The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster Part 4

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The Shogun nodded. His face remained impa.s.sive but Tos.h.i.+ro knew the mental anguish his news had created.

Consul-General Nakane Toh-s.h.i.+ba was married to one of Yoritomo's sisters. To visit her bedchamber after coupling with a Mute slave was an affront to her honour and one which, at the appropriate moment, would have to be avenged.

'It's not quite as bad as it seems,' said Tos.h.i.+ro.

'You mean. that's the good news?"

'Yes, sire. The bad news is... she's not a Mute."

The Shogun closed his eyes and breathed deeply. 'How come you didn't notice when she arrived?"

'I had no reason to suspect anything. We had been told the long-dog would have a Mute warrior escort. Who could have figured she was decked out in body-paint? I don't know what prompted her to remove her disguise, 'but she's clear-skinned -just like Brickman. They're two of a kind."

'Both long-dogs..."

Tos.h.i.+ro watched the Shogun as he weighed up the implications. Their eyes met. 'Why the deception?"

Tos.h.i.+ro chose his words carefully. 'Perhaps the deal that Lord Yama-s.h.i.+ta claimed to have set up with the Mutes was a... cover for a more direct arrangement with the manufacturers."

'The Federation...?"

Tos.h.i.+ro bowed under the Shogun's piercing gaze. 'It's the only explanation that makes sense, sire. On the other hand, you may know something I don't."

'I wish I did."

'Lord Yama-s.h.i.+ta is a man who likes to make deals."

'And he's also ambitious. But to suggest he may be in business with the Federation..." Yoritomo left the sentence hanging in the air.

'I am aware it's a serious charge."

'The worst kind of treason. Death for him and his immediate family, plus the confiscation of his entire domain. But before I put Ieyasu on the case I'm going to need-more than inspired guesswork."

'Given time, I think I can get proof. But that doesn't solve the problem of how to put the collar on him."

'Exactly. Is Kiyo Min-Orota involved?"

'Let me put it this way. I find it hard to believe he doesn't know who the Consul-General is spending most of his afternoons with. Even if the family weren't in on the deal with the long-dogs, they must have put two and two together by now."

The Shogun sighed regretfully. 'That's all I need." His mouth tightened. 'How long has my dear brother-in-law been...?"

'Since early January."

'And you've only just found out...?"

Tos.h.i.+ro bowed. This was not the moment to make excuses.

'I just don't understand,' mused Yoritomo. 'My sister and her children were here just a few weeks ago. She never gave the slightest hint that anything like this was going on."

'She may not know, sire. The reason it took me so long to get on to this was that certain people have gone to great lengths to keep the whole thing under wraps."

Yoritomo breathed out sharply through his nose. 'If he wasn't part of the family he'd be on the mat tomorrow morning. How could he do this to me? It's unforgivable." He regained his calm and a measure of rueful good humour. 'On the other hand, I can't say it's all that surprising. I've known for some time that he has some what eccentric tastes in that department."

A silence descended as Yoritomo considered the moves that were open to him.

'I suppose we could always put a stop to it by putting something in her rice bowl. Or maybe catch them both together. Make it look like a suicide pact."

Tos.h.i.+ro answered with a shake of the head. 'Bad move, sire . . ."

'Are you suggesting it can't be done?"

'Not at all. Compared to Lord Yama-s.h.i.+ta, the Consul-General is a reasonably soft target. I just don't think that killing any of the players at this stage of the game would be to our advantage. If the hit was traced back to you..."

'Ye-ess." The corners of the Shogun's mouth went down as his face darkened. 'What a mess. We've always known that Yama-s.h.i.+ta's family would be the focal point of any move against the Shogunate. And it was clear that my brother-in-law was the kind of idiot who would eventually self-destruct, but..." He sighed, then said, 'The person I feel most let down by is Kiyo. Are you absolutely sure he's in on this?"

'I'll stake my life on it, sire."

Yoritomo shut his eyes tightly as if trying to ward off this revelation. In a slow, deliberate movement he drew both hands down over his face, wiping it clear of all emotion, then placed them palm down on his splayed knees. 'So... we may have lost the Min-Orota. And one of my Consul-Generals is in their pocket too."

'Not totally. I don't believe he knows what they're planning. He may not have been minding the store properly but he's still on your payroll, and he/s family."

'Don't remind me..."

'Lord Yama-s.h.i.+ta's prepared to take chances but he's no fool. Can you honestly see him conspiring with a man who's prepared to lay everything on the line in order to hump a long-dog?"

'No, I guess not. So how does it play?"

'If Yama-s.h.i.+ta/s in bed with the Federation then he must have known who was delivering the winged pony."

'So it was a setup."

'It has to be. But whichever way you slice it, the Consul-General had a chance to blow the whistle when he found out what was under the body-paint. He didn't take it. From there on in he was on the hook.

What can Lord Min-Orota tell you? I'm sure he and Lord Yama-s.h.i.+ta can produce a string of witnesses to swear they handed over a female Mute.

And we can't check out the Plainfolk clan that Yama-s.h.i.+ta claims to have done a deal with because -' 'He's our only contact."

'End of story. Toh-s.h.i.+ba's the one in the hot-seat.

He's been caught with his stick out and they're aiming to use it to gain some leverage."

'Like persuading him to order his garrison to look the other way if and when the Min-Orota decide to move against me . . ."

Tos.h.i.+ro shook his head. 'There's a long way to go before we reach that bend in the road. They haven't even begun to consider the military options yet. Even with the help of the Min-Orota, Yama-s.h.i.+ta and his friends are not strong enough to topple the Shogunate with one, swift, b.l.o.o.d.y stroke."

'They might if Toh-s.h.i.+ba's family was to change sides."

'We must make sure they don't."

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The Amtrak Wars - Ironmaster Part 4 summary

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