Wait For The Sunrise Part 34

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Mary had offered to go to the bunkhouse and prepare the meal for the men and

check on Louie. Cyn-

the had accepted eagerly. Greg had gone along,giving her a few minutes of quiet.

A few minutes was all she got. At five o'clock, Kyle rode into the yard.She stepped out on the porch as he tied his horse in front of the house."Where is everyone?" he asked, loo king around the yard.

"They're all in the bunkhouse, I suppose. Jeremiah's friend, Mary, is fixing

them their dinner.""I wanted to be sure you're protected here, Cynthie. Somebody's declared waron you." He hung his hat on a hook by the door as he entered the front room.

"There's coffee," she offered. He followed her into the kitchen and watched

her take two cups from the cupboard.

"What's this?" he asked, coming forward. He pushed open the doors she had started to close and lifted the gun from the top shelf.

"That's Winn's," she said. She took the cups to the table and when she turned was surprised to see Kyle still holding the pistol.

"He asked me to put it out of Greg's reach."

Kyle nodded.

"What's a blind man need with a gun anyway, except to kill himself."

Cynthie crossed the room quickly.

"That's terrible!" she said, taking the gun out of his hand and putting it back on the shelf.

Kyle moved to a chair by the table.

"I didn't mean it like that, I just mean it could be tempting, you know, to end it all."

"Have you eaten?" she asked, wanting to change the subject.

"I could eat a little something," he said.

"You holding up all right?"

"I'll get by," she answered. Even though she had dismissed it earlier, she

couldn't help but think of what Winn had said."What do you know about what happened?" she asked."Not much," he said."Just that somebody shot your foreman." He stretched his legs under the table and watched her move about the kitchen. She was beautiful and she was

almost his, she and the ranch and everything Franklin owed him.

He was just pulling a cigar from his pocket when there was a knock on the door. Cynthie excused herself and went to answer it.

Dempsey got up quickly and went to the cupboard. He could hear Cynthietalking quietly, and another woman's voice. Glancing toward the door, hereached up and retrieved the gun. He had started to check the chambers when he heard Cynthie say goodbye to the other woman. He stuck the pistol in hisbelt at his spine where it was covered by his jacket. He grabbed the saucerhe often used to catch the ashes from his cigar and was carrying it to thetable when Cynthie came back into the room.

"That was Mary, saying she was going back to town."

"You sound tired, honey. This is all too much for you." He tried to takeher in his arms but she avoided him."It can't be helped," she stopped."But it can be stopped," he said, taking his seat again.Cynthie turned to look at him and a flicker of suspicion crossed her mind."I marry you and it all ends?" she suggested.Dempsey grinned."Well, that might help but that's not what I was thin king. I think I should round up some men and confront Ott. Has he ever explained how he got themoney together to pay off the loan?" Cynthie shook her head cautiously. /Dempsey made a quick guess at what Sutton might have told her and added, "Ott's been spreading lies about me in town trying to throw the blame on someone else. In fact, he probably set up Sutton and your foreman. I heard he was shot out toward my place."

Cynthie didn't know what to think. There was still some of Mary's chickensoup on the stove and as she dipped up a bowlful she considered what Winn hadstarted to tell her. Could Kyle be lying to her?

Kyle thanked her as she set the bowl in front of him.

"As soon as I'm done," he said, "I'll round up some neighbors and we'll go see Ott."

"But Kyle, is that wise?" she protested.

"I mean, shouldn't you talk to the sheriff?"

"I'm just going to let him know we won't take any more of it." He patted hershoulder, certain that he had taken care of any misgivings she might have.When it was over, she would be able to say why he had gone and it wouldconfirm his story. Ott, when he discovered his neighbors were aware of hisactivities, had opened fire and been killed.

He smiled at the picture. Everyone that could cause him trouble would bedead. He would even think of a way to get rid of Sutton. He felt the pressure of Sutton's pistol against his back and a plan took root.

Of course, no more of the Franklin cattle could be allowed to disappear,but that wouldn't matter. When Cynthie believed what he had been telling herall along, that Ott had been stealing her cattle, she would see that he, KyleDempsey, had saved her ranch. Then he would have it all. Yes. He wouldonly have to wait a short time now.

Winn knew the minute Dempsey left. He put the knife and the toy handle inhis pocket and walked to the house. He knocked on the door. He didn't knowhow he would do it, but he would make her listen.

Cynthie heard the knock and thought Kyle had forgotten something. She had started to say his name as she opened the door.

"Sorry, it's just me," he said.The bitterness in his voice was impossible to miss. "Oh, Winn, don't saythat." She took his arm and pulled him inside. She wanted to throw herselfinto his arms, she wanted his comfort almost desperately.

His manner seemed more distant than ever and she bit her lip, waiting for him to tell her why he had come.

"I know you don't want to hear this," he said. "But I don't trust that man."

"I know."

"Will you hear me out?"

"Not now," she began. Winn braced himself for a battle but she spoke quickly."I think we better do something. Kyle says he's taking a group of neighborsout to Ott's place. Winn, I just don't know who's right but I don't thinkthis is the way."

Winn was out the door before she finished talking. He hurried toward thebunkhouse with Cynthie running behind. He was taking longer steps and shewas afraid he would run into the building.

"Peter, saddle some horses," he called as he walked. "Jeremiah, get a couple of rifles." "I'm going, too," Cynthie announced. Winn turned to her. "No, you're not!" "Winn." But she said it to his back; he didn't wait to argue.

Peter came out of the bunkhouse with Greg behind him. Peter and Winn hurriedtoward the corral and Cynthie ran to Greg, taking his hand.When she caught up with Winn, he was talking to Peter."I'll need something reliable. Preferably something I don't have to sing to.""Saddle Obsidian," Cynthie instructed. "You're not going!" Winn said again.

Cynthie placed a hand on his arm.

"You take him," she said.

A few minutes later she stood with Greg at her side, watching the three ofthem ride out of the yard. She had sent them after Kyle and now she worriedthat she had put them into danger, whatever the truth of the situation may be.

When the riders were becoming hard to see in the dust and the evening light,Cynthie turned toward the bunkhouse.

"We better go sit with Louie,"

she told her son. - Winn didn't feel confident on the back of the stallion but he couldn't think about that now. He rode between Peter and Jeremiah and trusted them to help him if he needed it.

They had to get to Ott before Dempsey did. If he was truly rounding upneighbors, that should give them some time. Winn was afraid Dempsey would bemeeting his rustler friends to ride with him instead. They might have beenleft waiting near Ott's.

"Be sure to watch for any other riders," he reminded his companions.

Winn remembered that Ott had told him he was Cynthie's nearest neighbor. Hehoped his place wasn't far, It was Jeremiah who answered."Don't be worryin', sir. I ain't let tin' n.o.body surprise us."Ott's yard was quiet when they rode in. Winn could smell wood smoke and knew Ott was home. Before they had pulled up in front of the house, Ott was outto meet them."Howdy, boys. It's good to see you sit tin' a horse, Sutton."Winn didn't answer."Peter," he ordered."Which way's the barn?""Left," was Peter's reply.

' "Take a rifle and hide the horses in the barn then stay there.

Jeremiah, find a position on our right where you're protected. We may need you both. "

"What in the h.e.l.l's going' on?" Ott asked."Dempsey's on his way," Winn said."Let's get inside."Ott put his hand on Winn's shoulder and directed him into his house."Is Louie dead, like I hear?" he asked."Why's Dempsey comin' here?""Louie's hurt bad but he's still holding on." Inside, Winn stood with his hand on the latch of the closed door.

"Stay near a window," he said.


need to know as soon as they ride up. "

"I'll do it," Ott said.

"Can you answer my questions now?"

Winn explained the situation while they waited. It was an hour before Ott alerted him. "There's quite a bunch," he said.

"Do you know any of them?" Winn asked. Everything might ride on his answer. "It's getting' d.a.m.n dark out there." After a moment he added, "Yeah, I knowa few. There's about six here, though, I don't think I've seen around."

"Let's go make them welcome," Winn said, opening the door. He stepped out onthe porch and Ott came to stand beside him. He could hear the horses movingtoward the house, still a short distance away. "Greet them by name," Winnwhispered.

When the horses came to a stop, Winn spoke first. "Evening, Dempsey."

Winn wondered if Dempsey was surprised to see him. It didn't show in hisvoice but Winn noticed he took his time before he spoke."We're here to talk to Ott," he said."I'm listenin'" Ott said."Evenin', Bob, Harold. You got something' to say, Eli?"It was Dempsey who answered."We know you shot Mrs. Franklin's foreman.You've been stealing her cattle right along, too. ""Ask Dempsey about Merlin's death. Bob, and Franklin's," Winn said."You, Harold, ask Dempsey about the guns Franklin had him running to the Indians. And ask him about the circle P brand, Eli."

There was a murmur in the crowd and Dempsey shouted.

"He's in it with Ott.

He's ma king things up to try to cover Ott's crimes. "

"Can you be sure Dempsey isn't the one trying to cover something up?"

Winn asked.

There were some m.u.f.fled comments Winn could make out in the general murmurof conversation. "not as easy as I thought."

"Never heard nothin' about guns." "isn't for us to handle."

"Don't listen to him!" Dempsey yelled.

Ott leaned close to Winn and said quietly.

"The neighbors are leaving.

Dempsey and six others are left. "

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Wait For The Sunrise Part 34 summary

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