The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster Part 27

The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster -

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'My orders were to bring him and his female companion back alive if possible. If not . . ." Steve completed the sentence with a shrug.

'If I fail, the Federation will be obliged to resort to other. more destructive means.

We do not seek a wider conflict, but we cannot allow this enterprise to succeed. It's also possible that what is going on. at the Heron Pool does not have the wholehearted support of those you represent. If this is the case, you may feel that perhaps it would be in the best interests of all concerned if it was closed down. Permanently."

'Mmmmm . . . interesting thought. Are you making me an offer?"

'It would save everybody a lot of grief."

'Who gave you all this information - my colleague?"

Steve shook his head. 'Apart from disclosing that his name was n.o.buro Naka-Jima, he didn't tell me a thing.

He didn't need to. The Federation has ears and eyes all over the sky."

That last part was pure invention, but Steve was closer to the truth than he realised.

n.o.buro returned with a small bucket of water and the deerskin waist-bag. When his wrists had been untied, Steve spread out the fingers of his left hand towards the man in black and pointed at them in turn. 'Pick one."

Tos.h.i.+ro said nothing until Steve switched hands and reached his right middle finger. 'Stop right there."

Pulling one of the five-pointed pink leaves from the bundle, Steve wet it thoroughly, then scrunched it up in his left hand. He then dunked the chosen finger in the bucket and screwed it around vigorously inside his closed fist. A couple of minutes and several rinses later, no trace of the dye remained. Stretching out his arm, he closed his fist and extended his middle finger upwards in front of Tos.h.i.+ro's face for him to examine, The Herald, who was unaware of the symbolic meaning behind the gesture, stared silently at the pink-skinned digit.


Tos.h.i.+ro managed to control his anger, but it took a great deal of effort to do so. He would dearly have loved to cut off the cloud warrior's arm to punish him for his insolence, but this was not possible. Not yet, anyway. But he had to let this outlander know he was not dealing with an ignoramus. 'Don't push it, sport."

'Sire, it was your facility with my language that led me to use a more colloquial form of address. By doing so, I meant to pay you a compliment, not to give offence."

'Spare me the bulls.h.i.+t,' said Tos.h.i.+ro. 'I may not be up on the Federation but I know when someone's trying to put me down."

There was only one thing to do: bow gracefully.

'Okay,' said Tos.h.i.+ro. 'You have the skin and the face of a long-dog.

But so has the woman you seek. She was painted like you."

'That's true." Steve indicated the pattern on his arm.

'This stuff is specially made by the Mutes to disguise those born with clear skins."

'unfortunately we only have your word for that."

Steve shrugged. This guy's att.i.tude was beginning to get his back up.

'It's a pity the samurai-captain let the woman go. If she was here now she could prove I'm speaking the truth."

The Herald digested Steve's reply then looked at the ronin. n.o.buro responded with a slight nod. 'Very well.

We'll see what she has to say."

It was Steve's turn to be surprised. 'She's here?"

'Yeah. It's your lucky day."

A real wise guy...

Tos.h.i.+ro turned to the ronin and spoke again in j.a.panese.

'My friend. If it is still possible, bring the woman here without delay and hold her in the next room until I am ready to question her."

n.o.buro replied in their native tongue. 'Shall I secure the wrists of the outlander?"

Tos.h.i.+ro suppressed a smile. 'No. He is a venomous serpent, but I think I know how to handle him. If we could find a way to place him in the bosom of our enemies he could be of great use to us."

'And afterwards . . .?"

'I shall have great pleasure in drawing his fangs."

Not understanding your opponents' language was like playing Shoot-A-Mute with your eyes shut. Steve watched n.o.buro bow, then pad softly towards the door.

For some reason these guys took their shoes off every time they came inside. He had been made to leave his oust on the veranda too.

Strange people. He turned back to the man in black and wondered what the rest of his face looked like.

'Look, uhh . . . may I speak frankly?" No response.

Steve tried again. 'The samurai-captain warned me that outlanders such as myself are not supposed to ask questions but there are a few things we need to clear up."

'Like what?"

'Well, it would help if I knew your name."

'That's not necessary."

'Okay, then - just tell me where you fit into the picture."

'You don't need to know that either,' replied Tos.h.i.+ro.

'What you have to fix clearly in your mind is this. Your life is in my hands. If I decide to make use of you then your execution will be delayed. If you follow my orders and help bring this situation to a successful conclusion it may be postponed indefinitely."

'Does that mean I get to go home?"

'That's up to you." At this stage it was best to keep things fluid.

'Okay. But let me give you some advice. I'm happy to work in with you, but I've been on this case for some time. I know these two. I know how their minds work.

So I may be able to come up with a few ideas you haven't thought of."

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The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster Part 27 summary

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