Wait For The Sunrise Part 20

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hair."Yip pee!" he yelled. He turned immediately to Winn."You want to come, too, don't you?"Winn considered the alternatives as he worked the pump handle. He could listen to Peter as he worked with Lullaby, knowing that he would never ride

her again, or he could do no thing. The morning's activity had kept his mind

busy and the black clouds at bay, and he was reluctant to sit idle.

"I haven't been fis.h.i.+ng since ... I can't remember when," he answered.

The smile he threw in her general direction made Cynthie's heart skip a beat.

"Then I guess you've been working too hard," she said, returning a smile hecould hear in her voice.

Greg ran to the garden to hunt for worms and gra.s.shoppers. Cynthie calledafter him to be careful of her plants then turned with Winn to carry the bagsinto the house.

From the well, Winn could make it to the house and through to the room he wasusing without any help. He couldn't help but wish Cynthie didn't know thatand would take his arm. He was, however, sweaty and dusty from working onthe corral fence. He didn't expect her to want to be near him even in betterconditions.

They deposited the bags in the corner of the room. "Are there things youwould like to unpack?" Cynthie asked.

"There's not much there but a clean s.h.i.+rt or two." He grinned at her.

"Or at least a cleaner s.h.i.+rt."

"Then let's go." She grabbed his hand and pulled him from the room.

"You can wash up after we catch our dinner."

She found the poles in the shed. Winn wondered if there were other buildingsaround that he didn't even know about and if he would run into them if he roamed around by himself. He pushed the thought away and tried toconcentrate on his cheerful companions.

"We only got two poles," Greg said.

"Peter made them. You can share Mama's." Winn grinned at the boy's idea ofgenerosity.

The walk, once they left the yard, got more difficult and Winn had troublenavigating the uneven ground and large clumps of gra.s.s. Cynthie tried towatch for him and steer him around the worst places, but the going was still slow.

Greg ran ahead to find their favorite spot."I haven't met many women who like to go fis.h.i.+ng," he observed. He hoped ifthey started a conversation, she wouldn't become irritated with his slowpace. Her hand was on his arm and he could feel her excitement.

"You haven't met many women who get to go fis.h.i.+ng," she corrected. The heat

that radiated from beneath her hand made her almost giddy.

"I bet you never called on a lady and invited her down to the nearest fis.h.i.+ng hole, unless you had other things on your mind."

Winn laughed, surprised at the suggestion in her quip.

"You've got a point there. So how come you're so lucky to get to go fis.h.i.+ng?"

Cynthie guided Winn around a gopher hole before she answered.

"This is going to sound terrible, but I get to go fis.h.i.+ng because I don't

have a husband anymore."

She had sounded amused so he continued.

"So it's a widows-only kind of thing?" This could become more dangerous

ground than what he was walking on.

Cynthie laughed.

"Well, husbands do tend to tell their wives what they should and shouldn't

do. It can be very limiting." Talking about her dearly departed in such away seemed wonderfully naughty, especially since she had been thin king ofhim all day.

"So, do old maids go fis.h.i.+ng, too?" Winn nearly stumbled over something thatrolled when his toe caught it. He made a conscious effort to pick up hisfeet a little higher. The stick must mean they were close to the creek. In fact, once he thought about it, he could hear the peculiar rustling soundof wind in the cottonwoods.

"Sure," replied Cynthie in answer to his question. "But that's why they'reold maids." She sighed deeply.

"They had to choose between fis.h.i.+ng and a man. Who knows. Maybe they madethe right decision."

Winn laughed and Cynthie smiled, loving the sound. In the silence that followed, the sound of the wind in the trees along the creek grew louder, anda moment later they felt the coolness of the shade.

Cynthie lead Winn to the place on the bank where she and Greg usually fished.Greg was walking along the bank, loo king for more insects to use as bait.When he saw them coming, he sat down on some gra.s.s and Cynthie found a placefor Winn to sit a few feet away. Cynthie baited the two hooks with the wormsGreg handed her, and after tossing in Greg's line, she handed him the pole.He held it tightly and watched the spot where the line disappeared in thewater with extreme concentration.

Cynthie tossed in the other line and sat down between her son and Winn.

When she offered Winn the pole, he shook his head.

"Actually," she said, recalling their conversation.

"I started fis.h.i.+ng because I had to raise a son without a father. I discovered last fall that I liked it. When Victor was alive, he sent Gregfis.h.i.+ng with Peter a time or two, but Greg really just wanted to be with hisfather."

"I like Peter," Greg said. He was still staring at the string and the watermoving slowly past it. His voice sounded almost groggy.

"I know you do," his mother said softly.Winn tried to hear the sound of the water but couldn't separate it from thecottonwoods. Insects and birds added more noise. He tried to picture thescene around him and discovered it wasn't too difficult. He didn't know howbig the creek was but he had some clues; it had to be big enough to support fish but small enough to be quiet. Maybe he was wrong, but the mentalpicture remained."How did the fence mending go?" Cynthie asked after a few minutes."All right, I guess. They got done anyway."Cynthie reflected on his short answer. Why hadn't he said, "We got done"When no more details seemed to be forthcoming, she said gently, "You know, Winn, I'm much less interested in the fence than I am in how you got along working out there with the other two men."

"I got along fine."There was the same tightening in his muscles. For some reason he didn't wantto talk about it so she let it go. She hoped Greg could provide adistraction but he had stretched out on the gra.s.s and had fallen asleep.

She watched him for a moment and smiled. He looked so innocent, his darkhead lying on one outstretched arm, his bare feet covered with dust. Sheloved her little boy so much she often wondered how she could be so lucky.

Nudging Winn with her elbow, she pa.s.sed her fis.h.i.+ng pole to him.

"You get to share my pole after all. Greg's gone to sleep."

Winn took it gingerly in his hands.

"What do I do if I get a bite?"

Cynthie grinned, picking up her child's pole. "Same thing you usually do."

Winn felt the anger surge to the surface again. Was she intentionally beingcruel or hadn't she stopped to think? He tried to stay calm.This wasn't worth getting upset over. When he could trust his voice he said,"I'm going to have a little trouble catching hold of a string I can't see.""I know," she said."Just swing it over the bank and I'll take it off the hook.""Swing it over the bank," he repeated."Yeah, that way." With her fingertip she drew an arrow on his chest pointing away from her.The sweet touch of her finger changed everything. She wasn't setting him upfor failure, they were just here to have fun. He knew by now that he could trust her. It was his own frustrations that caused him to worry. "Thatway?" he grinned, pointing toward her."If you flip a fish in my lap, I'll remember it at supper."Winn laughed at the threat but sobered suddenly when he felt a tug on the line. Instinct told him to hold on to the pole and tug back. He struggledto his feet. Cynthie was yelling instructions that made very little sense.He could tell when the fish left the water because the flipping shook thepole. He brought it carefully around, afraid he'd lose it.

"I've got it," Cynthie said.The excitement woke Greg."That's a big one. Did you catch it, Winn?Where's my pole? ""It's on the ground," began Cynthie loo king up. "Grab it, Greg!"The boy jumped on the pole that was only inches away from where he had beenhalf sit ting. He scrambled after it for several inches before he got a goodgrip and could start pulling back.

"Help!" he screamed."No, I got it. It's mine. No, help!"Cynthie was laughing so hard it took her a while to come to her son's aid.Finally she caught the end of the pole and helped him hold on as he backed away from the bank.

"You were great, Greg," she said, still laughing as she removed the fish from the hook.

"Wow! They're really bitin' today," Greg said. He eagerly handed his

mother another worm to bait his hook so he could go back to fis.h.i.+ng.

When his line was in the water and he was staring at it again, she asked him for another worm for Winn's hook.

"It's a good thing you didn't roll over in your sleep," she said to Greg.

Winn had been laughing at the earlier excitement but felt himself turn cold

with fear. She couldn't have left her baby sleeping where he might roll over

into the water, could she?

Cynthie saw his expression change and clarified. "The worms are in his pocket."

Winn digested that for a moment then laughed. "My mother would never have

stood for that," he said, sit ting down on the bank.

"Well, his pockets have seen worse." She handed him the pole after she cast it and busied herself getting the two fish on a string to keep them in the water until they were ready to leave.

Winn was still laughing.

"What's worse than a pocket full of worms?"

Cynthie thought about it a moment. She looked at

her son, who covered hismouth to hide a guilty giggle.

"Bird eggs," she said finally.

Cynthie was almost through cleaning the dishes left from dinner. The five of them had eaten together. Even Winn had not objected. She was glad to seehim more at ease.

Something was bothering him, though. Jeremiah had talked about Peter's session with Lullaby, but Winn had shown very little interest. He seemed angry every time she tried to draw him into the conversation.

She wondered what was wrong, but she couldn't make him talk if he didn't wantto.

She heard horses coming into the yard and left the sink to see who it was.

Winn and Greg had been on the porch and had started toward the rider ahead ofher.

Louie was riding in leading another horse, but her attention was on thesecond man, draped across the saddle. Peter and Jeremiah were coming fromthe barn but somehow she got to Louie first. He caught her shoulders andwhen she looked into his face, he slowly shook his head.

"It's Billy Emery," said Jeremiah in amazement.

"What happened?" Winn was the only one who seemed calm enough to ask.

Cynthie thought at first that it was because he couldn't see the horror ofthe lifeless body on the horse. She looked at his face and knew that wasn't the reason. He was feeling all the same things they were but he had taken onan authoritative calm necessary in emergencies. She wondered, vaguely, wherehe had learned it, before her attention was drawn back to Louie.

"I found him," Louie said. He sounded too tired to be on his feet.

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Wait For The Sunrise Part 20 summary

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