Catalogue of British Columbia Birds Part 7

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I have only seen this bird at Deaso Lake, Ca.s.siar. (_Fannin_.) Mr. Brooks has found it at Sumas and Okanagan.

Order HERODIONES. Herons, Ibises, etc.

Family IBIDIDae. Ibises.


87. White-faced Glossy Ibis.

_Plegadis guarauna_ (Linn.).

Only two specimens known to be taken in the Province, one on Salt Spring Island, the other at mouth of Fraser River. Check List of B. C. Birds, 1891. (_Fannin_.)

Family ARDEIDae. Herons and Bitterns.


88. American Bittern.

_Botaurus lentiginosus_ (Montag.).

Common throughout the greater portion of the Province. Breeds both east and west of Cascades.

ARDEA Linnaeus.

89. Great Blue Heron.

_Ardea herodias_ (Linn.).

A common resident on the coast, and is quite common at Sumas Lake and Okanagan. Breeds throughout its range.

90. Northwest Coast Heron.

_Ardea herodias fannini_ (Chapman).

In August, 1895, I found this form, now named after the late John Fannin by Frank M. Chapman, quite common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands.

EGRETTA Forester.

91. Snowy Heron.

_Egretta candidissima_ (Gmel.).

Rare in British Columbia. Two specimens collected at Burrard Inlet, May, 1879. (_Fannin_.) One specimen is in the Museum.

Order PALUDICOLae. Cranes, Rails, etc.

Family GRUIDae. Cranes.

GRUS Pallas.

92. Little Brown Crane.

_Grus canadensis_ (Linn.).

Common, during migrations, throughout the Province.

93. Sandhill Crane.

_Grus mexicana_ (Mull.).

Common throughout the Province; it breeds in the interior of Mainland; numbers pa.s.s over Victoria in the spring and autumn migrations.

Family RALLIDae. Rails and Coots.

RALLUS Linnaeus.

94. Virginia Rail.

_Rallus virginia.n.u.s_ (Linn.).

Tolerably common on Island and Mainland; breeds close to Victoria.

Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

PORZANA Vieillot.

95. Carolina Rail. Sora.

_Porzana Carolina_ (Linn.).

Found on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it very rare on Queen Charlotte Islands. Common east of Cascades.


FULICA Linnaeus.

96. American Coot. Mud-hen.

_Fulica americana_ (Gmel.).

A common resident on Island and Mainland; breeds throughout its range.

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