The Real Diary of a Real Boy Part 8

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Chicago. Manager of the McKay Cordage Factory in Chicago. Promises to return to Exeter when he has made his "pile" ($100,000). From present indications, the prospect is favorable.

28. Billy Folsom: WM. H. FOLSOM.

Exeter. Member of the firm of E. Folsom & Co. Bra.s.s Works. One of Harvard's greatest pitchers.

29. "Hoppy" Gadd.

A very eccentric but sterling citizen, who could make cowhide boots which, like the panels in the "one-horse shay," "would last like iron for things like these." Died in Exeter a few years ago.

30. "Si" Smith.

The man with the "funny sine." Died in Exeter nearly thirty years ago.

31. "Gran" Miller and "Ben" Rundlet. Addresses not known.

32. Squire Lane.

Died in Lynn.

33. Charles Burley.

Died in Exeter. For many years Treasurer of Phillips Exeter Academy, and Superintendent of the "Unitarial" Sunday School.

34. "Keene": MY SISTER, MRS. C. E. BYINGTON.

Exeter. A very able and accomplished woman. The one to whom all members of the family go when in trouble.

35. Lucy Watson.

Mrs. Frank Conner of Lynn.

36. "Curley" Conner: MR. FRANK CONNER.

Lynn. Husband of the aforesaid.

37, "Jo" Parsons: MR. JOSEPH S. PARSONS.

Boston. An expert bookkeeper.

38. "Billy" Swett: MR. WM. SWETT.

Jamaica Plain. I remember him as one of the most polite and affable boys I ever met.

39. Mr. "Lovel," who said, "o h.e.l.l": C. LOVELL, 2d.

One of the best amateur actors and jolliest men I ever knew. Died recently.

40. John Flanagan.

Exeter. A tinsmith and co-laborer with "Skinny" Bruce.

41. "Gimmy" Fitzgerald.

Died at Exeter thirty years ago.

42. "Old" Head: OREN HEAD.

Many students will affectionately remember him. Deceased.

43. "Bob" Carter.

The old janitor of the Town Hall. Gruff, but very kind-hearted.


44. "Wats": IRVING M. WATSON.

Father of "Beany," and pleasantly like him.

45. John Getch.e.l.l.

A liberal, free, and kind-hearted Exeter merchant. Deceased.

46. Eben Folsom.

Uncle of "Billy," and head of the firm of which Billy is a member.

47. "Charlie": DR. C. H. GERRISH.

48. "Doc" Prey: DR. J. E. S. PRAY.

Gentlemen both, of whom the writer can say everything good.

49. Alice "Gewett," who was "a dairy maid": Miss ALICE JEWELL

Instructor of singing in the schools of Exeter.

50. "Old Kize": PHILANDER KEYES.

A policeman of thirty years ago. Deceased.

51. "Bill" Hartnett.

Who used to make it lively for the last mentioned. A man of many good qualities notwithstanding. Deceased.

52. "Old" Swain.

A contemporary of "Old Kize," and a co-laborer in the same vineyard.

53. "Mister" Gordon: HON. NATHANIEL GORDON.

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The Real Diary of a Real Boy Part 8 summary

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