Hesperus or Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days Volume I Part 30

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[Footnote 35: Joint-reporter.--Tr.]

[Footnote 36: A kind that heads in the form of a capuchin's hood.--Tr.]

[Footnote 37: When one's five numbers are all drawn in their order, it is a quinterne.--Tr.]

[Footnote 38: _Aufgebunden_ may mean either tied up or untied.--Tr.]

[Footnote 39: Burlesque and serious operas.--Tr.]

[Footnote 40: Or, figure in history.--Tr.]

[Footnote 41: The ideal of the beautiful.]

[Footnote 42: As the Rabbins believe, according to Eisenmenger's Judaism, Part II. 7.]

[Footnote 43: _Usance_ means the month's grace allowed for the payment of a bill of exchange; double usance, of course, allows two months.--Tr.]

[Footnote 44: Petrarch, like German reviewers, avoided nightingales, and sought frogs.]

[Footnote 45: "Schatten_riss_ oder Schatten_schnitt_" is the German.--Tr.]

[Footnote 46: The literal rendering would be "_cut out of the eyes_, or, rather, out of the face." The phrase in Italics is a German idiom for expressing an exact likeness.--Tr.]

[Footnote 47: The readers of Boswell's Johnson will remember that interesting native of the South-Sea Islands.--Tr.]

[Footnote 48: Matthieu being the French for _Matthew_.--Tr.]

[Footnote 49: _Zeusel_ was a court-apothecary, mentioned on page 7, of whom we shall hear more.--Tr.]

[Footnote 50: An Italian word, meaning literally gallant, applied to those Platonic lovers who, with the connivance of the husbands, attended married ladies, and were everywhere seen in confidential chat with them.--Tr.]

[Footnote 51: La Mettrie was a noted medical man and materialist in his day, b. 1709.--Tr.]

[Footnote 52: Remember the beautiful pa.s.sage in Bede's History, where the Northumbrian prince compares man's life to the flight of the swallow through the lighted hall out of darkness into darkness.--Tr.]

[Footnote 53: An allusion, perhaps, to the legend, so lovely to the fancy, that a crucifix in Naples, when Alphonso was besieged there, in 1439, bowed its head before a cannon-ball, which consequently took off only the crown of thorns!--_Voyage d'un Francois_, Tom. VI. p. 303.]

[Footnote 54: This clover insures him who accidentally finds it against future deception. Hitherto it has been found only by--princes and philosophers.]

[Footnote 55: _Matz_, in German, means also both a starling and a blockhead.--Tr.]

[Footnote 56: Elegant paper for the upper]

[Footnote 57: In the original, "hang hares' tails on us," i. e. "make fools of us."--Tr.]

[Footnote 58: Literally, spit-devils,--a sort of firework.--Tr.]

[Footnote 59: I. e. Birthday-festival.--Tr.]

[Footnote 60: Not one of the commonplace souls that jog steadily on like the hexameter.--Tr.]

[Footnote 61: This was a common practice of our old New England Puritan parsons.--Tr.]

[Footnote 62: Disciples of Kennicott, the well-known English verifier of the general accuracy of the Sacred Text.--Tr.]

[Footnote 63: A trap extemporized by setting up a heavy book obliquely, with one end resting on a stick, and the cheese attached.--Tr.]

[Footnote 64: Christina, daughter of Charles XII., abdicated in May, 1654, at the age of twenty-eight.--Tr.]

[Footnote 65: A famous and popular old volume delineating the world of nature and life in pictures, with numbers referring to the different parts of each picture.--Tr.]

[Footnote 66: That is, threw into them, as into sc.r.a.p-baskets, the bits of paper on which he had written his thoughts.--Tr.]

[Footnote 67: Allusion to Ezekiel.--Tr.]

[Footnote 68: Literally, _G.o.d's-box_.--Tr.]

[Footnote 69: _Gesprungen_ seems to mean both _vibrated_ and _snapped_.]

[Footnote 70: _Haupt_- und _Staat-actionen_, the phrase used by Faust in his first dialogue with Wagner. Schlegel says the t.i.tle was affixed to dramas designed for marionettes when they treated heroic and historical subjects.--Tr.]

[Footnote 71: Epiglottis.--Tr.]

[Footnote 72: What has come into the world feet foremost.--Tr.]

[Footnote 73: Ba.s.selisse (French).--Tr.]

[Footnote 74: _Ladenhuter_ (shop-keeper) is the German word, meaning goods that keep the store as a sick man keeps his bed,--_shop-ridden_.--Tr.]

[Footnote 75: A court that decided matters in dispute among the sovereigns of the German Confederation.--Tr.]

[Footnote 76: A selection of choice learning.--Tr.]

[Footnote 77: Midsummer-day.--Tr.]

[Footnote 78: A name given by the Greeks to the Hebrew word Jehovah, which consists, in the original, of _four letters_.--Tr.]

[Footnote 79: The thumb of a hanged thief was considered as a lucky-bone.--Tr.]

[Footnote 80: Full.--Tr.]

[Footnote 81: Or it _went a begging_, as we say.--Tr.]

[Footnote 82: "Rara avis."--Tr.]

[Footnote 83: See page 67.--Tr.]

[Footnote 84: It is precisely the possession of _heterogeneous_ faculties in _similar_ degree that makes one inconsequent and inconsistent; men with one predominant faculty act by it with more equableness. In despotisms there is more quiet than in republics; at the hot equator there is a more even rate of the barometer than in the zones of four seasons.]

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Hesperus or Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days Volume I Part 30 summary

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