The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster Part 29

The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster -

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So far so good. Round Two.

'The individual who came with you from the sky and now works at the Heron Pool - is his name Steven Roosevelt Brickman?"

'No. His name is Cadillac. Like me, he is of the Plainfolk and the clan M'CalI. His mother was Black-Wing.

His father was Heavy-Metal."

'What were you hunting when Cadillac first "chewed bone"?"


'What was the name of the warrior who challenged him?"

'Shakatak D'Vine, from the blood-line of the D'Troit."

'Did Cadillac kill him?"

Clearwater hesitated. 'He fought bravely and well."

'I shall only ask you once more. Did he kill him?"

'No, sire. I did."

'What is your relations.h.i.+p to Mr Snow?"

'He is my teacher and guardian."

'Is he an agent of the Amtrak Federation?"

'No, sire. He abhors the Federation and all its works.

He has sworn to pit his strength against it until the last breath leaves his body."

Tos.h.i.+ro's outward stance did not change one iota but inwardly he was crumbling as fast as the scenario he had laid before the Shogun. Every answer this gra.s.s-monkey gave confirmed the claims made by the accursed mexican. Instead of giving him sake when he started shooting his mouth off, n.o.buro should have cut his tongue out...

He rallied his flagging confidence and tried again.

'Have you or Cadillac, acting without the knowledge of Mr Snow, entered into league with your enemies?"

'No, sire. Such treachery would be unthinkable. We were sent to help you in exchange for new, long sharp iron."


'I have not seen these objects but I have heard that word used by the clan elders."

'Why do you and Cadillac paint your skins?"

'Because we wish to be like our clan brothers and sisters. To us, who are of the Plainfolk, it is not a disguise. That is how we truly wish to be."

'I see. Then why - if these are your "true colours" did you remove them?"

Clearwater hung her head. 'Out of weakness, sire.

When I saw the reduced condition of the Plainfolk that are held here I hoped to improve my lot by pretending to be a long-dog."

'Is that why Cadillac came here dressed as a cloud warrior from the Federation."

'Yes, sire. Besides not knowing that some of us are clear-skinned, Lord Yama-s.h.i.+ta thinks of the Plainfolk as ignorant and slow-witted.

If he were to discover all the things we know and are capable of he might not be so eager to trade with us."

Her reply, delivered so mildly, sent a chill running up the Herald's spine. By the sacred kami! He thought of the thousands of Mutes spread throughout Ne-Issan.

Several subservient generations who had been breeding quietly in increasing numbers. Over the last few decades, the bakufu had been doing its sums and had come to the realisation that the economy was now dependent on them. The news that they might not be dull-eyed, ox-brained slaves but a silent, vengeful army waiting patiently for the signal to rise up against their masters put a different complexion on things.

If it were found to be true, the blame could be laid squarely at the door of the Yama-s.h.i.+ta family, for it was they who had introduced these outlanders into Ne-Issan, growing rich and powerful on the proceeds.

Perhaps it might form the basis of a new charge that could be levelled against them - economic sabotage.

'Have you heard of the Dark Light?"

'No, sire. The words mean nothing to me." Round three. You're moving well, champ . . . Tos.h.i.+ro pointed to Steve. 'Who is this man?"

Clearwater saw the veiled warning in the cloud warrior's eyes and understood. 'His skin is marked like that of my clan brothers but he is not of the Plainfolk. He is a sand-burrower."


'It is the name we give to the warriors from the dark cities beneath the deserts of the south. You call them long-dogs."

'Do you know his name?"

'Yes." Clearwater gazed at Steve. 'His name is Brickman. Steven Roosevelt Brickman."

'The name your clan brother chose as part of his disguise ' 'That was an act of revenge. My people call this man the Death-Bringer."

Tos.h.i.+ro's interest reawakened. 'He has been among you?"

Clearwater nodded. 'Last year. He and the other cloud warriors burnt our land with fire from the sky. And the iron snake devoured the flesh of our people. Many died."

Tos.h.i.+ro turned to Steve. 'You certainly get around."

Steve accepted this with a nod. 'That's my job, sire.

And after watching the way you operate I've got a feeling we're in the same line of business."

Tos.h.i.+ro's fingers itched to seize the hilt of his long-sword. Once again he controlled the murderous impulse that welled up within him.

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The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster Part 29 summary

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