Catalogue of British Columbia Birds Part 21

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_Acanthis hornemannii exilipes_ (Coues.).

Mouth of Quesnelle, S. Williams. Chilliwhack, A. C. Brooks.

260. Redpoll.

_Acanthis linaria_ (Linn.).

The Province at large, but more abundant in the Rocky Mountain district. West in winter to Vancouver Island.


261. American Goldfinch.

_Astragalinus tristis_ (Linn.).

Both slopes of Cascades to Rocky Mountains on the Mainland. Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks.

262. Willow Goldfinch.

_Astragalinus tristis salicamans_ (Grinnell).

Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks.


263. Pine Siskin.

_Spinus pinus_ (Wils.).

An abundant resident throughout the Province. Breeds throughout its range.

Pa.s.sER Brisson.

264. House Sparrow.

_Pa.s.ser domesticus_ (Linn.).

This bird has now become quite common in the cities along the Coast.

Pa.s.sERINA (Vieill).

265. Snowflake.

_Pa.s.serina nivalis_ (Linn.).

Not common on Vancouver Island. More abundant east of Cascades on the Mainland.

CALCARIUS Bechstein.

266. Lapland Longspur.

_Calcarius lapponicus_ (Linn.).

The Province at large, but nowhere common. It has been taken a Victoria, Chilliwhack, Burrard Inlet, Okanagan, Fort Simpson and Metlakatla.


267. McCown's Longspur.

_Rhynchophanes mccownii_ (Lawr.).

Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.


268. Western Vesper Sparrow.

_Pooecetes gramineus confinis_ (Baird).

Interior portions of the Mainland east of Cascades, and in the Okanagan.

269. Oregon Vesper Sparrow.

_Pooecetes gramineus affinis_ (Miller).

West of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.

Pa.s.sERCULUS Bonaparte.

270. Sandwich Sparrow.

_Pa.s.serculus sandwichensis_ (Gmel.).

An abundant summer resident west of Cascades on the Mainland, including Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan.

271. Western Savanna Sparrow.

_Pa.s.serculus sandwichensis alaudinus_ (Bonaparte).

A common summer resident on the Coast, including Vancouver Island.


272. Western Gra.s.shopper Sparrow.

_Coturniculus savannarum bimaculatus_ (Swainson).

A summer resident in the Okanagan, near Vernon. (_Brooks_.)

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