Face Slapping The Slag Gong System (Quick Transmigration) Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Seven-year Itch
Translator: Fallen

The sound of heavy panting and low moans spread out from the bedroom.

Qin Mu leaned on the wall outside the bedroom, a few halos of light leaking through the cracks in the open door, s.h.i.+ning onto his face, outlining an exquisite and handsome face. His complexion was extremely good, his five facial features all conforming to the golden ratio. He had thin lips, a sharp nose, and under his slender eyebrows were a pair of peach blossom eyes with the pupils so dark that they resembled pools of ink, enrapturing people with their brilliance. Not to mention, his figure was extremely complementary with his clothes having wide shoulders and a narrow waist. Also, wrapped in his suit pants were his long and straight legs.

In the past, when Su Hanyu has crazily pursued him, he had said that his eyes were very attractive, crystal clear and resembling the stars.

However, in the end, he still got bored.

Seven years, legend spoke about the seven-year itch1, and unexpectedly, it really did happen.

Qin Mu tugged at his tie, his peach blossom eyes narrowing slightly, his charming and confused look disappearing, a dangerous atmosphere being revealed instead. It was almost as though he had been waiting for this day for a very long time.

Su Hanyu definitely wouldn’t have thought that he would have returned from his business trip ahead of schedule, coincidentally seeing Su Hanyu cheat on him. If this was the past Qin Mu, he definitely wouldn’t hesitate to push open the door to catch Su Hanyu committing adultery in bed before brokenly asking Su Hanyu why he would betray him…

In the bedroom, the temperature gradually rose, the creaking sounds of the bed getting louder and louder. It seemed that they were having a fierce battle. Qin Mu appeared affected, cursing softly, he skillfully pulled out a cigarette before proceeding to do some indescribable actions.

The time had pa.s.sed in this manner for a while before the sounds of pa.s.sion in the bedroom began to subside. Qin Mu pinched the cigarette b.u.t.t before turning and heading to the bathroom. There, he began to leisurely clean up the indescribable mess on his hand. He didn’t bother to lower his volume as he did these actions, uncaring of whether or not Su Hanyu and adulterer would hear him. When he was almost done cleaning up, a deep and cold voice suddenly resounded in his head.


Knowing the reason behind the congratulations, Qin Mu lightly snorted. “You really know how to pick a time.” Then, casually throwing the dirty paper towel into the bin, Qin Mu turned on the tap, smearing the hand soap onto his palms before was.h.i.+ng his hands under the flowing water. As he washed his hands, he arrogantly asked, “Just now, watching me beep-- How did it feel?”


Qin Mu wiped the water off his hands before continuing to sincerely talk to the system. “It’s a pity that you’re just a cold system, if you weren’t, I really wouldn’t mind doing it with you once.”

【You are really YD2.】The system's tone was extremely cold.

“Thank you, I will take it as though you are praising me.” Qin Mu smiled insincerely at the mirror not continuing to tease the system. Then his tone became serious, “Speak, what should I do next?”

【Right now, Su Hanyu had betrayed you. All you need to do is to make sure he regrets his actions in order to get a corresponding amount of pain. Once his pain value reaches 100%, you would have successfully completed this world’s task, allowing you to proceed into the next world.】

Qin Mu nodded, not forgetting to ask for confirmation, “Do not forget what you promised me.”

【You may rest a.s.sured, once the contract takes effect, it cannot be changed. As long as you succeed in a.s.saulting all the worlds, you can resurrect in your original world.】After finis.h.i.+ng this sentence, the system no longer spoke.

Upon mentioning this, Qin Mu felt rather depressed.

He had died, he didn’t die due to various accidents from car accidents to drowning or die from revenge murders, or love murders, or from serial killers. Instead, when he was rus.h.i.+ng to a hotel presidential suite with his ninth sweetheart for a 10 person orgy, he was struck by lightning.

The fortune teller had said that he should not lose his virginity ahead of time, or else he wouldn’t be able to live past 26. Although Qin Mu didn’t believe in fate, his grandfather was convinced by the fortune teller’s words causing him to prohibit Qin Mu from having relations.h.i.+ps with other people by threatening to abolish Qin Mu’s status of being the Qin family’s successor. Knowing that his father would always go through with his threats, Qin Mu could only laboriously work to maintain his virginity.

However with Qin Mu’s innate l.u.s.tful nature, within a period of time, he had gathered nine beautiful men. Due to his outstanding acting skills and exceptional look, each man ended captivated by him, believing themselves to be the only one in Qin Mu’s heart. And on his 26th birthday, Qin Mu had opened separate rooms in the same hotel, planning to sleep with each man one by one, the perfect ending for his virgin body. Yet, in the end, he wasn’t able to escape the fortune teller’s prophecy.

Recalling the past, Qin Mu sighed heavily, tracing the cigarette.

After dying from the lightning, the system had found him and told him that he could be reborn. That time, when he asked the system it’s reasons for choosing him, the system had told him it was because it felt that he had no moral integrity, and did not fear being abused. This reason really left people… unable to refute.

Feeling that he didn’t live long enough, Qin Mu did not hesitate to accept the system’s task, entering his first world. Then, according to the system, in order to give Qin Mu time to adapt, the system had adjusted the timeline in the world, bringing it 3 days backwards. In those 3 days, Qin Mu’s memory would be erased until he was able to adopt the behaviour and ident.i.ty of the character. It was only recently when he was able to regain his original memories.

Just now, when the system had congratulated him, it was to congratulate him for recovering his memory.

【When that slag betrays you, your memories will awaken.】

Inadvertently recalling the words the system told him, the corners of Qin Mu’s mouth pulled sightly. Just as he turned around, flicking away the cigarette ash as he did so, he happened to notice Su Hanyu hesitating to speak, looking as though he was in a hurry to start. Su Hanyu who was clothed in a simple white bathrobe had arrived to see if anything had happened after hearing the sound of footsteps earlier.

Qin Mu removed the cigarette b.u.t.t, placing his two hands on beside the sink showing off an idle posture, a faint smile appearing on his face.

“How long already?”

Su Hanyu had no intention to defend himself, “3 months.”

Extinguis.h.i.+ng the cigarette b.u.t.t on the marble platform, Qin Mu lowered his head and played with his fingers. “The down payment of this house was paid by you, the loan was paid by both of us. In the end, you go or I go?”

The man’s callous att.i.tude left Su Hanyu stunned. For a moment he couldn’t help but feel that beautiful man who left people breathless was a little unfamiliar. He had thought that Qin Mu would question why he was cheating on him, and for the sake of their many years of love, give him a chance. Yet, in the end, all he got was a perfunctory statement of you go or I go.

This scene had completely gone beyond his expectations.

Su Hanyu had actually planned to break up with Qin Mu. Even though Qin Mu was the most attractive man who he had ever dated, his deposition was especially uninteresting.

Qin Mu was his senior, the first university student to come out from that remote, backcountry village. Having a conservative and shy character, the past him had been attracted to Qin Mu’s face, immediately launching a pa.s.sionate pursuit. Back then, many people were also pursuing Qin Mu, amongst those suitors, many of them were wealthy second generations. Perhaps it was his sincerity which moved Qin Mu, for out of the thousands who were chasing after him, Qin Mu had chosen him.

These few years, he had worked very hard, his career had been gradually improving and he had his own company. As such, social communication was important and flirtations unavoidable. Two years ago, while he would occasionally do it with other people, his heart would remain with Qin Mu. However, after meeting Qi Zicong three months ago, his every thought was on Qi Zicong, feeling that he had found his long lost pa.s.sion.

Qi Zicong was young, handsome, had a fun personality and would let loose when he was on the bed. To put it simply, Qi Zicong was the perfect partner for him. As for Qin Mu, after eating the same dish for seven years, the current Qin Mu was no longer interesting, even if his face continued to excite him.

Thinking of this, Su Hanyu regained his spirit, his awkward and stiff face disappearing as he spoke generously, “There’s no need, you can consider this house my break up gift to you. Tomorrow I will move out.”

Hearing this, Qin Mu did not feel thankful at all. Just as he was about to reply sarcastically, Qi Zicong, who was wearing Su Hanyu’s white s.h.i.+rt, walked past, showing off two long delicate white legs. Bonelessly lying against Su Hanyu’s shoulder, he didn’t spare a glance for Qin Mu before speaking. “Hanyu, my body is so sticky, with no strength. Won’t you help me wash?”

Qin Mu took a glimpse of him, seeing the snow white skin covered with many dubious marks, Qin Mu’s heart couldn’t help but begin to itch again.

One must know that his innate desire was very strong, yet he still died without ever getting rid of his virgin body. Seeing this dog like male whose entire face radiated satisfaction, his heart was engulfed by fire, his eyes holding a ridiculing look. “Want me to help you wash?”

Hearing this statement, Qi Zicong turned around and scanned Qin Mu. Seeing the man’s secretive smile, he was startled, his eyes focusing. He had seen pictures of Qin Mu in Su Hanyu’s wallet before and seen that Qin Mu was rather good looking. However, after the seeing the person in the flesh, he finally realised that the picture was not enough to portray even one-tenth of his brilliance.

Only after seeing Qin Mu did he understand, in this world, some people were actually that good looking.

Different from the popular male beauties nowadays, the man in front of him had a tremendous s.e.x appeal, any gesturing, even if it was just raising an eyebrow, was full of hooks, endless temptation, causing people to want to gather around him, monopolising him.

Suddenly realising that he had been having numerous bad thoughts about a man that was supposed to be his rival, Qi Zicong ruthlessly pinched his own hand, calming himself down before whispering softly, “You’re crazy.”

As if doing this would help erase his own inexplicable thoughts.

However his actions betrayed his consciousness, Qi Zicong continued to use the corner of his eye to peek at Qin Mu’s calamitous face, unable to resist looking. No matter how many times he looked, it was just not enough.

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Face Slapping The Slag Gong System (Quick Transmigration) Chapter 1 summary

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