Spanish Composition Part 5

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=Obtuvo lo que queria.=

_There is no more sugar. I shall have to go and get some._

=No hay mas azucar. Tendre que ir a comprar mas.=

_Have you sent the boy to get the car?_

=Ha mandado usted al mozo a traer el automovil?=

_I get a letter from home every Tuesday._

=Recibo carta de casa todos los martes=.

_There was a fire at the Zoological Gardens yesterday and a lion got out_ (away).

=Hubo incendio en los jardines zoologicos ayer y se escapo un leon.=

(_a_) _To get_ meaning _to grow_ or _become_ is translated =ponerse= or =hacerse=, the former indicating a temporary change of state, the latter a more permanent one.

_She gets very cross if she has to wait for us._

=Se pone muy enojada= (=enfadada=) =si tiene que esperarnos.=

_He got rich quickly, but his methods couldn't be admired._

=Se hizo rico p.r.o.nto, pero sus metodos no podian admira.r.s.e.=

(_b_) _To get along with_, speaking of persons, may be rendered =entenderse con=, or =congeniar con=: when the object is a thing, the translation is =servirse de=. _To get along without_ is translated =pasa.r.s.e sin=.

_He doesn't get along very well with his oldest brother._

=No se entiende muy bien con su hermano mayor.=

_I shall have to get along with this knife since there is no other._

=Tendre que servirme de este cuchillo puesto que no hay otro.=

_I get along without a laundress now that my daughter is at home._

=Yo me paso sin lavandera ya que esta en casa mi hija.=

(_c_) _To get into_ and _out of_ vehicles are rendered =subir a= and =bajar de=.

_They get out of one automobile and into another._

=Bajaron de un automovil y subieron a otro.=

(_d_) _To get out of the way_ may be rendered =aparta.r.s.e del camino= or =quita.r.s.e de en medio=.

_You know that to me she is always at home. Get out of the way!_

=Sabe Vd. que para mi siempre esta. Quitese de en medio!=


(_e_) _To get up_, _rise_, is rendered =levanta.r.s.e= or =ponerse de pie=.

_I got up very, very early this morning._

=Esta manana me levante muy de madrugada.=

_When the teacher spoke to the pupil the latter got up._

=Cuando hablo el maestro al discipulo se puso de pie este.=


(_a_) 1. El coche se detuvo delante de la puerta y bajaron dos senores.

2. Primero tenemos que apartar del camino este monton de piedras. 3. Se levanto Vd. tarde hoy. 4. Queremos deshacernos de nuestro viejo automovil. 5. Los tejados se ponen blancos. 6. Las abejas sacan la miel de las flores. 7. No se sabe como han logrado entrar en la casa los ladrones. 8. Aunque cerramos la puerta con llave lograron salir. 9. Le he mandado a traerme otro cuchillo, porque este no corta. 10. Baja de este muro en seguida si no quieres caer.

(_b_) 1. The fruit is getting ripe now. 2. You ought to get rid of the old house before you buy a new one. 3. We shall have to get up early to catch that train. 4. Mother is in the kitchen getting dinner. 5. How dark the sky is getting. I think there will be a storm. 6. As I was getting up this morning my mother called to me and said, "Hurry up, John, I want you to go and get some milk for breakfast." 7. Since there is no ink we shall have to get along with pencils. 8. My parents do not like to get letters written in pencil. 9. That company gets out beautiful ill.u.s.trated books. 10. He has been ill and has not been able to get out for a long time.


_Vale mas una sola cosa buena que muchas medianas._[7]



(_a_) 1. We must not remain longer in this house. 2. I must go and I will go. But, where? Who knows? 3. If you want to know, ask her. 4. He is here again and he knows that we are in this house. 5. Man, you are right. You must be right sometimes. 6. I am not to blame because he is not here. 7. These are for me, but I will give you these for those. 8.

You don't know what you are asking for. 9. He is hungry and cold, but not ashamed. 10. Send the maid to get some vegetables.

(_b_) 1. Do you know how old he is? 2. How deep is this well? 3. It is not his fault that he has not been successful. 4. Ask them if they are hungry? 5. Father has gone out for a lamp because all the electric lights have gone out. 6. We shall get there before long. 7. Have you ever been here before? Yes, but not for a long time. 8. Mother's going to get me a new hat. 9. This store always closes for an hour at noon.

10. It's a pity this young man does not get along better with his parents. 11. Before you go, go and ask John if he got the tickets for to-night.


_Mira las estrellas! Cuentan cuentos dulces las estrellas y hacen compania._[8]--MARTiNEZ SIERRA.

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Spanish Composition Part 5 summary

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