Start Your New Life Today Part 4

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Some of the things that are yours in Christ are peace, righteousness, joy, strength, hope, love, power, wisdom, prudence (good management), provision to meet your needs, heaven, and many other things too numerous to mention. Expect great things in life because we serve a great G.o.d! Listen and obey each step of the way and you will surely enjoy a life worth living.


Listen for G.o.d's Still, Small Voice Someone once told me of a one-act play with three characters-a father, a mother, and a son who had just returned from Viet Nam-sitting at a table talking. The play lasts thirty minutes, and they all get their chance to talk. There's only one problem: no one listens to the others.

The father is about to lose his job. The mother who once held just about every office in their church is now being pushed aside by younger women. The son struggles with his faith. He had gone to war, saw chaos and death, and is now bewildered about life.

At the end of the play, the son stands and heads toward the door. "You haven't heard a word I've said" is his parting remark, as he walks out of the room. The parents look at each other, and the mother asks, "What did he mean?"

What the parents didn't get-and the audience obviously did-is that the son struggled to believe in a loving, caring G.o.d. Every time he tried to explain, one of the parents interrupted with something the parent wanted to say. The soldier needed to hear from G.o.d. Hoping his mother or father would be the channel through which G.o.d would speak, he went to them. However, they were not available for G.o.d's use because they were not quiet enough to hear Him. All three of them were so distraught and noisy; they all left the same way they came. What might have happened had they really listened to one another then quietly prayed and waited on G.o.d? I am sure the outcome would have been very different and much more rewarding.

In 1 Kings 19, we read of the deeply committed prophet Elijah, who defied the wicked King Ahab and Queen Jezebel for years. The big moment came on Mount Carmel when Elijah destroyed 450 prophets of Baal. Later, when Queen Jezebel threatened to kill him, he ran away, apparently in terror.

Elijah went into a cave to hide out. He must have been worn out by the powerful events. Suddenly the man was alone, with no crowds, no one trying to kill him, and no one to talk to. When G.o.d asked him what he was doing there, Elijah spoke of his zeal for Him. Then he told G.o.d the children of Israel had gone astray, killing prophets, "And I, I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away" (v. 10). G.o.d told Elijah, "Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord" (v. 11).

G.o.d brought strong winds, falling rocks, an earthquake, and fire. I think that was the way Elijah expected G.o.d to appear-in the miraculous and powerful. But the writer tells us G.o.d wasn't in those things. "And behold, the Lord pa.s.sed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a sound of gentle stillness and] a still, small voice (vv. 1112).

As long as Elijah sought the dramatic, he didn't hear G.o.d. But when he pulled back and listened for the inner voice, the soft, non-demanding voice of the Holy Spirit, Elijah could communicate with G.o.d.

What kind of voice are you expecting to hear from G.o.d? Will you recognize the still, small voice when you hear it? Do you take time to be quiet and just listen? Ask Him to help you listen most of all in the soft stillness for the quiet ways in which He speaks.

Do you take time to be quiet and just listen?


My New Start On a Friday morning in February 1976, I was driving to work and feeling discouraged. My husband and I had an argument before I left for work-something that happened quite often. I was quite disheartened because little in my life seemed to be working. Although I was making every effort to be what I thought was a good Christian by attending church and following their rules, none of it seemed to be working. I was not experiencing the peace and joy promised in the Scriptures.

Dave was an elder at our church, and I was the first and only woman at that time to serve on the church board. Helping make decisions in the church was extremely frustrating because of all the bureaucracy. Often it took several meetings just to decide a small, almost insignificant matter. The church was filled with people vying for positions, and I saw very little real love.

Dave and I were both on the Evangelism Team, who one night a week went door-to-door telling others about Jesus. Our life revolved around the church. Our children went to school there. We joined all the right social clubs and sports teams and attended all the church dinners. We thought we had good friends, but I was soon to discover otherwise.

I felt I needed change in my life, but I didn't know exactly what I needed. I was searching, but I didn't know what I was searching for. Out of sheer frustration and desperation that morning in the car, I cried out to G.o.d. I told Him I felt I couldn't go on any longer with the way things were. I remember saying, "G.o.d, something is missing. I don't know what it is, but something is missing."

I was so spiritually hungry I was ready to receive anything as long as I knew it was from G.o.d. I was like a starving person. People can be hungry but still picky about what they eat; however, if they get hungry enough, they will eat whatever is put before them. Because of my great spiritual hunger, I was totally open to G.o.d at that point in my life.

To my surprise I heard the audible voice of G.o.d that morning in my car. He called my name and spoke to me about patience. From that moment, my heart filled with faith and I knew with certainty G.o.d was going to do something about my situation. I didn't know what He would do or when, but I knew He was about to move in my life.

On Fridays after work, I had my hair done. Friday evenings, Dave and I always went bowling as part of a league. On that Friday late afternoon, I drove home from the beauty shop, turning off Highway 270 onto the Gravois exit to go to Fenton, the St. Louis suburb where we lived. As I sat in the car at a red light, I felt my heart fill with faith about what G.o.d was going to do. Even though I had no idea what it would be, I began to thank Him for it.

At that very moment, Jesus filled me with the presence of the Holy Spirit in a way that I had never before experienced. I didn't know what was taking place, but I certainly knew G.o.d manifested Himself in a different and powerful way. The best way I can describe my feeling at that moment is to say it was as if someone poured me full of liquid love. The experience affected my behavior. I was peaceful, happy, excited, and easy to get along with. I felt as if I loved everything and everyone.

I remember driving past a field of weeds and thinking how beautiful they were, simply because I knew G.o.d made them. Everything G.o.d had anything to do with looked beautiful to me. People I hadn't wanted to be around before suddenly seemed pleasant and likeable to me. I was actually the one who was different, but when we change, everyone and everything else seems to us to have changed. After that experience with G.o.d, my behavior changed to the extent that people began asking me what happened. All I knew to tell them was that G.o.d was wonderful. My new enthusiasm seemed to start rubbing off on others, and before long I was teaching a Bible study at work.

If you are not satisfied with your relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d, there is always more to know about Him. We are to seek the Lord, not an experience, and He alone decides how and when to manifest His presence in our lives. He deals with each of us individually, but He does promise that if we seek Him, we will find Him. If we ask the Father to give us the Holy Spirit in a greater measure, He will do it.

I started that day feeling as if everything had come to a discouraging end. But that night, I went to bed knowing I was at a place of new beginnings. That is how G.o.d is. He often moves suddenly in our lives. G.o.d is faithful and ever true to His word (see Hebrews 10:23). He is no respecter of persons-what is available to one is available to all. G.o.d may not answer each of us exactly the same way, but He will answer our prayers and meet our needs.

We are to seek the Lord, not an experience, and He alone decides how and when to manifest His presence in our lives.

Our seeking must be sincere and we should always be ready to make a deeper commitment. When that is the case, G.o.d will move and send His Holy Spirit to touch each of us in a special way. Ask and believe by faith that G.o.d will do something wonderful. While you wait for Him to do it, thank Him, and offer Him praise. Open yourself up to Him and tell Him you want everything He has for you.

What are you pursuing in life? Is it money, position or popularity? I encourage you to make the pursuit of G.o.d your number one goal in life. If you seek Him with your whole heart you will find Him. If you seek Him sincerely He will reveal Himself to you. One touch or one word from G.o.d can change your life forever.


Spiritual Weapons The weapons of our warfare are not of the natural realm. Second Corinthians 10:4 tells us, "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in G.o.d for pulling down strongholds" (KJV). Our weapons are spiritual because our battle is not with flesh and blood.

We have the power of G.o.d's Word, the authority of Jesus through the use of His name, and the blood He shed for our forgiveness of sin, healing, and protection.

What's in a name? A lot more than most of us realize. When we call a person by name we are making a declaration about that individual. By calling Sarai "Sarah," Abraham and all of those who spoke her name were helping to change her image of herself.

Sarai was a barren woman, a woman who probably had a poor self-image because she had not been able to give her husband a child. She was an old woman, and in conventional thinking had no hope of her situation ever being any different, but G.o.d changed her name! Everyone who called her Sarah was calling her a princess. She must have begun to see herself differently. She must have felt faith rising in her heart. By calling her Sarah, or Princess, like G.o.d they were literally "call[ing] those things which be not as though they were" (Romans 4:17 KJV).

The same is true when we speak the name of Jesus. It is not just a name, but a declaration of His character and, what He has come to do; it declares all He has accomplished. As the Gospel of John states, "whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM]" (John 15:16 AMP). Even His name carries immeasurable power. His name represents Him.

When G.o.d appeared to Moses in a burning bush, Moses asked who he should say sent him. G.o.d responded with, "I Am." It should be enough for us to know the Lord is with us and He is everything we need now-or ever will need.

Jesus' name is above every other name there is. He has given us the authority to represent everything He is in His name (see Ephesians 1:21; Philippians 2:9). Jesus' name is above all names, and by using the authority of His name we have power over the works of the devil. Jesus came to earth so we could have life more abundantly. He defeated the devil's power with the blood He shed.

Ephesians 6 tells of the spiritual weapons of defense which include the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, the s.h.i.+eld of faith, the helmet of salvation, and one offensive weapon-the sword the Spirit wields, which is the Word of G.o.d.

Jesus' name is above every other name there is. He has given us the authority to represent everything He is in His name.

And G.o.d's Word is more powerful than a two-edged sword, so powerful it can divide soul and spirit. A sword is a weapon with which one attacks an enemy. A sword in the sheath is of no value. It must be wielded, or taken from the sheath and appropriately used. The Word of G.o.d is the believer's sword, and he must learn to apply it accurately.

The Holy Spirit will often protect an individual against attack even before the attack becomes evident to him if he has learned to wield the sword of the Spirit. As he does so, the Holy Spirit applies the right scripture to the problem. For example, if a person feels grouchy and impatient, scriptures on financial success won't help him. But scriptures on kindness, love, and not being moved by feelings will strengthen him and help him walk in victory above his feelings. We can see why learning the Word of G.o.d is so important.

In my own life I find that when I am faced with problems or challenges, scriptures or Scripture-based songs will rise within me. I have learned to speak them out, sing them, or meditate on them even when I do not particularly know what may be transpiring in the spiritual realm. I believe the way the Spirit wields the sword is by the Holy Spirit in the believer knowing exactly what scripture to use in every situation. He knows precisely what type of attack the believer is encountering.

The Word is alive and powerful. When we speak G.o.d's Word, it contains the power to accomplish what it says it will do.

The Word of G.o.d holds power for the believer who has understanding concerning the blood of Jesus. Under the Old Covenant, the high priest offered atonement for the people's sins once a year. Under the New Covenant, Jesus became the only sacrifice needed for sin. Through shedding His blood on the cross, dying for our sins, and rising from the dead, He gave new life to those who believe in Him. He restored mankind's relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d-the relations.h.i.+p lost in the Garden of Eden when mankind disobeyed G.o.d, separating us from Him.

The New Covenant shows us a new way of living. We can live by faith in Jesus and actually enjoy everything He purchased with His death and resurrection.

Jesus died to give us a new life, but the devil will try to deceive us and steal that life unless we have instruction on how to use our powerful weapons of warfare to defeat him.

Jesus has promised to be with us always (see Matthew 28:20). We can win every battle we face in life because we have the power of G.o.d on our side.


Your Soul-Mind, Will, and Emotions.

Your Mind.


A New Way of Thinking.

When G.o.d begins to deal with us about wrong behavior, it's easy enough to say, "I can't help it," but it takes real courage and faith to say, "I'm ready to take responsibility and get my life straightened out." Avoidance, or not facing issues, is a major problem. Wrong things don't go away just because we refuse to acknowledge them. We often stuff things. We hide from them, and as long as we do, they have power over us.

For many years, I refused to deal with the s.e.xual abuse in my childhood. My father abused me, so I left home the week I turned eighteen. I thought I was getting away from the problem by leaving, but I didn't realize the problem had infested my soul. It was in my thoughts, att.i.tudes, and words. It affected my actions and all my relations.h.i.+ps. I buried my past and stuffed my stuff. We don't have to live in the past-in fact, we are encouraged by G.o.d's Word to forget it and let it go. However, that doesn't mean we are free to ignore the results of it and pretend we are not hurting when we are.

I had a lot of bad behavior and negative att.i.tudes. I also had lots of excuses. I wasn't dealing with anything from the past; I was merely feeling sorry for myself and saying, "I can't help it. It's not my fault I was abused." And it wasn't my fault. But it was my responsibility to let G.o.d help me overcome all the bondage I was experiencing as a result of that abuse.

G.o.d began setting me free by dealing with me about all the wrong thoughts I accepted and allowed. Before my life could change, my mind had to change. At first, I didn't even want to take responsibility for my thoughts. I thought, I can't help what I think-things just come into my head! I eventually learned I could choose my own thoughts, and I could think things on purpose. I learned we don't have to accept every thought that falls into our minds. We can cast down wrong ones and replace them with right ones. I learned that instead of feeling helpless over the thoughts filling my mind, I can-I must-do something positive.

We don't have to accept every thought that falls into our minds. We can cast down wrong ones and replace them with right ones.

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Start Your New Life Today Part 4 summary

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