The Ring Of Earth Part 18

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'Follow me,' ordered Gemnan.

Getting to his feet, Jack was violently shoved in the back by one of the guards. He staggered forward as if in a nightmare, the gruesome garden a vision of h.e.l.l on earth.

'Mind where you're walking, gaijin gaijin,' said Gemnan. 'We were testing swords this morning.'

'On what?' asked Jack, horrified, as he stepped over a pool of blood drying in the midday heat.

'Prisoners,' replied Gemnan. 'We'd run out of corpses.'

Seeing the shock on Jack's face, he let out a callous laugh.

'Don't worry, I have other other plans for you.' plans for you.'

Gemnan led Jack past a large iron grille set into the ground. The pitiful sound of moaning could be heard coming from below. Jack glanced down into a large stinking pit. Several emaciated men lay in a heap, flies buzzing around them.

'There's a dead man down here!' cried one unfortunate soul.

'And there'll be another soon if you don't shut up!' replied Gemnan, spitting on the prisoner from above.

Even in his perilous state, the prisoner couldn't help but gawp at the bizarre sight of a blue-eyed, blond-haired foreign boy in their midst.

Gemnan walked over to the crucifix. Panicking, Jack began to look for a way of escape. But the two guards behind him were watching closely, their hands ready on their swords. Jack wouldn't stand a chance. He'd be cut down in an instant.

'The cross would be a fitting punishment for a Christian like you,' Gemnan considered, clearly relis.h.i.+ng Jack's growing fear. 'Perhaps that that will be your end. For the time being, though, I've been told to treat you well. So I've arranged for your own private chamber.' will be your end. For the time being, though, I've been told to treat you well. So I've arranged for your own private chamber.'

Producing a set of keys, Gemnan made his way over to a small metal cage in one corner and unlocked the door. Bowing, he gestured politely. 'Your room for the night, young samurai.'

Before Jack could protest, he was seized by the arms and forcibly pushed inside. The cage was barely big enough to contain him. He couldn't stand up or lie down. He could hardly turn round. All he could do was squat. And the cage was in the full glare of the sun.

'Would you like some water before I leave you to think over your situation?' asked Gemnan.

Jack nodded warily. The s.a.d.i.s.tic smile returned to his jailer's face.

'I'm sure you would,' he laughed. 'By tomorrow, you'll be begging begging for it.' for it.'

Gemnan instructed one of the guards to remain behind should Jack decide to talk, adding, 'I hope he doesn't, though. It'll be most interesting to see how long a gaijin gaijin survives the cauldron.' survives the cauldron.'

As Gemnan went to depart, he turned back to Jack.

'Oh, I almost forgot. Do you want to know the real real reason you were discovered?' The man's eyes once more had the look of a snake about to strike as he cackled, 'A ninja betrayed you.' reason you were discovered?' The man's eyes once more had the look of a snake about to strike as he cackled, 'A ninja betrayed you.'



The screaming didn't stop all afternoon. Jack thought he'd go to his grave with those cries still ringing in his ears. The man who'd been hanging in the tree had been cut down, only to be submerged in the boiling waters of the cauldron.

Gemnan had stood by, observing the man slowly die. The intense fascination the torturer had displayed sickened Jack to the pit of his stomach. And Jack knew that by sunrise he might be suffering the same fate.

His mind was in turmoil. Had a ninja really really betrayed him? betrayed him?

He wouldn't put it past Momochi. The man had been keen to strike a deal with daimyo daimyo Akechi. But why, then, did the Akechi. But why, then, did the daimyo daimyo still want the location of their village? And how had Momochi got a message through so quickly? He'd only known of Jack's inclusion in the mission at the last moment. It was possible Momochi had instructed Miyuki to inform the guards. But this seemed reckless for a man so intent on protecting his village. Momochi surely realized that by going on the mission Jack would learn of the valley's location and be questioned upon capture. Or perhaps Miyuki had acted on her own initiative? She'd been against him becoming a ninja from the very start. This could be her attempt to get rid of him ... permanently. But again this put her and her village at great and unnecessary risk. still want the location of their village? And how had Momochi got a message through so quickly? He'd only known of Jack's inclusion in the mission at the last moment. It was possible Momochi had instructed Miyuki to inform the guards. But this seemed reckless for a man so intent on protecting his village. Momochi surely realized that by going on the mission Jack would learn of the valley's location and be questioned upon capture. Or perhaps Miyuki had acted on her own initiative? She'd been against him becoming a ninja from the very start. This could be her attempt to get rid of him ... permanently. But again this put her and her village at great and unnecessary risk.

The other option was that Gemnan was lying. The samurai was clearly an experienced interrogator and torturer. Maybe this was one of his techniques? To make Jack think think he'd been betrayed to get him to talk. Looking back on his capture, the guards on the gate had been utterly shocked at their discovery not the reaction of informed men. It could be just pure bad luck on Jack's part that the guard had chosen him for a song. If only Jack had practised ' he'd been betrayed to get him to talk. Looking back on his capture, the guards on the gate had been utterly shocked at their discovery not the reaction of informed men. It could be just pure bad luck on Jack's part that the guard had chosen him for a song. If only Jack had practised 's.h.i.+ka no Tone', he wouldn't have been caught.

Whatever the truth was, Jack wouldn't be betraying anyone anyone.

He had to protect Akiko's brother, and all the other innocent villagers. Besides, as Soke had said, there was no bargaining with this samurai lord. So revealing the village's location wouldn't change his fate. And all his efforts to survive and protect the rutter rutter were to come to nothing. He'd endured years of gruelling samurai training, overcome insurmountable challenges, finally defeated his nemesis Dragon Eye, fought through a civil war and even become a ninja only to die in this h.e.l.lhole. were to come to nothing. He'd endured years of gruelling samurai training, overcome insurmountable challenges, finally defeated his nemesis Dragon Eye, fought through a civil war and even become a ninja only to die in this h.e.l.lhole.

He was destined for a painful death ... unless unless he could escape. he could escape.

But how? The cage was locked; the bars solid. He was now stiff and dehydrated from squatting for hours in the sun. By morning, he'd be too weak to put up any resistance. The cage was locked; the bars solid. He was now stiff and dehydrated from squatting for hours in the sun. By morning, he'd be too weak to put up any resistance.

As dusk fell, Jack knew this would be his best, and possibly only, opportunity. The samurai who'd been ordered to watch him was tired. Judging by his expression, he wasn't enjoying his duty and couldn't wait for it to be over.

'Guard,' croaked Jack, his throat parched.

'What?' he answered irritably.

Jack managed hardly more than a whisper in response.

'Speak up!'

Jack tried again.

'I can't hear you,' the man complained, stepping over to the cage. 'Are you ready to confess?'

Jack croaked an unintelligible reply.

The samurai leaned in closer. As the guard's ear drew level with his mouth, Jack thrust his arms through the bars, seizing the man's head and inserting Finger Needle Fist deep into the guard's ear ca.n.a.l. He shuddered with pain and tried to pull away, but Jack drove a Finger Sword Fist hard against the man's throat, striking a pressure point Miyuki had shown him. The guard crumpled against the bars, groaning with agony.

'Open the door.'

'I don't have the key ...' he moaned. 'Gemnan has it ...'

Jack saw the guard reaching for his tant tant. Without hesitating, Jack hit him with Fall Down Fist across the neck. The guard collapsed, unconscious. Jack reached through the bars and took the knife. Using the tip of the blade, he jimmied the lock open, just as his father had once shown him back in England.

Jack tumbled out of the cage. He was so stiff he could hardly stand, let alone run. The samurai was still out cold. Whether Miyuki had betrayed him or not, he definitely had one thing to thank her for the Sixteen Secret Fists. But he knew the man would soon come round. He took the guard's katana katana along with his knife. along with his knife.

Keeping to the wall, Jack darted silently through the darkness, the blood beginning to flow back into his legs. As he reached the gate to the courtyard, Jack spotted the prisoner who'd been staked to the ground. Whatever crime he may have committed, Jack couldn't leave the poor man like that. Not at the mercy of the vicious Gemnan.

Crouching down beside him, Jack cut loose his bonds. 'You're free,' he whispered.

The man didn't reply. It was at that point Jack realized the prisoner had died. Not only had he been staked to the ground in the blazing heat but he'd been tied over a bamboo plant, its sharpened stems allowed to grow into him. Jack couldn't believe the brutality of Gemnan.

He remembered the other prisoners in the pit and considered trying to release them too. But before he could act, Jack heard the sound of the gate being unlocked. Sprinting for the cover of the tree, he used his Ring of Earth skills to blend in with the trunk, ensuring his arms covered his blond hair.

Two samurai guards entered the courtyard, pa.s.sing so close that Jack could have reached out and touched them.

'I hate night duty,' one of them mumbled.

As soon as they had their backs to him, Jack silently climbed the tree. Once he was high enough, he leapt to the top of the nearest wall, landing with cat-like grace.

'BREAKOUT!' cried one of the samurai, discovering the unconscious guard and empty cage.

Jack jumped from the wall as several samurai, carrying flaming torches, burst into the courtyard. He landed in an alleyway and ran for his life. As more shouts broke out around the castle, he scaled the bailey wall and dropped down the other side. He zigzagged through the town trying to avoid any samurai. Entering the market square, Jack saw the orange-red glow of torches heading his way. Samurai were converging on him from both directions.

Desperately looking around, Jack spotted a water barrel beside a storehouse. Das.h.i.+ng over, he climbed in. Expelling all the air from his lungs, he took three deep breaths. The barrel was nearly three-quarters full, so by the time he'd submerged himself the water was over his head.

Holding his breath, he waited. By the reflected light of their torches, he knew at least two samurai had stopped next to his barrel. As his breath ebbed away, Jack willed them to move on.

But they didn't.

His lungs were approaching their limit and Jack screwed his eyes shut, drawing on all his ninja breathing training. An unconsciousness ninja is as good as dead An unconsciousness ninja is as good as dead.

He couldn't hold his breath any longer. Bursting from the barrel, he emerged, sword drawn.

But all the samurai had gone.

Clambering out, Jack gulped down several mouthfuls of water to slake his thirst from his day in the sun, before taking to the backstreets. Keeping to the shadows, he worked his way to the town's outer wall. More a boundary than a barricade, Jack scaled it with little problem and dropped down on to the edge of the plain.

Stealing himself for a suicidal dash to the safety of the forest, he prayed they wouldn't spot him. Jack broke from the cover of the wall and ran hard. The earth pounded beneath his feet. The tall gra.s.s whipped past.

'There he is!' came a cry.

A moment later, an arrow shot by, barely missing him, followed by another. But he daren't look back.

All of a sudden, he was aware of the sound of horses' hooves. He'd never be able to outrun a mounted samurai. The darkened forest was drawing closer with every step. If he could reach it, he might just have a chance.

Remembering his Dragon Breathing, he put on a burst of speed.



The shouts of the samurai were coming nearer and nearer with every step. Jack could almost feel the snorting breath of the horses upon his neck.

He wasn't going to make it.

With one last desperate effort, he lunged forward and the undergrowth enveloped him. Slipping through the bushes and vaulting a fallen log, Jack entered the forest. He weaved between the trees, the dense foliage and darkness covering his escape.

Only when he was sure the samurai had lost his trail, did Jack slow his pace. He took a moment to catch his breath in a small clearing and gather his bearings. It was virtually pitch-black in the forest, but Jack identified the northern star through a gap in the canopy and calculated the direction he should head in.

Suddenly he was seized from behind and thrown to the ground, a blade held to his throat.

Jack smiled. 'Miyuki,' he said, more relieved than he could ever have imagined at seeing the girl.

'How did you manage to escape?' she demanded, the knife still at his neck.

'Good to see you too,' replied Jack, wondering if she had had actually betrayed him. 'I knocked out the guard.' actually betrayed him. 'I knocked out the guard.'

'Just the one one guard?' she queried. guard?' she queried.

Jack nodded. 'I used a technique you you taught me. Fall Down Fist. Then I evaded the other guards.' taught me. Fall Down Fist. Then I evaded the other guards.'

Miyuki reluctantly let him up.

'Where are the others?' asked Jack.

's.h.i.+ro's gone to inform Shonin of your capture. Tenzen's with him. Zenjubo went to find you in the castle. Let's go,' she said, shouldering her pack.

'Shouldn't we wait for him?'

Miyuki shook her head. 'Zenjubo can look after himself.'

She strode off, heading south.

'But isn't the village that way?' said Jack, pointing east.

Miyuki glared at him. 'Don't think like a samurai. Think like a ninja. Do you want to lead the whole of Akechi's army there? Do you? Why do you think he let you escape so easily?'

'Easily? I was held in a cage. I had to pick the lock, leap a castle wall, hide in a water barrel and run for my life!' I was held in a cage. I had to pick the lock, leap a castle wall, hide in a water barrel and run for my life!'

'The daimyo daimyo isn't stupid. A isn't stupid. A single single guard for a sworn enemy of the Shogun? Akechi guard for a sworn enemy of the Shogun? Akechi let let you escape.' you escape.'

She looked him straight in the eye, as if trying to peer into his heart. 'I bet you struck a deal with him for your freedom.'

Jack stared aghast at Miyuki. 'I didn't betray anyone anyone!' he protested.

'We'll see about that.'

Shonin, Momochi and Soke held council. Jack knelt before them in the farmhouse reception room. Miyuki, s.h.i.+ro and Tenzen, having already given their account of the mission, sat at the back listening to Jack's story of his escape. Zenjubo had yet to return.

'And you did not reveal the location of our village?' asked Shonin.

'No,' replied Jack.

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The Ring Of Earth Part 18 summary

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