Catalogue of British Columbia Birds Part 17

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_Phalaenoptilis nuttallii_ (Aud.).

Southern interior portions of Province from Kamloops through the Okanagan. Summer resident.


209. Nighthawk.

_Chordeiles virginia.n.u.s_ (Gmel.).

An abundant summer resident east of Cascade Mountains. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack.

210. Western Nighthawk.

_Chordeiles virginia.n.u.s henryi_ (Ca.s.s.).

A summer resident west of Cascade Mountains. Abundant on Vancouver Island.

Family MICROPODIDae. Swifts.


211. Black Swift.

_Cypseloides niger borealis_ (Ridgw.).

Common near Victoria during migration. Rev. J. H. Keen says only pa.s.s over at Metlakatla. Said to breed in mountains back of Chilliwhack and in the neighbourhood of Comox. (_Fannin_.) Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.)

CHaeTURA Stephens.

212. Vaux's Swift.

_Chaetura vauxii_ (Towns.).

A summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. I found it very common near Sicamous, May 28th, 1895.

Family TROCHILIDae. Hummingbirds.


213. Black-chinned Hummingbird.

_Trochilus alexandri_ (Bourc. & Muls.).

Confined to the Mainland. I have never seen it on Vancouver Island.

Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.


214. Red-backed Rufous Hummingbird.

_Selasphorus rufus_ (Gmel.).

An abundant summer resident west of Cascade Mountains, including Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan. Common at Metlakatla (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.)

215. Green-backed Rufous Hummingbird. Allen's Hummingbird.

_Selasphorus alleni_ (Hensh.).

Eastern Cascade and Rocky Mountain districts. (_Fannin_.)


216. Calliope Hummingbird.

_Stellula calliope_ (Gould).

East and west of Cascade Mountains. (_Fannin_.)

Order Pa.s.sERES. Perching Birds.

Family TYRANNIDae. Tyrant Flycatchers.


217. Kingbird.

_Tyrannus tyrannus_ (Linn.).

A common summer resident on the Mainland at Chilliwhack, Sardis, Ducks and Vernon, and has been taken as far north as Port Simpson. Rare on Vancouver Island.

218. Gray Kingbird.

_Tyrannus dominicensis_ (Gmel.).

Accidentally in B. C. One specimen taken at Cape Beale, October 9, 1889, by Miss c.o.x, and presented to the Museum.

219. Arkansas Kingbird.

_Tyrannus verticalis_ (Say).

A common summer resident on the Mainland. I have found it quite common at Chilliwhack, Ducks and Okanagan, rarely west to Vancouver Island.

SAYORNIS Bonaparte.

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