Spanish Composition Part 3

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(_b_) 1. This strap is good for nothing (_worth nothing_). I had it in my hand and it broke. 2. The trunks will have to be at the station at three o'clock. 3. What dress are you going to wear on the train? The one that I have on. 4. Have a new strap made when you return. 5. We are to wait for them here. They have gone to look for the others. 6. The teacher had the pupil read the lesson aloud. 7. You will have to go with us because we don't know the way. 8. She had on a pair of white gloves that I had given her. 9. I am to tell her that he has broken the whip that she had made for him for his birthday. 10. I will have the letter written at once.


_Puesto que todo pasa, gocemoslo todo mientras vive._[4]


=9.= The English _since_ as a preposition is translated =desde=; as an adverb it is rendered =desde entonces= or =desde aquel tiempo=, literally, _since then_ and _since that time_. As a conjunction of time it is =desde que=, and as a conjunction of cause it is =ya que=, =puesto que=, or =visto que= (cf. English _seeing that_).

_I have not seen him since yesterday._

=No le he visto desde ayer.=

_He left the city last year and I have not seen him since._

=Partio de la ciudad el ano pasado y no le he visto desde entonces.=

_I have not seen him since he left the city._

=No le he visto desde que partio de la ciudad.=

_I will speak to him once more since you desire it._

=Le hablare una vez mas ya que Vd. lo desea.=--LOS QUINTERO.

=10.= The verb _to go_ is =ir= or =irse=, the reflexive form being used when _to be_ is not followed by a complementary infinitive or by a prepositional phrase denoting direction. _To go away_ may be translated =irse=, =marcha.r.s.e=, or =partir=.

_Now I am going to explain it to you._

=Ya se lo voy a explicar.=

_I am going now. Do you want to go with me?_

=Ya me voy. Quiere Vd. acompanarme?=

_We are going to the country to spend a few days._

=Vamos al campo a pasar unos pocos dias.=

(_a_) _To go in_ or _into_, _up_, _down_, _through_, are translated =entrar= (=en=), =subir=, =bajar=, =pasar por=, the preposition being included in the meaning of the verb except that =en= and =por= are used with =entrar= and =pasar= when the object of the verb is expressed.

_Did you go into the house? Yes, we went in. We also went upstairs and went through all the rooms._

=Entraron Vds. en la casa? Si, entramos. Tambien subimos la escalera y pasamos por todas las habitaciones.=

(_b_) _To go out_ has two translations, =salir=, _to leave_, and =apaga.r.s.e=, _to be extinguished_.

_They have all gone out to take a walk._

=Todos han salido a dar un paseo.=

_All of a sudden all the lights in the house went out._

=De repente se apagaron todas las luces en la casa.=

(_c_) _To go on_, _continue_, is rendered =continuar= or =seguir=.

_He went on talking as if he had not seen me._

=Siguio= (=continuo=) =hablando como si no me hubiera visto.=

(_d_) _To go to bed_ is rendered =acosta.r.s.e=; _to go to sleep_, =dormirse=.

_I can't go to sleep when I go to bed so early._

=No puedo dormirme cuando me acuesto tan temprano.=

Many other translations of _to go_ may be obtained by paraphrasing. So, _to go back_, _return_, =volver=; _to go into_, _investigate_, =investigar=; _to go by_, _judge by_, =juzgar por=, etc.


(_a_) 1. Me voy un rato con este amigo. 2. Ya se apago el fuego. 3.

Todos quedaron menos el, que se fue en seguida. 4. Puesto que llueve a cantaros no salimos esta manana. 5. Ya es hora de volver, no? 6. Nos iremos manana si hace buen tiempo. 7. No hemos recibido noticias de ellos desde que se fueron. 8. Entonces vimos que los ninos se habian dormido. 9. Siguen riendo y charlando mientras esperan la llegada de los otros. 10. Traeme aca un fosforo. Se me ha apagado la lampara.

(_b_) 1. Since I can't come to see you, I ask you to come to see me. 2.

I lent him my fountain pen last week and I have not seen it since. 3. I am sleepy, but I can't go to sleep. 4. Go back at once! The others have all gone. 5. Don't go out until you see them go in. 6. It is very cold in this room since the fire went out. 7. I shall go on making preparations for their visit. 8. It was so warm in the room that we almost went to sleep. 9. He is ill and has had to go to bed. He hasn't been well since he came home. 10. Are you going now? Well, I will go with you.


_Mientras uno es joven, siempre hay esperanza de mejorar la fortuna._[5]--PALACIO VALDeS.

=12.= English _long_ is usually rendered =largo=, but in expressions of time it is often translated =mucho=.

_This is the longest street in the city. We lived here for a long time._

=Esta es la calle mas larga de la ciudad. Vivimos aqui por mucho tiempo.=

_I have not seen them for a long time._

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Spanish Composition Part 3 summary

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