I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty Volume 2 Chapter 19

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Nonetheless, I was able to find out who was to win and lose without difficulty.
It was a hot topic all over the place.
That should be the case, as crown prince has lost to a commoner girl, it’s the biggest news at Luxen academy.
The information I gathered was in accordance with the story.
Throughout the magical match, Ricardo was dominant.
Because of the rivalry of magical power, the game was prolonged and Laurel who has poor physical strength, steadily became disadvantageous.
Laurel couldn’t prevent attacks that he was spewing, and she was full of wounds.
Ricardo-sama was distracted by that.
Looking at Laurel's painfully distorted face, his chest thumbed suddenly.
Why her clothes were torn in those places, reader was concerned, and boys from academy were gazing with the grin, however Ricardo-sama was more worried about her wounds.
Although with Laurel’s agility she supposed to avoid everything, he seemed to be hitting Laurel, who was about to fall with weakness in her feet.
Then, even Ricardo was confused and turned away.
Ricardo asked her to surrender in strong pressure, but Laurel didn’t give up.

Ricardo was fascinated by the eyes of the strong Laurel who doesn’t give up.
He finally lacks concentration ability due to various factors and doesn’t notice the magic created at his feet, so he is thrown to the outside of the field.

Ricardo-sama’s defeat has been decided on out of the field.
It was a way of finis.h.i.+ng the match, despite doing a lot of fighting battles.
Winner Laurel confides to Ricardo-sama, request,
“Please love the flowers,”
That way of saying is very dangerous. Everyone loves them, but Ricardo is very s.a.d.i.s.tic
As if he says that it will be his way of expressing his love to her, rubbing against the flowers with a special feeling, probably only me couldn't know.
“I agree,”
Ricardo-sama smiled with a snore and walked away.
Do you feel love? While leaving a little uncertainty, the magical match ended with a victory of Laurel.
And, although she had attractive clothing, Laurel seems to come out in erotic way.
Eugene suddenly raised his favorite packed clothes.
Haa, I'm glad that everything has gone well, but I have my questions still..
Why not Laurel-chan, but instead Forte pa.s.sed in that place?
Oh Well, as if I could understand it, I tilt my head, but the reason turned out clear the next day.
It was because of Eugene-sama.
In his lecture that she received several times, Eugene stressed that wet with water girls were s.e.xy.
After that, when she was dripping with sweat, girl who was in shock has entered the bath.
On the day of the magical match, Eugene saw me walking around with a bucket of water.
” For your friend you are ready to strip ones skin? When you enter that cla.s.sroom, go through this corridor”

It seems that he urged that Tiarella was cooperating so that Forte will catch Ricardo's attention.
According to Eugene-sama's words, Forte, who was attached to Ricardo, came to the designated place.
How stupid? I want to shout at him, but Eugene did a good job for me!
“I’m happy about your feelings but it’s annoying!”
Forte was offended with subtle feelings and had no choice but to get rid of it.

But it’s a great result.
There is no problem with the story, there is no dust if one cares about the details.
The magical match ended with Laurel’s victory is the end of the third volume.
Blooming under the snow】has a total of nine volumes, so it's just about one third of the whole thing.
“I hope they will meet Happy End safely!”
After doing various things I will not disturb the genuine story anymore! I pledged to that.

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I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty Volume 2 Chapter 19 summary

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