Sex, Lies And Vampire Hunters Part 7

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"I want my dessert," he said, with a strained smile.

"Well don't let me stop you." She took the chocolate pudding from his hand and peeled the foil top off. Then, dipping her finger into the smooth chocolate, she swirled it around. "Are you ready?"

He moaned. "You have no idea."

"Oh, I think I do." She painted the pudding around one of her nipples, tweaking it into a hard nub. With her newfound hyperactive s.e.xual drive kicked into overdrive, she fought to keep from yanking Roger onto the table and having her way with him. If he wanted to pleasure her first, by all means, let him.She dipped again and smoothed thick brown pudding over the other nipple, her eyes on Roger, not her handiwork.

The vein in his neck pulsed, pints of blood blasting through at an incredible pace.

Julie licked her lips and forced her gaze to return to Roger's.

He was watching her fingers teasing the other nipple.

"Your dessert is ready." She pointed her chocolaty finger at his mouth.

Like a hungry baby, he pulled her finger between his lips, sucking off the chocolate pudding. Once the creamy dessert was gone from her hand, his mouth laved first one then the other breast until all the pudding disappeared.

"All done?" Leaning back on her hands, Julie let her knees fall open.

"No way." Roger grabbed her ankles and planted her heels on the edge of the table. "I've only just begun." Lifting the whipped cream can, he pressed the nozzle between her folds, squirting out a hill of white cream.

The cool foam melted against her steaming c.l.i.t, an exhilarating contrast to the heat he generated within her.

Roger dropped to one knee and lapped at the whipped cream. He parted her folds and tongued her c.l.i.t until her a.s.s squirmed against the smooth wooden table top.

"You're torturing me, Roger," she said and gasped as he hit her sweet spot, her insides tightening into an exquisite knot.

"Do you want me to stop?" He blew a tight stream of warm air against the moistness of her c.u.n.t.

Julie's heels dug into the tabletop and her bottom lifted upward. "No."

Using the pointed plastic tip of the whipped cream, Roger traced the folds of her l.a.b.i.a, before he spread them wide and teased her c.l.i.t with the jagged edge. His finger dug into her p.u.s.s.y, followed by two more, spreading her channel, widening her for more to come. He dragged the tip of the cream dispenser from her c.l.i.t to the entrance to her v.a.g.i.n.a and pushed it lightly making a creamy mound of white foam over her entrance.

"Now for the creme de la creme of desserts." One leg at a time, Roger draped her thighs over his shoulders pulling her to the very edge of the table and into his mouth.

Her back arched and she cried out, "Roger! Jesus Christ, that feels so good."

His tongue dove in where his fingers had been, the whipped cream making it a long cool snake darting in and out of her. Rough hands gripped her a.s.s and squeezed as he sucked the cream out of her.

The tension built to fever pitch and Julie felt herself losing control. When Roger touched his tongue to her c.l.i.t, she spiraled over the edge and shattered into a billion powerful, surging pieces.

As she gave in to the o.r.g.a.s.m, the change pa.s.sed over her in a tide of s.h.i.+fting muscles. Even as the o.r.g.a.s.m rocked her to the core, she was clawing at Roger, dragging him up to a standing position. With whipped cream on his chin and his mouth s.h.i.+ny with her juices, he was the s.e.xiest man she'd ever known. "I need you inside me now."

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him closer until his p.e.n.i.s pressed to her opening.

That vein in his neck beckoned her and she fought the sudden urge to seal their lovemaking with her own special kiss. The frightening thought made her pull back, aghast at the direction of her desire.

She hadn't asked to be changed into a vampire. h.e.l.l, she hadn't known what happened until she almost baked in the morning sun. Roger didn't deserve a life of the living dead. He should marry a nice young woman and make beautiful little baby boys who would grow up to look just like their daddy.

But that vein. Holy c.r.a.p! It throbbed so enticingly.

"What's it to be? First you say you want me, then you push me away?"

"I can't."

"You're kidding right?" He pushed a hand through his hair.

"No, I'm not."

"Bring on the cool shower." Roger lowered her legs to the ground and pulled away from her dripping c.u.n.t.

No! She had to have him inside her. "Wait." Her hopped off the table and turned her back to him, presenting her a.s.s to him. The perfect solution to her bloodl.u.s.t problem. "f.u.c.k me, Roger-doggie style."

"Are you sure?"

"For G.o.dsakes, f.u.c.k me!" She backed into his c.o.c.k, the tip nudging into her a.n.u.s.

Roger repositioned the velvety tip touching the swollen nether lips of her v.a.g.i.n.a and this time, he hesitated. "What about birth control?"

"I can't have children. Will you do it already? I'm dying here." She rocked backward straining to take him fully into her.

His hands reached for her hips and he pressed her down onto him until he was fully sheathed. "I was thinking about how much I'd love to see your face while doing this."

d.a.m.n her and her bloodl.u.s.t. "But this is fun, too, huh?"

His moan confirmed and he pistoned in and out of her, the friction building heat inside her.

Her fingers clawed at the table, the need to feed on fresh warm blood, driving her system into a frenzy. How the h.e.l.l did the vampires keep from sinking their teeth into their human lovers?

Roger's hand circled her hip and delved between her folds to find her c.l.i.t. While rocking in and out of her, he rubbed his finger over that special place, raising her to climax at the same time as he slammed hard into her c.u.n.t.

He held her still, his rigid c.o.c.k twitching within as his seed filled her.

Torrents of sensation rippled across her from her p.u.s.s.y outward, filling her with a deep satisfaction of having been thoroughly f.u.c.ked. As the stirrings of l.u.s.t subsided, so did her overwhelming need to feed. Julie collapsed against the table, sending a prayer of thanks to the vampire G.o.ds for the brief respite.

A very brief respite, she was soon to learn.

Roger had only just begun his a.s.sault on her body and senses.

Chapter Six.

A tingling sensation not unlike that of a million needles p.r.i.c.kled the skin of Roger's right arm. When he tried to move it, a soft moan sounded next to him. His eyes opened, the fog of sleep lifting like early morning clouds burning off in the sunlight.

Strawberry blonde hair tickled his chin and he turned to discover the source of the tingles and tickles.

Julie lay in the crook of his arm, her face turned toward his chest, her blonde eyelashes lying against pale cheeks.

Roger's heart swelled, making his chest tighten. He and Julie had finally had a night together and it had been everything he'd hoped for and more-if he glossed over the initial distractions of a couple crazy men at the restaurant. Unlike most of his s.e.xual relations.h.i.+ps since his divorce, Roger didn't have even the slightest urge to jump out of bed and run from this woman. Although his arm had fallen asleep under the pressure of her head, he'd rather have this quiet moment to observe her while she slept.

Her long burnished golden hair spread out across his shoulder and onto the pale blue rumpled sheets. She looked like an angel, so soft and sweet in the morning. Roger glanced at his watch on the nightstand-make that afternoon light.

She s.h.i.+fted and nuzzled her nose against his chest, one eye easing open.

"Good afternoon, beautiful." He kissed her forehead, the simple gesture reminding him of a more pa.s.sionate version explored throughout the night. The reminder ignited less simple reflexes in his groin.

"Afternoon?" Rolling off his arm, she turned toward her alarm clock. "It is, isn't it? I have to go to work in a couple hours."

"Me too." Now that his arm was free, he shook the blood back into it. "Hungry?"

With a groan, she flopped back onto the pillow beside him, her eyes closed. "Ummm, yes. But not for food." She tossed the sheets aside and rolled on top of him, straddling his hips. "I had something a little more interesting in mind for breakfast."

The twin mounds of her a.s.s rested over his rapidly swelling c.o.c.k and the warmth only added to the heat building inside. "I think I could find the can of whipped cream."

"No need. I'll provide all the cream you want." To prove the point, she slid lower until her c.u.n.t rubbed across the hard ridge of his p.e.n.i.s, spreading a thin coating of cream along its length.

He nudged the entrance to her p.u.s.s.y with the tip of his c.o.c.k. "I get your point."

"As I get yours." She reached behind her to fondle his b.a.l.l.s and then positioned his c.o.c.k, ready for mounting.

"What a woman." Roger cupped his hands behind his head and smiled up at her. "This is the kind of service I like. I just lie back and enjoy the view and action. You do all the work."

Instead of sliding down over him, she climbed off him and reversed her direction. "Give a little to get a little, mister."

She presented her a.s.s toward him, planting a knee on either side of his ears, widening her legs until her p.u.s.s.y hovered over his lips.

He slapped her a.s.s. "Are you always this bossy in the morn-afternoon?" He stretched his tongue out and tasted her juices.

"Mmmm. Sweet, just like you."

"I'm anything but sweet," she said as her lips closed over his c.o.c.k.

Surging upward, he filled her mouth. He palmed her b.u.t.t cheeks, easing her lower so that he could treat her to the same bliss.

Once she was positioned where he wanted her, he spread her folds wide and laved her c.l.i.t, sucking it into his mouth, his tongue flicking a light, steady rhythm similar to the in-and-out motion she performed on his c.o.c.k.

His hands smoothed across her b.u.t.tocks, finding the crease and sliding down the center. When he found the tightly puckered lips of her a.n.u.s, he circled it several times, lightly fingering the opening.Her legs quivered and her p.u.s.s.y creamed.

Satisfied he wasn't entering taboo territory, he plunged his forefinger inside her a.s.s at the same time as he delved his tongue into her p.u.s.s.y.

Julie's back arched and her mouth left his p.e.n.i.s. "Ahhhh." Her head dropped to his groin and she leaned into his finger.

Cool air hit his wet c.o.c.k at the same time as Julie nipped at his groin.

He jerked and cried out, "Ouch! The woman has fangs."

The nipping stopped and Julie stared at where she'd bit. "I'm sorry."

"I was kidding. I'll live."

She stared at his groin for a moment longer, then she flung her hair to the side and bent to the task of sucking his c.o.c.k, again. Her a.s.shole gripped his finger with each time he forced it in and out.

He concentrated his a.s.sault on her c.l.i.t, sliding his tongue over the swollen nub, flicking and nipping.

The combination of finger-f.u.c.king her a.s.s and stroking her c.l.i.t had her quivering from head to toe. Her mouth worked fast and furious over his p.e.n.i.s, her fingers gently ma.s.saging his b.a.l.l.s.

As his body tensed and his b.u.t.t muscles clenched, hers jerked to a stop, her mouth opening to emit a squeal around the thickness of his d.i.c.k.

He flicked her faster until she scooted her p.u.s.s.y up and out of his range. Then she went to work on him, coaxing him to the peak and over the top, his body going rigid with his o.r.g.a.s.m.

c.u.m surged up and outward in a sporadic gush. He tried to pull free of her mouth, but she followed him, swallowing his juices.

When she pulled free, she licked his c.o.c.k, the long, tender strokes easing the tension from him until he fell back against the bed, breathing hard.

Roger drew in a deep breath and blew it out. "That was incredible."

"You're telling me?" Julie tipped over and flopped to the side of him, staring up at the ceiling. "I don't know if I could handle that on a regular basis. On second thought, yes, I could." She reached out a hand and smoothed it over his groin, her fingers tangling in his hair. Her legs lay open, inviting.

Rather than being drained by his recent o.r.g.a.s.m, Roger was energized and ready to go at it again. He rolled off the bed and pulled her legs to the edge. "Now, get ready to be f.u.c.ked."

Julie closed her eyes, telling herself she could handle this better without looking at his throat and the pulse, filled with hot red blood, beating just beneath the skin. She'd almost fed off him when her mouth encountered his groin. Her teeth had broken the skin, drawing a drop of blood. If he hadn't cried out, she'd have sunk deeper and fed off him. Why couldn't she control her urges?

She lay with her knees pushed up to her armpits, her eyes squeezed shut to the tempting source of nourishment.

Roger pressed the velvety tip of his p.e.n.i.s to her entrance. "Look at me, Julie."

Oh please, don't ask me to do it. She opened one eye and tried not to stare at his neck.

"I want to see your pretty green eyes as I drive my c.o.c.k into you." "And I want you to shut up and f.u.c.k me." Her eyes widened at her frank language. Before tonight, she'd reserved the F-word for the occasional rude driver and then only on rare occasions. Her actions had been less than normal since her turning. Would she change completely? Would the old Julie be replaced by the brash and s.e.xually insatiable new Julie? If so, bring her on! Julie raised her legs and wrapped them around Roger's waist. Careful to regulate the amount of pressure, she slammed him into her body until his c.o.c.k stretched and filled her channel. "Ummm, that's more like it."

One corner of his mouth pulled upward. "Mind if I do some of the work? I believe in equal opportunity, but I'd really like control this time."

"So long as you get down to business and quit teasing me."

"One night in bed and she's a tyrant." His smile softened his words and he leaned over her, to take a nipple between his teeth. "I like these just as well without the whipped cream." He slid in and out of her in a slow, gentle rhythm.

"I'll have to stock up on whipped cream and chocolate pudding." Julie released the grip she had on his waist and pulled her knees back to her armpits for maximum penetration.

"And I'll have to stock up on vitamins to keep up with you." The rhythm increased until he pounded in an out of her. A sheen of sweat glowed over his muscular body, highlighting that d.a.m.ned vein in his neck.

Julie closed her eyes and bit into her lip, willing the bloodl.u.s.t to abate as her own s.e.xual desire mounted. If she wanted to date Roger, she had to control her hungers.

Roger rocked to a stop, his head thrown back, his teeth bared as he came inside her. When his p.e.n.i.s stopped jerking against the walls of her v.a.g.i.n.a, Roger scooted her up onto the bed, carefully maintaining their intimate connection. Then he collapsed on top of her rolling them both onto their sides, his neck within easy biting range.

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Sex, Lies And Vampire Hunters Part 7 summary

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