Hypnotized Harem Volume 1 Chapter 2

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Meeting Mary

"Kazu, it's morning….. time to wake up"

My older sister came into my room to wake me up

She came beside me and whispered in my ear like a lover

With just a single word from her I woke up

"Get up, and come down! I won’t wake you up if you fall asleep…."

Saying that she closes the door and leaves the room

As she left I tried to get up

But, my body felt strangely heavy

This heaviness was not due to tiredness or me growing weight overnight

This is a weight that I’m used to

I know what the weight is, as I lift my futon I can see a little girl with a similar face to my sister hugging on to me, Yuzu my younger sis

When she felt me move, she opened her eyes and smiled at me

But, unlike me she doesn't wake up and tries to fall asleep once again

"Get up, its time to get ready!"

While saying that I move her away from my body and get up

As she got up she started to hop out of my room, which caused my eyes to fix on her chest

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were also big! I think it runs in my family?

As I was staring at her, she left the room

I got off the bed and started wearing my uniform

After putting on my dress I went out of the room

As I descended down the stairs and headed towards the dining room, the smell of taste is present in the air

The breakfast is ready, my father is reading his paper, while there are three youg and s.e.xy women in the kitchen

My mother Yuri, gave birth to my sis when she was 18 years old, and then married my dad

And now she's 36 years old

But even now she's scouted by all the men around her

It's not surprising as she has a beautiful body and lovely face

"Kazu, here's your toast"

The nickname Kazu was given to me by my mom, and later my sis started using it

But after my sis started using it continuously, my mom began to only use it occasionally

Then Yuzu came and sat down next to the empty seat beside me

She took the toast from my plate and started eating it, like she does everyday

I’ve gotten used to her actions, so it doesn't bother me anymore

As the breakfast is over, my father leaves the earliest

Then me and my big sis go to our school

As Yuzu is still in junior high she doesn't study with us

My mom doesn't have a specific job, but she works to the best of her ability as a mother

As we have an agreement, my sis doesn't hold onto my hand when we're at the school

"Bye Bye, Kazu"

As we are in different rooms, we leave each other near the stairway

I enter 10 minutes before the late time rush

When I sat down, the cla.s.s began getting rowdy with people trying to approach me

NO I'm not famous! My sis is!

All the guys try and approach me in hopes of coming to my home and meeting my hot sis

I’m not interested in any of them, so I talk some idle c.r.a.p and politely tell them to f.u.c.k off!

At 8:30 the cla.s.s began

Our homeroom teacher, Ms. Rina Sato enters the cla.s.sroom

Ms. Sato is a music teacher, and all of the students love her because of her good and trusting looks

She is young, and really good looking

So she is naturally popular throughout the school

After a long time of uselessness, the finally ended

"Stand up, be careful when you leave. Goodbye!"

After we were let off, I started running away

This was done due to me being afraid of the guys begging to come with me to my home

As I reached my home running, I saw a beautiful woman dressed as a maid pressing the intercom b.u.t.ton of our house

But there is no response, this is natural as no one is inside our house at this time

Still she didn't give up, and continued pressing the intercom in regular intervals

"Ahh, is there something you need?"

Unable to wait anymore, I went ahead and asked the woman in front of me

The woman turned around a bit surprised from my sudden outburst

"Nice to meet you….I am Mary, are you my master?"

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Hypnotized Harem Volume 1 Chapter 2 summary

You're reading Hypnotized Harem. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 縷散. Already has 5807 views.

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