One Night Stand Part 8

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"Yes." Aiden spoke up and stepped forward. "I'm Aiden, the eldest. This is Scott. That's my sister Liv and her best friend Alice. And our brother Chett hasn't arrived home yet." He looked Xander up and down and frowned slightly. "And you're marrying Gabby?"

"Yes." Xander nodded. "I think she's still in bed."

"Sounds about right." Scott scoffed. "It isn't noon yet."

"Scott." I rolled my eyes at him and giggled.

"You know Queen Gabby doesn't arise before she has to." Scott grinned at me and we giggled. We both felt the same way about Gabby and that was just another reason why he was my favorite brother.

"Are you two still harping on about Gabby?" Aiden sighed and shook his head.

"Why shouldn't we?" Scott squared his shoulders and confronted Aiden. "You might be the oldest, but you're not the boss of us all Aiden. We're not kids anymore."

"Then stop acting like one." Aiden looked at Xander. "Sorry about Liv and Scott, they're both rude and I don't think that will ever change."

"That's okay." Xander laughed. "I have a younger brother and I know what it's like dealing with impertinence."

"Ooh, I have to go and see if Henry is up and well." I said sweetly, my stomach churning in anger at Aiden and Xander. "I should see if there is anything I can do for him."

Xander's eyes narrowed as he gazed at me and his expression changed to one of annoyance.

"Henry is fine." He said shortly.

"I'm sure he is, but it doesn't hurt to check and see if he needs a helping hand." I smiled again and I could see Alice giggling from the corner of my eyes. "I want to make sure all his needs are taken care of."

"What are you talking about Liv?" Aiden frowned at me.

"Nothing to worry your sweet head about." I turned and smiled at him. "Excuse me folks, I need to go and perform one of my womanly duties." I brushed past Xander and I heard his sharp intake of breath as my b.r.e.a.s.t.s rubbed against his upper arm. My nipples tingled at the touch, but I made sure not to react. I hurried out of the room and down the corridor with a small smile on my face. That would teach Xander. He wanted to act like he was some hot shot and better than me. Well forget him. I didn't want him, need him or care about him. He could have Gabby and deal with her c.r.a.p. I didn't care if she spent all of his money and then left him when he was broke. It would serve him right. I was fuming by the time I reached the end of the corridor just thinking about Xander. How dare he barge into my room and then say I was impertinent. I could have wiped that smug smile off of his face if I'd told my brothers that I'd f.u.c.ked him last weekend. I could just image the shock on all of their faces. Aiden would most probably kill me and Scott would laugh. I should have told them everything. That would teach him to mess around with me. How dare he insinuate I was impertinent? And how dare Aiden act like he was some leader of the world. Grr. They both made me so angry. I had no idea why Alice was interested in Aiden. I was going to urge her to change her mind and to focus on someone else. There was no way I wanted my best friend dating my bossy older brother. And there was no way I was ever going to sleep with Xander again, not even if he begged me. Not that I really foresaw that happening. Xander had no interest in sleeping with me again. He just wanted to torture me.

Chapter Five.

I stopped outside of Henry's bedroom and stood there like a fool. I didn't really have anything to say to him. And I certainly wasn't going to offer to do anything for or to him as I'd insinuated to Xander. I stood there for a few seconds and was about to turn back around when I saw Xander coming towards the room with a sneer on his face.

"Did Henry throw you out already?"

"Excuse me?" I glared at him.

"You're standing in the hallway looking embarra.s.sed." He shrugged as he stood next to me. "I a.s.sumed that you got blown off."

"Men don't blow me off." My head tilted up as I avoided looking at his chest.

"True, you're not really the sort a man would blow off." He licked his lips. "I think-"

"Can I help you Xander?" I cut him off, not wanting to go down the flirting road with him again.

"You look s.e.xy this morning." He looked down at my tank top and short shorts.

"Okay and?" I would not let myself get caught up in this man again.

"And it makes me want to kiss you."

"I don't want to kiss you." I sneered at him. "I don't go back for seconds unless the meal was really really good." I looked him up and down. "And you, Xander James were just not that good." I lied, but pride making me try to hurt him.

"I wasn't good?" His eyes widened and he smiled. "You call every guy you meet Mr. Tongue?"

"You're good to go down on me." My face reddened. "But that's about it. I wouldn't sleep with you again."

"So the only good part of me is my tongue?"

"Yup." I nodded. "And every man has one, so it's not even that special."

"So I'm an average man with average tongue skills and bad f.u.c.king skills?" He c.o.c.ked his head to the side and studied my face.

"Yes, average tongue skills and F grade skills in bed." I lied, unable to say f.u.c.king to him out loud. I wondered if my face was giving me away. Xander had A plus tongue skills and A plus f.u.c.king skills. My body was burning up as we spoke, reminding me that I was lying out of my a.s.s.

"Average and an F now?" His lips thinned. "Hmm, I'm going down on the scale."

"Sorry, I didn't want to be rude before, but you know how it is."

"I do." He nodded and grabbed my hand and then opened Henry's bedroom door and pulled me into the room with him.

"What are you doing?" I gasped as he pushed me back against the door and positioned himself in front of me. He didn't answer me, but instead his eyes mocked me as his face moved closer to mine.

"What are you doing?" I gasped again as he lowered his mouth to mine. His lips were firm as they crushed into mine and his tongue slid into my mouth easily. I moaned as his hardness pressed into my belly and I kissed him back for a couple of seconds before I remembered where we were. Oh s.h.i.+t, what must Henry be thinking?

"What do you think you're doing?" I pushed him off of me and looked around the room wildly, my face a deep red.

"Henry's not here." He raised an eyebrow at me and laughed. "You can stop pretending to be affronted now."

"I'm not pretending anything." I frowned. "Where is he? And if you knew he wasn't here why would you say he blew me off?"

"Don't play games with me, Liv. I'm not the sort of guy that takes kindly to games."

"What games?" I said in a heat. Did he know that I had no interest in Henry? How embarra.s.sing.

"Look, I know this is an uncomfortable situation and I know that your feelings are likely hurt, but I made a promise and a commitment to your sister. Even if I wanted to back out, it wouldn't be the gentlemanly thing to do."

"But you're not a gentleman."

"I wasn't one, no." He sighed. "I'm used to getting what I want when I want it and if it doesn't come easily I just take it, but life is about more than my ego."

"Okay." I took a step away from him as he looked as if he were going to kiss me again. "Good for you and your perfect life."

"Liv, I'm just saying there's no need to pretend you're into Henry."

"I'm not pretending." I shook my head at him, annoyed by his arrogance. "He's handsome, single, by all accounts a lovely man. I'm interested in getting to know him. What's so hard to believe about that?"

"He's my brother." He frowned, the smug smile completely gone from his face.

"So? Gabby's my sister." I looked him in the eyes. "You didn't seem to have a problem with that. I find it hypocritical that you would have a problem with me dating your brother."

"Why date my brother when it's me you want?"

"I don't want you. You seem to be the one that wants me. What do you think Gabby would say if she knew you had just kissed me?"

"I do not care." He growled. "What Gabby and I have is a business relations.h.i.+p."

"Well good for you."

"You don't understand." He shook his head and grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him. "What happened to the carefree fun-loving girl I met last weekend?"

"She left the building when you were introduced as my sister's fiance."

"What can I do to change this?" His fingers brushed the loose hairs away from my face. "I don't want us to argue about this anymore."

"I'm not arguing, I'm just stating facts." I shrugged and tried to push him away from me, but this time I couldn't move his body. My hands were flat against his naked chest and I swallowed hard. Why was he making this so difficult? Why wouldn't he just leave me alone?

"We still need to be friends, Liv." His fingers traced my lips. "We're going to be family."

I nearly vomited at that point. I mean, was this guy for real?

"Xander," I looked up into his eyes. "I don't intend on ever seeing you again after this weekend, asides from at your wedding. We do not need to be anything."

Our eyes met and we looked at each other for a few seconds and I could see that he was thinking hard. I waited for him to tell me that I was being stupid. That of course we'd see each other at other times. I waited for him to scold me and tell me I was being immature. I waited for him to tell me that I was acting like a silly schoolgirl. I knew that there was obviously no way I'd only be able to see him at the wedding. For all of our squabbling and quarrels, my family was close-knit and my parents would not allow me to blow off every dinner and get-together, even if I wanted to. I stood there with my shoulders squared and waited for him to tell me off for being immature, but instead he started laughing. I stared at him in amazement and shock as I watched the laughter fill his face: his eyes were bright, his mouth was wide and his head fell back as he laughed his head off.

"What's so funny?" I asked him softly, feeling even more annoyed at him. I hated that I didn't understand him and I couldn't read him. I hated that I loved that about him. I hated that I wanted to get to know him better. I hated that I would never have the chance to be more with him.

"You." He took a deep breath and finally stopped laughing. "You're a breath of fresh air." He smiled at me. "Yes, you're also a pain in the neck, but you're also a breath of fresh air."

"Okay, thanks, I guess."

"I want to make love to you again." He groaned, his expression turning to one of l.u.s.t as he took a step towards me.

"No, we can't." I bit down on my lower lip.

"Oh, but we can do whatever we want." He grinned and turned around and locked the door before coming back to me.

"What are you doing?" I said in shock as he pulled his briefs down and stood in front of me naked; his c.o.c.k already standing at attention.

"I'm showing you that I'm not an F in bed." He grinned and took another step towards me. "I like a good challenge."

"Xander." I groaned as he pulled me towards him. My body was trembling in antic.i.p.ation and I felt guilty and confused. "We can't-" He cut me off by picking me up and throwing me onto the bed. His fingers pulled my shorts and panties off and he fell on top of me and kissed my neck. "Xander." I moaned and wriggled against him. "We can't do this."

"We can." His fingers slipped down my legs and rubbed me gently. I closed my eyes for two seconds and enjoyed the feelings of excitement as they swept through my body and then I pushed him to the side and rolled off of the bed. "What are you doing?" He blinked up at me in surprise as I picked my panties up off of the floor.

"I'm leaving." I rubbed my lips to get rid of his taste. "You can't just have me whenever you feel like it."

"Why not?" He frowned and I was about to protest when he laughed. "I'm not being serious." He sighed and sat up. I looked down and saw that his manhood was hard and sticking up. He looked down to see what I was staring at and he grinned at me. "Yeah, that's what you're leaving me with."

"Ask Gabby to help you out." I spat out, annoyed.

"This is always going to be an issue between us, isn't it?"

"What do you think?" I looked at him incredulously. For a smart man, Xander could be a real dummy sometimes. I watched as Xander jumped off of the bed, bent down, picked his briefs up and pulled them on. He then looked at me with a lazy smile and shrugged.

"So your parents seem nice and I think they like me." He said casually as if that were the most normal thing to say next in this situation.

"They are nice." I stopped myself from saying they wouldn't be so nice to him if they knew what kind of guy he really was.

"I think I'll quite like having them as parents."

"That's good."

"They'll make good grandparents."

"Yup." I looked away from him then as I wanted to slap the smug look off of his face. What was his problem? How could he try and sleep with me and then talk about my parents.

"You don't have anything else to say?" His eyes narrowed as he studied me.

"What else do you want me to say?" I looked back up into his face then.

"I don't know, something telling me I'm making a mistake." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's your mistake to make." I wasn't going down this road again. I wasn't going to make him think I wanted him.

"Ah ha, so you do think I'm making a mistake?"

"I don't care what you do." I lied and turned away. "I'm going to go back to my room now."

"But Alice is in there with Scott and Aiden."

"So?" I looked at him with a question.

"You don't want to c.o.c.k block."

"Excuse me."

"Alice has a crush, doesn't she?"

"How did you know that?"

"It was obvious from the way she was beaming from ear to ear." He shrugged. "I didn't presume to think it was because of me."

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One Night Stand Part 8 summary

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