The Ring Of Earth Part 27

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Miyuki made a final bid to thrust the tant tant into the samurai's chest, but at the last moment Jack prised the knife from Miyuki's grasp. She glared at him, then at Gemnan. Miyuki looked ready to leap for the man's throat and Jack grabbed her, pulling her out of the room. He closed the into the samurai's chest, but at the last moment Jack prised the knife from Miyuki's grasp. She glared at him, then at Gemnan. Miyuki looked ready to leap for the man's throat and Jack grabbed her, pulling her out of the room. He closed the shoji shoji behind them, leaving Gemnan to sleep in blissful ignorance of his near death. behind them, leaving Gemnan to sleep in blissful ignorance of his near death.

Miyuki fumed, but said nothing. Jack's heart was thumping in his chest, bewildered at what had just happened in there. Unable to ask for fear of waking the torturer, he merely signed for Miyuki to lead the way back over the Nightingale Floor.

A tense walk ensued. Jack was concerned that Miyuki might no longer be focused on the task in hand. He was right. She misjudged the last floorboard and it chirped loudly. Miyuki immediately corrected her step, but the damage had been done.

Reaching the stairs, Jack glanced back. Neither Genman nor a guard had appeared. But a tear is a tear But a tear is a tear, he thought.

Not wanting to risk the samurai's sleeping quarters again, Jack opened a shutter in the outer wall. They clambered out of the window and on to the roof. With the shutter closed, Jack could no longer hold back.

'What were you thinking thinking?' he hissed. 'Zenjubo said leave no no trace!' trace!'

Miyuki, seething, trembled all over. In a tense whisper, each word delivered with venom, she replied, 'That man killed my family!'

Jack stared in shock. 'You're certain?'

She nodded once. 'That horrible, gloating face haunts my every dream.'

From his own experience, Jack knew that being so close to her family's murderer must have been insufferable.

'I understand your torment '

'Then why did you you stop me?' Miyuki whispered with icy malice. stop me?' Miyuki whispered with icy malice.

'His screams would have woken the whole castle,' said Jack, trying to get her to see sense.

'I'd have slit his throat '

' is not not the mission,' Jack reminded her. 'Saving the clan is!' the mission,' Jack reminded her. 'Saving the clan is!'

'I want my revenge!' she said, tears welling in her eyes.

Jack took Miyuki's head gently between his hands, fixing her with his gaze.

'The greatest revenge you could have is for us all all to escape.' to escape.'



'What took you so long?' demanded Momochi.

'A Nightingale Floor,' Jack replied, leaving out Miyuki's attempt and their misjudged steps.

Tenzen found the correct key and had the grille open in seconds. 'Give me your kaginawa kaginawa, Jack.'

Lowering the rope into the pit, Tenzen braced himself to take the strain as the prisoners climbed up. Shonin was first out, quickly followed by the others. The wounded Soke needed help, so Zenjubo jumped down and carried him up on his back. When Hanzo emerged, Akiko pulled him into her arms, much to his surprise. But there was no time for an explanation or prolonged reunion.

'Get the uniforms off those two guards,' ordered Shonin, then turned to address Takamori, one of the family heads renowned for his strength and combat skills. 'You and I will disguise ourselves as samurai. Together with this girl Akiko, we'll escort everyone out of the castle's main gate.'

'What about the sentries?' asked Tenzen.

'Zenjubo will scout ahead from the roof. The clan will stay back, while the three of us walk straight up to the gate. You, Jack and Miyuki can hide behind us. At my signal, we'll silence the sentries, then escape through the town and into the forest.'

Changing into the samurai's clothes, Shonin nodded towards the gagged third guard. 'What's he he doing still alive?' doing still alive?'

'Akiko made me promise not to kill anyone needlessly,' explained Tenzen.

Shonin gave his son a disbelieving look. 'You've a far more merciful heart than I have.' Then turning sternly upon Akiko, he said, 'Your loyalty to your fellow samurai is admirable, but our clan's survival is at stake. You need to decide now are you with us or against us?'

Akiko looked down at Hanzo, then back at Shonin. 'With you.'

'Good,' he said, slipping the guard's katana katana into his into his obi obi. 'Are we ready?'

The clan nodded as one.

'Leaving so soon,' said a sneering voice.

Daimyo Akechi stepped into the courtyard, Gemnan at his side, a malicious grin spread across his sickly face. A troop of heavily armed samurai surrounded the ninja in an instant. Akechi stepped into the courtyard, Gemnan at his side, a malicious grin spread across his sickly face. A troop of heavily armed samurai surrounded the ninja in an instant.

'I'm so glad you could all all join us,' announced join us,' announced daimyo daimyo Akechi. 'Just as planned.' Akechi. 'Just as planned.'

'What do you mean?' snarled Shonin.

The samurai lord paused, relis.h.i.+ng his moment of conquest. 'A little bird warned us of your coming.'

Miyuki bowed her head in shame, the guilt of her mistake crus.h.i.+ng her.

'Why do you think Gemnan kept the key to the pit by his pillow? The Nightingale Floor thankfully proved its worth. Even though your ninja got in, they couldn't get out undetected. But none of you will be able to do either, once your feet are nailed to the cross!' He smirked, stroking the tips of his moustache. 'Admittedly, the rescue party arrived earlier earlier than expected. Still, you can't trust everything a spy tells you.' than expected. Still, you can't trust everything a spy tells you.' Daimyo Daimyo Akechi paused again, letting this piece of information sink into the ninjas' minds. Akechi paused again, letting this piece of information sink into the ninjas' minds.

'A spy spy?' exclaimed Momochi.

'Yes, ironic, isn't it? A spy within spies. Gave us the location of your village. Told us the best time to attack. Even sabotaged your rescue mission.'

For a moment, no one spoke, all of them too shocked by the implications of Akechi's disclosure. Then Momochi, consumed with rage, launched himself at Jack.

'You traitor!' he cried, seizing him by the throat.

'But aren't you ... the traitor?' Jack gasped, his fingers clawing at the man's iron grip as stars burst before his eyes.

'I'm going to kill you!' Momochi bawled. Tenzen, leaping to Jack's defence, fought to pull him away.

'NO, she's she's the spy!' screamed Miyuki, pointing at Akiko. the spy!' screamed Miyuki, pointing at Akiko.

Akiko, holding Hanzo close, vigorously shook her head in denial.

A cruel high-pitched cackle broke the round of vicious accusations.

'The gaijin gaijin didn't betray you,' crowed Gemnan. 'Nor did that disloyal samurai.' Gemnan's eyes narrowed with pleasure as he delivered the painful truth. 'A ninja did!' didn't betray you,' crowed Gemnan. 'Nor did that disloyal samurai.' Gemnan's eyes narrowed with pleasure as he delivered the painful truth. 'A ninja did!'

His callous laughter was joined by howls of mockery from the samurai troops.

The surviving group of ninja stared at one another, aghast that one of their own was a spy for the samurai. Momochi released Jack from his deathly grip. Despite their desperate situation, Jack was glad he he hadn't been responsible for the village being found. hadn't been responsible for the village being found. But who had? Momochi? Miyuki? But who had? Momochi? Miyuki?

'You brought your downfall upon yourselves,' scoffed daimyo daimyo Akechi. Akechi.

A black-clad figure stepped out from behind the samurai lord. Jack was as shocked as the rest of the ninja.

'I thought you were my friend,' spat Miyuki.

s.h.i.+ro stared at them, trembling but defiant.

'I'm sick to death of running and hiding all the time, standing knee-deep in mud for my food. That's not a life. I never asked to be a ninja. But I choose choose to be a samurai.' to be a samurai.'

Shonin glared at the boy, his fists clenched in white-hot anger. 'You sacrificed your village, your home and everyone, so you could become one of them them! YOU TRAITOR!'

'That wasn't my intention, Shonin. I just wanted the gaijin gaijin captured, so I could claim the reward and be made a samurai. Yes, captured, so I could claim the reward and be made a samurai. Yes, I I was the one who told the guard about Jack while on our previous mission here. But he escaped. He was the one who told the guard about Jack while on our previous mission here. But he escaped. He forced forced me to reveal more,' s.h.i.+ro cried. me to reveal more,' s.h.i.+ro cried.

'When did your heart turn rotten?' said Soke, sorrowfully shaking his head at his former student. 'Have I not taught you the value of ninniku ninniku? No one forced you to do anything. You alone are responsible for your actions. Mark my words, you will not not escape the consequences of your treason.' escape the consequences of your treason.'

'You're a fine one to talk, considering you're to blame for Dragon Eye and all he became,' s.h.i.+ro shot back. 'Soke, you hardly ever acknowledged my abilities. None of you did. But I've proved to be a far greater spy than any ninja. I deceived you all.'

'You did well,' praised daimyo daimyo Akechi, a devilish smile upon his lips. Akechi, a devilish smile upon his lips.

s.h.i.+ro bowed in acknowledgement.

Gemnan grabbed the boy by the hair ... and slit his throat.

He watched the life drain from s.h.i.+ro's eyes. 'No more running, no more hiding ... just as I promised.'

s.h.i.+ro slumped to the ground, dead.

'You can never never trust a ninja,' declared trust a ninja,' declared daimyo daimyo Akechi. 'Gemnan, crucify them now. Crucify Akechi. 'Gemnan, crucify them now. Crucify all all of them!' of them!'



Kreee-eee-ar ...

The shrill cry of a hawk pierced the night like a death knell. The samurai closed in to seize the ninja. A second screech, close by Jack's ear, was answered by a thunderous blast as the southern corner of the castle compounds exploded.

Zenjubo's signal had been heard and the ninja burst into action, rus.h.i.+ng the troops and engaging in hand-to-hand combat. A smoke bomb landed in the centre of the courtyard, adding to the chaos of the situation.

Stunned by the surprise a.s.sault, the samurai lost their advantage and fought for their lives. Five fell in quick succession, a glimmering star protruding from each of their throats. Zenjubo whipped his chain and sickle through the air, ensnaring a fleeing samurai and dragging him to ground where he was swiftly finished off.

Shonin and Takamori clashed swords with their enemies, slaying them before seizing their katana katana and and wakizas.h.i.+ wakizas.h.i.+ for other ninja to wield. for other ninja to wield.

In the confusion, daimyo daimyo Akechi had slipped unseen out of the courtyard, but Gemnan hadn't been so quick. Miyuki spotted him sneaking towards the gate, raised her blowpipe and fired a deadly dart. Catching the attack out of the corner of his eye, Gemnan grabbed the nearest samurai, shoving the unfortunate warrior into its path, then bolted for the gate. Miyuki, determined to reap justice on her family's murderer and without Jack to stop her, drew the deadly Akechi had slipped unseen out of the courtyard, but Gemnan hadn't been so quick. Miyuki spotted him sneaking towards the gate, raised her blowpipe and fired a deadly dart. Catching the attack out of the corner of his eye, Gemnan grabbed the nearest samurai, shoving the unfortunate warrior into its path, then bolted for the gate. Miyuki, determined to reap justice on her family's murderer and without Jack to stop her, drew the deadly s.h.i.+koro-ken s.h.i.+koro-ken from her back and raced to cut off his escape. from her back and raced to cut off his escape.

As the samurai forces became desperate, Hanzo was s.n.a.t.c.hed by one of them as a human s.h.i.+eld. But the warrior soon realized that that was a mistake. Not only did his 's.h.i.+eld' fight back, but his action had also invoked the wrath of the samurai girl. Akiko drove him back, an Autumn Leaf strike disarming the warrior, at the same time as Hanzo put him in a crippling thumb lock. The samurai let go of the boy, but Hanzo didn't let go of him. Bringing the man to his knees, Hanzo cupped both hands and hit him with Eight Leaves Fist round the head. The samurai, his eyes rolling, reeled and collapsed face first to the ground. was a mistake. Not only did his 's.h.i.+eld' fight back, but his action had also invoked the wrath of the samurai girl. Akiko drove him back, an Autumn Leaf strike disarming the warrior, at the same time as Hanzo put him in a crippling thumb lock. The samurai let go of the boy, but Hanzo didn't let go of him. Bringing the man to his knees, Hanzo cupped both hands and hit him with Eight Leaves Fist round the head. The samurai, his eyes rolling, reeled and collapsed face first to the ground.

Hanzo s.n.a.t.c.hed up the samurai's sword.

'Let him live,' said Akiko.

'But he's samurai.'

'So am I,' she replied. 'Learn the value of life, before you take it so readily.'

Jack stood side by side with Tenzen, Akiko and Hanzo, protecting the injured Grandmaster. The few samurai who managed to evade Tenzen's lethal shuriken shuriken attacks were repelled by Jack and Akiko's superior swordsmans.h.i.+p. The one warrior who did get through was crippled by the unexpected power of Hanzo ramming straight into him with Demon Horn Fist. attacks were repelled by Jack and Akiko's superior swordsmans.h.i.+p. The one warrior who did get through was crippled by the unexpected power of Hanzo ramming straight into him with Demon Horn Fist.

Above, Jack glimpsed a flaming star as it shot through the night sky, rapidly followed by three more. Fire Fire shuriken. shuriken.

As they struck their target, small charges detonated, consuming the castle's watchtower in flames. Kajiya and his tiny team gave the impression of a ma.s.s a.s.sault on Maruyama's southern defences.

In the h.e.l.lish orange glow of the blazing watchtower, Jack saw Miyuki cornered by Gemnan and another samurai. Gemnan now wielded a spear and Miyuki was battling to avoid its barbed tip as she simultaneously fought the two samurai. Jack shot a troubled glance at Tenzen, who'd just run out of throwing stars.

'Go! I'll be fine on my own,' said Tenzen, s.n.a.t.c.hing up a discarded samurai katana katana. 'More than fine!' than fine!'

Jack rushed to save Miyuki.

'Slice her up for my pot!' sneered Gemnan, driving Miyuki towards the samurai's blade.

Jack leapt between them, forcing the samurai to retreat under the onslaught of his katana katana. Miyuki, deflecting Gemnan's spear thrust, swiped with the jagged edge of her s.h.i.+koro-ken s.h.i.+koro-ken at his head. But Gemnan was surprisingly deft with his weapon. Dodging her attack, he drove the forked tip into Miyuki's shoulder. She screamed, thrown back into the wall. at his head. But Gemnan was surprisingly deft with his weapon. Dodging her attack, he drove the forked tip into Miyuki's shoulder. She screamed, thrown back into the wall.

Gemnan watched her struggle. 'Does it hurt?' he asked with a gleeful smile across his face.

As he went to thrust again, this time aiming for her heart, a chain whipped round his throat and he was yanked off his feet. Losing grip on the spear, he landed heavily on his back. Gagging, his face bright red, he managed to get his fingers round the chain and off his throat before Zenjubo could move in for the kill.

But Momochi was waiting for him.

The ninja, his rage entirely focused upon the torturer, seized Gemnan and lifted him high above his head. The man struggled futilely in his grip.

'This is for my son!' Momochi bawled, tossing the hated samurai into his own cauldron.

Gemnan, shrieking from the scalding water, flailed and writhed. His screams of pain pierced the shouts of combat, and the samurai Jack was fighting took one look at this horrific sight then fled from the courtyard.

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The Ring Of Earth Part 27 summary

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