Intercepted By Love: Part Four Part 11

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As he recalled it, she'd been panicked about running over a photographer's equipment and being arrested for a hit and run. Of course, he'd paid for the damage, and no one had charged Andie after she was taken to the hospital.

Cade landed another punch on the inanimate bag, picturing Declan's cheeky grin. Take that, and that, and that.

"Whoa, there." Todd Irvin sauntered into the gym and held the bag from swinging. "I wanted this to be a fair compet.i.tion and not one you'd forfeit by snapping some actor's jaw."

"Shut it." Cade bunched his fists and glared at the Pro Ball quarterback. They'd never been friends, not really, even though they shared the same agent. Nope. Todd never let Cade forget his mistakes and actively rallied his teammates to side with him against Cade by reminding them of their lost Super Bowl ring.

"Reduced to caveman talk?" Todd raised his bushy eyebrows. His white teeth gleamed. "You ought to come to church with me. Turn all your troubles over to Christ."

"Stop the sanctimonious bulls.h.i.+t." Cade turned toward the exit.

"You figure out who your supposed baby's father is yet?" Todd's voice echoed behind him, not letting up.

"It's not your business."

"Of course it is." He crossed his arms. "I heard the owner has a thing for you. He wasn't the one who wanted you suspended, but the coaching staff revolted. Why is that?"

"I haven't heard anything. Good luck" Cade opened the door to the locker room and headed for the weight room. If he couldn't let off steam punching the c.r.a.p out of a bag, he'd pump his muscles until they turned to jelly.

Someone on the coaching staff had to be feeding Todd information. Had to be, but why had d.i.c.k been so stubborn to insist he play this when everyone expected him to be suspended, at least for a week or two?

On second thought, he'd better warn d.i.c.k to lay low. After all, he loved Bret and he wasn't about to let that sc.u.mbag get his hands on the precious baby. As for Roxanne, she could stay away for all he cared. Andie and her mother were doing a lot better job with Bret than Rox ever had.

Cade showered and changed, then texted d.i.c.k. You have a minute? Something came up.

It was always better not to be too specific over email or any other electronic device.

Ten minutes later, as he walked out of the locker room, d.i.c.k's text appeared. Meet me at the sauna.

Cade supposed it was private enough. It was tucked in a corner of the clubhouse, accessible from the showers but separate from the locker room. Since he'd waited around for the return text, most of his teammates had cleared out, but there were a few stragglers hanging out at the ice baths.

He grabbed a large towel and stripped to his boxers, then rinsed himself off, even though he'd just showered. As luck would have it, the guys were throwing ice at each other, so he quietly slipped behind the curtains and cracked open the cedar door of the sauna.

Good, no one was in there. He turned on the sound system and chose a soothing cla.s.sical playlist, not loud enough to draw attention, but enough to cover the voices of their conversation.

Cade closed his eyes and waited, calming his thudding heart and taking deep, long breaths. Little by little, his muscles loosened as sweat dotted his tingly skin and he inhaled the piquant cedar scent.

The door opened, letting in a slight dip in temperature. d.i.c.k peered inside, then dropped his towel and climbed to a bench above Cade. He wasn't wearing underwear. Great. The last thing Cade wanted was to be eye level to the older man's gonads. Cade lifted his legs and turned sideways on his shelf.

d.i.c.k changed the playlist to a droning electronic chill music and raised the volume. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Todd's been insinuating that Bret's not mine. Why'd you ask the coaching staff to play me this"

"Why not? You're the best." d.i.c.k raised his armpit and scratched.

"It's an exhibition game. It doesn't count. I'd rather get my suspension over with pre-season." Cade kept his eyes focused on a knot in the wood across from him.

"Todd's jealous. He's had a good run, but we both know you're younger and hungrier. Why shouldn't I play the man I want? I'm the owner."

"Yeah, but he's getting suspicious." Cade swiped the sweat from his forehead. "I thought our agreement was no favoritism on the football field."

"There wasn't any. You're keeping your end of the bargain. I'm not happy with Roxanne moving out." d.i.c.k's voice turned growly. "Why'd you have Andie and her mother move in?"

"Roxanne left on her own, something about how f.u.c.ked up her life is, that she never wanted this baby and how she had s.e.x with tons of guys before deciding I should be the baby daddy. What I don't get is if she didn't want the baby, why'd she tell you she was pregnant?"

What was even more gross was she'd had s.e.x with the old goat, but these things happened all the time where rich, powerful men mixed with young, beautiful women.

d.i.c.k leaned back on his bench and wiggled his feet in circles, taking a long breath. "It's not really your business why Rox did what she did. The danger is she's a loose cannon. You should find her and bring her back to your place."

"You still seeing her? If so, why don't you figure out something?"

"Her brother's supposed to keep tabs on her. He controls her money." d.i.c.k reached over for his towel and dabbed his forehead. "Anything else I should know about? How's your mother?"

Despite the dampness of the sauna, the hairs bristled in the back of Cade's scalp. The police had had the heroin a.n.a.lyzed. It was expensive and potent, not the type easily available on the streets. d.i.c.k, Ronaldo, or even Declan could be suspects. Or Roxanne, maybe even d.i.c.k's wife, the socialite. Someone who wanted to get his mother out of the picture had sent her the "gift."

"Mom's doing well." Cade changed the angle of his body to observe d.i.c.k's reactions.

"So it's Mom now, eh?" d.i.c.k chuckled. "Thought you swore never to call her 'Mom.'"

Cade's antagonism with his mother had been common knowledge, but still, he wouldn't have thought it'd be on d.i.c.k's radar-except d.i.c.k had collected blackmail on her too. Kept tabs of her supposed embezzlement. Could the drugs add to the weight of threats to keep Cade in line?

"She's my mom for better or worse," Cade grumbled. "Tell me about the paternity test. Why would Todd say the baby's blood type is B and know that mine is O? Is B your type?"

"Not me," d.i.c.k was quick to reply. "Roxanne is a B. Todd knows nothing-just stirring the pot to make you sweat. It's a mind game. He knows where to hit you. No one doubts you're the father."

"Todd was snooping around the doctor's office. He could have bribed the receptionist."

"He's so far off the mark, it isn't funny. Stop acting worried every time he pokes you. What happened to your street smarts?" The older man stood, wrapping the towel around his flabby waist. "If there's nothing else, I'll see you at the game-on the bench."

The sauna door opened before d.i.c.k could turn the handle. Todd Irvin's grinning face peeked through the crack.

"Just the two men I've been waiting to corner." He blocked the exit. "My, my, what baby blue eyes y'all have."

"I'm sorry I wasn't feeling up to going back to work today," Andie told her boss, Ronaldo, when he called her that evening.

Neither she nor Cade had gotten enough sleep, and even though he'd headed to work after downing a gallon of coffee, she was unable to drink any because her mother wanted her to be careful with her heart rate. Not that she knew exactly how skyrocketing Andie's heart had been with Cade in his Porsche.

"Considering Cade broke Declan's jaw, I'd say the project's going to be delayed since his jaw will be wired shut for six weeks."

"Oh, no, that's not good. Will I still have a job?" Andie had gone over her parents' finances and realized just how shaky their situation was.

"Of course you will. Leroy's rewriting the script, and you'll have time for acting lessons. We'll also work out a new contract once we start shooting."

"I'm really grateful for this promotion. I never imagined I'd be a major character." She couldn't help how fangirl she sounded. According to Declan, all her life, she'd secretly wanted to be an actress. She just never thought it would have been a possibility.

"You have friends in high places." Ronaldo chuckled. "By the way, you might want to make nice to your husband. He's going to need some TLC while his jaw is wired shut-someone to make him smoothies and puree his food."

A blanket of guilt descended over Andie, pressing her chest and making it hard to breathe. She waited for the other shoe to drop. Nothing was ever simple with Declan. The man could manipulate a squirrel out of a nuthouse.

"You still there?" Ronaldo cleared his throat.

"Yes, I mean, I'm sorry what happened to Dec, but he kind of brought it on himself." Andie swallowed and braced herself.

"Except he could press charges against Cade-criminal charges of a.s.sault with intent to cause great bodily harm. Cade could get jail time."

Jail time? The seriousness of Ronaldo's voice drew chills up and down Andie's spine.

"What does he want me to do?" It was up to her to save Cade. With Declan, everything had an angle, a deal to be made.

"Live with him as his wife and take care of him while his jaw heals. Meanwhile, he can be your acting coach."

Andie's father had taught her to always offer a counter, no matter how weak her position was. She steadied her breathing to sound more confident than she was.

"I have conditions. I'll take care of him as a nurse, not a wife, but he has to sign the divorce papers."

"You drive a hard bargain, missy. I'll let him know. Meanwhile, you're excused from work, but make sure to come to my party Sunday where we'll introduce the cast to my mother and her friends-some of the greatest legends in Hollywood."

"Sure, okay, I hope I'll feel better."

"You will," Ronaldo said, his voice firm. "It'll be great fun. The biggest bash of the summer."

Andie hung up and slumped to the floor. A concerned Gollie wandered over and rested her muzzle in her lap.

"What am I going to do now?" Andie rubbed Gollie's soft fur. "I can't let Cade go to jail, but he's going to hate me for doing this-sucking up to Declan until I get the divorce papers signed."

"You have any dirty clothes?" Andie's mother stopped in front of her with a laundry basket. "Cade's room is a mess, and poor Bret barely has anything clean."

"You're doing laundry, too?" Andie felt her face heating. What if her mother came across her torn nightgown from the night before? She hadn't picked it up from Cade's bed or was it still on the floor where he'd tossed it beside the spilled condom packets?

"Someone has to keep things clean around here." Her mother sniffed.

Chapter Eighteen.

Cade called Andie as soon as he'd extricated himself from the sauna. Todd had stepped in wrapped in a giant towel and insisted on some face time with d.i.c.k.

"After all, I need to present my case too," he'd said, and d.i.c.k was unable to get out of it without being rude.

Andie picked up on the second ring. "Hey, you off from work?"

Her voice sounded guarded, like she was either p.i.s.sed at him for being late, or unsure of where she stood with him. Why was it she could never relax and admit to herself that he loved her?

"I'm dying to see you, sweetie." He gave her an audible smooch. "On my way home and wondering if you and your mother would like to go out for dinner."

"She's, uh, doing the laundry. She went through your room and picked up dirty clothes off the floor. Uh, what did you do with my nightgown?"

"Slept with it after you went back to your room. Hey, stop worrying, okay? Has she said anything to you?"

"No, just the usual overprotectiveness."

"So we have nothing to worry about."

"I always worry," Andie said. "Mom wants me to go home with her. We can't keep her here forever."

Cade breathed in through his nose and swiped his hand over his head. "I know. Looks like I'm going to have to hire a nanny. My mother's going to be in rehab for a while, and it's not safe for her to be out on the streets. Someone sent her the dope-expensive stuff, or so the cops say."

"You think they wanted to get her hooked again?"

"Worse." Cade's throat clutched, and he tried to clear it. "She's been a junky all her life. She doesn't OD. She knows how much she can take. The drugs were mixed with something stronger."

"Oh, s.h.i.+t. Maybe we should drop by and see her," Andie suggested.

"How about your mom? Will she come along? We can stop by and get fast food on the way." Cade's voice broke, as anxious as an adolescent on his first date. Would it really be wise for Andie's prudish mother to meet Barbara? But then, it would be rude to leave her at home when she'd been there the entire day.

"Let me ask her," Andie replied. "I'm sure Barb would love to see Bret again. How is she?"

"Groggy and apologetic. She swore she was clean, but the counselor said she'd probably been hiding it from me, cut her dosage to not interfere with looking normal or maybe taking something else, like or smoking weed, but when she saw the pure white stuff that was sent, she couldn't help it."

"Whoever did it was cruel. Any suspects?"

"No, I can't think of anyone who'd want her out of the way."

"I can't either," Andie sighed. "Did the police find any clues?"

"No, nothing. Obviously, whoever packed the box wore gloves so there weren't any prints inside."

"I'm sorry, Cade. Let me talk to my mom, but I agree, we shouldn't let her out of rehab until we figure out who was supplying her."

"You're the best." Cade smooched her over the phone as he got into his car. "I'll be there in a bit. Give Bret a kiss for me."

"He's adorable, but your dog misses you, too. Bye."

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Intercepted By Love: Part Four Part 11 summary

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