The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 74

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(1) Exod. 19:4; Deut. 32:11; Ps. 18:10; 139:9; Isa. 40:31; Rev. 12:14; (2) Exod. 25:20; 37:9; (3) Ruth 2:12; Ps. 36:7; 61:4; 91:4; (4) 1 Kings 8:6-7; (3-5) Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:34; (6) Ps. 17:8; 571 (7) Isa. 6:2; Rev. 4:8; (8-9) Eccl. 10:20; Ezek. 1:4ff, 10:5ff; Dan. 7:4ff; (10) Ps. 55:6-8; Jer. 48:9; (11) Ps. 63:7; (12) Ps. 68:13; (13) Zech. 5:9; (14) Prov. 23:5; (15) Isa. 8:8; Jer. 48:40; 49:22; Ezek. 17:3; (16) Mal. 4:2; (17) Lev. 1:17; (18) Isa. 6:6.

Wing Nut: (1) Tightening things up spiritually (tightening); (2) Putting something together; (3) Letting things slide spiritually (loosening and falling away).

(1-3) 1 Pet. 1:13; 2 Thess. 2:3.

Wink/ing: (1) Deception; (2) Wickedness; (3) Pending trouble.

(1) Ps. 35:19-20; (2) Prov. 6:12-13; (3) Prov. 10:10.

Winning: (1) Divine favor and blessing; (2) Victory; (3) Salvation; (4) Finis.h.i.+ng the race; (5) Financial blessing (winning money).

(1) Deut. 28:6 ("going out" and "coming in" is reference to going to and returning from battle); Ps. 41:11; (2) 1 Chron. 26:27; (3) Prov. 11:30b; (4) 1 Cor. 9:24; 2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 12:1; (5) Prov. 10:22; Eph. 2:7.

Winter: (1) Death; (2) Hards.h.i.+p/tribulation; (3) Little light (no revelation of Christ); (4) Difficulty in progress; (5) Time of rain; (6) Time of pruning; (7) Time of hibernation/rest; (8) Time of planning and preparation.

(1) Song. 2:11-14 (represents death to resurrection); (2) Mark 13:18-19; (3) John 10:22-24; (4) Acts 27:12; 2 Tim. 4:21; (5) Song. 2:11; (6) John 15:2; (7) Isa. 18:6; Acts 27:12; 28:11; (8) 1 Kings 20:22-26.

Wipe: (1) Cleanse; (2) Rub out/forget; (3) Replace; (4) Dry; (5) Judgment; (6) Comfort (as in wiping away tears).

(1) 2 Kings 21:13; Luke 7:38, 44; John 11:2; 12:3; (2) Neh. 13:14; Prov. 6:33, 30:20; (3) Isa. 25:8; Rev. 21:4; (4) John 13:5; (5) Luke 10:11; (6) Rev. 7:17; 21:4.

Wire: (1) Communication (telephone cord); (2) Snare; (3) Test or trap (trip wire); (4) Bomb (colored wires); (5) Conductor of power; (6) Someone as a connection or connector.

Also see Barbed Wire and Fence.

(1) Matt. 13:43b; (2-3) Heb. 12:1; (4) 1 Thess. 5:3; (5) Job 37:3; (6) 1 Cor. 1:10; 6:17.

Witch: (1) Demonic powers (a devil); (2) Manipulator and controller; (3) Spell-caster; (4) Deception; (5) Manipulating church.

These people enter the spirit realm outside of Christ (the Door) and, therefore, are an abomination to G.o.d.

Also see Witchcraft, Witch Doctor, and Womana"UnG.o.dly.

(1-5) Exod. 22:18; 1 Sam. 28:3-25; Rev. 2:20.

Witchcraft: (1) Rebellion; (2) Illegitimate authority (= rebellion); (3) Manipulation and control; (4) Use of familiar spirits and spells; (5) Practice magic; (6) Work of the flesh; (7) Drug use.

Also see Witch.

(1) 1 Sam. 15:23; (2) 2 Kings 9:22 (cf.1 Kings 21:7); (3) 2 Kings 9:22 & 1 Kings 21:7, 10, 15; (4) 2 Chron. 33:6; (5) Mic. 5:12 (Soothsayers practiced magic); (6) Gal. 5:19-20; (7) Rev. 9:21 (The word sorceries is the Greek pharmakeia, from which we get the word pharmacy).

Witch Doctor: (1) Counterfeit healer; (2) Demonic powers; (3) One under the influence of familiar spirits; (4) Opposed to G.o.d/resisters of truth.

(1-4) Exod. 7:11, 22; 8:7; Deut. 18:9-12; Acts 13:8-11.

Wolf: (1) Satan; (2) Unregenerate predators; (3) Predatory ministers; (4) False prophets; (5) Those who ruthlessly destroy people for selfish gain; (6) s.e.xual or financial predator; (7) Fierce; (8) Deception; (9) Independent spirit (lone wolf).

(1) John 10:10-12; (2) Matt. 10:16; Luke 10:3; (3) 2 Pet. 2:15 (greed); Jude 1:11(greed); (4) Matt. 7:15; Acts 20:29; (5) Ezek. 22:27; (6) Judg. 16:4-5; (7) Hab. 1:8; (8) Matt. 7:15; (9) Gen. 49:27.

Woman: (1) Church; (2) The Holy Spirit; (3) Israel; (4) Spiritual mother; (5) Angel; (6) Literally a woman (possibly you).

The interpretation depends on your a.s.sessment of the person. How do you see that person?

Woman (G.o.dly Woman): (2) The Holy Spirit; (5) An angel; (7) A G.o.dly example; (8) Wisdom; (9) Justice (legal system).

Woman (Foreign Woman): (1) UnG.o.dly church/person; (2) The Holy Spirit (you do not know her); (3) Church or person from overseas/different denomination; (4) Seductive woman; (5) Idolatrous woman; (6) Corrupt woman; (7) Someone leading you astray; (8) Worldly church (Egyptian woman); (9) Unclean spirit.

Also see Foreign, Foreigner, and Woman.

(1) Rev. 3:1-3; (2) See Woman; (3) John 4:9; Acts 16:9; (4-7) 1 Kings 11:1a, 4; Prov. 5:3-10; (8) See Egypt and Woman; (9) Prov. 7:26-27.

Woman (UnG.o.dly Woman): (10) Demonic powers; (11) Jezebel Spirit (controlling or in purple); (12) Religious spirit (seducing followers); (13) Sinful church; (14) Babylon (s.e.xually seductive); (15) Spirit of death (black widow); (16) Independent spirit; (17) Fleshly or unattractive church (woman with facial hair). (18) Spirit of the world (uncouth woman).

Also see Black, Woman (Foreign Woman), Jezebel, Red, Widow, and for an enticing married woman in red, see Harlot. Finally, also see individual names in Name and Place Dictionary.

(1) Eph. 5:25; (2) (Gen. 8:9 & Matt. 3:16); Matt. 23:37; John 3:5; Rom. 8:14, 22, 26a (giving birth); Eph. 5:31-32; (3) Jer. 3:20; (4) 1 Tim. 5:2; t.i.t. 2:3-4; (7) 1 Pet. 3:5-6; (8) Prov. 9:1; 14:1; (9) As in, blindfolded woman with scales in her hand; (11) Rev. 2:20; 17:4; (12) Prov. 7:10-27; (13) 2 Cor. 6:16; 7:1; (14) Rev. 17:5; (15) Isa. 59:5; (16) 1 Sam. 20:30; Ezek. 36:17; 1 Cor. 11:6a; 1 Pet. 3:5; (17) Gen. 25:25 & Eph. 5:23; (18) 1 Cor. 2:12; 7:33.

Womb: (1) Heart or spirit; (2) Foundation; (3) Place of conception; (4) The place of faith; (5) The place from which one is sent out; (6) Fruit (offspring); (7) Place of unseen preparation.

(1) John 3:3-4; Heb. 11:11; (2) Jer. 1:5; Matt. 1:18; 13:23; John 18:37; (3) Luke 1:31; 2:21; Rom. 4:19-20; (4) Rom. 4:19-20; 1 John 5:4; (5) Gen. 25:23; Gal. 1:15; (6) Gen. 30:2; Deut. 7:13; Ps. 127:3; (7) Isa. 49:5; Ps. 139:15-16 (NKJV).

Wombat: (1) Underground church/person (not openly acknowledged).

(1) John 7:10.

Wood: (1) Fleshly works (earthly effort); (2) Coming from self rather than from the Spirit; (3) Dishonor; (4) Talebearer (gossip); (5) Contention.

Also see Tree.

(1-2) 1 Cor. 3:12-13, 15; (3) 2 Tim. 2:20; (4) Prov. 26:20; (5) Prov. 26:21.

Woods: (1) Beginning of freedom, but not yet fully secured; (2) Group of people. Also see Forest.

(1) As in "We're not yet out of the woods"; (2) Isa. 7:2.

Wooden Sword: (1) Carnal words; (2) Fighting in the flesh; (1) Naive presumption; (4) Play fighting or training.

(1) 1 Cor. 3:12-15 & Eph. 6:17; (2-3) 1 Cor. 3:12-15 & Heb. 4:12; (4) 1 Sam. 17:42-43 (NKJV).

Wool: (1) G.o.dly garment rather than human-made garment; (2) Glory; (3) Righteousness; (4) Fleece (test).

Also see Clothes, Cotton, Snow, and White.

(1) Lev. 19:19b; Deut. 22:11; (2) Dan. 7:9; Rev. 1:14; (3) Isa. 1:18; (4) Judg. 6:37.

Woolworths: See Name and Place Dictionary.

Work: (1) Work for G.o.d (faith in action); (2) Self-effort (as opposed to faith); (3) Flesh (as opposed to fruit of the Spirit).

(1) 1 Cor. 15:58; Gal. 5:6 (the key); 1 Thess. 1:3; James 2:14, 17-18, 20, 26; (2) Ps. 127:1a; Gal. 2:16; Heb. 6:1; (3) Gal. 5:19-21.

Workman: (1) Believers in the harvest; (2) Healing angel (working on the house); (3) Jesus (fixing the body/temple); (4) Person of the flesh.

Also see Builder.

(1) Matt. 9:38; 2 Cor. 8:23; (2) Job 33:23-24; (3) Matt. 12:13; (4) Gal. 2:16.

Worm/s: (1) Old self (person of the flesh); (2) Stinking flesh; (3) Having no backbone or spineless (lacking spiritual fort.i.tude); (4) Disobedience/transgression; (5) Decay/rottenness/corruption; (6) Despised and reproached; (7) The Gospel (as bait); (8) Opening up something that is complicated and may lead to chaos; (9) Bitterness (worms in wood).

(1) Isa. 41:14; (2) Exod. 16:20, 24; Isa. 66:24; (3) Isa. 41:14; Mic. 7:17; (4) Exod. 16:20; Isa. 66:24; (5) Deut. 28:39; Job 7:5; 17:14; (6) Ps. 22:6; (7) Matt. 4:19; (8) As in, "opening a can of worms"; (9) Prov. 5:4; Rev. 8:11.

Worry: (1) Spirit of fear; (2) Double-mindedness.

(1) 2 Tim. 1:7; (2) Matt. 6:25, 31, 34 (cf. NKJV & KJV).

Wors.h.i.+p: (1) A life (sacrifice); (2) Service; (3) Activating the Kingdom of Heaven (releasing the lords.h.i.+p of Christ into a situation); (4) Divine warfare.

(1) Gen. 22:5, 10; (2) Matt. 4:10 (Whatever you wors.h.i.+p you serve); (3-4) 2 Chron. 20:21-22; Ps. 22:3; 2 Cor. 10:4.

Wound/ed: (1) Damaged conscience; (2) Wounded heart/spirit; (3) Heart pierced by words; (4) Sin; (5) Judgment; (6) Hurts; (7) Troubled; (8) Grief; (9) Adultery; (10) Addict (innumerable wounds); (11) Friendly correction; (12) Victory over the enemy.

Also see Healing.

(1) Gen. 4:23; Job 24:12; Ps. 38:4-8; 1 Cor. 8:12; (2) Ps. 109:22; 147:3; Prov. 18:14; 20:30; (3) 1 Sam. 31:3; Ps. 64:7-8; Prov. 18:8; 26:22; (4) Ps. 38:4-5; 68:21; Isa. 1:6, 18; 535; Jer. 6:7; 30:14; 1 Cor. 8:12; (5) Jer. 51:52; Ezek. 28:23; (6) Jer. 10:19; (7) Ps. 38:4-8; ,(8) Jer. 6:7; 10:19; 30:12; Nah. 3:19; (9) Prov. 6:32-33; 7:26; (10) Prov. 23:29-30; (11) Prov. 27:6; (12) Isa. 51:9.

Wrap/ping: (1) Caring for; (2) Respect; (3) Preserving; (4) Nurturing; (5) Hiding or keeping secret; (6) Protecting; (7) Wrapping something may change its function; (8) Wrapping strengthens; (9) Be deeply enmeshed; (10) Preparing a gift.

(1-3) Matt. 27:59; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:53; (3) 1 Sam. 21:9; (4) Luke 2:7; (5) Gen. 38:14; (6) 1 Kings 19:13; (7) 2 Kings 2:8; (8) Job 40:17; (9) Jon. 2:5; (10) Matt. 2:11.

Wrecking Ball: (1) Heavy-handedness; (2) Demolish or demolition.

(1) 1 Kings 12:13-14, 19; (2) 2 Cor. 10:4.

Wrestling: (1) Spiritual warfare; (2) Coming to the point of admission/submission; (3) Internal battle between flesh and spirit; (4) Strongman.

(1) Eph. 6:12; (2-3) Gen. 32:24-28; (4) Luke 11:21-22.

Wrinkles: (1) Hards.h.i.+p; (2) Sign of age and decay; (3) Holy (without wrinkles); (4) Sin (as the opposite of holiness).

Also see Folding and Shadow.

(1) Job 16:8; (2) Eph. 5:27; (3-4) Eph. 5:27.

Wrist: (1) Relations.h.i.+p (particularly within the Body of Christ); (2) Broken relations.h.i.+p (broken wrist).

Also see Ankle.

(1-2) Eph. 4:16; Col. 2:19.

X-Box: (1) Playing games; (2) No heart for the things of G.o.d.

(1) Matt. 11:16-17; (2) X = No, and box = heart.

X- Ray: (1) Spiritual insight; (2) Actual X-ray required.

(1) Mark 1:10; John 1:32-33; 11:33, 14:17; Acts 2:17.

Yacht: (1) Holy Spirit ministry.

Also see Boat, Cruise s.h.i.+p, and Houseboat.

(1) John 3:8.

Yard (Back): (1) Private; (2) Personal; (3) Closed; (4) Exit; (5) Works; (6) Past; (7) Return to idolatry; (8) Disobedience; (9) Your family.

Also see Garden and Yard (Front).

(1-2) (Matt. 24:3 & John 18:1); Luke 8:17; (3) Song. 4:12; (4) 2 Kings 9:27; 25:4; (5) Gen. 2:15; 3:23; (6) Ruth 1:15-16; 2 Sam. 12:23; (7) Josh. 23:12-13 (KJV); (8) Job 23:12; (9) As in, "You first need to deal with issues in your own backyard."

Yard (Front): (1) Public; (2) Widely known; (3) Open; (4) Entry; (5) Expectancy; (6) Faith; (7) Future; (8) Obedience.

Also see Garden and Yard (Back).

(1-2) John 18:20; (4) 2 Chron. 3:4; (5) Judg. 11:34; (8) As in, "coming in the right way."

Year: (1) A year may equal a time; (2) A year may equal a day.

Also see Time and individual numbers.

(1) Dan. 7:25; (2) Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:6.

Yeast: (1) Pride; (2) Sin; (3) That which grows when heated/pressured/persecuted; (4) Teaching that puffs up/corrupts; (5) Hypocrisy/treading on others/ legalism; (6) Skepticism and rationalism (denial of the supernatural); (7) Sensualism and materialism; (8) The Kingdom of Heaven; (9) Imposed legalism; (10) Unclean or unholy; (11) Causes double-mindedness; (12) Concentrating on knowledge.

Also see Salt.

(1) That which corrupts by puffing up; 1 Cor. 5:6; (2) 1 Cor. 5:6-8; (3) Matt. 13:33; (4) Matt. 16:6 & 12; Mark 8:15; Gal. 5:9; (5) Luke 12:1 (leaven of Pharisees); (6) Matt. 16:6 (leaven of Sadducees); (7) Mark 8:15 (leaven of Herod); (8) Matt. 13:33; (9) Matt. 16:6-11; (10) Lev. 10:12; 1 Cor. 5:7; (11) Matt. 16:11-12; (12) 1 Cor. 8:1.

Yellow: (1) Welcoming (ribbon); (2) Fearful or cowardly; (3) Spirit of fear; (4) Sin (unclean); (5) Glory of G.o.d; (6) Attention-seeking (self-glory); (7) Judgment; (8) Curse/plague.

Also see Gold.

(1-3) Present day cultural a.s.sociations; (4) Lev. 13:30-36 (Yellow hair a.s.sociated with leprosy. Leprosy is bodily equivalent to sin, leprosy is cleansed, but never healed); (5) Ps. 68:13-14; 1 Pet. 1:7 (a.s.sociation between gold and glory); Isa. 60:9 (a.s.sociation between gold and glory); (6) Prov. 25:27b; 27:2; Isa. 42:8; 48:11b; Jer. 9:23-24a; Matt. 6:2; John 8:50; Acts 12:23; 2 Cor. 12:5-6; (7) Rev. 9:17; (8) Dan. 9:11 (cursed for sin) & Lev. 13:30 (Leprosy is a type of sin).

Yesterday: (1) The past.

(1) Ps. 90:4.

Y-Junction: See T-Junction.

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The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 74 summary

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