The Education Of Joanne Part 28

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Shaking his head Ames said, "He has left London. I do not know where he has gone. Mayhap the letter will tell us."

"There was nothing for Joanne?"

The voices, though hushed, aroused Joanne. "Benjamin! Jason? Is he-"

"He was not injured."

Joanne slumped back in relief. Her heart soared with thankfulness, her prayers answered. She jumped up joyfully and ran to hug the comtesse, but her aunt's look disquieted her. "Why has he not come with you?" she asked, turning back to Ames.

"He has left London," Benjamin answered gently.

"Why did he not come to me-at least to bid me farewell?" Her gaze went from Ames to the comtesse.

Distress filled her features.

"Does he truly believe I wish to wed Lord Humbolt?"

"Lord, Jason is-perhaps confused." Ames searched for words of a.s.surance to ease Joanne's anguish.

"I don't think he knows what to believe just now. He will return."

"What of my father?" Pain filled her face.

"A serious wound, but not mortal. I believe he feels some remorse. He indicated he would trouble you

no further. He is a haunted man-one to pity."

"I-I think I may-may come to understand what ruled his behaviour," Joanne said slowly. "Hatred is such a-a destroyer. Mayhap some day I will understand fully-even be able to-to forgive him."

The comtesse put her arm about Joanne. Her heart ached for the young woman. She noticed Ames

rubbing his eyes. "Benjamin, you can explain further this eve. For now you should rest."

"I am exhausted," he admitted. "If you will excuse me I shall go and return later."

"Of course. Thank you for coming, Benjamin," the comtesse told him gratefully. "I will take care of her,"

she answered his questioning nod toward Joanne. "We shall be able to think more clearly after some proper rest. Till this eve."

Ames nodded and walked tiredly from the room.

Joanne watched him go wordlessly. Drained by the tensions of the night, fear for Jason, and his apparent rejection, her world crumbled. He had taught her how to go on and she would, but now the pain of his loss was too fresh, too deep. A sob escaped and she turned to her aunt for consolation.

Ames paused in the corridor as heartbreaking sobs came from the drawing room. Shaking his head sadly, he left.

"Let us do as Dr. Ames suggests," the comtesse urged Joanne. "You cannot continue this way." Her words had no effect on the drawn, pale figure staring out the morning room's windows. "For my sake then, please? The season is nearing its end. The heat will soon make London unbearable. Let us go."

"As you wish," came the uninterested reply.

"I will make the arrangements then," Ames told the comtesse as they walked slowly away from Joanne. "Has she been like this ever since I left London?"

"Her condition has worsened steadily, I think. At first she went out, but it is a month now and for the past two weeks she has refused to move from this house. She eats nothing, sleeps little. I am quite concerned. Is there still no word from Lord Jason?"

"None. Several times before I left I tried to see his brother, the Duke, but he never received me. Now they say he has gone to his country estate and I've received no answer to the letters I've written. I cannot understand it," he concluded shaking his head. "Have you heard anything about Furness?"

"Only that he has gone to Furness House-for an extended stay, the gossips say. Wiltham has disappeared probably with every sou Furness had given him." She shrugged.

"Joanne has not spoken of either of them. She only asks each day if I have had some word from Lord Jason. It is very difficult." The comtesse sadly shook her head.

"But, your idea is brilliant. The fresh air and activity should revive her spirits. The children, especially Ellen, should renew her interest in life. This self-pity must be broken."

"That is what I hope for," Ames said, glancing back toward the wan figure they discussed. "But I must go if I am to make all the arrangements for your journey before I myself depart."

"We shall see you soon then. I believe we can be ready in three days' time."

He looked as if to question the wisdom of such a hasty departure.

"It will not be thought odd that we leave so suddenly," she a.s.sured him, "I have let it be known that returns to Kentoncombe while we are at Irwin?"

For the first time during his visit, the doctor smiled. "It is the only hope, is it not?"

The piping of children's voices rang into the second-floor window at Irwin Manor. From it the comtesse could see a group of boys kneeling in a circle, intent upon the marbles within it. Some older girls sat against an outer wall, their sewing lying in their laps as they visited. Younger children ran back and forth, inventing some imaginary journey. She turned from the scene to answer Joanne's call.

"I am here, ma chere."

"In Dr. Ames's library, Aunt? With all these books? You must be desperate, indeed," Joanne teased.

"That is unkind," her aunt laughed. "But what did you wish?" How much Joanne has improved-non,

matured, she thought. A tempered gaiety had returned since coming to Irwin.

"I am taking Ellen for a walk. I think we shall go to the orchards and see if the apples are ready. The gardener said two days ago that they were almost ripe."

"Good eating-do not stay too long," the comtesse told Joanne.

"I almost forgot, Benjamin wishes to speak with you. He asked if you would come to his study," Joanne

told the comtesse. "We won't be too long," she called back as she hurried down the corridor.

With slow steps the comtesse went to Ames's study. It was an odd summons, she thought. Joanne is right. I am desperate for company.

"Good afternoon," she greeted the physician as he rose upon her entrance.

"A good afternoon it is," Ames said, walking around his desk.

"You are unusually cheerful," she noted.

"But is there not much to rejoice in?" he teased.

"If you mean Joanne, of course there is. The weeks here have worked wonders. Ellen was the key-the

child has given us a miracle."

"Love is what she has given," he replied.

"Oui," sighed the comtesse. "If only Lord Jason would return, mayhap all would end happily and I could

journey back to London." She arranged her skirts. "But, you have not told me what it is you wish."

"I have had word," Ames stated.

"Word?" the comtesse questioned.

The doctor's smile encompa.s.sed his entire face.

"Well, tell me what it is before you burst," she twittered.

"Jason is at Kentoncombe."

"At last," she clapped her hands. "And is to call here at any time."


"Yes. I expect he will want to see Ellen. She became a favourite of his after you went to London."

"But she is with-"


"Will it be wise to throw them together so?" she pondered aloud.

"No harm can come from it."

"A shock for them both, though. But," she smiled and winked, "I agree."

There was a knock and Miss Hampsen opened the door. "Lord Jason is dismounting, Doctor. I thought

you would wish to greet him."

"Thank you," he nodded. Ames held out his hand to the comtesse.

"I shall see him later. My presence here would arouse his suspicions," she said.

Ames turned to go.



"Joanne has taken Ellen to the orchards-the apples are ripening."

"To perfection, let us hope," he quipped.

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The Education Of Joanne Part 28 summary

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