Prince Brothers: Prince's Love-Child Part 15

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'MATTHEW is really into this Santa Claus thing, isn't he?' Rik grinned as he joined Sapphie in the kitchen after going up to say goodnight to their son. 'Not that I'm complaining,' he continued as his arms slid about her waist from behind and he began to nuzzle her neck with warm lips. 'It makes it so much fun for us, too,' he murmured distractedly.

Sapphie turned, almost four months of marriage only having deepened the pleasure she always felt in his arms. 'Makes what so much more fun?' she encouraged laughingly.

'Er-Christmas. I think.' Rik looked down at her with adoring eyes. 'I find it hard to think straight when we're together like this,' he admitted.

The last four months had been the happiest Sapphie had ever known, too, being Rik's wife, being with him all the time, more wonderful than she could ever have imagined. And she knew he felt the same way about her.

Being part of the Prince family really was like being wrapped in warm, protective arms, the four sisters-in-law, Stazy, Jinx, Tyler and Sapphie, having become firm friends. And Matthew absolutely loved his brand-new family, was greatly looking forward to them all spending Christmas together in the Canadian ski resort of Whistler-once they had rea.s.sured him that they would leave a note for Santa Claus to tell him where they all were!

Sapphie reached up to kiss Rik lingeringly on the mouth, then she moved away to pick up the two she had filled while he was upstairs, champagne for him and orange juice for her.

'Champagne for me?' Rik murmured appreciatively. 'What are we celebrating?'

'Three things,' she told him glowingly. 'Jerome called while you were upstairs-'

'The twins?' Rik prompted excitedly.

The twins. Not Dee. It had never been Dee, Sapphie knew now with certainty; she and Rik loved each other so completely. And she knew they always would.

'Fergus and Fiona,' she nodded. 'Both six pounds and one ounce,' she announced with a wide, beaming smile. 'Dee is fine. And Jerome sounds over the moon.'

It had continued to be a good pregnancy, Dee's only complaint that she could no longer see her feet by the seventh month!

Her sister hadn't exactly changed overnight, and Sapphie very much doubted that she ever would, but they were closer now than they had ever been as children, and that was more than Sapphie had ever hoped for.

'That's great.' Rik gently c.h.i.n.ked his gla.s.s against Sapphie's before they both took a sip of their drinks.

'Mm,' Sapphie murmured appreciatively. 'The second thing is that my mother has decided to sell the house.'

'She's decided to move in with us, after all,' Rik said with satisfaction.

Joan had flatly refused to share the new house that Rik and Sapphie bought after their marriage, preferring to stay in the house she and Sapphie had shared after Matthew's birth, claiming the newly-weds needed time together with Matthew as a family, and none of their arguments to the contrary had managed to convince her otherwise.

',' Sapphie grinned, hardly able to contain her excitement. 'She's moving in with Jackson!'

Rik blinked. 'Jinx's father? That Jackson?'

Sapphie couldn't blame him for looking so surprised; she had been a little stunned herself when her mother told her the good news earlier today. Pleased, but definitely stunned.

'Yes, that Jackson,' she confirmed happily. 'Apparently the two of them got on so well at our wedding that they've been seeing each other ever since. They didn't tell any of the family, in case things didn't work out. But last night Jackson proposed-and Mummy said yes!'

'Well, I'll be d.a.m.ned...!' Rik exclaimed.

Jinx's father had been widowed a couple of years ago, and Joan had obviously been on her own for many years; Sapphie couldn't have wished for, or imagined, anything more wonderful than her mother falling in love again.

'You said three things...?' Rik reminded softly once they had drunk a toast to Joan and Jackson.

'Oh. Yes.' Colour blazed in Sapphie's cheeks. 'I know that No Ordinary Boy is going into production in the New Year, but could you try and keep the end of July and the beginning of August free?' she prompted shyly.

Rik waggled his eyebrows at her. 'Why, what did you have in mind?'

Sapphie's eyes glowed with love as she looked up at him. 'A quick visit to the hospital before we bring home a brother or a sister for Matthew...!'

Rik went completely still, his face paling, all the teasing leaving his expression as he stared down at her as if he couldn't believe his ears. 'You mean-we're-you're-'

'I'm pregnant, Rik!' she announced excitedly. 'I went to see the doctor this morning when you thought I was out shopping, and-we're going to have a baby,' she breathed huskily, the words catching in her throat.

He swallowed hard, seeming unable to talk, deep blue eyes awash with emotion.

'Isn't it wonderful?' Sapphie smiled, radiant.

'Wonderful! G.o.d, I love you, Sapphie,' he groaned as he was finally able to move, gathering her up into his arms and holding her against him with tender possessiveness.

'I love you, too, Rik,' she declared. 'So very much. I always will.'


It had to be the most wonderful word in the entire English language- No-that was love.

Something Sapphie had no doubts she and Rik would share for a lifetime...

ISBN-13: 9781460346297.


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Prince Brothers: Prince's Love-Child Part 15 summary

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