Red Hot Part 15

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'Yeah, if Brewster's around, ask him to drop in here. I thought he'd be here this afternoon, but bein' Christmas day I s'pose he thought he'd wait til tomorra,' Karl said.

'Well, in the meantime, try and get the old man to lie down. He looks tuckered out,' Arthur observed.

Dave was indeed looking exhausted. Occasionally, he would put his hand to his chest.

'The smoke hangin' around wouldn't be doin' him any good. The heat's bad too,' Digger remarked, rubbing his eyes. 'd.a.m.ned smoke's affectin' everyone. This is one Christmas we won't b.l.o.o.d.y forget!'

Emmie came out to see them off. They each bent, kissing her cheek and giving her a hug.

She turned to Karl and Digger and confided, 'I'm concerned for Dave. He's not looking the best. He won't give in to go and lie down for me, but if you talk to him, Karl, he might listen to you. He tells me I worry too much.' She smiled a little wistfully. 'I am worried though!'

'Leave it to me, Mum. I'll get him inside.'

Digger put a comforting arm around Emmie's shoulders as they turned to go back inside. The two old people meant the world to him.

Karl convinced Dave to lie down by telling him he was worrying Emmie. That was the last thing Dave wanted to do, especially on Christmas Day. He helped his father inside to rest and Dave again stressed to Karl that they had to catch the firebug and soon.

The women began clearing the dishes. Ellie could see her mother wasn't up to it and gave Win and Hazel a knowing look. They both nodded in acknowledgement.

'You go up to Dad, Mum, and have a lie down as well. It's been a hectic day and a terribly late night last night. You look exhausted. Go on, the three of us can handle this.' Ellie squeezed her arm affectionately.

Emmie was rather relieved. She was desperately tired and it didn't take much persuasion for her to go off to rest as well.

'Well, today went well, considering everything that's happened,' Win remarked as she carefully stacked dishes. She loved the English bone china dinner set kept for special occasions.

'Yes, but I must say I'm glad it's nearly over,' Ellie replied wearily. 'The smoke has given me a headache, and the smell... it really stings the nostrils.'

'Everyone tried hard to keep up the spirit though. I'm glad there was no talk of the fire over lunch. Christmas day would have been awful if that had been the topic of conversation. Just seeing the blackened hills every time I look out the kitchen window here is enough to make me sick.' Win shoved a blue and white willow patterned jug into a cupboard and banged the door.

'Okay Win, careful with those dishes. The men will catch him. Just you wait and see!'

'Ellie...' Win spun around and looked at her sister. 'How can you be so calm? For heaven's sake, the lunatic actually spoke to you and followed you! If I were you, I'd be beside myself!'

'I'm not that brave, Win, but I'm not going to let him terrify me to the point where I'm afraid to turn my back or go anywhere. I'd rather cling to the thought that he'll be caught soon.'

'I'm sorry, Ellie. I didn't mean to snap. It's just all this strain. It's getting harder and harder to take.'

'I know, love. I'm also worried about Dad. He doesn't look well at all. He's not a good colour. Breathing in this smoke has really irritated his asthma.'

'Yes, I noticed that as well. The strain is really telling on him. I think we should get the doctor to have a look at him tomorrow no matter what objections he puts up.'

On Boxing Day, smoke lingered in the valley. The sun was still a red ball through the haze, and the air was heavy with the smell of burnt bush. The police had questioned Ellie and Kathy about the phone calls but they could not give them anything solid to go on. They were now scouring the hill, looking for anything that would point them to the ident.i.ty of the firebug.

The men were keeping a close eye on the smouldering gum trees. Then later, they would be taking it in turns to patrol the properties. Nat and Rex both agreed that plans should be kept among themselves. For all they knew, the firebug could be standing right beside them at any time, in any place, listening!

The inevitable happened and Dave suffered a major asthma attack. Ellie called the family doctor and they waited anxiously for his arrival.

Emmie sat beside the old man, trying in vain to soothe him. His medication had done nothing to ease his discomfort. His breathing came in raspy gasps between fits of coughing.

'Ellie, he's really bad. I'm so afraid. Just listen to him!' Win and Ellie stood together in the hallway outside Dave's bedroom.

'I know. He sounds terrible. I'm not sure he... he ...' Ellie's voice broke. She couldn't say the words but they both knew Dave might not pull through this time.

The doctor arrived, slamming the door of his car, and hurried to the house where Hazel was waiting to show him in. He took a great deal of time while he examined Dave and when he finished, he walked with Ellie and Win to the front veranda. He had been the family doctor for many years and had great respect for the family. The old couple were his friends as well as patients.

'Doctor, he's bad, isn't he? He's very bad!'

The doctor looked at them with great concern. 'Yes, he's in extremely bad shape. I've just given him an injection to settle him but there's nothing more I can do. Dave's heart is weak and the stress he's been under lately hasn't done him any good at all. I wanted him to go to the hospital, but he absolutely refused. It stressed him even more, so I didn't press the matter.' He shook his head, his eyes reflecting the sadness he was feeling. 'I think you should gather the family.'

The kindly doctor placed a gentle hand on each woman's shoulders.

'This is not easy for me; I've known Dave for years. He's not just a patient, he's also a friend. Asthma is a dangerous illness, as you know, and Dave has suffered a great deal. He wants to be here at Kia-Ora. Go to Emmie now and speak to her. She knows.'

The doctor patted their shoulders and, with a solemn nod, he left saying he would be back later in the day.

After he had gone, Ellie and Win held each other close. Their hearts were breaking. Inside, their darling father lay dying. How were they to prepare for this? How would their mother cope? Emmie and Dave had a special relations.h.i.+p. They were devoted to each other.

The two women went to the kitchen to see Hazel. She sat at the kitchen table, her head in her hands. As they entered, she raised a tearful face.

'He's dying, isn't he, loves?'

'Yes, Hazel. Doctor says we should gather the family.' Win took her hand and squeezed it, biting her lip to restrain her own tears.

'We have to get a message to the men at once. Win, ring Dawn, she can send Eileen across to the men on her horse. Hazel, could you please go down to the orchard and get Ted and young Robert?' Ellie knew she had to get the family now.

'Right away. I'll go as fast as me legs will take me.' Hazel hurried out the door, shoving her old straw hat on her head as she went and blowing her nose into a huge white hanky.

Win and Ellie made the heartbreaking calls, all the while wis.h.i.+ng they could turn back the clock.

'Come on, Win. We'll take a cup of tea to Mum.'

Win looked at her through tear-filled eyes. 'The girls, Ellie, they're at their friends'.'

'We'll ring them, Win, c'mon. Mum needs this.' She indicated the tea.

The old lady was sitting in the rocking chair beside the bed. Her white head was bowed and her hands were clasped together. She was praying.

Beside her in the bed, Dave lay very still. He was sleeping. The injection given by the doctor had given him slight relief. However, they had been warned it wouldn't last.

As they tiptoed in, Emmie looked up. There was deep sadness in her blue eyes. She accepted the cup of tea and placed it on the bedside table where it would remain untouched.

Ellie and Win stood next to her, looking down to their father. A lump rose in Ellie's throat and, swallowing hard, she bent over and whispered to Emmie.

'Mum, Karl and the others will be here shortly.'

Emmie nodded but didn't speak; there were no words. She knew her beloved Dave was slowly leaving her. Dave was her backbone, her soulmate. Together, they had built Kia-Ora up to what it was today. Dave had been there when each child was born. He was always there, kind, loving, loyal and strong.

Now he was going! How could she bare it? Life without Dave was unthinkable!

'Em...' A soft whisper came from the bed. Emmie leaned over Dave and gently took his hands.

'Em... darling, it's okay...' Dave's voice was barely audible. He was pausing for short breaths. 'I love you!' He gasped for air and Emmie put a gentle hand on his cheek.

'Sshh, darling,' she whispered, and bent to kiss his lips. 'You're tired, my love... I know... I love you too, my darling.'

He drifted off to sleep again, his breathing coming in short, rapid gasps.

'Mum,' Win whispered. 'What can we do?'

The old lady just shook her head. Tears trickled down her cheeks and dropped onto Dave's pillow. 'Nothing, dear, nothing.'

One by one, the Masons gathered out in the lounge room. Hazel offered refreshments but no one wanted anything.

Win and Ellie left Emmie with Dave and went out to speak to the family.

'I don't think it will be long, he's very weak,' Ellie told them.

'Did the doctor say when he'd be back?' Sam asked.

Ellie shrugged. 'He just said later today. I think you all should go in and see him now though.'

'All of us together? Won't it be too much at once?' Sam said 'No, I just think you should all be there. Don't waste time. We all need to see him. He'll know we're there.'

Very quietly, they filed into the bedroom where Dave lay. Each one bent and kissed the gentle man who was so dearly loved by them all.

Every heart in that room was breaking!

They each went to Emmie and kissed her as well. She looked up at each one and gave them a ghost of a smile.

'He knows you're all here.'

The others tiptoed back out to the lounge room, leaving the men. Ellie and Win stayed with their parents.

Dave rapidly grew weaker, his breathing slowed to intermittent gasps.

Arthur said a prayer for him and indicated to Karl that he wanted to speak to him.

'It's time to ring the doctor, mate. He needs to come back now.'

'I know. Can you do it?'

Arthur nodded and went back to Dave's bedside. He bent and kissed him on his forehead one more time. 'I love you, Dad.' He left to make the call.

'Sam, Karl and Digger all did the same before quietly leaving the room. Win and Ellie remained behind.

They sat beside the bed. Ellie held Dave's hand and Win rested her head on his shoulder.

The sound of his laboured breathing was the only noise in the room.

Then, he stirred. Win sat up. He looked at her and a brief smile lit his face, he then looked at Ellie. She felt him squeeze her hand.

'It's alright, girls, I'm alright,' he whispered.

He looked at Emmie who had leaned forward in her chair and gripped his hand tightly.

'Em...' He looked straight into her eyes and smiled. 'Till we meet again.'

That was the last breath Dave took. He died as Emmie held him.

Ellie and Win, both in shock, stood behind their mother.

A sob rose in Win's throat and she turned and fled from the room.

Emmie straightened and stood looking down at Dave.

There was no sign of pain on his face. The lines on his face had softened and he looked so peaceful; it was as if he was sleeping.

Gently, she folded his hands over his chest. With her hand on his shoulder, she bent and kissed his lifeless lips one last time. 'Yes my darling, until we meet again,' she whispered.

'Come on, Mum. Let me take you outside,' Ellie whispered, tears streaming down her face.

Her mum shook her head. 'No, darling, not yet. I want to sit here a little longer. I want this quiet time with Dave, just the two of us.'

Ellie placed her hand on her mother's shoulder squeezed it gently, then silently left the room.

And when the Lord saw her, He had compa.s.sion for her, And said to her, Weep not!

St Luke chapter 7


Being well-respected and liked by the locals, word spread rapidly through the valley. The next day, one after another the shocked locals all dropped in to Kia-Ora to express condolences, deliver flowers, cards and offer freshly baked cakes and scones.

'h.e.l.l, we're so b.l.o.o.d.y sorry,' Nat said. He and Rex had just arrived and they found Karl and Digger outside with Sam, Arthur and Jeff. 'Is there anythin' we can do for ya's?'

'No, mate, not yet anyway, but thanks all the same,' Karl replied. 'I can't believe this is real.'

'Yeah, it happened suddenly, didn't it?' Rex replied.

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Red Hot Part 15 summary

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