Red Hot Part 28

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'Lock the house, Win. We've got our keys, so lock everythin'. We won't be long. Don't ignore any noises!' Digger stressed. He grabbed his torch and followed Karl out the door.

They had only taken a few steps when the sound of gunfire stopped them in their tracks. Loud bangs followed one after the other, rolling off the hills in frightening cracks, echoing eerily in the dark of night.

'Holy s.h.i.+t...' Digger swore. 'Where'd that come from, mate?'

Karl shook his head. 'It wasn't from up the road; it sounded more like over Ivy Gelding's way. s.h.i.+t, Dig. I'm stuffed if I know.'

Both Win and Ellie were outside now. 'Was that gunshots?' they asked in unison.

'Yeah, but we dunno where it came from,' Digger told them. 'Wasn't up the road; it sounded more like over Ivy's way. Just can't be sure. Hope the blokes are all okay out there. What b.l.o.o.d.y next?' Digger growled 'Where's the f.u.c.kin' D's now?'

'We'll go in and ring around. You two better get down and see Daisy. She'll be terrified on her own,' Win said, turning to rush back inside.

'Yes, get going and stay with her. We'll ring you there and let you know what we find out,' Ellie called over her shoulder as she hurried after Win.

Karl and Digger legged it through the orchard, skirted around the dam and tackled the barbed wire fence that tore a nasty scratch on Karl's arm as he scrambled through it.

'Friggin' h.e.l.l, Dig. A bloke's gettin' too old to be doin' this,' he panted, running up the gravel drive to Daisy's.

She opened the door after they called out who it was, ushering them inside and quickly locking the door behind them.

'I heard the gun shots,' she said nervously. 'Do you know where they came from?'

'Not yet, Daize. We were about to head down here when we heard 'em too,' Digger replied.

'I hope Arthur's alright; he would be out there somewhere with Nat and Rex.'

'He'll be fine, don't worry. Win was going to ring around and see what she could find out. She'll ring here when she knows more,' Karl told her.

'I'll put the kettle on and make us a cuppa. It's good of you to come and check on me. I don't like being here on my own. I'll get you a bandaid for that scratch too, Karl'

'Young Rob should be here with you, Daize. If I was you, I'd make him stay here with you when Arthur's out on patrol,' Digger said.

Finally, after half an hour, the phone rang. Daisy told Karl to answer it. She stood beside Digger, nervously clasping and unclasping her hands as they waited for Karl to hang up.

'It was old Beryl Davis. Apparently Arthur and Jeff paired up and went up to patrol around the perimeter of old Mr Johnson's. Nat and Rex went to check on the old people down further. Poor old Beryl blasted them with a buckshot. She thought it was the bug trying to set fire to her chook shed.'

'Was either of them hurt?' Digger asked.

'From the bit of information Win got, Nat copped a bit in his leg. Didn't get him properly, which was lucky. Rex said Beryl really let fly with it. Said she just blasted away at everythin'.'

's.h.i.+t, this is exactly what we thought could happen. People are scared to death. It's exactly what we've been sayin' all along: they could do worse damage just by tryin' ta protect 'emselves,' Dig stated. 'Beryl could be in a bit of strife over this.'

Karl continued. 'Yeah well Nat was the unlucky one this time. They yelled to her but she just kept shootin. The tool shed got peppered with buckshot and it ricocheted off that into Nat. He'll be a bit sore for a few days, that's all. Rex finally pacified the old girl but he had to ring Keith Brewster. He's taken Beryl's gun from her and contacted her son and daughter-in-law. They're on their way in from Yackandandah. They're gonna take her to stay with them till the bug's caught.'

'Good grief!' Daisy exclaimed. 'Will this madness never end?'

's.h.i.+t, Nat and Rex were b.l.o.o.d.y lucky. They could've been killed if she'd used bullets!' Digger slowly shook his head. 'b.l.o.o.d.y dangerous... How the h.e.l.l do we stop this...? It's beyond me.'

'Daize, we have ta get goin'. Lock yourself in. Ring the house if you get worried about anythin' at all. Arthur'll be on his way back down soon,' Karl said kindly.

'I'm okay but from now on I will make Rob stay home while Arthur's out,' she told them, thanking them again for popping in to check on her.

'Fair d.i.n.k.u.m, that b.l.o.o.d.y Robert would be gettin' his boney a.r.s.e kicked if he was my kid. Wouldn't ya think under the friggin circ.u.mstances he'd wanna stay home and look after his mother? Arthur should make 'im,' Digger said angrily. 'Can't Arthur control the little s.h.i.+t? I don't think he realises half of what his kid gets up to!'

'Yeah well I'm gonna say something to Arthur about that, Dig. It's b.l.o.o.d.y wrong leavin' Daisy on her own like that.'

There was no improvement in Harry. Kathy and Tammi couldn't believe the frail old man lying in the bed was the same man with whom they'd shared a cuppa a few weeks ago.

'I wish he'd wake up,' Eileen whispered, ma.s.saging his wrinkled hand.

Harry stirred and mumbled.

'I wonder what he's trying to tell us. It must be so frustrating for him. I'm sure he can hear us. I've told him that his dog Tom is safe with us. We finally found him hiding up the hill. He crept out looking for food. He must have been scared off by whoever did this at least he's safe. I've cleaned up the hut and locked it, so all the old b.u.g.g.e.r has to do is get better now.'

'He's lucky to have you to care about him, Eileen. You're so kind to him.' Kathy put her arm around her cousin and gave her a hug.

'Well, Kath, I'm the only one who knew the real Harry. No one else would bother with him.'

They sat and chatted to the old man, trying to coax him from his unconscious state. When visiting time was finally over, they all kissed him and Francis leaned over before he left and whispered, 'You can do it, Harry. You pull through for Eileen, and Tom misses you.' He squeezed the old man's arm as he turned to go.

Harry mumbled again. Francis leaned forward to listen. Not a sound came from the old man's lips. Harry had slipped back into his world of oblivion.

Ellie rose early the next morning. She was looking forward to the evening ahead.

She couldn't look her mother in the eye as she told her she would be going into town for the day, then meeting Fay. She didn't bother to elaborate any further. She told her mother not to expect her home at any particular time.

Emmie was a wise old woman. She knew Ellie was not being truthful, neither did she expect Ellie to tell her the real reason either. 'I just hope you don't get hurt, my darling,' she whispered as she watched Ellie's car go down the drive.

When the girls came down for breakfast, they seemed rather solemn.

'Was it a good night, girls?' Win asked.

'Yeah, we had a nice evening... quiet though. None of us really felt like doing much after we saw poor Harry,' Tammi said.

Kathy was thinking of Eddie most of the time and hadn't really enjoyed her night out at all. It might have been different if he had been able to meet her but he said they couldn't risk it. Word would get back to Digger for sure if they met at the local pub.

'Do the doctors have any further hope of him coming good?'

'No Mum, they just say that they have to wait. It's all a matter of time. Whoever did that to Harry is very messed up in the head. What a maniac. He deserves to be treated the same when they catch him,' Tammi declared heatedly.

'We had a visit from the police last night.' Win told the girls about the previous evening's events, including the incident with Beryl.

'So, girls, whether the sighting was real or whether the police were sussing your dad and uncle out, either way this is really serious. Whoever is out there is getting gamer all the time. If he'd go right up to Connie's house like he did, bash poor old Harry, then kill poor old Towser and make those horrid phone calls...' Win shuddered as she spoke. 'Well, he would be game to do anything! So you must be very very careful. I know I'm repeating what's already been said but I am frantic about this whole d.a.m.n thing.'

'Don't worry, we won't be doing anything silly. We know it's serious. G.o.d, after seeing Harry, it just makes my blood run cold.'

'I feel the same. Everyone knows there's a nut loose out there. We promise we'll be careful, Mum,' Kathy rea.s.sured her.

The cabin looked welcoming with fresh flowers on the table. Ellie had made up the bed with new pastel sheets and pillowcases to match. She'd also bought a new bedspread. While she put away the crockery and in the small cupboard above the stove, she hummed a happy tune.

'I wonder what Harv told Mary he was doing this evening. Being, she would have taken some convincing,' she murmured, feeling a bit guilty, and tried to push the feeling away.

It was nearly time for Harvey to arrive. He hadn't wanted to work on Sat.u.r.days but he told himself this certainly made up for it.

'He should have finished work half an hour ago,' Ellie thought as she checked the small fridge once more.

'I think I've remembered everything,' she muttered. In the door compartment was a bottle of Harvey's favourite wine. She was about to look out the window to see if he had arrived when the key turned in the lock and he appeared in the doorway.

They just looked at each other for a second and then Ellie was in his arms. 'G.o.d, you feel good, Ellie. I've thought of you all day. The day wouldn't go fast enough.'

'I know Harv, I've been exactly the same.' She squirmed away from him, reaching to the fridge. Ellie uncorked the wine and filled two delicate long-stemmed wine

'Ellie, you're so thoughtful. The wine, the and this place, it looks so inviting.'

'I told you I want this to be special, Harvey. It means so much to me that our relations.h.i.+p isn't cheapened in any way.'

'No one could cheapen this, Ellie. What you and I have is definitely not cheap.'

Harvey sipped his wine, admiring her. She had drawn her hair back in its chignon and looked elegantly beautiful. They enjoyed the wine and made small talk about their day, kissing in between. The s.e.xual tension was explosive. While Harvey was pouring more wine, Ellie went to the bedroom and changed into a flimsy blue robe.

Watching her walk slowly back, Harvey knew he had to have her now.

She stood just inside the doorway. She had tied the robe loosely, slightly revealing her naked body underneath. She stood still, watching him.

Harvey slowly put his wine gla.s.s down. 'My G.o.d! Ellen!' In two strides, he crossed the room and pulled her against him.

His kiss was deep and sensual. She parted her lips and allowed his thrusting tongue to make love to her mouth.

He slid the robe from her shoulders and caressed her breast, teasing the nipple to rock hard. Ellie clung to him, wanting more.

He put his hand between her legs and his fingers slid into her wetness, caressing and probing, bringing her almost to the brink of climax.

He carefully lifted her, her legs clamped around his waist. He could feel her wetness against him. He lowered her to the bed, still kissing her.

She watched as he quickly undressed. Her eyes took in his erect p.e.n.i.s.

Ellie took his hand and pulled him to her. She guided his p.e.n.i.s to her mouth, sucking and licking until Harvey thought he would explode.

'Oh... my G.o.d... Ellie...' A red hot heat seared through him. He had to have her right now. Harvey pushed her back onto the bed. She wrapped her legs around him again as he entered her savagely. His thrusts were rough and hard and she met him thrust for thrust. They both climaxed with a ferocity that left them limp and panting.

With a contented sigh, Ellie stretched and reached up to stroke Harvey's cheek. 'You know, Harv, I've had years of celibacy and now that you've come back into my life, it's like those years never existed. I can't believe how content and fulfilled I am with you.'

'You and I are meant for each other, Ellen.' Harvey replied, running his hand up the length of her naked thigh. 'We've wasted so much time. I don't want to waste another minute. This cabin idea is brilliant; we can be together as often as we like.'

Ellie smiled up at him playfully. 'Our own little piece of heaven, eh Harv. It's a place where we can be together and love each other silly. We can have red hot raunchy s.e.x in our own private haven and not worry about anything or anyone!'

Harvey laughed aloud. 'Come here, you s.e.xy woman. I'll show you red hot raunchy s.e.x!'

After they had made up for what seemed like a lifetime of lost moments, they reluctantly locked up and headed back to town.

'He thinks I believe his phony story about overtime!' Mary poured another gla.s.s of whiskey. 'He must think I'm stupid. As if I don't know he's with her. Ellie Fraser, I hate you!' Mary smashed the whiskey gla.s.s against the wall and slid down to the floor sobbing. 'You b.a.s.t.a.r.d Harvey... You b.a.s.t.a.r.d...'

'Well, girls, it's night and you know what that means: bit of a dance on the agenda. You two up for it?' Francis asked brightly. 'Dig won't mind as long as you're with me.'

'I'd love to! I haven't celebrated my new job yet,' Kathy answered. 'What do you think, Tam? Want to come out and celebrate with me?'

'I'm all for it. Laura's visiting again so I'll run over before it gets dark and ask her to come too.' Tammi hurried out.

As she ran around the back of Hansen's gracious old home, she stopped and sniffed. She could smell smoke. Cautiously, she walked further into the yard and that was when she saw the smoke coming from the stables!

'Mr Hansen! Laura! Fire!' she shouted in panic.

Walter Hansen ran out the back door followed by Laura and Muriel.

Tammi shouted and pointed. 'The stables... hurry!'

'My stallion's in there! Muriel, quick! Phone the brigade!' Muriel was already a step ahead of him in the back door phoning the fire brigade. Walter and the two girls ran towards the stables.

Eddie Chancellor was driving along Centaur Road on his way home when he noticed smoke billowing high in the air.

The men in the orchard had also spotted the smoke and, taking the short cut through the orchard, they raced across to Hansens.

Walter's heart raced. He could hear the terrified whinny of the stallion.

'Laura, pa.s.s me that horse rug. Hurry!' s.n.a.t.c.hing it from her, he draped himself in it and ran in to the burning stable!

'Walter! Walter... Oh Walter... No... No... You can't go in there! You'll be burnt to death! ' Muriel screamed after him.

'Pa'll be alright, Gran. He has to save the horse,' Laura comforted her, her own fear held in check, trying to stay calm for her grandmother's sake.

Tammi was about to run back home for help when Eddie came running up to her. At that same moment, the fire brigade roared up the driveway.

'Eddie... Mr Hansen has gone in to get the horse out... He's got a bad heart!'

Eddie didn't hesitate. He ran to the stables, ripping his jacket off as he ran. He covered his head with it and rushed inside the burning building.

Kathy and Win arrived just in time to see his figure disappear into the flames.

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Red Hot Part 28 summary

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