Spanish Composition Part 34

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_If it rains, this newspaper will do for an umbrella._

=Si llueve, este diario nos servira de paraguas.=

=126.= In addition to the adverbial expressions given in the preceding lessons the following are important:

_by day_, =de dia=

_by night_, =de noche=

_at daybreak_, =al amanecer=

_at nightfall_, =al anochecer=

_in the morning_, =por la manana=

_in the afternoon_, =por la tarde=

_in the evening_ (or _at night_), =por la noche=

_day by day_, _from day to day_, =de dia en dia=

_a week from to-day_, =de hoy en ocho dias=

_two weeks from to-day_, =de hoy en quince dias=

_at six o'clock_, =a las seis=

_at six o'clock sharp_, =a las seis en punto=

_at a little after six_, =a eso de las seis=, or =a las seis y pico=

_about six o'clock_, =como a las seis=

_within a few minutes_, _in a few minutes_, =dentro de pocos minutos=, =a los pocos minutos=

_Note._--When the hour is mentioned, the phrases _in the morning_, _in the afternoon_, etc., are rendered =de la manana=, =de la tarde=. So _at six in the morning_, =a las seis de la manana=.

_At night there were banquets on board._

=Por la noche hubo banquetes abordo.=--BLASCO IBanEZ.

_Within two months after entering the army he was a sergeant._

=A los dos meses de haber entrado en el ejercito era sargento.=


_One afternoon at a little after five the robbers returned._

=Una tarde a eso de las cinco los ladrones regresaron.=


_Day by day he feared that she would find him out._

=De dia en dia temia que le descubriese.=--BLASCO IBanEZ.

=127.= =EXERCISES=

(_a_) 1. Todas las noches a eso de las once me dirigia hacia aquella calle. 2. A los pocos dias supe que habian llegado. 3. Que te parece?

Servira este? 4. Por la manana trabajo, por la tarde y por la noche me divierto. 5. Le dije que tendria mucho gusto en hacer lo que me acababa de pedir. 6. Al amanecer llego uno de los soldados para decirnos que la compania se pondria en marcha a las ocho en punto. 7. Como son malos de dia y de noche no tienen mas que malos pensamientos. 8. Los alimentos que tenemos son pocos y malos, pero creo que bastaran para los que tienen mucha hambre. 9. Lo han comprado ellos? No quieren comprarlo?

10. Esta roca llana nos servira de mesa. 11. Tenemos que hacerlo antes de hoy en quince dias.

(_b_) 1. I want him to be here about eight o'clock. 2. I shall not have time to do all that I wanted to do. It is a little after one now. 3. I have only a small knife. Will that do? 4. It has struck four. Didn't they say that they would be here at four exactly? 5. This newspaper will do for a tablecloth. 6. At what time did the accident occur? At a little after six in the morning. 7. Day by day they had more to do. They worked more by day than by night. 8. He wants to wait until a week from Tuesday, but that will _never_ do (_never_ is here only an emphatic _not_). 9. This ink won't do. It's green. 10. They woke me a little bit after eight to ask me what they should do.


_La mentira es siempre cobarde._[42]



(_a_) 1. It is _the one_ who _told_ you a _little_ while ago that you had dropped something. 2. I don't _like_ children. They _turn_ everything upside down. 3. What _can_ he be doing that he doesn't come?

4. "_Can_ the dog be mad?" the man wondered. 5. Who _could_ have spilled the milk? 6. _Take_ this. It _takes up_ too much room in this drawer. 7.

The boy _took off_ his hat when the old man spoke to him. 8. Don't you _ever pa.s.s_ my house on the _way_ to your office? 9. It is a pity that he will not _take advantage_ of your offer. 10. Why do you never _pay attention to_ what I say to you?

(_b_) 1. I advised him not _to pay_ for it, but he _paid no attention_ to my advice. 2. It _turned out_ that they _wanted_ to _start_ earlier.

3. They were small and _at the same time_ they cost too much. 4.

_Perhaps_ if you _turn_ the gla.s.s _over_ you will find what you are _looking for_. 5. At that _very_ moment we saw him _turn_ the corner and come _toward_ us. 6. To whom shall I _turn_, now that my best friend has deserted me? 7. Has your purse _turned up_ yet? 8. He arrived at twelve-thirty _sharp_, and told us that he had _taken steps_ to prevent any accident. 9. It is a good rule to work _by day_ and rest _by night_.

10. Has it _struck_ one yet? Well, then, we need not _wait for_ them _any longer_.

(_c_) 1. This is the old man who used _to ring_ the church bell. 2. The workmen in that factory are not satisfied with their pay. It is feared that they will _strike_. 3. _But_ do you think it _could have been_ my book that was burned? 4. _Put_ the things here and don't _put yourself out_ any more _for_ me. 6. It's too bad that it is so cold. This will _put_ the crops _back_. 7. _Put_ your shoes _on_. It is too cold to wear slippers. 8. Are you going to _put on_ your white dress? I don't _like_ the one you _have on_. 9. That will _do_ for the present. But we shall _want_ a larger one later. 10. I don't _like_ to work _at night_ when _I am sleepy_.


(_a_) 1. _Here's_ my card. And what is _your_ name? 2. _Does_ the noise _keep_ you from sleeping? 3. He hasn't any change, nor I _either_. 4. I don't _like_ velvet. It isn't stylish _any longer_. 5. If I _have made a mistake_, I _ask_ you to pardon me. 6. _There! Now_ everything is ready.

7. _Help yourself_ to vegetables. 8. We are taking this journey _just_ for pleasure. 9. I _think_ we shall _get there in time_ if we hurry. 10.

She _gets up now_ and _goes out to take a walk_ in the garden when it _is_ not too cold. 11. _What is_ her husband's mother _like_? 12. I can't _stand_ the life in the city when it _is so_ hot.

(_b_) 1. I _miss all_ that we used to have _before_ we _left_ our country home. 2. At each step that we _took_ our shoes _got_ dirtier. 3.

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Spanish Composition Part 34 summary

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