hara.s.sed by an oppressing spirit. Oppression is not possession, but rather hara.s.sment. If this is the case, you will require some counseling and ministry of the Holy Spirit under the guidance of a discerning and trusted mature believer. In the main, this occurs when there is a stronghold in your mind or heart due to something that has happened in the past that has affected you deeply, such as an abuse or trauma of some kind. Ultimately, what we look for in these situations is the legal ground on which the enemy is allowed to gain access. This is explained further below.

Another such occurrence is when, as Christians, we sin with our mouths. I am not talking about the attributes of sin, such as drinking, smoking, s.e.xual immorality, theft, and so on. I am talking about sinning with our mouths without being consciously aware of it. What I am referring to is either when we curse ourselves or others by labeling ourselves or others as "idiots" or something similar. This can also happen if we keep making negative confessions with our mouths, such as, "I must be going crazy." Similarly, we may be guilty of openly confessing doubt or fear, which likewise gives the enemy the right to hara.s.s and torment us. Cursing ourselves and denying the Word of G.o.d like this grieves the Holy Spirit and gives a foothold to the enemy (see Eph. 4:27-30). We need to be ever aware that " . . .we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against princ.i.p.alities, against powers. . .in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12).

As Christians, we must be very careful what we say and confess with our mouths. The Book of Proverbs says we have power in our tongues to speak words of life or death (see Prov.18:21). This is not an empty plat.i.tude that we can choose to ignore; this is a living reality we need to take to heart. Therefore, it is really important to always speak as if we are speaking the very words of G.o.d and to have our vocabulary lined up with the Word of G.o.d, because this empowers us to receive the promises of G.o.d. When we align our speech with G.o.d's Word in this way, we frustrate the enemy because G.o.d's Word cannot be broken (see John 10:35). Jesus said that "Heaven and earth will pa.s.s away, but My words will by no means pa.s.s away" (Matt. 24:35).

Angels and demons constantly hear every word we say. If we start speaking the Word of G.o.d and our vocabulary is in agreement with the Word of G.o.d, it activates the power of G.o.d and empowers the angels to encamp around us and to prepare the way for the destiny that G.o.d has for us. When we start speaking death, curses, or doubt, it empowers demons to respond and gives them the right to bring havoc into our lives, to strike us and steer us off G.o.d's path. Our victory is in being in harmony with G.o.d's Word.

The Scriptures further say the devil roams around like a roaring lion, looking to devour us. If as Christians we are having nightmares and are under constant attack by the enemy, G.o.d is allowing this so that we can learn to overcome with the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony (see Rev. 12:11). It is important to understand that there is a difference between allowing something to happen and being the perpetrator of that horror. The Bible says, "Let no one say when he is tempted, *I am tempted by G.o.d'; for G.o.d cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone" (James 1:13).

Temptation It is evident from Scripture that G.o.d allows the enemy access to us to test or prove us. Though He was without sin, Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness (see Luke 4:1-13). This temptation may come in the form of a dream or a vision, as it did with Christ. Luke's Gospel records, "Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time" (Luke 4:5). The fact that the devil was able to show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world "in a moment of time" suggests that this temptation came in the form of a vision.

Why would G.o.d allow the enemy to tempt us? The answer to that question is twofold. If we fail the test, it acts like a refining fire by bringing what is truly in our hearts to the surface so that we deal with it. It thus produces a humbler and holier disciple.

A good example of this is when G.o.d withdrew from Hezekiah. Hezekiah had previously shown Babylonian envoys all the wealth and treasures of his kingdom (see 2 Kings 20:12-13). In response to Hezekiah's proud and impetuous act, the Bible records, Howbeit in the business of the amba.s.sadors of the princes of Babylon, who sent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, G.o.d left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart (2 Chronicles 32:31 KJV).

G.o.d withdrew from Hezekiah so that he would see the pride of his own heart, repent, and not suffer eternally for it. In allowing Hezekiah to be tested, G.o.d was working in the king's best interests.

G.o.d also allows us to undergo temptation so that, when we have come through the temptation victoriously, we are aware that we have grown stronger in G.o.d and moved to another spiritual level. For Christ, graduation through His wilderness temptations meant that He was now ready for ministry, Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region. And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all (Luke 4:14-15).

Learning From Job Reading the Book of Job, we find that he was a righteous man. There was no one like him on the earth, and he was righteous to the point where G.o.d proclaimed his righteousness. The devil came to G.o.d, and G.o.d asked him where he had been, to which he answered, "From going to and fro on the earth . . ." (Job 1:7). He was looking to find legal grounds to enter the lives of men and women on earth, particularly those who were in relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d, which at the time included Job. That didn't just happen to Job without reason. I believe that this pa.s.sage of Scripture is there to show us potentially what can happen to all saints. In the spirit realm, there is a constant battle going on, and the enemy is on the prowl, looking to devour and constantly accusing believers before G.o.d (see 1 Pet. 5:8). The Bible records that he does not let up, but is constantly leveling accusations to G.o.d about believers, day and night (see Rev. 12:10). The devil is vigilant in his quest for a foothold into believers' lives.

G.o.d did not allow satan to attack Job's life or touch him without consent. In fact, the devil can do nothing without G.o.d's consent. This is why Paul can say that "all things work together for good. . ." (Rom. 8:28). The Lord said to satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person" (Job 1:12).

Then satan went out from G.o.d's presence to bring calamity to Job. The encouraging thing in the Book of Job is that all the hards.h.i.+p and all the attacks of the enemy purged him and caused him to be stronger, wiser, and more faithful to the Lord, even though at one point he seemed to be weak in his faith. Job was not suffering because of sin, but G.o.d in His foresight knew that in suffering Job would sin. It was G.o.d's wisdom at work, because He hadn't finished with Job. G.o.d wanted him to come to the fullness He had for him. This attack on Job's life included experiencing nightmares. Job himself said, "Then You scare me with dreams, and terrify me with visions" (Job 7:14).

Job attributed the nightmares to G.o.d. It appears he experienced them because G.o.d allowed the devil access to him. G.o.d took down the hedge of protection around Job (see Job 1:10), a spiritual hedge that we likewise are protected by if we are born again and living rightly before G.o.d (see Ps. 34:7; Isa. 5:1-2). Job's protection was removed ultimately for his benefit and to show us what happens in the spirit realm. I don't believe that G.o.d freely gives evil spirits access to our lives today without them having some legal right to do so. These situations happen if there are unresolved issues that give the enemy legal grounds to come into G.o.d's Kingdoma"you (see Luke 17:21).

If we are experiencing nightmares, then the enemy has a legal right to enter. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us identify the grounds on which the enemy is getting in. The common grounds on which the enemy gains access are: a Unforgiveness related to some form of abuse or trauma (see Matt. 18:21-35) a Rebellion and unrepentant sin (see Prov. 17:11) a Witchcraft and divination (see 1 Sam. 15:23; 16:14) a Generational curses (see Exod. 20:4-5; Deut. 5:9) a Wrong confession with our mouths (see Eph. 4:25-27) a Extreme jealousy, envy, or rage (see Eph. 4:25-27) a Strongholds: defiant mental att.i.tudes contrary to the Word of G.o.d (see 1 Sam. 15:23; Prov. 17:11) p.o.r.nographic Dreams If we are experiencing p.o.r.nographic dreams, then there is generally a core issue as outlined abovea"often having more than one strand and manifesting itself as l.u.s.t in our lives. The devil has been known to build a stronghold of l.u.s.t around a three-fold cord of jealousy, unforgiveness, and mental strongholds. I have also seen a spirit of perversion operating over people's lives among p.o.r.nographic nightmare sufferers. This means that when dealing with this problem, it is necessary to address more than just the manifesting problem of l.u.s.t. The p.o.r.nographic nightmare sufferer needs to come clean with heart issues through confession and repentance, giving the enemy no legal ground for entry before a prayer identifying and severing spiritual bonds or soul-ties is declared in authority over the believer. It is important that this problem is not further fed by the dreamera"by looking at other people or media with l.u.s.ta"because that gives the enemy further ground on which to enter. Like Job, all believers need to make a covenant with their eyes (see Job 31:1) when thoughts stray beyond pure relations.h.i.+ps, particularly when battling with l.u.s.t.

In Job's case, we find at the end of the book that he was blessed with a double-portion of what he had in the beginning. His experience humbled him and gave him insight and wisdom. It gave him the humility and love to pray for those who rose up against him, which is a display of the same nature as Jesus Christ.

At times G.o.d will also directly trouble our souls through a nightmare to direct and warn us. These dreams may manifest as a fear of the Lord in regard to pending judgment. This was the case with Pilate's wife (see Matt. 27:19), Abimelech (see Gen. 20:3-7), Pharaoh (see Gen. 41:8), and Nebuchadnezzar (see Dan. 2:1; 4:5).

So G.o.d both indirectly allows enemy access to torment us (see Matt. 18:34; Prov. 17:11) and directly gives nightmares, but always with a beneficial intention. These come if we are not fully grown in the Lord and are holding certain issues contrary to the Word of G.o.d in our hearts, so that we can grow, pinpoint the issues, and overcome the enemy. Ours is not to hide these dreams, but to find a trustful, mature believer and work through the issues the dreams identify.

With Job, even though he was initially considered righteous, the trials and tribulations brought on by the attack of the enemy exposed certain issues he held deep in his heart. There was some resentment he held and some things that he cried out to the Lord which weren't right (see Job 38:1-2; 42:3), which when confessed and repented of gave him a greater revelation of G.o.d. So G.o.d wants us to live in the fullness of what He has for us, and at times, He uses adversity to refine us. This is so that when we stand before Him on the Day of Judgment we can have confidence without suffering any loss and can take our place holding our head high with full a.s.surance, knowing we have completely fulfilled His divine plan for our lives.

Wisdom Found in Parables Yes, the days of thinking we had a weird dream because we ate too much pizza are over. That one-liner is peddled way too often. I believe that all dreams are communications from G.o.d. Weird dreams that do not seem to make sense are not meaningless or without purpose. Actually, they are all significant. We need to always keep in mind that when G.o.d speaks to us in dreams He does it primarily through metaphors and symbols. As He has said in His Word, "I will open My mouth in a parable, I will utter dark sayings of old" (Ps. 78:2).

That prophecy was not just fulfilled in Jesus' teaching, but it continues as He speaks to us in dreams and visions today. We discover in Scripture that the Proverbs were written so the understanding person ". . .willattain wise counsel, to understand a proverb and an enigma [parable], the words of the wise and their riddles" (Prov. 1:5b-6).

Just as His wisdom is conveyed through proverbs, G.o.d also communicates to us using parables in dreams to bring us His wisdom. Just as Jesus spoke in parables, talking about seed-sowing to the farmer (see Matt. 13:3-9), about fis.h.i.+ng to fishermen (see Matt. 4:19), and about finance to stewards (see Matt. 25:14-30), so He speaks to us in allegorical dreams today. It's clear that G.o.d speaks to us in riddle-like dreams, and we need the Holy Spirit to give us the spiritual insight to interpret these parables and riddles.

When Jesus explained the parable saying that what comes out of the mouth comes directly from the heart, Peter came up to Him and pet.i.tioned, "Explain this parable to us." Jesus said in response, "Are you also still without understanding?" (Matt. 15:15-16). Even though he was awake and in the physical presence of Jesus, it is obvious that Peter still didn't understand the parable and needed to have it explained or interpreted for him. We likewise experience parable-type communication from G.o.d through our dreams and equally need them interpreted if we are going to understand them.

When we stop and think about it, Jesus Christ is the best communicator the world has ever known because He relates to all people at their level and on their wavelength through everyday realities and experiences. He did it when He was physically here on earth, and He is still doing it through our dreams by His Spirit while He is with the Father.

Why Metaphors?

Why does G.o.d speak to us in metaphors? G.o.d uses metaphors because images are very powerful. G.o.d created our minds to relate to and remember images and sounds quicker and more readily than written words. For example, when we drive along in our cars and see a "School Crossing" sign, we see more than just the words School Crossing. We see a symbol, a silhouette of a woman holding the hand of a child crossing the road.

This is because, though our verbal thoughts can be very fast, visual images received by our brains are much faster. Compared to the visual, trying to take information in by reading is much slower. When we read, we have to comprehend it. While reading, we have to process the information in our minds and try to imagine what we are reading. We read it first and then have to create the image. On the other hand, seeing an image or hearing a sound has the potential to go straight into our minds and our spirits.

Another ill.u.s.tration of the power of images is found on most computer desktops. When you look for the trashcan, do you look for the word trashcan, or do you look for the image of the little trashcan? Everybody responds to the icon quicker than they do to the words.

In business education circles today, the inherent power of metaphors as advanced communication tools and vehicles for change is being widely recognized. Francesco Sofo1 notes that "metaphors can refocus the familiar and show it in a new light," "provoke a vivid image which make future actions more tangible," and "connote meanings on a cognitive, emotional, and behavioral level in a holistic way." He says further that "the metaphor makes messages highly memorable and facilitates the reframing of views and mental sets. . . ." Brink2 has outlined that metaphors are more easily heard than rational explanations and, therefore, encourage listening, and because the symbolism is creative, they have the power to stimulate reflection and action. Broussine and Vince3 state that metaphors have the power to promote engagement and through engagement, change. And finally, Bennis4 found that successful leaders have an ability to use metaphors to make their vision clear to others. Wow, today's cutting-edge business educators are promoting the power of teaching methodologies utilized by Christ 2,000 years ago!

This should be no real surprise to us. After all, Jesus knows what works. He made us (see John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16). It is also little wonder that Jesus is still using this most powerful of teaching methods in our dreams and visions today.

This is why the Internet, television, and radio, and media like them, are very influential forms of communication. The Internet is very powerful because it is full of images and has tremendous potential to be used for good or for evil. I am not saying the Internet is wrong; it is just a means of communication and can be a great source of information. My own children use it regularly for study and good purposes. Unfortunately, this so-called information highway is also being used to flood and corrode our society with a plethora of p.o.r.nographic, occultic, and other unG.o.dly information.

I personally make a habit of listening to the Word of G.o.d over and over because faith comes from hearing the Word (see Rom. 10:17). If we listen to the Word of G.o.d over and over again, it gives our inner ear greater opportunity to hear (see Ezek. 3:10). When I was a child, I struggled with dyslexia. Nowadays, by listening to dramatized versions of the Word of G.o.d on my iPod, I am able to visualize and retain more of what I hear. In a similar way, G.o.d not only gives us mental images in dreams, but also at times provides an emphasis-adding audible "voice-over" as well. This is in line with the fact that our minds give priority to images and audio over-and-above mere written words.

G.o.d also uses parables because He knows that we will be hungry to know what the dreams mean. I have found that, as soon as we understand that G.o.d speaks to us this way, we get even hungrier to know what He is saying. As the Scripture has it, "It is the glory of G.o.d to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter" (Prov. 25:2 KJV).

It is inherent in us to search for the answer to the codea"the Divinity Codea" He has set before us. Indeed, there is a blessing for those with this hunger, because the Bible declares that there is fulfillment in asking, seeking, and knocking (see Matt. 7:7).

Finally, G.o.d uses parables because they have an inherent ability to bypa.s.s the heart's natural defense mechanisms. We witness this in the correction of David after he commits adultery with Bathsheba (see 2 Sam. 12:1-15). Nathan, the prophet, comes to David and relates a parable of a rich man stealing a poor man's one and only ewe lamb. David makes a judgment concerning the rich man, and the prophet reveals the hidden truth behind the parablea"David is that rich man! He is convicted and repents of his actions.

So G.o.d speaks to us in parables because they relate to us, and have greater potential to be anch.o.r.ed in our minds, just as Jesus' disciples remembered His teachings and, later, wrote the Gospels. He also encodes His wisdom using metaphors because they are more readily received, they create a hunger in us for the interpretation, and they bypa.s.s our heart's natural self-protective tendencies.

Summary: Chapter Four.

a Every dream is communication from G.o.d.

a Some prophetic dreams come across as nightmares because of the enormity of the events they portray.

a Constant nightmares point to an oppression operating in the life of the dreamer.

a Negative confession may give the enemy ground on which to hara.s.s us.

a It is important to have our vocabulary line up with the Word of G.o.d.

a Our victory over princ.i.p.alities and powers is in being in harmony with G.o.d's Word.

a G.o.d allows demonic hara.s.sment so that we learn to overcome through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

a We are particularly susceptible to temptation in our dreams. These refine or approve us.

a The Book of Job provides insight into the spirit realm. The devil is constantly seeking permission to enter the lives of people. He cannot do anything without legal grounds, which he presents to G.o.d to gain access.

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The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 2 summary

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