Hesperus or Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days Volume I Part 33

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[Footnote 180: The rudiments of printing.--Tr.]

[Footnote 181: He is indignant, it is true, only at the _typographical_ history of learned works, and despises only the anxious search after the birthdays, &c., of deceased and stupid books in the midst of a world full of wonders; but here, too, he must needs consider that brains which can let nothing _press_ upon them more than operations of the _press_ still do better this little something, which saves and acc.u.mulates most for the better ones, than nothing at all, or anything beyond their ability.]

[Footnote 182: A name given to screens used for part.i.tions.--Tr.]

[Footnote 183: A well-known good writer on the eyes.]

[Footnote 184: Or crystalline lens?--Tr.]

[Footnote 185: Glands in the eyelids, discovered by Meibom in 1673.--Tr.]

[Footnote 186: A glandule at the corner of the eye, which secretes moisture.--Tr.]

[Footnote 187: Honeymoon. One of Jean Paul's variations on the phrase.--Tr.]

[Footnote 188: The Germans are peculiarly rich in synonymes for the honeymoon. The word used here is _Flitterwochen_ (Spangle-weeks).--Tr.]

[Footnote 189: Moldavian or Wallachian governor.--Tr.]

[Footnote 190: Some of the German written letters are like the Greek.

_Alphabet_ (at the end of the sentence) is a printer's term for 23 sheets.--Tr.]

[Footnote 191: The Fetzpopel, or _ragged ninny_, was a sort of scarecrow or bugbear.--Tr.]

[Footnote 192: A fistful.--Tr.]

[Footnote 193: An Indian moss used for the gout.--Tr.]

[Footnote 194: An allusion to a scandalous Scotch imposture of 1780.--Tr.]

[Footnote 195: Sledges for riding astraddle.--Tr.]

[Footnote 196: The Britons found out that whalebone shavings made the softest kind of bed.]

[Footnote 197: The English of this seems to be:--

"Turkey rhubarb powdered.

Starred anise-seed.

Fennel do.

Peel of green orange.

Carbonate of potash,--equal parts,--1 drachm.

Leaves of Alexandrian senna without stalks,--2 drachms.

Half an ounce of white sugar."

And the final direction may read, "Of which let him take a mixture, finely pulverized, given in sufficient quant.i.ty to produce ejection.

Mark [i. e. on the paper], Wind-powders," &c.--Tr.]

[Footnote 198: The name given to the halo about the head, when one is electrized.]

[Footnote 199: An allusion, perhaps, to the pasteboard images carried about on the heads of Italian peddlers, in which the loose-hung head bobs right and left to the spectators.--Tr.]

[Footnote 200: The German expression for all this is too elliptical to be literally rendered. It is simply "Meinetwegen!" (For all me!)--Tr.]

[Footnote 201: Fancy-man.--Tr.]

[Footnote 202: Their good works are good words.--Tr.]

[Footnote 203: The horse referred to on page 91.--Tr.]

[Footnote 204: That is, he would be, when this letter arrived, for he was going to carry it.--Tr.]

[Footnote 205: Culpepper never did him the pleasure, for which he had so often begged him, of prescribing for the Prince a clyster, which then the apothecary himself would have administered, in order just for once to _get at_ the ruler, and transform _his_ weak side into his own sunny side.]

[Footnote 206: When those twins chipped the sh.e.l.l of Leda's egg, out of which they were born.--Tr.]

[Footnote 207: Literally, "Knapsack."--Tr.]

[Footnote 208: French for clyster.--Tr.]

[Footnote 209: A Greek jurist, compared by Gibbon to Bacon, of great influence in the first half of the sixth century,--dishonest, but able.--Tr.]

[Footnote 210: The red-deer, and the wild-boar, bear, badger, &c.--Tr.]

[Footnote 211: i. e. about two kreutzers.--Tr.]

[Footnote 212: Ent.i.ty.--Tr.]

[Footnote 213: "_Gesegnete Mahlzeit_" is the familiar phrase Richter uses; it was formerly common, at the close of dinner, to shake hands and wish "a blessing on the meal."--Tr.]

[Footnote 214:

"Hast thou a friend, take care to keep him, And often to his threshold wend: Briers and thorns o'ergrow the path On which a man neglects to walk."--_Old Saying_.


[Footnote 215: Little Britain.--Tr.]

[Footnote 216: He with the long shoes, in his "Education of a Young Prince, 1705."]

[Footnote 217: Thus did merely the first edition, in 1797, speak of the Viennese; a third, improved one, in 1819, acknowledges also an improved edition of them, although it retains lively _shadows_ of their former times.]

[Footnote 218: A coa.r.s.e writer no longer known.--Tr.]

[Footnote 219: Author of the Burlesque Virgil.--Tr.]

[Footnote 220: The author appears to have had in his mind a reminiscence of a pa.s.sage in Burger's "Lenore":--

"Like croak of frogs in marshy plain, Swelled on the breeze that dismal strain," &c.--Tr.]

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Hesperus or Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days Volume I Part 33 summary

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