The Earthrise Trilogy Part 42

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The party ended and Tris and Hope came down, still holding hands. Clare was watching, as she and Steve still floated above Eden.

"They make a super couple," she thought to Steve.

"Yes, they do Sweetie," he thought back.

"One day, they'll rule here."

Almost everyone had gone home after the festivities. Hope looked out across the burned fields, "I hate to see this Tris, it's a blight on Eden."

With that she said, "Lord," very softly, and waved her arm in an arc. When she opened her eyes, the gra.s.s was healed and green again, as though nothing had ever happened. The two oldies came down too and joined Tris and Hope as they walked back towards home.

"So, what now guys?" Steve asked. "We've been away, and come back, we've fought, and won, what lies ahead?"

Clare answered him, "Sorry to have to say it Hun, but I don't think this is over yet. I still have an uneasy feeling in my gut that won't go away."

"Then we must be vigilant," Steve responded, "don't let your guard down for an instant."

The command was to all of them, not just Clare.

It had been a long day, so Steve and Clare decided on an early night. The young ones weren't anywhere near as tired and so went back to Tris' house so that Hope could meet James and Jane.

"I hope you don't mind dogs dear," Dorothy said, greeting Hope at the door.

"It's all right Mrs. Eves, we have Rufus..."

"Ah, that's right, you do don't you. Sorry dear, I forgot."

They went into the living room where Malcolm was busy brus.h.i.+ng Jane's coat.

"She really seems to like this." He said, as they entered. "James, on the other hand, won't let me near him with a brush."

"It's a 'boy' thing dad," Tris replied, causing a chuckle.

"Now how about some tea?" Dorothy asked, heading for the kitchen.

"You see dear brother, I told you they could do it."

"That you did Abel, that you did, but it is not over yet, we must continue to watch what they do, the greatest trial is yet to come."

Cain hugged his brother Abel knowing how much he cared for the humans.

"Have faith in them," he said softly, "He, Who lives forever has..."

The ruler waited until his wounds had fully healed, he wanted everything to be just right. In his thoughts he knew he would only get one chance at what he was about to do, so it was worth the waiting. He appointed a new commander from the demon h.o.a.rd under him, a particularly nasty specimen called Hegon, who was well known among the lesser orders as being vicious, even on a good day. The time drew near, the ruler's plans were laid, now it was just a matter of getting her alone. Spies were dispatched to watch her.

Quite some time had pa.s.sed since the battle, and Eden was settling down into a routine much as before. Things were not exactly the same, the sensors were still on watch, and the lake had lost its appeal, but that just meant that the waterfall got a lot more visits than it used to.

Gareth and Danny had returned to the job of farming. They were almost inseparable now, and Danny was learning much from his friend Seth, as he liked to be called, and Seth was, as always, impressed with Danny's ability to absorb what he had been taught. It had been noted, that Gareth spent more time by his trees, the ones he would now see come to maturity. He could often be found, admiring, and touching them.

Kay began to 'show', as pregnant ladies do, happy to be past the morning sickness stage, and looking forward to motherhood. Sam became ever more joyful at the prospect of his impending fatherly status, and was not shy to let everyone know it.

Jimmy and Sh.e.l.ley decided it was time for them to expand in the family direction, and Chris and Katy felt that call too. Kay had been heard to say, "I seem to have started a trend!" But then, families were what Eden was all about.

Around this time, Clare's thoughts returned to the aborted field trip. She said nothing at first, thinking it might go away. It hadn't however, and she was still curious about what lay out there, beyond Eden, and that curiosity was growing.

A point came when even Steve noticed that far away look in her eye, and asked her, "So, what's going on in that pretty head of yours Sweetie?" He already knew, or thought he knew, what she was going to say.

"It's the field trip Hun, we didn't get very far..."

Steve laughed, "Yeah, I know, but just look at what we discovered. I suppose you want to go gallivanting off out into the green yonder again."

"You know me so well Steven Forester. Do you mind?"

Steve smiled at her, "Of course not, after all, you followed me to another solar system."

She grabbed him and kissed him. "You are a lovely man," she whispered.

"Has it taken you this long to find that out," he replied, grinning from ear to ear. "Come on, let's go for a walk."

Hegon hurried into the Ruler's cavern..."Good news master, they are out walking by the river."

"Perfect," the Ruler grinned, slyly, and rose up from his throne. "Now Commander, we will see if you are worthy of your t.i.tle. I want you to cause a diversion, and do not fail me, I do not tolerate failure."

Hegon left hurriedly to carry out his orders, closely followed by the Ruler.

Steve and Clare were happily walking by the river that came after the waterfall. It was a beautiful afternoon and they were in no hurry. As usual, the sun was s.h.i.+ning and the birds were singing in the trees. The bubbling of the water as it pa.s.sed over the rocks was pleasant to the ear, and very calming. Time was pa.s.sing slowly as the two lovers walked and talked. So much had happened in the last few months, but it almost seemed like it was just a dream now. Other worlds, battles, and ancient Biblical characters.

"Strange how time can play tricks on you Hun, it seems like only yesterday that we broke into Star Labs and Vink's office."

Steve remembered his little song..."Vinkle Vinkle little star how I wonder where you are."

Clare smiled, she never did get the significance of that little ditty.

Near to where the track led off to the farm, they saw Danny. He was running towards them and calling, "Steve, Steve, we found some more holes in the crops, you'd better come and look."

Steve looked at Clare and asked, "Do you mind, it won't take long?"

"No, you go along, I'll keep on walking, just catch me up when you're done."

She kissed him on the cheek and sent him back with Danny. He hadn't gone far when he turned and called back to her, "Be on your guard sweetie."

She waved, and he turned back towards the farm and was gone.

The spies reported their success and the Ruler left the caverns for the surface.

Clare was looking at the wonderful growth all around her. Her botanist's eye catching far more than mere walkers ever would. 'To think that all this sprang from my caverns down in Lark all those years ago,' she marvelled to herself. Almost without noticing it, she wandered into a little glade, one that she hadn't been in before. It was shady and cool, so she sat for a moment on a fallen log. Suddenly, a bright light, a brilliant white light, like nothing she had ever seen before, dazzled her. She shaded her eyes, but it did little good.

"Greetings favoured one." The voice came, from the light.

"Who are you?" she asked, still blinded.

"I am the angel of the Lord," came the reply, "and I have brought you a message from the Most High."

"A message, for me," she said, excitedly, "what is it?"

"The Lord has seen your patience, how you have been content to stay in the background whilst others have taken the credit."

"The Lord said that?" she asked.

"Yes, and he says it is time for you to take your rightful place as head of Eden. You have earned it and it is His good pleasure to give it to you."

All this stunned Clare. If anyone else had said it, she would have laughed, but this was an angel, an angel of...Steve's words came back to her.

"Who are you?" she demanded, "You're no angel, you're pathetic. AWAY WITH YOU SATAN!" She shouted with all her might.

The light was gone and there before her was that serpent of old, the tempter, his eyes black and cold. There was no fear in Clare, as she looked the serpent straight in the face and said, "Submit yourselves to G.o.d, resist the devil and he will flee from you."

She stood boldly and defiantly in the face of the dragon and he vanished. Clare closed her eyes in silent prayer, and turned to leave the glade, a familiar voice came to her.

"G.o.d be with you my child."

"Thank you, dear Abel," she said, out loud, and left.

"Hi Sweetie," Steve said, coming towards her along the path, "Seen anything interesting?"

"Na, nothing worth a mention. How were the holes?"

"Well, that's the funny thing, when I arrived, there weren't any, Danny couldn't understand it...They'd gone."

They joined hands and began walking back along the path towards Eden. Steve sensed that she was different somehow.

"What is it Sweetheart, is everything OK?"

"Yes, Hun," she said, after a pause, "everything's fine now...It's over."

They continued walking quite slowly, enjoying the coolness of the evening, when they saw a man ahead of them on the path, a stranger. He stood, waiting for them, his face was calm and peaceful.

"h.e.l.lo," Clare said, when they reached him.

"Peace be unto you," the stranger replied, and they were both filled with awe.

Jake and Zeek had gone back to mining Kerasite after the battle. As it was evening, they finished work for the day and left the mine. It was quite dark and the Earth was high in the sky.

"Sure is pretty Zeek," Jake said, "Don't think I've ever seen it looking quite so blue."


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The Earthrise Trilogy Part 42 summary

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