One Night Stand Part 11

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"Stop it." I hissed at Xander, but he didn't pay any attention to me.

"You okay, Liv?" Henry asked and I nodded. How could I tell him that his brother's fingers were running up and down the inside of my leg and I was starting to feel turned on?

"Yeah, so I heard you're single?" I said and then realized everyone was looking at me as the table had gone quiet.

"Way to be obvious, Liv." Gabby shook her head at me.

"Obvious about what?" I looked at her with my best death glare.

"That you're interested." She shook her head. "Mom and dad really should have sent you to deportment, maybe then you'd have some cla.s.s."

"You're talking to me about cla.s.s?" I laughed and looked at Alice. "You the girl that used to sneak out to meet Tommy, the guy from the car wash on Friday nights so you could have s.e.x in the back of rich people's cars?"

"Liv." My mother admonished me as her face went red. "That's enough."

"She started it." I protested.

"Liv." Aiden gave me a look. "Enough."

"Yes, dad." I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh wait, my dad is sitting next to mom. So who then are you, Sir?" I asked, my voice raising as Xander's fingers ran all the way up my leg and settled at the top of my thigh and inched their way inwards. I closed my legs together, but that was a wrong move, as I just trapped his fingers in-between my legs and I could feel him rubbing against my bud. Oh G.o.d, why did it feel so good? I wanted to tell him to f.u.c.k off, but I couldn't. A part of me was getting off on what we were doing. I know that sounds awful, but you had to be in the situation, with your b.i.t.c.hy horrible superior sister sitting opposite you with a look on her face like I was a piece of dog p.o.o.p on the bottom of her Jimmy Choo heels.

"Enough Liv." My dad finally spoke up. "This is not the time for you and Gabby to bicker."

"I'm not bickering. I'm just stating the....agh..." My voice trailed off as I felt Xanders index finger tapping and rubbing my c.l.i.t. I was going to kill that man.

"You're such a jealous little" Gabby started with a look of rage on her face.

"Come on guys." Scott cut her off. "We have guests. We don't want Xander and Henry to think we're all crazy."

"What about what I think?" Alice asked him with a small smile.

"You already know how crazy we are." He winked at her and she laughed.

"That's true."

"Are you two done?" Aiden glared at them and I looked over at Xander's smug face in shock. Had he been right? Did both Scott and Aiden have crushes on Alice? Oh my G.o.d, how much crazier could our family get.

"Please do not worry about us." Xander spoke up as his finger kept rubbing me gently. "My brother and I are happy to share in all experiences with your family. We lost our parents a few years ago and we're happy to be a part of your family structure now."

"So you're orphans?" I asked him, my heart suddenly aching for him.

"We have a grandfather that is still very much alive." He looked over at me and smiled. "He's actually still working at the family business and making all sorts of demands."


"He wants us to provide heirs for the company." Henry said with a laugh. "Antiquated isn't it? He said he won't pa.s.s on our shares until he sees us both getting married and having kids."

"Wow." I looked at Henry then. "That's crazy." Of course, I'd be lying if I said my mind wasn't ticking a million miles a second. Was this why Xander was marrying Gabby?

"It's a good thing that you're already pregnant then, isn't it Gabby?" Alice suddenly spoke up. "Xander will have both a wife and baby to show to his grandfather." There was silence at the table after Alice spoke and I watched as her hand flew to her mouth and she looked at me with wide eyes. She had forgotten that my parents weren't supposed to know about the baby.

"What baby?" Aiden frowned and looked at Gabby.

"I don't know what she's talking about." Gabby's face was bright red. "Let's order please."

"Is that why you're marrying her so quickly?" Scott spoke up and looked at Xander.

"Enough." My dad frowned and looked at his menu. "We are not going to have this conversation at this table."

"You really need to get over your jealousy, Liv." Gabby glared at me. "And stop gossiping about me. I know you have no life, but that's not my fault."

My jaw dropped at her words and I couldn't stop myself from what I did next. I opened my menu and as I gazed down at it, I reached under the table and started rubbing the front of Xander's pants, ensuring that my hand made solid contact with his manhood. I felt him looking at me as he sat back and I unzipped his pants slowly and reached my hand in so that I could have bare contact with him. I could feel him s.h.i.+fting in the chair as my fingers grabbed ahold of his naked c.o.c.k and I smiled to myself as I felt him growing hard in my fingers. I looked up and glanced at Gabby who was a mere couple of yards away and had no idea what was going on.

I looked back down at the menu and decided to be even more daring. I slipped Xander's c.o.c.k out of his pants completely and I heard him groan slightly as my hand moved up and down quickly. I felt his hand grab my wrist and he leaned forward and whispered in my ear lightly.

"You need to stop Liv."

"Stop what?" I turned to look at him and gave him a small smile.

"Stop." His eyes burned into mine. "Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned."

"I've already been burned. What's another scar?" I said softly and then gasped as I felt his fingers slip under the sides of my panties and start to rub my c.l.i.t with vigor.

"It seems like you have enough wetness to put out the fire already." He muttered as he continued to rub me. "You're ready for me already, aren't you? You dirty girl?"

"You're a pig." My fingers moved up and down faster as he rubbed me.

"So what are you getting?" Alice asked me from across the table and I looked up at her with a guilty look on my face. I was so scared that someone at the table was going to realize what we were doing. If someone knocked something off of the table and bent down to retrieve it they would see my hands gliding up and down his c.o.c.k and they would see his fingers in-between my legs moving underneath my panties.

"Not sure." I said, breathlessly.

"Why don't you get pigs in a blanket?" Xander said and I looked over at him with a small glare. I removed my hand from his c.o.c.k and tried to s.h.i.+ft away from him. All of a sudden, the complete danger of what we were doing had hit me tenfold. Why was I taking these risks?

"I don't care for pigs." I glared at him. "They don't taste good."

"Oh?" He sat back and I felt his fingers sliding out of my panties. I quickly pushed my skirt back down and s.h.i.+fted to the left.

"Yeah, I prefer sausage to bacon." I had no idea what I was saying, but I just needed to control my breathing.

"I like both." He said. "In fact I can eat anything as long as it tastes good." He brought his fingers up to his face causally and I watched as he sucked my juices off of one finger at a time. "Taste is very important." He winked at me as he licked his lips and I turned away from him, suddenly feeling even more turned on than I had before.

We all ordered our meals next and the table was pretty quiet. The conversation was mainly between my dad and Xander and talk about stocks and bonds and other boring stuff. I kept my mouth closed and just ate my meal; though I did notice that both Aiden and Scott were making conversation with Alice and she seemed to be loving the attention. I was going to have to ask her what was going on when we got back to the house.

Henry and I shared our pancakes and I was starting to wish that I had met him before Xander. He seemed like a much nicer guy than his big brother.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to the restroom." I stood up and left the table and hurried to the ladies room after I'd finished my pancakes. I gave Alice a look that was a signal for her to follow me to the bathroom and then walked away. I went straight to the mirror as I entered the restroom and refreshed my lipstick and fluffed up my hair and waited. A couple of minutes later, the door opened and I looked to the side with a smile expecting to see Alice coming in.

"What are you doing in here?" I gasped as I stared at Xander.

"What do you think?" He strode towards me with an imperious look.

"You can't be in here."

"Why not?" He stopped in front of me and licked his lips as his arms crept around my waist and pulled me to him.

"Xander." I groaned as he pulled my t-s.h.i.+rt up and pulled my left breast out of the bra cup. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think?" He bent down and sucked on my nipple. I moaned as his teeth nibbled on my breast and he sucked hard.

"Xander." I moaned. "We can't do this."

"Come." He grabbed my hand and led me to one of the stalls and locked the door behind us. His hands crept up to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and he played with both of my nipples as we stood in the small s.p.a.ce, the sound of my heavy breathing the only sound in the quiet bathroom.

"This is so wrong." I groaned as I felt his hands slip up my skirt and start to squeeze my b.u.t.t cheeks.


"You're engaged to my sister."

"We're more friends than anything else." He leaned down and sucked on my neck, his teeth biting into my skin. I grabbed his hair and then ran my hands across his shoulders and up the inside of his s.h.i.+rt so that I could touch his bare chest.

"Why are you marrying her?"

"It's a business transaction." He grabbed my face and then kissed me, hard. His tongue slid into my mouth easily, taking control of my tongue and possessing me. His lips were rough as he kissed me and I kissed him back pa.s.sionately, unable to resist him and his presence. He was my lord and I was his peasant and that was how it should be in that moment. He lifted me up then and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even think to stop him. I felt his hand run down between our bodies and he undid his zipper, his c.o.c.k thrusting out with power, letting both of us know exactly who was running the show. His hand slid behind me and I felt him moving my body up a little higher, before he moved his hand and moved my panties to the side.

"Xander," I looked into his eyes with a question.

"Yes?" He grinned and I felt him thrust his c.o.c.k inside of me in answer.

"Oh." I moaned as I cried out. He pushed my back against the door and moved back and forth.

"Hold on tight." He grunted as he entered me over and over again.

"Oh." I screamed as he slammed into me and he paused.

"Shh, honey." He laughed. "Bite down on my shoulder if you have to, but you can't scream out loud."

"I'm trying not to." I moaned as he slid into me easily again. I could feel him going deep inside of me and I could feel my climax building up quickly. I was almost at the top of the mountain and I knew that the ride down was going to be explosive.

"You're so s.e.xy." He kissed me as he moved in and out of me, slower now. "Look at me." He commanded and I stared into his eyes. "So, so s.e.xy." He groaned as he adjusted his position and increased his pace slightly.

"We shouldn't be doing this." I protested weakly, knowing I didn't want him to stop.

"Why not?" He groaned as he lifted my a.s.s up higher as I'd been slipping down.

"Because..." I started and then closed my mouth as I heard the restroom door opening.

"Liv, Liv, are you in here?" Gabby's voice resounded through the restroom and I froze. I could see that Xander was trying not to laugh. What man thinks it's funny to nearly being caught by his fiance as he f.u.c.ks her sister in a public restroom? He's sick, I tell you. I know I'm preaching to the choir and I'm not making it any better by allowing him to f.u.c.k me. I mean, I should have stopped him when he started playing with me under the table, but she had just made me so mad.

"We're going to h.e.l.l." I whispered in his ear as he continued to f.u.c.k me after Gabby left the restroom.

"Speak for yourself." He groaned as he increased his pace and slammed in and out of me harder. I felt him explode inside of me a few seconds after I climaxed. My body shook violently against the door and his body as we came together. I was panting in ecstasy as we stood there for a few seconds just allowing ourselves to enjoy our mutual Then I slid down his body and stood up on my own two feet, feeling guilty as h.e.l.l as I stared at him. He reached up, pulled my bra up properly to cover my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and then pulled my top back down.

"I love breakfast." He said with a grin as he stared at me.

"Excuse me?" I looked into his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"I love a good f.u.c.k for breakfast." He leaned forward and kissed me. "I'm sorry I didn't get to do any tongue work though. Maybe later."

"You're such a pig." I shook my head. "Do you have no shame?"

"Shame? Me?" He laughed and ran his hands through his hair as he adjusted his s.h.i.+rt and pants. "Not really." He opened the restroom door and stepped out. I stood there and watched as we walked to exit the bathroom. He stopped at the main door and turned around to look at me. "Oh by the way, Liv. Stop flirting with Henry. That's never going to happen."

"Excuse me?" My jaw dropped.

"My brother doesn't want my sloppy seconds." His eyes narrowed. "So stop flirting with him."

"You jerk." My heart raced thunderously at his words. In that moment I hated both him and myself. "How dare you?"

"How dare I what?" He looked me up and down. "Leave my brother alone."

"I'll do what I want."

"We're just as bad as each other, Liv. You can't act all high and mighty now. You just had s.e.x with me in a bathroom stall while your sister waited outside. You know the score now and you still did it. I'm not the only pig in this bathroom."

"How dare you?" I was close to tears. This was not how I'd expected this to go down, at all.

"I know you don't understand my reasons for marrying Gabby, when I don't love her." He shrugged, his eyes burning into mine. "But that's not for you to understand. Some of us know that love is the stupidest reason to get married."


"I told you that I proposed to Gabby last week because I did something I regretted last weekend. You asked me if that was having s.e.x with you." His eyes were dark as he gazed at me. "And the answer is yes. I regretted f.u.c.king you last weekend. It was you that made me decided to propose to Gabby. Not because you're her sister. I didn't know that then."

"What did I do then?"

"It doesn't matter." His face softened for a moment as he gazed into my face. "All that matters now is that I am engaged to her and you're just going to have to deal with that."

"I hate you." I said, with my stomach rumbling in disappointment and rejection. What I really meant was that I hated both of us. I hated that I'd been so weak that I'd slept with him again.

"No you don't." He laughed as he turned around. "You just hate how I make you feel. You hate that you can't control yourself when you're around me. You hate that the feeling of me inside of you feels like you're finally complete. You hate that your body belongs to me."

"What?" My voice dropped. "Why would you say that?"

"Because that's exactly how I feel as well." He gave me one last glance and then exited the restroom, leaving me standing there in a daze.

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One Night Stand Part 11 summary

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