Spanish Composition Part 15

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_Sir, I think you have dropped something._

=Caballero, me parece que se le ha caido algo.=


=53.= The verb _to make_ in its simplest use is rendered =hacer=. It has, however, a very large number of idiomatic uses that call for other translations. Of these, some of the commonest are: _to make haste_, =da.r.s.e prisa=; _to make fun of_, =burla.r.s.e de=, =mofa.r.s.e de=; _to make the acquaintance of_, =conocer=; _to make up one's mind_, =decidirse=, =resolverse=, or, in the perfect tenses, =tener determinado=.

_The machinery was making so much noise that we could not hear what he said._

=Hacia tanto ruido la maquinaria que no podiamos oir lo que dijo.=

_Make haste if you don't want to be late._

=Dese prisa si no quiere llegar con retraso.=

_I have come exclusively to make the acquaintance of this young lady._

=He venido exclusivamente por conocer a esta senorita.=


_Her brothers, on the other hand, made fun of her._

=Sus hermanos en cambio se burlaban de ella.=


_When he makes up his mind to do something he does it, and now he has made up his mind not to keep on helping them._

=Cuando se resuelve= (=decide=) =a hacer algo lo hace, y ya tiene determinado que no seguira amparandolos.=

(_a_) _To make up for_ may mean _recuperate_, _compensate_, or _recompense_, and in these senses is translated by the cognate verbs =recuperar=, =compensar=, =recompensar=.

_The money that he has just received from his father will make up for his losses._

=El dinero que acaba de recibir de su padre le compensara por lo perdido.=

_I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. How can I make up to you for it?_

=Siento haberme olvidado de decirselo. Como puedo recompensa.r.s.elo?=


(_a_) 1. Al pasar por su cuarto la vieron rezando y se burlaron de ella.

2. Que le parece mi protegido ya que le conoce usted? 3. Ya tengo bastante en que pensar. 4. Le parecen a usted bien las vendas de este ancho? 5. No creen ustedes que el trabajar tanto sera perjudicial para su salud? 6. Digale que se de prisa. Ya estamos para partir. 7. Si no se mejora en unos dias, creo que debemos llamar al medico. 8. Tiene usted las manos limpias? Me parece que si. 9. Le conoci el ano pasado en Londres. 10. Ya se ha recuperado de sus grandes perdidos.

(_b_) 1. We have all made up our minds not to give away all that we possess. 2. Do you think that what I want to do is all right? 3. If you don't make haste you will not have the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the famous author. 4. We shall have to make up to you what you have suffered through our carelessness. 5. We are thinking of making up a party to go to the theater to-night. 6. Do you think they will go with us if we ask them? 7. They very often quarrel, but they are never long in making up. 8. Wait a minute. I think I dropped something.

9. Who made this? It is very well made, isn't it? 10. They have had (=llevado=) a great disappointment, but this kind offer will make up to them for it.


_Los sabios en su vanidad suelen olvida.r.s.e de Dios._[19]


=55.= The verb _to miss_ has two translations. Meaning _to feel the absence of_ it is rendered =echar de menos=; meaning _to note the absence of_ it is =notar la falta de=. _To be missing_ is translated =faltar=.

_Come! Go at once. Don't let them miss you._

=Ea! Vaya p.r.o.nto! Que no le echen a Vd. de menos.=


_When did you miss the things that your servant stole?_

=Cuando ha notado usted la falta de las cosas que le robo su criado?=

_If I were missing, it is possible that the King might suspect._

=Si yo faltara, es posible que el Rey sospechara.=


_One single boat was missing and that was not to come._

=Faltaba una sola lancha y esta no habia de llegar.=


=56.= In English, emphasis is usually expressed by additional stress on the word to be emphasized. In Spanish this is not so common, emphasis being more generally expressed by the use of some emphatic word with the word to be emphasized. Such words are =vaya!=, =toma!=, =mira!=, =si, si=.

_Let money talk, I said. And it did talk._

=Hable el dinero, dije. Y toma si hablo!=


_n.o.body knows it, n.o.body! But I know it._

=Nadie lo sabe, nadie. Pero yo si lo se.=--MARTiNEZ SIERRA.

_What an ovation she received!_

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Spanish Composition Part 15 summary

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